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Chapter 36 The Body Storage Warehouse

 When the SUV and the van driven by Martin stopped at the door, three or four old men with beards longer than goats, dragging the same worn-out old-fashioned rifles, hurriedly occupied the commanding heights and looked at them nervously.

"God is my witness, I don't want to shoot at the elderly and children, especially when they are not a threat." The saint clutched the cross on his chest and muttered in a low voice: "Maybe I can convince them..."

"Seriously, if you don't really want to kill them all, you'd better sit in the car and don't move." Anthony sighed, turned to Tang Ji and said: "When I first joined the army, I was stationed in Persia for a few years.

Try to communicate with them?"

Tang Ji watched an older man stumble out of the small house with the now rare RPG-9 in his arms, stopping in the middle of the road to take a few breaths.

"You'd better hurry up, or they may suffer non-combat attrition." Tang Ji pointed at a veteran who fell while running. His companion pulled him a few times, but the veteran struggled to take it out from his arms first.

He took out an asthma respirator and took a few deep breaths before yelling a few words that Tang Ji couldn't understand.

"He said that Saif had a heart attack and someone had to go back and give him medicine." Anthony had a dumbfounded expression on his face, opened the car door and walked out.

These veterans really pose no threat to them. During the twenty years they were blocked, the world was still moving forward at a rapid pace, even faster than before.

The birth of various new materials has made the competition for bullets and protective equipment increasingly fierce.

When Anthony raised his hands to prove that he was unarmed, at least four people shot him. The bullets bounced away and he just shook.

Tang Ji discovered that Anthony was not only a generalist, but also a genius who could always surprise people. He could talk to each other in fluent Persian, and he also took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and threw it in through the wall.

A few minutes later, Tang Ji watched the group of veterans gradually regain their composure, put away their weapons, and opened the warehouse door with a vigilant expression.

"I told them that we were sent by the boss, and they believed me." Anthony sat back in the car, slowly started the car and drove into the fence.

"It's a pity. I also want to kill some of their antique guns in their collection. The AK-99 that can still fire is definitely a hot commodity on the black market. I bet the guns in their hands are probably original!"

Ethan slumped in the back seat, looking like he wanted to smoke something.

But the other three people in the same car were obviously not his friends. Ethan felt that the way Tang Ji looked at him was not right. If he took out contraband in front of him, he would be beaten on the back.

"Are they imprisoning those superhumans underground?" Martin asked on the communicator: "Besides these old men, there are traces of other people living here."

The veteran leader led them to the cold storage gate and then signaled them to stop.

Tang Ji glanced at Anthony, who nodded. He stopped the car and leaned out to shout a few words to the nearest veteran, showing a hint of surprise: "They said the goods are here, and we have to carry them into the car ourselves."

"Move into the car?" Tang Ji suppressed the doubts in his heart, knocked on the car door, and ordered through the communicator: "Anthony, Martin, come in with me. The Saint stays in the car to be on guard. Pay attention to these people."

Tang Ji frowned and looked at Ethan. If nothing else happened, he planned to drive this bastard away after this mission was over: "You also stay in the car. Saint, keep an eye on him and don't let him take any more food."


"Follow your orders!" Ethan gave an informal military salute and slid down a little further: "I will do it honestly until you need me."

The saint did not speak, but nodded silently. He was quite concerned about the fact that he was standing on the land of pagans.

The veteran didn't seem to have any doubts about them. He just knocked hard on the cold door. After a few seconds, the door was opened from the inside.

Two old men wearing thick winter clothes, still shivering from the cold, walked out while rubbing their hands.

What shocked Tang Ji was that there were obviously explosives stuffed under the bulging cold-proof clothes. He and Anthony looked at each other with luck in their eyes.

The veteran leader said a few words to Anthony, and Anthony turned to Tang Ji and translated: "He asked us how much goods we wanted to take away."

"Take everyone away." Tang Ji took the opportunity to observe inside the warehouse. The cold air collided with the 30-degree air outside, making him unable to see anything clearly.

Fortunately, the veterans didn't have any doubts about them, they just shrugged and walked away.

"You stay here." Tang Ji told Anthony, and then motioned for Martin to enter the cold place with him.

This cold room is one or two hundred square meters in size and more than three meters high. The steaks are hung on the iron hooks. It looks like it has been there for some time.

In the innermost part, Tang Ji saw a row of metal boxes placed against the wall, a square one just big enough to accommodate an adult.

He walked forward and saw a transparent observation window on each metal box. He wiped it hard, and a Persian woman's face was revealed below.

Further below is an LCD panel, which displays the woman's information——

【Amina Baihaye, 23 years old

Ability: Same-sex Charm LV1

Appearance: 82 points

Status: Healthy, cleansed by memory, ready for use

Number of times descended: 0

Storage time: April 15, 2054

Medium to high-end body, not allowed to be used by developers]

Martin looked at Tang Ji, his face full of confusion.

"Don't ask, just carry it away." Tang Ji patted Amina's coffin board, and together with Martin, they lifted the metal coffin, which weighed half a ton, out of the cold storage.

Anthony just glanced at it and stopped staring at the box. The role he played should not be curious about such things.

When the metal box was moved out of the cold storage and into a normal temperature environment, Tang Ji noticed that the battery icon representing the power began to flash, jumping from 100% to 99%.

When they stuffed the first metal box into the truck, Tang Ji suddenly realized a problem. The truck they drove was calculated based on the standard for pulling people, and it was also the largest truck that the plane could carry.

But this thing obviously couldn't fit all the metal boxes in the cold storage. The veteran leader was obviously aware of this problem, with a suspicious expression on his face.

He asked Anthony a few questions. Anthony answered with a normal expression, but the next second he suddenly drew his gun and opened fire!

Tang Ji had already noticed Anthony's micro-expression in advance. The moment Anthony drew his gun, he had already appeared behind the two old men who had just taken off their cold-proof clothes!

The prelude roared, shattering the collarbone of one of the old men wearing a self-destruct vest, while his iron hand severely strangled the other self-destructor, and with sudden force, he directly strangled the other person's neck.

Saint and Martin also took out their guns and started firing, especially Saint. He had been sitting in the car and memorized the fire points of all the enemies around him. The rifle in his hand kept naming the veterans with RPGs.

With twenty-two enemies, it only took Tang Ji and the others nine seconds to eliminate all threats.

A veteran who was leaning against the cold storage door and preparing to smoke was half a beat too slow to react, so he just stared at the scene suddenly exploding with his cigarette in his mouth, his face full of confusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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