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Chapter 373: The Federation fired the first shot

On the Allied Arms position in Northern California, the unattractive-looking commander Hadera Emerson was dressed in a military uniform that was no different from an ordinary soldier and did not have any rank markings, wandering around the military camp.

As a naturalized officer, Emerson was used to hiding himself. Standing at the front desk gave him a natural sense of danger, and this intuition saved his life.

Just twenty seconds ago, he saw his headquarters suddenly burst into flames. A three-meter-tall superhuman holding a heavy machine gun suppressed all the guards outside the door.

"Rebirth of the Great Era of Fighting Waves"

Invisible snipers shot down all the soldiers who tried to get close to the heavy weapons through the wall. Hadera Emerson did not hesitate to put on his helmet, grabbed a rifle from the soldiers around him, and used standard tactical movements and

Other soldiers nearby lay down on the spot.

He was a psychic commander and could have temporarily stabilized the combined armed forces soldiers in Northern California at this time, but he did not do that.

Hadera Emerson just let the other side slaughter these soldiers until a minute later, the firepower from inside the headquarters suddenly disappeared, and the people and information inside also disappeared.

At the Dimension Gate, Emerson was very sure of his judgment. If it weren't for the rebellion among the few superhumans who had mastered this ability among the naturalized people, then the only possibility is that Tang Ji had been here.

After confirming that the enemy had completely left, Hadhra Emerson covered all the soldiers with a psychic network. He quickly arranged the work, and the communication soldiers began to contact other nodes one by one to officially disseminate the news that the enemy was performing a beheading operation.

Regrettably, nine nodes in a row were unable to respond to the message normally. The only unit that returned to normal was the Oakland Lightning Battalion, a light infantry unit with just over 200 people. It was just here to join in the fun.

Even Hadera Emerson only figured out yesterday morning that this Oakland Lightning Camp was not from free Californians or naturalized people. They were a group of self-war enthusiasts who had previously been mainly active in Oakland.

Shooting ranges, as well as online forums, are avid enthusiasts of Free State attention.

The Oakland Lightning Camp is like an early militia gang. They fight with their own passion. Although they have not fired a single shot so far, this group has posted more than 10,000 photos and more than 3,000 short videos online.

In the puppy video, he promoted himself as the decisive force in this war...

The good news is that Hadera Emerson found out the details of this group of people in advance and threw them in a remote corner behind the first line of defense, allowing them to entertain themselves and build momentum.

The bad news is that now the awesomeness they boasted about before is about to come true. Hadra Emerson has no one available except his own direct soldiers.

"Oakland Lightning, this is Hadera Emerson." Emerson called the people in Oakland on the communication channel. At this time, he was already sitting on an off-road vehicle and started to rush to the nearest node to take over there.

A soldier confused because the chain of command collapsed.

"The Lightning Camp will always serve you, Commander!" The leader of the Oakland Lightning Camp is a tough-looking fat man with fluorescent tattoos from the top of his head to his buttocks. At night, he looks like the brightest target in the night sky.

But Emerson admired him very much because he was always passionate, but at the same time he was too stupid to discern the tactical purpose behind the tactical mission.

For example, when Emerson transferred him and his Oakland Lightning camp and left him in the corner to play by himself, he firmly believed that he was a strategic reserve team.

"Extend your defense line five kilometers eastward, and report all enemy situations you see." Hadhra Emerson gave the other party a new task.

The excited Aucklanders set off in high spirits, and then they met Soult who was cutting the defense line.


Due to Soult's speed and the tacit cooperation of the team members, six of the fourteen support points that must be completed have been completed, and three of the other eight auxiliary support points have also been raided. The armed forces of Free California have essentially been

fell into silence.

They took away a total of 155 people from nine locations. From the commander to the confidential secretary at the scene, as long as they were still breathing, they were basically thrown into the dimensional gate.

This caused the Free California Armed Forces, which already lacked grassroots officers, to collapse. Nearly 1,200 soldiers were idle in their respective defense zones. If the military launched an attack at this time, they would not even know whether they should fire back.

Soult knocked over the lead car of the Oakland Lightning Camp with his shoulder, and at the same time used his own speed to limit the people in the seven or eight cars behind the car. As long as Soult ensured that they could not open the door, these people would not dare to be in Bulletproof

The coward who shoots in the car is useless.

When the soldiers in the truck in the back half of the team got out and tried to shoot Soult, he had already left the poor Oaklander. Before leaving, Soult overturned each of their vehicles, just out of excitement.

Ever since he started hanging out with Mr. Tang, Surte has never experienced the feeling of the God of War in the wasteland. Almost every time his opponent can perform above the standard, this time it made Surte feel as if he had been in a novice village for the first half of his life.

Mixed together.

Until he entered the Lost Mountain base, where he not only got a suit, but also regained his confidence amidst the praises of a group of researchers.

After Tang Ji finished harvesting another support point, Soult had already rushed back to the field, following the previous routine, leading Tang Ji to the next support point.

If everything goes well, the entire defense line's fourteen support points, regardless of size, will be completed in eleven minutes.

Luther, who was already on the front line, looked at the prisoners being sent back one after another, and the smile on his lips became more and more friendly. He now saw that Tang Ji was not only his own safety guarantee, but also a thick and strong thigh!

The military, which has been tough but very restrained in this confrontation, finally received bilateral authorization from the Octagon and the W Palace, authorizing them to disarm illegal armed elements on the spot in the suburbs of Xinjinshan.

This may be the most formal military operation of the Federation after the end of the Second Enterprise War. Although the on-site process seems a bit brief, considering that this is an on-site command center less than two kilometers away from the front line and exposed to enemy artillery fire coverage.

, no one will find fault.

Luther stood on a makeshift high platform, watching a general in wartime uniform salute him, watching tanks and armored vehicles drive past him, watching the gyroplane take off directly, with a perfect eight-tooth smile at the corners of his mouth.


This scene will be forever frozen by the media reporters. They will use their keyboards to write down heraldic praises one after another to ensure that the public believes that this is the beginning of the Federation's revival.

Compared to the late Commander-in-Chief Hunter, who was nicknamed the Good Old Man, Luther made three days of hot search headlines in his first week of taking office due to his ability to survive. He is definitely the most popular recent Commander-in-Chief of the Federation.


In front of the camera, the heroic federal soldiers held their heads high and their chests high. Behind the camera, they immediately shrank their heads and waited in line to get into the armored personnel carrier.

The few tanks have started their engines and are ready for the assault. Although the local commanders are now sitting in rows in the military camp, the soldiers and officers who have not been in actual combat for a long time are still sweating on the tips of their noses, secretly praying that the bullets will escape them.


This time their prayers came into effect. The first general of the great Fury, the God of this war, the underage kid, Soult, who was full of energy because of excitement, happened to see him while paddling on the front line.

brought about oppressive contact between federal troops and Free Californian forces.

Under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, federal soldiers wearing heavy body armor moved toward the opponent's front line at a very fast pace, walking as if they were visiting a grave.

It was said above that this was an armed parade to demonstrate the legitimacy of the federation, but the soldiers below all knew that more than fifty people on both sides had died in this confrontation, and countless others were injured. If someone on the opposite side suddenly pulled the trigger, it would

A disarmament operation broadcast live by the media will immediately turn into a real war.

So Soult did them a small favor. He swept around the position of the Free California Armed Forces. Most of the soldiers had their guns taken away before they realized what happened, and some of them had expressions on their faces.

The ferocious man planned to pull the trigger, but was knocked to the ground by Surte's fist.

In this way, the war ended, and the federal army successfully took over the first position. More than 300 soldiers did not fire a shot, giving the remaining people a look.

The entire operation lasted until the afternoon, and all the territory controlled by the Free California organization was successfully taken over without a single shot being fired by either side.

But Luther and Mikkelsen wanted more than that. When the first tank passed through the Xinjinshan City border checkpoint, someone stretched out the stars and stripes representing the Confederacy outside the window.

This was like a signal, and soon the entire Xinjinshan City was hung with stars and stripes, as if everyone was a good citizen who had been waiting for Master Wang for a long time.

The 'former' mayor of Xinjinshan absconded, and the deputy mayor became the temporary mayor. He and the city hall staff, which had lost one-third of its members, lined up in the small square in front of the city hall to welcome the arrival of Commander-in-Chief Luther.


One thing to say, because he was staring at the temporary mayor of Xinjinshan City, Luther felt that he liked the interim mayor of Xinjinshan City a lot. The two sides had an in-depth discussion on the current problems encountered by Xinjinshan City, and focused on the new mayor.

The importance of Jinshan to the Federation, the Federation’s future support plan for the new Jinshan City, etc.

The media has been prepared for a long time, snapping photos and videos. Although there are tanks outside the city hall, leaving deep traces on the road from entering the city to the city hall, the people of Xinjinshan City can still understand the good intentions of the federal government.


The two parties had a tacit understanding in private that this visit to the city was called restoration, not liberation. All employees who were still employed were still retained. As for the company's problems, they were left to the company itself to solve. Mikkelsen had been waiting for this for a long time.

Hadera Emerson was present at the city hall. As early as when Sirte overturned the Oakland Lightning Camp, he got out of the car silently and drove all the way to Xinjinshan City in the small broken car he came in.

He became such an unknown cable repairman again.

This identity is suitable for him to appear on any occasion, such as now.

Hadhra Emerson took out the parts from the hidden compartment of the tool box and assembled a pistol with a silencer while waiting for the opportunity.

Shortly after he reported Tang Ji's appearance on the front line on his way back to the city, he was given a new mission to assassinate Luther.

Hadra Emerson did not know the significance of assassinating Luther, but he did not refuse the mission, even though the mission might end in his death.

Luther is on the third floor of the city hall at this time. After the press conference, the previous warm scene has been revealed. Now Luther is negotiating with high-ranking people in the original system of Xinjinshan City to clarify the rights of the city hall under the new order.

and scope of responsibility.

This is a bloodless war, and both sides have reasons why they cannot give in. But Luther, with Mikkelsen sitting next to him and the tank parked downstairs, is obviously more confident.

When faced with conditions he didn't want to agree to, he would remain silent and then tap his fingers impatiently on the table.

"The first is to restore the tax revenue at the level of the 2020s. The IRS will rebuild its own armed forces. Xinjinshan City will be the first pilot city." Luther made his first request, but was met with rejection.

Great resistance.

"As the first city in the Free State of California to openly support the federal government, do you hope that the first news people in New Jersey will see when they wake up tomorrow is that the armed tax collectors of the IRS are back?" The interim mayor tried to persuade the interim commander: "

We need some more positive news, and the entire federation needs some more positive news."

"Hell, I think what he said makes sense." Luther laughed and looked at Mikkelsen: "I think he should come to W Palace to be the deputy commander in the future. I like him."

The interim mayor smiled calmly. The other party obviously wanted to open a window, but first proposed the strategy of tearing down the roof as a condition of pressure. No one likes to pay taxes. The rise of the Free State Movement can be said to be caused by the IRS.


"Okay, then we don't want the IRS, but our Xinjinshan City must establish the armed force of FBAS (Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs), with candidates directly appointed by the W Palace and fully responsible for all things related to superhumans." Luthor didn't stop talking nonsense.

He directly showed himself, no, what Mikkelsen really wanted.

"FBAS Bureau agents can enforce laws across state lines, and various agencies in Xinjinshan City must provide necessary assistance to the agents' reasonable requests." Luther continued: "At the same time, the FBAS Bureau has unlimited extradition powers. In fact, I feel that I should not hesitate to emphasize the latter.


The temporary market is still thinking about the possible traps in establishing the FBAS bureau, and at this time it can only laugh along with it.

"Because the first director of the FBAS Bureau will be Tang Ji." Luther said with a smile: "One of his agents just captured one hundred and ninety-two of your prisoners alive on the battlefield."

Following Luther's words, Tang Ji opened the door and walked in. At the same time, he keenly sensed that about seven meters upstairs, there was a flash of malice directed at him. His whole person directly entered the phase shift state and disappeared directly.

in office.

All that was left was an interim mayor who didn't know whether to shake hands or raise his hands above his head in a gesture of surrender.

This chapter has been completed!
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