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Chapter 383: Central Prison is a good place

(Eight hundred words repeated, will be modified later)

"What's going on with those angels?" Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao headed towards the center of the central area, where a green wall that was beginning to take shape was already standing there, growing at a rate of thirty centimeters per week.

Keep growing.

That's the first wall of the Central Prison, the masterpiece of Brandon's green pervert.

The agate vine is used as the base material and is mixed with several other plant characteristics. It is tough and powerful. Up to thirty strands of tree vines are intertwined and woven into a network, and they grow directionally on metal pillars as the core.

"Remember the superhuman with wings that I told you last time and was recognized by the Holy See as an angel?" Wang Zhengdao looked at the wall in the distance, feeling that it seemed to be mocking the modern buildings around him.

"I have an impression, did we make a bet on whether he would lose his money?" Tang Ji's brain is not very sensitive to words like angel, but he definitely has a Nobel Prize-level memory for all kinds of hell jokes.

"That's him, he died two months ago." Wang Zhengdao shrugged. The real punchline of the hell joke is that everything used as a joke is the truth... The Holy See refused to explain the cause of the angel man's death, and even resurrected him overnight.

God knows how many rumors there were about his body, but the Vatican obviously didn't care.

Because after the death of that 'angel', three angels were born in the small Papal State within two months.

"Is it the way I imagined he died?" Tang Ji's question made Wang Zhengdao unable to answer directly because he had already received a relatively detailed report.

His Majesty was already panicking because of the successive incidents of angels descending to earth. He would rather expose internal scandals than ask a professional organization in the superhuman field like the Ark Organization to intervene, so he could only nod silently.

The next second, Tang Ji's laughter broke the silence in the no-man's land.

Fortunately, we are not far from the Central Prison here. We turn an intersection and pass by a large supermarket. The green wall is already in front of us.

The surrounding plants had long since discovered their traces, and a gap appeared in the wall from scratch in just a few seconds.

Night City Central Prison, the largest superhuman prison in the future, just opened the door for them.

Behind the gate, there is actually nothing different outside the wall. The central area itself was rebuilt by the Corinning Company and was built to the standards of a core business district. It should have become the most prosperous area in Night City, but now it has become part of a prison.


The straight and wide road is lined with shops with signboards on both sides. Nearly half of them have even completed interior decoration and started selling goods. They are waiting for the area to open for official business.

But now, the place is empty. There are only drones wandering on the road at cruising speed, stopping from time to time to mark certain supplies with different colors of light.

Of course, this is just its glamorous side. Five hundred meters away in front of Tangji, the upper half of a high-rise building that looks to be at least 300 floors is obviously not on the central axis, and the glass of all high-rise buildings around it is incomplete.

, the melted coating on the building's surface outlines bizarre patterns.

Of course, if you move your eyes downward, you will find that green plants have climbed up along the surfaces of these high-rise buildings, giving them a vibrant appearance.

Such an image of modern architecture and green plants intertwined and mixed, illuminated by the sun in the sunset, looks like a famous painting handed down from ancient times. Just looking at it makes people feel sublimated.

It's just that if you look carefully, you'll see the disharmony...

In front of the high-rise building closest to Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao, a prisoner wearing an orange prison uniform was hung in mid-air by a thick vine, using a cutting machine to cut the deformed parts of the building's surface with a look on his face.

"Is this considered reform through labor?" Wang Zhengdao looked at the prisoner high up with admiration in his voice. He watched the prisoner work hard for a while and then flattened the protrusion with one punch: "It's amazing, the efficiency is extremely high!


"I asked them to try out the principle of distribution according to work here. If you don't work, you won't have food." Tang Ji watched with satisfaction as the other party worked honestly. He participated in writing many of the rules and regulations here, which is full of Tang syndrome.

The style mainly highlights a simple and crude style.

As for the content of the work, it is not important at all. At this stage, a large number of prisoners are just cleaning debris and dust dropped from high-rise buildings on the streets. Later, Tang Ji plans to arrange for them to repair the surfaces of buildings, replace glass, and repair sites that have been bombed by nuclear bombs.

There's never a shortage of repair work.

And there is really no life left. Group A can build high-rise buildings during the day, and group B can demolish high-rise buildings at night. They don’t care where to vent their energy anyway, right?

At Tang Ji's invitation, Wang Zhengdao had given up his plan to return to the European Union immediately. He planned to take a short vacation for himself and come here to inspect this legendary prison.

But he was determined not to touch any of the plants that Brandon had spawned, using God knows what kind of fertilizer, and Brandon had a track record in that regard.

As a new super prison, the nominal warden of the central prison is Tang Ji, the director of the FBA Bureau, but the actual management is actually handled by Mikkelsen, who left a clone in the prison.

In addition, there are more than 300 prison staff here, most of whom are researchers and guards transferred from the Lost Mountain base.

The purpose of those researchers coming here is self-evident. The central prison can undoubtedly provide them with a large amount of superhuman research data. The guards are mainly responsible for protecting the researchers and experimental equipment. The one who is really responsible for managing the prisoners is Wade.

Currently, Wade is basically a polished commander. He only has five old colleagues under him who voluntarily resigned from the Seventh Prison and came to the Central Prison to try their luck.

He could have brought in more people from Prison No. 7. After all, Mikkelsen never regarded money as money, but Wade was sure that there were only five people who were innocent.

So when Tang Ji walked into the prison administration building covered with green plants, he saw Wade communicating with a d1ck-shaped plant...

"Mr. Brandon, I need you to put prisoner No. 032 down from the reflection wall. He is already in a state of severe dehydration. We need to use punishment to maintain deterrence, rather than turning them into fertilizer." Wade persuaded him earnestly.

The real builder of the prison.

But if Brandon knew a little about the world, he wouldn't have been taken out of his 'nest' by Tang Ji in that way and thrown into Mikkelsen's arms to be transformed... He still doesn't know Miko

What method did Wilson use to be so obedient to a bastard like Brandon Mann?

Tang Ji did not interrupt the other party's communication. He looked around Wade's office. Because of Brandon, it looked completely different from the style of a traditional prison.

The floor is covered with a layer of very elastic green moss. If he had to ask what he was thinking, Tang Ji could only describe that this plant carpet looks like broccoli, but it is softer and smoother, and does not have any odor, but emits

Has a refreshing fragrance.

But Wang Zhengdao kept wrinkling his nose, which made Tang Ji think that there was something wrong with his sense of smell.

The chairs and desks in the office just grow directly from the floor, so there is no problem in calling them ingenious.

The office is located on the fourth floor of this high-rise building, which is not a high floor, so the glass here is completely preserved. The huge floor-to-ceiling glass can clearly see every move within the prison, which is very suitable for monitoring prisoners.

Wade seemed very satisfied with his working environment. He was wearing a pair of soft plush slippers and a pair of pajamas hanging on the hanger. It was obvious that he was living here directly during this period.

"Warden, I didn't know you were here." After Wade and Brandon finished communicating, they turned around and saw two uninvited guests, and hurriedly explained: "The floor here is so thick that you can hardly hear the footsteps."

"How is this place running?" Tang Ji sat on a naturally grown chair, very satisfied with its load-bearing capacity: "Where is that bastard Mikkelsen?"

"Mr. Mikkelsen stays on the top floor and rarely comes down. He is responsible for the overall coordination of the work, while I am temporarily responsible for the specific management work." An uncontrollable smile appeared on Wade's lips.

His annual salary here is almost ten times that of before, and his future prospects are obvious to the naked eye. The focus of his two immediate bosses' work is not here, and he is actually the number one.

Wade had been worried about his own safety before. After all, this was a prison specifically for superhumans. But when he came here, he realized that superhumans were also divided into levels, and they were more strict than other levels.

For example, the warden at the top of the queue used his name alone to calm half of the transferred prisoners, while the other half were killed by Brandon Mann, the prison's builder and the number one prisoner.

During the treatment, I urinated blood every night.

This is not a joke or an adjective, but a fact. On the first day Wade and the group of superhuman prisoners from the Seventh Prison arrived at the central prison, someone planned to escape.

Wade watched with his own eyes as the other prisoner climbed up the wall like a gecko and disappeared outside the wall in a blink of an eye. But before the other prisoners could get excited, a thick vine emerging from the sewer rolled up the fugitive high and held him nearly three feet high.

Ten meters high in the air, exposed to the wind and sun.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that that guy hasn't been put down yet. Fortunately, he is a mutant superhuman with life characteristics close to that of a lizard. It seems that he should be fine if he can bask in the sun for a few more weeks.

In addition, Wade's family has also been properly settled in Night City, and his salary can afford his son to attend the best school here.

As for Tang Ji's problem, Wade can proudly say: "Everything goes well here, there are no problems."

Apart from...

"Prisoner No. 032, he is a prisoner transferred from a Texas prison. Records show that he is a superhuman who was arrested during a smuggling operation." Wade found the file of prisoner No. 032 from the cabinet: "That's right.

The prisoner has always shown a strong tendency to eat scavengers, is mentally depressed for a long time, is highly aggressive, and his memory is declining."


...(The following parts are repeated and will be modified later)

"What's going on with those angels?" Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao headed towards the center of the central area, where a green wall that was beginning to take shape was already standing there, growing at a rate of thirty centimeters per week.

Keep growing.

That's the first wall of the Central Prison, the masterpiece of Brandon's green pervert.

The agate vine is used as the base material and is mixed with several other plant characteristics. It is tough and powerful. Up to thirty strands of tree vines are intertwined and woven into a network, and they grow directionally on metal pillars as the core.

"Remember the superhuman with wings that I told you last time and was recognized by the Holy See as an angel?" Wang Zhengdao looked at the wall in the distance, feeling that it seemed to be mocking the modern buildings around him.

"I have an impression, did we make a bet on whether he would lose his money?" Tang Ji's brain is not very sensitive to words like angel, but he definitely has a Nobel Prize-level memory for all kinds of hell jokes.

"That's him, he died two months ago." Wang Zhengdao shrugged. The real punchline of the hell joke is that everything used as a joke is the truth... The Holy See refused to explain the cause of the angel man's death, and even resurrected him overnight.

God knows how many rumors there were about his body, but the Vatican obviously didn't care.

Because after the death of that 'angel', three angels were born in the small Papal State within two months.

"Is it the way I imagined he died?" Tang Ji's question made Wang Zhengdao unable to answer directly because he had already received a relatively detailed report.

His Majesty was already panicking because of the successive incidents of angels descending to earth. He would rather expose internal scandals than ask a professional organization in the superhuman field like the Ark Organization to intervene, so he could only nod silently.

The next second, Tang Ji's laughter broke the silence in the no-man's land.

Fortunately, we are not far from the Central Prison here. We turn an intersection and pass by a large supermarket. The green wall is already in front of us.

The surrounding plants had long since discovered their traces, and a gap appeared in the wall from scratch in just a few seconds.

Night City Central Prison, the largest superhuman prison in the future, just opened the door for them.

Behind the gate, there is actually nothing different outside the wall. The central area itself was rebuilt by the Corinning Company and was built to the standards of a core business district. It should have become the most prosperous area in Night City, but now it has become part of a prison.


The straight and wide road is lined with shops with signboards on both sides. Nearly half of them have even completed interior decoration and started selling goods. They are waiting for the area to open for official business.

But now, the place is empty. There are only drones wandering on the road at cruising speed, stopping from time to time to mark certain supplies with different colors of light.

Of course, this is just its glamorous side. Five hundred meters away in front of Tangji, the upper half of a high-rise building that looks to be at least 300 floors is obviously not on the central axis, and the glass of all high-rise buildings around it is incomplete.

, the melted coating on the building's surface outlines bizarre patterns.

This chapter has been completed!
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