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Chapter 371: Get off work on time

Xinjinshan City, suburbs, federal controlled area, 054 defense area.

Wade, who was originally just an ordinary prison guard, has now become a prisoner of the federal army. Twelve hours ago, the federal soldiers pushed the defense line forward 500 meters with armored force as the core, and fixed the defense line two meters in front of three armored buses.

ten meters position.

In the end, only three prison guards survived, including him, in the prison van Wade was in. When the superhuman prisoners were executed, the man-eating flower held his breath for several minutes before they opened the grille, trying to get rid of as much as possible.

Effects of anesthetic gases.

The prison guard standing at the front door was kicked in the chest by Piranha. The bulletproof plate lining the secondary body armor folded in half like a paper shell, and he died on the spot.

Then before anyone else could react, Piranha broke another person's neck and tried to free the other prisoners, but Wade shot her in the head.

He could only thank God that at least there was no monster in this car that could withstand bullets.

But good luck did not favor the overturned prison car. When Wade was escorted out of the prison car by the soldiers, he saw another group of soldiers using crowbars to open the door of the car. A man with a shark's head looked taller than O'Neal.

The strong man burst out of it and bit off half of the soldier at the door.

‘Sharp Tooth’ Vaughan, a felon convicted of attacking surfers on the beach, causing fourteen casualties, is the biggest problem among the transferred prisoners.

Wade remembered that bastard with the habit of cannibalism. The medical reason he gave for killing people before was physiological mental mania caused by a mutated inhuman form, similar to a patient suffering from rabies.

Of course, this is all a symptom of Vaughn's lawyer asking a research institution to make it up. He has enough money to spend on lawyers, and the judge is obviously willing to believe that a multimillionaire will not attack people randomly for no reason and let himself suffer.

Behind bars.

Everyone knows that Vaughn and his lawyers are lying, but the biggest result of the two corporate wars is that the judiciary has become a joke. It is a semi-public unspoken rule that the rich cannot be punished.

In the end, Vaughn was only sentenced to a symbolic eight months of imprisonment and treatment. On the second day of his sentence, he bit through the wall and ate the patient next door. The lawyer spent money to settle the matter, but the place of prison sentence also changed.

The sanatorium was transferred to Federal Prison No. 7.

Wade saw the soldiers firing in a panic, not much better than he was in the car, but fortunately they had heavy firepower.

A Demon Lizard armored vehicle opened fire from less than two hundred meters away. The 20MM automatic cannon was like a hot knife cutting through butter, instantly making Vaughan as tall as the others.

It should have been like this a long time ago. Wade was pushed to the ground by the soldiers. He held his neck and looked in that direction, and spat.


The media reporters who had already gathered nearby, waiting to grab exclusive news, were like vultures swarming in. The more corpses, the more irritating they were.

These people even disregarded their lives and rushed faster than those soldiers. They either brought their own photographers or follow-up drones and instantly went into work, live broadcasting the tense scene just now for audiences in the federation and even the world.

Exciting conflict.

"Excuse me, what are you going to do with the prisoners in the car?" A reporter rushed to the officer who had just got off the prison car and was vomiting. He approached for an interview.

"There are no prisoners! Everyone inside is dead!" The officer pushed the reporter away and called to his teammates: "Let the medical soldiers and military police come over and clear this place out!"

Faster than him was the reporter’s drone. Before the officer could stop him, the drone had already rushed into the prison van, allowing at least 150,000 spectators to see the ‘canteen’ after ‘Sharp Tooth’ Vaughn’s rampage.

Judging from the excited smile on the reporter's face, he knew he had won the grand prize.

Some reporters who were less prepared and less motivated were left behind, and they focused on Wade and other survivors who were being escorted.

The words "Belonging to Federal Prison No. 7" on the bulletproof vests of these survivors were particularly conspicuous in the camera. A plump female reporter strode up to Wade. Her photographer used her muscles to push away the other two colleagues, taking advantage of the filming opportunity.


"He can't be interviewed now!" The soldier tried to stop the female reporter, but the other party produced a permission order issued by the Octagon.

The new commander-in-chief Luther has a very close relationship with the military, but this is a new position that Mikkelsen helped to bridge and was supplemented by a large defense budget next year. Luther's base is in Night City. Between him and

relations with media groups.

Before the mysterious puppy video became popular all over the Internet and became the king of traffic, Luther owned the most influential media empire in the Federation-Lex Media Group.

This relationship brought Luther a great advantage when he ran for leadership. A large number of voters who have the right to vote and are willing to participate in the election still prefer relatively traditional media channels. In this regard, the puppy video seems a bit too entertaining.


Now, this relationship has continued from the upper structure to the lower structure. The female reporter used a permission order signed by the Secretary of Defense to make the soldiers move away and push Wade in front of the camera for an interview.

"What happened in the prison car you were in? I saw some of you were injured. All the prisoners in the prison car were executed. Was it your order?" The female reporter asked in a rapid-fire manner, without giving Wade a chance to answer.

: "Did the prisoners start a riot?"

Wade didn't know how to answer. For an ordinary prison guard, too many things had happened in the past two days and the information was too dense. He was afraid that he would accidentally fall into some trap. He had a family.

"The Point Guard is Here"

"It seems that this gentleman has not come out of the shadows yet, but from the footage just now, we can all see how dangerous an out-of-control superhuman criminal is. Let us give him more time to calm down." The female reporter did not continue to press Wade.

They gave each other a hug.

Anyone who knows her will be surprised by her interview style today. Putting people on the fire is her true nature, and today's gentle style obviously has some hints.

This hint came from the top of the TV station, from federal officials, from Luther, and from Mikkelsen, who was behind Luther.

They want to show the dangers of superhuman criminals to the world to promote the superhuman registration bill that was shelved last year.

However, the previous superhuman registration bill was more due to the federal inability to control more and more superhumans, and could only attract superhumans to actively register with subsidies.

Now, in Luther and Mikkelsen's plan, this bill will be promoted in a mandatory manner. All superhumans who are not registered will be prosecuted for crimes that endanger society. The super-large building under construction in Night City

Prison is their destination.

The more complete the registration system, the more difficult it will be for the pioneers to obtain physical bodies. Although Mikkelsen is not optimistic about the outcome of a direct confrontation between local civilization and players, they at least cannot fall at the starting line.



"Remember your mission, I'm not asking you to kill everyone on the opposite line of defense. What we need is a clean victory, not a massacre that is unpopular." A Miko wearing a military uniform.

Erson explained the mission to Tang Ji and his team members in the briefing room.

"I believe in your professionalism and ability, so I ask you to fulfill every detail perfectly." Mikresen pointed to a point on the map: "This is the stationing point of the Xinjinshan City SWAT team, and it is also the entire defense line.

As the strongest support point, they have a large amount of heavy firepower, large drones, and ground armor, which is almost the size of a battalion."

"Their firepower and equipment are almost catching up with Night City." Tang Ji looked at the details in the information and made a cold joke.

That's right, this elite law enforcement force, which can be brought to the front line to fight against the federal military, actually lags behind the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau in terms of various establishments.

You must know that before the Red Sun Incident, when Tang Ji was still a law enforcer, the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau had more than a thousand SWAT personnel, with an average of 26,500 dispatches per year, making it the most experienced combat team in the world.


After the Red Sun incident, the Green Wave Lake Security Group, which took over the work of the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau, is a military security group stationed in overseas theaters all year round. Most of its members have fought against local guerrillas in the Persian region.

Even so, Night City has still developed the most prosperous underground forces in the world, and the strength of both parties has swayed to lead the world in reincarnations like raising worms...

"Don't interrupt me." Mikkelsen pointed at Tangji and continued: "Remember what I said, I want you to rush in, grab everyone who seems to have some status, and then throw them back.

Go to the next point and repeat this process until there is no one on their defense line who can command, do you understand?"

"If everything goes well, I even hope that you won't fire a single shot. The worst result is to trigger a full-scale civil war, which is what we don't want to see." Mikkelsen emphasized: "I have countless teams that can do this.

The reason why I let you do it is because I want to do my best. This will be a strategic deterrent comparable to a nuclear strike. I want everyone to know that if you stand opposite us, you will encounter such an accident, so as to show that

Our control."

"But if you kill all the people, the remaining people will not sit at the negotiating table." Mikkelsen said to Tanguy: "I am talking about you, your reputation is like a plague now.


"The naturalized people inside must die." Tang Ji only emphasized this point.

"They must be sentenced to death through formal channels after our trial. If we want to represent the entire civilization and fight against the players, we need procedural justice." Mikkelsen looked at Tang Ji and said: "At least you alone can do it.

Not until I kill them all."

"Does the federal government have the death penalty?" Tang Ji frowned. As a law enforcer, there was a reason why he had a habit of shooting suspects only, rather than arresting them.

"There are still a few states that retain the death penalty, but we can change the law at any time." Mikkelsen gave Tang Ji a sweet date: "If everything goes well, it is not impossible for you to be a judge."

"Deal." Tang Ji still did this. He could temporarily accept those people living, but he could never accept them living like this forever.

"It is now 11:37 noon. The mission briefing I gave you has a total of fourteen support points. The first six must be completed, and the last eight are secondary. You can choose whether to complete it based on your efficiency.

." Mikkelsen looked at the time again: "I hope to get the results before three o'clock in the afternoon, so that our commander-in-chief can hold a press conference to announce the victory before getting off work in the afternoon. No one likes to work overtime, so the operation code name

:Get off work on time.”


"This is a deterrent mission targeting both the enemy and ourselves, so you're welcome, let go of your hands and feet, and scare everyone." Wu Qianying's voice appeared in the communication chain, explaining to Tang Ji the deeper meaning of this mission:

"You have been focusing on fighting against the Blazers and players before. They know that you are strong, but they don't know how strong you are. If what happened at the Fort Hood military base did not attract their attention, let them see it clearly this time."

"You must let them understand how dangerous it is to stand on your opposite side." Wu Qianying's voice was very gentle, because she knew that Tang Ji didn't like this. His original life was simple and happy, and that was his comfort zone.

The world should be grateful that Tang Ji is a person who does not want to step out of his comfort zone, otherwise he could have shown himself on the world stage in a more violent way.

But he didn't. He has always limited his anger to a specific area and wandered outside the social system. People can see Tang Ji fighting the pioneers in puppy videos, but he is more like a hero or hero in a movie.

The villain exists on the screen and has nothing to do with you.

This is vividly reflected in Night City. You can meet Tang Ji sitting in the corner puffing away smoke in the Afterlife Bar, or you can see Tang Ji devouring food in a street restaurant, but no one is worried that Tang Ji will explode in the next second.

Get up and kill everyone here.

This impression makes many people not regard Tang Ji as a weight on the scale when making special choices at some special moments. Wu Qianying believes that it is time to let them know how wrong they are.

The first point in the mission briefing was located at an abandoned gas station eleven kilometers away, where the Xinjinshan City Law Enforcement Bureau established its own command center.

Tang Ji's plan was very simple, just like the classic leapfrog tactic he had experienced countless times in the past. Someone would take him to the target, then shoot and call it a day.

It's just that this time Surte took Wang Zhengdao's place, the space jump became supersonic movement, and other team members would enter the battlefield through Tangji's dimensional gate.

"Head, I'm ready!" Sirte wore his new uniform and warmed up enthusiastically, like a big boy who got a new toy.

"Don't go the wrong way, don't bump into people." Tang Ji warned. After knowing Surte's actual age, it was difficult for him to treat Surte as an ordinary player...

"I got it, head..." Surr said in a long voice, suddenly grabbed Tang Ji's hand as if it was a prank, and disappeared instantly.

This chapter has been completed!
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