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Chapter 350 You are all recruited

Perhaps it was due to the bad impression of Devil Salmon in his childhood that Tang Ji didn't like the sea. He had never liked it, and the current drilling platform in the middle of the sea with no land around him undoubtedly made him feel irritated.

He looked out the window at the workers rushing around on the deck despite the storm, fixing the facilities that were in disrepair, while the soldiers were hiding in the rain and watching indifferently. The two sides were clearly differentiated.

"People from the Overseas Operations Division of the Intelligence Bureau, I've heard of them. After the corporate war, they almost monopolized the market of purely natural addictive crops." Wang Zhengdao grabbed a tree of life from Tang Ji and lit it for himself, pointing.

The people outside the window said: "They are almost the emperors of Latin America, and they have inherited almost all of the federal military power here.

"Are you familiar with them?" Tang Ji blocked the opponent's hand from touching the cigarette for the second time, but Wang Zhengdao made a sudden move and teleported directly to the other side of him.

He snatched most of the package of Tree of Life away from his hand.

"I'm not very familiar with them. They came here twice just to kill people." Wang Zhengdao puffed out a smoke ring: "In the list given by the prophet, half of the celebrities in Latin America are from this group.

People are rotten to the core."

Tang Ji nodded, he could roughly guess what such a lawless armed force could do in a place like this.

The Valentino Gang has had a tradition of funding overseas guerrillas since its establishment. That is a large sum of money without any expectation of return. This is definitely a non-essential expenditure for a street gang, but the Valentino Gang has never

This kind of funding has been cut off, which shows that this group of people is angry and resentful.

Compared with these people, the street warriors Tang Ji had encountered before were as pure as the angels they graffitied on the streets.

The only ones who can compare with them are the bloodthirsty warlords in Africa.

On the other side, Franco Keane had already finished the phone call with a sad face, and hastily explained to his family that the news from the senior officials of the Petrochemical Alliance was obviously not good news. They did not even hesitate to send the entire Valaris

The management of the offshore oil drilling platform was handed over to the commissioner.

The initial investment of tens of millions and the cooperation with the Operations Division of the Intelligence Bureau were all abandoned. Franco did not dare to ask his boss what the secret was. He only knew that his good luck would probably be inseparable within a few years.

This is a hell of a place, if you're unlucky, it might be a one-way ticket.

Franco was a pure engineer. If he could speak eloquently, this kind of job would not have fallen on him before. Although blowing sand in Persia is not a good job, at least it is not life-threatening.

As for the drilling platform, four workers died last month alone. Many Persians had never seen the sea in their lives, but they ended up being buried at sea. It can only be said to be a trick of fate.

How to explain to his workers is not Franco's number one problem. The first thing he needs to prepare is how to explain the situation at hand to those gangsters. God knows how they will react when they hear the news.

Those people are not here to watch them repair drilling equipment. They plan to operate this place as a temporary dock for developing cargo routes.

The location of the Valaris offshore oil drilling platform is quite good. The closest distance from here to the Mexican border is only 202 nautical miles, and the closest location to the federal government is similar. A fast ship can make two round trips a day.

In desperation, Franco asked two big men from the security department to go over there with him to inform him of the bad news. In order not to cause misunderstanding, he specifically asked his men not to carry weapons.

Then, just as Franco expected, the officer opposite had a face as cold as ice and walked back to his office without saying a word and started making phone calls.

Franco braved the pouring rain and watched the white-haired man in the office who had just landed a few minutes ago call the superiors with an ugly face, and then started smashing things in a rage.

"What bad luck." Franco looked at the white-haired man and suddenly felt relieved. He didn't know the man, but he guessed that the man was here for inspection or to transport some special items. He saw these soldiers deploying missiles on the top deck of the platform.

The position is up.


Just as Franco thought, Jon Neville was now furious and wanted to shoot. His military rank within the operations office was lieutenant colonel, and he came here just to escort and activate the anti-aircraft missile array.

Although the Operations Division of the Intelligence Agency has been essentially separated from the Federation for almost fifteen years, they still maintain the original organizational structure and are commensurate with military ranks. At the end of the Second Corporate War, Lieutenant Colonel Jon was still only the Operations Division.

Civil secretaries in Mexico only rose to the top by seizing the opportunity.

This time the plan to expand the Valaris offshore platform was planned by him, which can significantly reduce freight costs between the federation and Mexico.

The Valaris offshore platform is only a part of the entire route. It is equivalent to a node. The area that can bypass the border belongs to the dea's sphere of influence.

The struggle between the Federal Intelligence Agency and the DEA began seventy years ago. The grudges between the two sides did not end with the collapse of the Federation. Instead, it has continued to the present, and has become more and more intense, going beyond the scope of a battle of interests.

Ironically, the main reason why these two agencies that once belonged to the Federation were able to maintain their firepower after the collapse of the Federation was that they both had their own overseas treasury and relied on some illegal means to raise operational funds.

This kind of black money not only facilitates high-level corruption, but also facilitates the use of grassroots agents and operators. Its scale has continued to expand since its emergence. Even in the Golden Age of the Federation, they could only turn a blind eye and acquiesce to the emergence of this kind of black money.

The only good baby, the FBI, was unable to establish its own overseas financial institutions due to the limitations of its responsibilities. It was disintegrated with the collapse of the federation. Almost all the earliest core employees of the Joint Investigation Office established by Mikkelsen were from the Bureau.


Therefore, in this era of capital supremacy, the Joint Enterprise Investigation Office, with the funding of its sponsors, quickly restored its former glory, and even became better.

When Mikkelsen requested the requisition of this offshore platform on behalf of his own team and senior investigators, the head of the Intelligence Agency's Operations Division only hesitated for three seconds before making a compromise, and at the same time agreed to the other party's practical

Detain your own men.

The only thing he told Jon Neville was: "Keep your eyes and mouth in check, look more, talk less. If you can come back alive, write a report."

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