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Chapter 35 Mission Follow-up

 Faisal was the white glove of the Losas organization. He helped Tang Ji confirm some of his guesses, but what he knew was irrelevant information.

Because of the system in his mind, Tangji knew Losas even more deeply than Feisal, but Feisal still provided some useful things.

Three addresses and three warehouses were used to store the funds, materials and bodies prepared for the Losas organization, all of which were stored in the Bay Area.

The Bay Area encompasses all the best areas of the Persian Gulf and belongs to the Petrochemical Alliance.

The Petrochemical Alliance is an alliance formed by a group of large petrochemical companies. They only want oil-producing areas and ports, and for this purpose they are willing to tear all the countries in the Persian Gulf region into pieces.

They also forcibly built insurmountable transportation lines here. These transportation networks composed of roads and railways further divided the political power.

The intelligent logistics network control system dispatches tens of thousands of unmanned trucks and hundreds of trains flowing continuously in the transportation network. Drones integrated with surveillance and attack patrol along the traffic lines 24 hours a day, killing anyone who dares to damage the road, or

Suspicious person in vehicle.

The Petrochemical Alliance doesn't care at all about the small countries around it, let alone the people living here. The strict road safety and defense system even makes many children born in the past ten years not know what is on the other side of the road.

For them, the fence of the road is the end of the world and a natural chasm.

Many small countries that are bound by layers of transportation networks have gradually degraded from modern civilization to the level of tribal civilization. No one cares about them. They are like living on isolated islands in the information age, with no future at all.

The most important warehouse that Faisal pointed out is in such a small country surrounded by petrochemical alliance transportation lines in all directions.

Fortunately, this small country called Najd still has some sporadic resources and some historical sites, which attract a few people who are interested in it, so it is possible to retain a small airport.

The airport has only one runway with a total length of three thousand meters. Tang Ji and his team landed here on a cargo plane.

At this time, twenty-four hours had passed since Tanguy killed Faisal.

Tony Levins was sent to a hospital in the Persia region of the Lazarus Group. He was indeed a good commando. He ran fast enough and ran out of the absolute killing zone of the mini-missile at the critical moment, but left behind

Got two legs.

The good news is that the Lazarus Group generously stated that if Tony is willing to sign a long-term contract, the group's medical insurance can cover 80% of the cost of prosthetic implant surgery.

The bad news is that the remaining 20% ​​of the cost is within Tony's affordability, and it will take eight years to repay it in installments.

It was not enough for him to at least save his life. Unlike Lewis, who died in the first mission without even firing a shot, Lazarus was only willing to pay half the price of the pension after checking his recorder.

As for Shadow Ender, he needs to return to the Federation to fully recover. The superhuman electromagnetic interference burned his prosthetic eyes and caused optic nerve damage.

Tang Ji didn't even know that both of Ander's eyes were prosthetic eyes before. The best prosthetic eye currently recognized on the market is Qilusi, and Lazarus is just a rising star. Ander is probably signed by a certain Lazarus laboratory.

The probation officer came down.

There are only some superficial wounds on Martin's body, which are now mostly healed based on the biogel provided by Lazarus.

And Ethan Constantine, after being out of contact for more than seven hours, returned to the team on his own, and he was so high...

The only one in the team who can be said to be in poor condition is actually Tang Ji.

Anthony removed three shrapnel from his leg, and his arm muscles were severely cut. It is initially estimated that it will take at least a month to recover.

Fortunately, this mission is not a high-intensity mission.

It is a continuation of the previous mission. The warehouse located in Najd is a warehouse assigned by Faisal to store superhuman bodies. A total of seventeen superhumans are stored here, guarded by only a few guards.

"Twenty years ago this place was still prosperous." Anthony Hopkins drove on the muddy road, and both sides were filled with people pushing carts and driving horse-drawn carriages.

People stared curiously at the two off-road vehicles driven by the team. Cars have now become a rarity in this country.

The Petrochemical Alliance completely ignored the people here, but insurmountable transportation lines effectively isolated the country. Except for the self-sufficient parts, any materials it needed could only be brought in through expensive air transport. Over time, this place was

Completely forgotten.

"Why did Faisal place the warehouse here?" Ethan asked with a confused look on his face: "Even the Internet here is almost unavailable. Who would come to this ghost place?"

"Those who want to hide secrets." Tang Ji opened the passenger window and looked silently at the children chasing the car outside. This was a strange area he had never set foot in before. He didn't even know the current situation in Persia before.


Last night, Dr. Wu Qianying, on behalf of the Lazarus Group, had a conversation with Tang Ji.

Some people at the top of the group had some objections to the failure to capture the mission target alive, but some others felt that the mission continued to fail because they captured two additional superhumans alive.

After careful consideration, Tang Ji told Wu Qianying the relationship between Faisal and Losas and the origin of the Losas organization to a limited extent.

He concealed the part about the players, but confessed that the Losas organization had mastered some kind of consciousness transfer technology and could occupy superhuman bodies at will.

Tangji reported the body warehouse in Najd, but concealed the warehouse where gold and supplies were stored. Yes, when that bastard Faisal turned over funds to the Losas organization, he settled in gold.

According to his explanation, there are almost three tons of gold in that warehouse waiting to be transported, while the material warehouse stores weapons and equipment, fresh food, and various brand-name clothing.

God knows why the terrorists in Losas want these things. Faisal only provides these materials according to their requirements. It seems that those bastards in Losas are quite concerned about their external image.

Tang Ji didn't know how much of the information he chose to reveal to Lhasa Lu believed and how much impact it would have, but a warehouse full of superhuman beings was obviously one of the things Lhasa Lu was most interested in.

So Tang Ji's second mission was to go to the warehouse and bring those superhumans back to the Lazarus Group's federal headquarters.

Including Tang Ji, the entire Lhasa Road Group insiders thought that the Body Warehouse was just a nickname, and that it should be closer to a prison or a hospital.

It was only when Tang Ji and his party drove to the warehouse at the address that they suddenly discovered that it was really a warehouse, with a line of blurred subtitles still printed on the wall - A.O.S Cold Chain Warehouse.

This chapter has been completed!
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