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Chapter 349 Brandons Prison

Mexico, Gulf Bravo, Valaris offshore oil drilling platform.

Wang Zhengdao and a group of people appeared out of thin air on this nominally scrapped drilling platform. The Valaris drilling platform was once the largest drilling platform built by the federation. However, with the outbreak of the corporate war and the defeat of the petrochemical alliance, this platform

It was abandoned twenty-five years ago.

During the second corporate war, the Rock Shale Oil Group used this place as a command center to coordinate combat information in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. For this reason, the Valaris drilling platform was hit by several missiles and was landed by the corporate alliance.

Troops made a forced landing once.

During that assault, the special forces united by the enterprises blew up drilling rigs, oil pipelines and other key equipment, leaving only this steel frame as a tombstone, standing in the depths of the sea as a war monument.

But now from Tang Ji's point of view, this place is not considered to be in an abandoned state. The rotorcraft is landing hard on the platform's apron. The sea wind is strong today and it is raining. The sea water is swept by the wind and waves and constantly hits the drilling platform.

columns, and the cold sea water splashed directly on the deck.

It was difficult to adapt to the sudden appearance here from the warm Fifth Avenue. Vicky shrank her neck and leaned towards Tang Ji.

Shrill whistles sounded in many directions nearby. The heavily armed sentries pointed their fingers at Tang Ji and the others while blowing the whistles vigorously, so that everyone could notice the abnormality happening here.

Mikkelsen calmly took out his ID and raised his hands: "I am the senior special commissioner of the Joint Investigation Office, and I have been ordered to come to check whether your facilities comply with regulations!"

"Hands up! Don't move!" The armed soldier didn't care about the title of senior special commissioner. He only knew that these people were not here just a second ago!

"Superhuman invasion! Attention, superhuman invasion!" Tang Ji could hear what they were shouting in the communication system. At the same time, he saw at least twenty armed guards appearing from each deck, with various light and heavy firepowers, forming a firepower response.

A passable encirclement.

"Isn't this your chassis?" Wang Zhengdao asked with some confusion. This was the first time he had seen this kind of mistake on Mikkelsen.

"Don't worry, it can be." Mikkelsen turned back and smiled at Wang Zhengdao.

"Let the person in charge of Chico Oil Company come here to see me, immediately, immediately!" Mikkelsen shouted to the soldiers with a cold face: "I am qualified to come here for inspection at any time and in any way, and you just need to

If you have half of your butts sitting outside the line, I have the right to kick you all out of here and swim back to Mexico!"

Maybe it was Mikkelsen's tone and momentum that made the soldier believe his words, or maybe it was because he recognized Tang Ji's face. In short, his expression suddenly changed and he called directly on the communication channel: "This is the seagull."

On the 6th, let someone from the Chico Group come over. The target claims to be a senior special agent of the Joint Investigation Office, and the target does not carry heavy weapons."

The wind on the sea is getting stronger and stronger, and people can't tell which is rainwater and which is seawater for a while, as if it is going to overturn the entire drilling platform, demonstrating the power of nature.

The rotorcraft finally landed on the tarmac before the wind continued to intensify. A muscular middle-aged man in a suit glanced at Mikkelsen from a distance, turned around and walked into the iron house.

At this time, Brandon Mann, who suffered a mental shock and fainted due to the sudden disconnection from his "natal" forest, was finally awakened by the heavy rain. He opened his eyes blankly and looked at the new environment.

Although he claims to be the controller of nature, in fact, the scope of his ability is limited to plants, and for the time being it is still limited to terrestrial plants, and here, besides steel, there is only sea water.

In the first second after waking up, Brandon realized his situation. Of course, it may be because he was out of the influence of the jungle, and the part of Brandon Mann's humanity also returned a little bit. In short, he

Now he appears to be very cooperative, without struggling or making any hostile moves.

He just looked here quietly, as if he was expecting a petrel from the horizon to pick up a plant seed for him.

"Hello, Mr. Mikkelsen! I am Franco Keane!" A man with a big belly and a helmet on his head hurried into the rain and stood in front of Mikkelsen, his face squeezed.

He smiled brightly: "The wind is too strong here, it's very dangerous! Let's go into the cabin and talk!"

Mikkelsen wiped the water on his face and nodded. It was really not a good place to talk here. After a while, he was already wet from the inside out.

Franco moved forward, pressed his hands on the armed soldiers, telling them to put away their guns, and then forcefully opened the door of the living cabin, waiting for Mikkelsen and the others to go in first.

When he saw Brandon Mann's mutilated body, the fat on Franco's face swayed, and his expression became a little ugly. Obviously, the purpose of the senior special correspondent's visit this time was somewhat different from what he imagined.

As a project leader, what he dislikes most is accidents.

Mikkelsen entered the living cabin, which also served as Franco's office area. In the hall of less than 30 square meters, there were five desks and eight staff members were busy working inside.

He glanced around without noticing anything, and saw several small pots of green plants placed on the desks. He took them away without politeness, then opened the window and threw them directly out the window.

"Everyone, please hand in any plant-related objects. Even plant seeds cannot be kept." Mikkelsen casually pulled someone's coat to use as a pocket and walked in front of everyone, looking at everyone with eagle-like eyes.

Decoration: "Very good, now everyone except Franco is out."

Several civil servants looked at the growing storm outside, and looked at Franco with solemn expressions, but the other man just waved his hands vigorously. No matter how reluctant they were, they had no choice but to file out of the living cabin and face the wind and rain.

"I guess you have verified my identity and understand the rights I have." Mikkelsen said straightforwardly: "I now officially announce on behalf of the Joint Investigation Office that I need to commandeer this drilling platform, including you and your

people, and the soldiers outside."

"You can't do this! You are violating the contract! This is a contract worth more than two billion..." Franco looked into Mikkelsen's eyes and realized that he was doing useless work. He was not qualified to work with him at all.

When negotiating with the other party, what he needs to do now is to report the situation to his superior and explain the current difficulties.

"I will notify the company immediately. Before doing this, I want to emphasize that although the soldiers outside nominally belong to Chico Oil Company, you should know better than me whose orders they really obey." Franco explained: "

Maybe you need to convince them first."

"That's my business. Now I'll give you three minutes to explain the situation to your superiors and let them call the Joint Investigation Office to complain if they have any comments." Mikkelsen lit a cigarette: "Then I suggest you call your family

Say goodbye, because in three minutes I will activate a shielding device to turn this place into a true information island. God knows when the next time you will contact your family will be."

"Oh...okay?" Franco's face was full of doubts, but he had begun to realize the seriousness of the problem.


1 second remember network:.

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