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Chapter 374 The new director of the FBAS Bureau

Hadra Emerson took over his duties and placed a directional explosive bomb on the floor of Luther's room upstairs. If everything went well, he would not have to die here.

However, according to the experience accumulated by the naturalized people in the past two years, anything related to Tang Ji will not go smoothly. Emerson was about to install the last explosive on the floor when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him.

He turned around calmly and saw Tang Ji dragging a chair along the floor and sitting less than one meter away from him. His eyes were like a tiger sizing up its prey, which made Emerson's hair stand on end.

"Naturalized person?" Tang Ji looked at the man in front of him. After seeing him, the man's first reaction was to continue his work.

"Yes, naturalized one." Hadra Emerson meticulously completed the arrangement of the entire explosive. He knew that he had no chance in front of Tang Ji, so after completing the arrangement, he put the detonator and pistol together.

Throwing it on the ground: "Are you going to arrest me or kill me?"

"It depends on you. There is a bastard downstairs who likes to get some information from people like you." The muzzle of the prelude moved back and forth perpendicularly to the floor as Tang Ji moved: "I am more inclined to shoot directly.

But that bastard made me believe that you would die in pain in his hands."

"Is there a way for me to get out of here alive?" Hadra Emerson stood up straight and tried to reason with Tang Ji: "I can tell you everything I know, but in exchange I want to

Win your freedom and end this matter once and for all.”

"Haha, unless you can give me accurate information about a hundred colleagues, maybe I will consider it..." Before Tang Ji finished speaking, he saw a smile on the other person's face: "It seems that I am going to

There’s going to be a big harvest.”

"Yes, congratulations to you, and congratulations to me." Hadhra Emerson sat on the floor, looking very relaxed: "Ever since I found out who the naturalized people work for, I knew that sooner or later there would be such a day, and I have been

prepare for."

"My patience is being exhausted with your background introduction. I bet I can't wait until you finish introducing your life history." Tang Ji lit a tree of life for himself to ease his desire to pull the trigger now.


"I have a list of all the naturalized people I have come into contact with, their names, scope of activities, and contact information." Hadhra Emerson took out a small explosion-proof USB flash drive: "A total of one hundred and thirty

Of the two, seventy-one of them I can guarantee the accuracy of the information. Some of them are my classmates, some are my superiors and subordinates, and for the rest, I just assume that they are also naturalized people."

"I am willing to hand over the USB flash drive first, and I will send you the key after I leave." Hadhra Emerson put forward his own conditions.

"How should I trust you?" Tang Ji asked sarcastically: "First you betrayed the whole world and your own civilization, and now you betrayed your colleagues in order to survive. Obviously you are a person with no credibility and no faith.


"I don't know. We can't establish a mutual trust mechanism. You can only bet that the information I provided is true. After all, if you let me go, you will have no loss. On the contrary, if you let me go, you have a half chance of gaining a naturalization."

network." Hadera Emerson said: "I also bet, I bet you can't drive..."


The headless corpse maintained its previous posture, and blood spurted to the ceiling. Obviously, the naturalized man was not as calm as he looked.

"You lost the bet." Tang Ji took the USB flash drive from the corpse. Of course, he would not let go of anyone who had anything to do with the player, and he did not believe that the password set by the other party could not be solved by Alia.


"It seems that our new FBAS director has solved all the problems. Let us continue the negotiations just now." Mikkelsen heard the familiar sound of gunfire and said to the interim mayor with a smile: "What did we just talk about?"

"We talked about signing a formal authorization agreement." The interim mayor said with a smile on his face. His bottom line dropped like an avalanche the moment he saw Tang Ji, and now it no longer exists.

No matter how much pressure those behind the city council put on him, he certainly didn't have as much pressure as Tanguy did.

"Very good, now we can open the champagne." Mikkelsen said to Luther: "Congratulations, Commander Luther, this is a great beginning for us to revive the Federation!"

Luther was also smiling, but this time he was sincere.

Soon the agreement reached between the federal government and Xinjinshan City replaced the news that Tang Ji shot the federal commander and became the new traffic password.

After nearly thirty years of chaos, the people who were once willing to sacrifice their lives and blood for the free state have aged. The new generation's impression of the federal government is limited to the news, and they are not sensitive to such political events.

But the market is sensitive. After the details of the Xinjinshan City Treaty were promulgated, the stock prices of a pair of large companies fell to the limit that day. Capital regarded what happened in Xinjinshan City as a precursor to the recovery of big government, but they can't take action now.

Come and intervene in this matter.

The Phoenix Project, which has already begun construction, has depleted the cash flow of many capital entities, and they are now in the most vulnerable state.

The former owner of the Moonlight Gold, Gerald Friedliman, was in Xinjinshan City at this time. He had been holding meetings here since the conflict that occurred on the outskirts of Xinjinshan City.

The conference room on the top floor of the luxury hotel was full of rich people with a net worth of more than 10 billion. They were discussing how long the flag of Free California could stand, but now they were discussing what happened on the battlefield and whether the federal government had done anything further.

Plan of action.

Gerard Friedliman is not among the richest people in this conference room, but he has a lot of say because the Friedliman family controls a company that can industrially produce carbon nanotubes.

Manufacturing company, the order from Phoenix Orbital Construction Group has been scheduled for three years.

"The information Reeve showed us before did not say how they planned to solve the gravity problem. One of my advisory groups said that the basic structure model he showed could not generate gravity by spin, and it also involved the Coriolis force. In short, he felt

This is a scam." An old guy who looked more than ten years older than Gerrard expressed his worries: "What do you think?"

"Spin gravity is outdated, maybe they have a better alternative." Another ten billionaire smoked a cigar decadently, and roughly grabbed a handful of cornflakes with his other hand and stuffed it into his mouth, not caring about the food residue.

Shalai: "I'm going ALL IN anyway, I've had enough of these bullshit superhumans."

"I heard that you met a superhuman kidnapper last month? Are you okay?" Gerald expressed concern in a timely manner. This matter was actually a sensation in the circle.

A superhuman criminal named Tetsuo led his team to spend money to buy the whereabouts of the unlucky guy just now, went directly to his door, penetrated his security defense network, and wanted to kidnap him.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a flying superhuman in the security team who fled the scene with the victim, there would be one less person attending today's meeting.

"Except for being a little embarrassed and having received psychological rehabilitation for a whole week, everything else is fine." The cigar man took a puff of old cigarette and spit it out: "There is one cigarette that I really worry about the one who flew with me.

A superhuman would throw me out of the sky because I can make money in one day that he can’t make in a lifetime. If it were me, I wouldn’t miss this opportunity.”

"Let's all admit it, this world doesn't belong to us anymore. While our money is still money, moving to Phoenix is ​​the best outcome for us." The cigar man looked at the other rich people with mocking eyes: "I know what you are thinking.

, but I will definitely leave, don’t regret it then.”

"I have started to sell my stocks and funds, but the progress is slow. My financial management team told me that my assets may shrink by 46%." Another person continued: "This is still based on the same period.

Without other sellers causing an avalanche, which we all know is impossible, I've lost another twenty million as we speak."

"Don't be too pessimistic. When we go to Phoenix, everything will start again." Old Gerrard advised, he was the one in the best mood among everyone.

After that meeting, when others began to sell off their own industries, Old Gerald, with his ruthless eyes and methods, forcibly acquired several new material laboratories and manufacturing companies, although the process made the entire Frederic...

The Mann family was shocked, but within two months the market proved him right.

If all goes well, when Gerald Sr. takes the Fredliman family to Phoenix, not only will his assets not shrink, but they will buck the market trend and grow.

"You are now considered a supplier of the Phoenix Orbital Construction Group. Gerald, let everyone breathe. After we leave the earth, who can guarantee that the Phoenix Project will continue to expand as scheduled?" The old man who spoke first asked a question.

An issue that concerns everyone.

"According to Reeve, a war will break out in the world due to too many superhumans in about seven or eight years. At that time, the Phoenix City has just completed the first phase. How can we ensure the materials and manpower needed for the subsequent phases?"

The old man asked persistently. He had been involved in the manufacturing industry before, and he knew that behind this kind of manufacturing miracle project, there must be a market that can steadily supply raw materials.

"I don't know, Bastian, and I don't care either." Old Gerald shrugged freely, pointed at the cigar man and said: "As he just said, we have been eliminated by the times, why are we still here?

Worrying about these things? I can’t see that day anyway.”

"What about the Fredliman family?" the old man continued to ask, "Isn't the family important anymore?"

"I plan to keep little Gerald on the earth. This is a new era. Young people should go for it instead of escaping. Escape and turning a blind eye are the exclusive rights of the old." Old Gerald directly decided the fate of his biological son: "He

Either adapt to the new era or die in the new era. Thanks to modern technology, my body functions are maintained well. If he dies, I will throw back another son until someone adapts."

"As expected of the vampire Gerald, as worthy of you." The old man was speechless by Gerald's theory.

"So instead of thinking about when to start retirement life, let's discuss the next investment direction." Old Gerald used his ruthlessness to successfully dominate the entire meeting.

"New investment direction?" The attention of those at the top of the conference room was attracted. They looked at Old Gerald and looked at him with encouraging eyes: "Let's talk about it."

"I know that some of us are also called naturalized people. Of course, they may not be all of you here. They may be a branch of the family, but it doesn't matter. I am not looking for blame, and I don't have the ability." Old Gerald's

His tone was calm, as if he was discussing where to go fishing with an old friend: "I believe this is just a venture investment by gentlemen, but now we have an investment outlet in another direction in front of us. Compared with the good thing of being a banker by betting on both sides,

No one will refuse."

The conference room was quiet, no one spoke, but everyone listened with their ears pricked up.

"By chance, I established some kind of potential connection with the law enforcer Tang." Old Gerald laughed at himself: "You must have heard about that incident, my cherished Moonlight Gold.

He was robbed by that robber."

Several wealthy people who were relatively close to Gerald laughed together. After all, it was a big toy worth nearly 10 billion, which was quite news even in this circle.

"Yes, he is obviously very satisfied with the service of my butler, Mr. Forman." Old Gerald said in a strange tone.

"Is this the Foreman II butler produced by TIBA Academy?" someone in the crowd asked.

"It's type III." Old Gerald continued: "I think everyone should trust the butler produced by TIBA. In short, Mr. Forman feels that Tang Ji is not as extreme as he appears. He thinks that the other party is controllable."

"So, Gerald, tell me what plan you have, we are all waiting." One of the people sitting at the front said impatiently.

"Our Commander-in-Chief Luther is currently attacking the city hall. He knows that his proposal to rebuild the IRS will not be passed. His real purpose is the FBAS Bureau, the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs." Old Gerald introduced: "He wants to

For Tang Ji to be the first director, he asked for a lot of privileges, maybe we can make more concessions in this regard and provide more funding."

"Instead of selling our industry at a low price, it is better to give it to Luther as a bargaining chip. Even if he wants to rebuild the FBI, it is nothing compared to the chaos caused by the superhumans themselves and the players." Old Gerald suggested

Said: "Whether it is a new era or a new order, it is too exciting for us old people. Now that some people want to maintain the existing order and just want to push the time forward a few decades, I think you can also

Accept it?"

"You're right, Gerald, it's time to make a bet. I trust your judgment that Tanguy will be a good director. I sincerely hope that he will be the second Hoover."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

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