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Chapter 372: Devastated

Kulin Tedder, the director of SWAT operations in Xinjinshan City, is a man who looks very fierce.

Although Xinjinshan City is not as chaotic as Night City, it was the land where the Free State Movement was launched. An endless stream of private armed forces have basically disappeared in the city after disarming and returning to their fields. If you don't have any skills, you can't be the director of the Operations Division.

"Captain, the A-2 position in charge of the Oakland Lightning Battalion reported that the military has just taken off two high-altitude drones and is suspected of launching a new round of offensive." The head of the intelligence team stood next to Tedder and played a video.


There are no military ranks among them, only positions. They receive money from the city government and bonuses from companies. Although it sounds chaotic, in fact, the division of responsibilities is very clear - there is an old-fashioned red phone on Tedder's desk.

With a touch-tone phone, he will process all the commands conveyed by that phone, regardless of who is on the other side of the phone.

This is the working mode of the SWAT team under the Xinjinshan City Law Enforcement Bureau, which is simple but efficient.

Seventy-nine hours ago, the voice on the other end of the phone told him that an accident had occurred in the suburbs and that he needed to send out powerful personnel to deal with it, which Tedder did.

Then the phone rang again, and the person on the phone told him that several armed teams would enter his defense area and be under his unified command, which he did.

Now, when the head of the intelligence team was speaking, the phone rang again. Tedder made a silent gesture towards the other party, and when the phone rang to the end of the second ring, he answered the phone: "This is Kulin.


"The military is about to launch an attack on you and other sub-commands. Be careful to guard against their special strike teams and superhumans." A somewhat old voice came over the phone, which was different from the previous times.

But Tedder no longer had the time to distinguish the difference. At the moment when the other party was speaking, he heard a loud noise from outside, and the next second someone hit the 20-centimetre-thick concrete wall on his side.

A man wearing a dark red full-face armor stood in a pile of gravel and shook his head vigorously, stretching his hands and feet. He seemed to be very satisfied with his performance. He knocked on his helmet hard and made a thumping sound: "Head, that's it."


The voice was young and immature, but Tedder had to accept the fact that the opponent had just broken through all his defense lines and rushed directly into the command center.

The figure who walked in after him made Tedder directly say to the other side of the phone: "Your reminder came too late. We have been captured. Goodbye."

"What? What are you going to say..." The person on the other end of the phone was caught off guard and hung up before he could finish speaking.

"Primary Evolution"

"Law Enforcer Don? Okay, we surrender." Kulin Tedder raised his hands without hesitation, but the reaction of his subordinates was several times slower.

They surrendered after seeing Tang Ji's face clearly.

The golden dimensional door was opened, and Martin, whose face was full of toughness, was the first to jump out. He held a Shocker general-purpose machine gun in one hand and a metal shield as thick as the front armor of a tank in the other hand. He appeared with teeth and claws.

At Tedder's headquarters, a group of confidential officers were frightened into panic.

"Ha! A bunch of cowards!" Martin, who was overjoyed, spat on the ground with excessive heavy metal content, and pointed at the dimensional door according to the previously agreed plan: "I will count dozens of people who did not enter this door.

Just stay here and be a dead man."

The muzzle of the 12.7MM caliber gun is very convincing, especially since the person holding it is three meters tall, and his arm muscles are thicker than the waist of many civilian personnel present.

"I only want to emphasize that the man in the trench coat is the law enforcer Tang who just killed the previous commander." Kulin Tedder raised his hands and was the first to move: "Let us be gentlemen and be captured decently.


With Tedder's demonstration, the more than 30 people in the entire headquarters did not cause any trouble. Martin was full of pride but could not vent it. He could only watch them file into the dimensional gate, nodded to Tang Ji and jumped himself.

Got in.

"He must know you very well." Anthony's voice appeared in the communication chain. This old military doctor who was in a career bottleneck due to treatment injections took over the command behind the scenes: "The next target, the Free Virginia Regiment, the shortest route

Already sent to Sirte’s navigation software.”

Tang Ji nodded towards Sirte, and Sirte made a sprinting movement excitedly, leading Tang Ji through the wall from the other side of the building, and left the SWAT station in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the soldiers outside the door had just realized that their command center had been attacked. When they walked into the command center, it was already empty.

If it weren't for the overwhelming news about superhuman beings everywhere, this scene would definitely be good material for another battlefield ghost story.


The Free Virginia Regiment is a mechanized infantry regiment rushed in from outside California. Like other fancy private armed forces, although they have a regiment in their name, their actual number is only more than 300 armed personnel.

In Tedder's words, their combatants were disorganized and not prepared for the battlefield at all. The only two things they had in the team were twenty demon lizards and an unknown number of conventional armored vehicles.

This fact allowed the Free Virginia Regiment to bluff both the enemy and us when it first entered the battlefield. After confirming the existence of the Free Virginia Regiment, the military overturned its newly designated frontline advancement plan and transferred five ground attack rotors from the rear.

The machine is safe.

And Tedder also moved them into the flank because of the opponent's vehicle advantage, ready to cut into the battlefield at any time and act as a surprise force. Not only that, Red Phone also asked Tedder to give the Free Virginia Regiment the command second only to himself.


This authority will immediately transfer full command to the Free Virginia Regiment when Tedder encounters misfortune. This is a dangerous signal, because Tedder has no idea where these private armed forces came from. He is just a tool.


The Free Virginia Regiment is obviously an armed force that those over at the Red Phone truly trust, as can be seen from their equipment.

When the Demon Lizard was first launched that year, it almost completely crushed the previous generation of armored vehicles. It could pass through almost all terrains without any obstacles, had quite good maneuverability, and its protection was infinitely close to the level of a main battle tank. If it weren't for the cost,

Far surpassing the OMT series of tanks, and because the production process is too complex to effectively increase production, the federal military is absolutely buying it.

This can be seen from the fact that the federal military, which was still in its golden age, only purchased a measly 80 Demon Lizards. Until the end of the second corporate war and the substantial collapse of the federal government, this deal was only fulfilled.

Less than half of the results were collected, and most of them are at the Fort Hood military base and are regarded as private collections by General Martinez.

But the Free Virginia Regiment had a full twenty vehicles, which was a force that could determine the outcome of a regional war.

If the war had happened two years ago...

It took Soult six seconds to take Tangji to the station where the Free Virginia Regiment was located. At this time, the Demon Lizard armored vehicles that were feared by the military were still parked in his garage and slowly charging.

The commander of the Free Virginia Regiment, Nigel Lambert, was frowning at the screen, which just showed that he was now the supreme commander of the theater.

"Call Kulin Tedder, I need to confirm the accuracy of the information." Lambert instinctively sensed something was wrong. Compared to other people in the group, he knew more information, such as why they appeared here, what they were doing.

Who is the enemy and what is the purpose?

Because Nigel Lambert is a naturalized person, he has received a good education, achieved financial freedom early, and has a high degree of loyalty to the naturalized group. This feeling is similar to that of those who have just fought two world wars.

, a federal soldier who believed the federal government could make the world a better place.

They can rush straight to the beaches of Normandy under a hail of bullets, or they can fight bayonets with neon men in Ecuador. Death is not an unacceptable result. What matters is whether their death is meaningful.

This kind of belief and sense of belonging has fascinated the federal people who have been confused for generations. The naturalized people in North America have seized on this and cultivated a group of very high-quality tool men in the new generation, Nigel.

Lambert is one of them.

"Tedel has been attacked. Now the command is in your hands. There must be superhumans involved in the attack. Let everyone prepare for battle!" A high-authority call went directly into Lambert's chain of command, and he warned

Said: "Preventive beheading tactics..."


The mines placed near the camp were detonated in large pieces. Lambert thought it was the enemy using armor to clear the mines, because the explosions almost merged into one sound.

Then, a vague figure rushed into the command post from the main entrance. Lambert could clearly see two sparks appearing with a harsh friction sound. An unlucky guard blocking the road had his legs cut off.

"Enemy attack!" Lambert reacted immediately. He is a superhuman himself. He did not panic at this time. While issuing the alert order in the communication chain, he notified everyone on the chain of command of the attack.

a node.

But the attackers did not stay here for long. Lambert only saw a golden dimensional door being opened, and then a heavily armed team rushed into his command post from inside, taking away millions of dollars worth of weapons.

The virtual sandbox was pushed and turned into a bunker.

And the red figure crashed directly through the wall on the other side and disappeared in the direction of the skyline. Lambert already realized what the other party was going to do, but he couldn't stop it.

Martin, who was as strong as an iron mountain, picked up Nigel Lambert like a chicken, put the restraint ring on his wrist, and then entered the battle.

Just looking at the opponent's line of fire, Lambert knew that the losers under his own hands would not be able to penetrate the defense line formed by these people before activating the demon lizard.

A fireman who was too strong to look like a human being, a sniper who stood inside the command post but looked like he had eyes all over his body, and two commandos who turned the defensive mission into a counterattack mission, Nigel Lambert.

Suddenly he realized, this is Tang Ji's team!

But Martin did not give Nigel Lambert a chance to speak again. He directly threw a shock bomb at the feet of the prisoners, making all the prisoners understand what it meant to physically shut up.

A superhuman hidden among the prisoners suddenly opened his eyes and shot a continuous laser beam, hitting Martin from behind. He was Lambert's bodyguard and was also a naturalized person.

Lambert watched as the laser shot straight into Martin, successfully penetrated the body armor, and was then refracted to the ceiling by the metal-like skin.

At this point, Nigel Lambert gave up resistance. He only had two abilities given to him, one was [Cancer Recovery] to increase his survivability, and the other was [Psychic Network] to enhance his command ability.

If the fighting superhuman cannot fight against the people in front of him, he has no ability.

Before the bodyguard was slapped to death by Martin, Lambert was considering whether he should fake suicide again now.

He had escaped an assassination in this way before. The killer hit him in the heart and then shot him three more times on the 'corpse', but Lambert finally escaped by relying on the LV2 stage of [cancer recovery].

He hoped he could still be so lucky.

So Lambert moved. He suddenly took out his gun and shot at Miwako who was closest to him. At the same time, that was also his best target. After all, it looked too suspicious to shoot himself suddenly without hitting his head...

At this time, everyone else in the room was holding large-caliber weapons. Only Miwako was holding a submachine gun to protect Ethan who was releasing the drone.

As expected, the weak bullets of the pistol were easily deflected, but to Lambert's regret, the other party didn't even intend to fight back, and just snatched away his pistol, as if he was a disobedient and crying.

's children.

The leader said that in this mission, it was better not to kill anyone, especially these high-value targets who did not wear body armor, so they carried out the order meticulously.

The team members who have completed equipment upgrades at the Lost Mountain base are enough to look down on this group of miscellaneous armed forces.

Less than fifty meters outside the door was the Lizard armored vehicle of the Free Virginia Regiment, but Martin's fire blockade made this distance a hell that Virginians could never cross.

Shadow took over the ability of the third perspective and transformed into a reaper with no blind spots. He constantly switches his sights at the speed of three people per second, looking for any threatening targets.

The Hailstone sniper rifle in his hand ignored most of the obstacles here, and the few targets he couldn't hit were directly handed over to Ethan's drone.

The assault team composed of Tony and Saint has approached the garage where the Demon Lizard is parked. They have become ghosts there, and the few car crews who were doing routine maintenance here have not been able to jump into the car to complete the start-up.

One of them is equipped with both prosthetic limbs and exoskeleton armor, and can open the cabin that is locked from the inside with bare hands, while the other is an extremely flexible superhuman who can run at a speed of 100 meters and eight seconds on such complex terrain.

When the Virginians were finished, Tangji had already killed the command staff of the third node, opened the dimensional door again, brought the team members and prisoners here together, merged the prisoners captured by the two nodes and threw them through the dimensional door

Returned to Mikkelsen's territory, and then rushed to the fourth node.

At this time, only three minutes have passed, and most of the armed forces under the banner of Free California have not yet realized that they are being attacked...

This chapter has been completed!
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