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Chapter 384: Night City, All Colors

(Refresh to see everyone, the last sentence is repeated... I copied it from WORD and clicked it with the mouse)

"Choose your prosthetic body with care, military technology, satisfy all your desires, bigger, stronger, faster." A huge advertising banner that is 80% similar to Tang Ji reaches the sky, in the night scene of Night City

Light pollution occupies a place in the night sky.

That's a new advertisement for Military Technology, and it may be the only big company that dares to ride on Tang Ji's popularity. Since Mikkelsen took power, Military Technology has become more and more unscrupulous in its actions.

Edward leaned on his electric Harley alone, looked up at the man who looked exactly like Tang Ji, and shook his glass in the direction of him. Although he knew that it was not Tang Ji, this was probably the closest they had ever gotten.

He knew what Tang Ji was fighting against, and he also knew that he was a burden in this war, but suddenly becoming a lonely old man, Edward still felt the loneliness he had not seen for a long time.

So he planned to go to the Afterlife Bar for a drink. The girls there had a wild beauty, which was very suitable for comforting an old man like him.

With his heart beating faster than his actions, Edward squeezed the can in his hand, loosened his leather pants, raised his legs, stepped on the Harley and turned the throttle to the end, imitating the roar of a gasoline engine that shook the entire street from the stereo.

The increasingly swift night breeze blew Edward's white hair, which resembled that of the white wolf Geralt, which he had specially dyed and added with fluorescent agent. It was more eye-catching than Harley in the night light, and of course the price was the same.

"A glass of dark whiskey, without ice." Edward knocked on the bar and winked at the female bartender. He always felt that he could almost sleep with this wild girl, but unfortunately there were at least nine more people in the Afterlife bar.

Nineteen men had the same idea as him.

"This is the real high-end player, watch your waist." A figure with the smell of blood sat next to Edward, and the corners of his windbreaker seemed to be dripping with blood.

"Don't talk to me unless you tell me how An Ran is doing." Edward snorted, but still ordered him another drink.

The female bartender was a little surprised when she saw Tang Ji. Although Tang Ji turned up his collar and hid half of his face under the collar, anyone who was interested could still recognize him immediately.

But fortunately, the Afterlife Bar is a place of drunkenness and dreams. The dim lights and biting music make many people immersed in their own world.

"He is very good and has been well hidden." Tang Ji gave Edward an explanation: "Now is not his time, it will take some time."

"As long as it's okay, why do you have time to come here?" Edward took a sip of bitter wine: "I saw in the news that you are working for that idiot Luther now?"

"He messed with me." Tang Ji corrected Edward's mistake: "We have been in a stalemate recently. No one knows what will happen next. All parties are gathering strength."


Yes, all parties are gathering strength.

Mikkelsen's spies, with the support of almost unlimited human and financial resources, have made gains from time to time. Tang Ji has led people to raid the strongholds of three players, but the final result is only sixteen players, except for another

I have accumulated 800 points and made no progress.

Tang Ji failed to find any ability among these people that could supplement his existing system, and Wu Qianying also suggested that he should not continue to challenge the genetic limits.

"I thought the world wouldn't get worse, but I didn't expect there would be surprises every day." Edward sighed and clinked glasses with Tang Ji: "I originally thought you would be wanted for the rest of your life, but in the blink of an eye you are

He became a big shot."

"It turns out that I am also a big shot, the number one terrorist." Tang Ji smiled. Two weeks had passed since the last time he communicated with Mikkelsen.

During this time, he was either out on missions, leading his people to hunt players and naturalized people around the world, or he was transferring superhuman criminals across the federation to central prisons.

The prison system is undoubtedly a new battlefield. After the destruction of the polar warehouse, the pioneers are setting their sights here to acquire superhuman criminals to serve as new bodies.

Criminal behavior itself acts as a filter for them. Those superhumans whose abilities are relatively useless and difficult to pose a threat to others will naturally stay away from criminal behavior. Only superhumans who are armed with sharp weapons and have murderous intentions will embark on this journey.

this road.

But fortunately, in the strategic contest between the two sides, this time they were on the same level, and Mikkelsen was the first to catch the Trail Blazers.

At present, the Central Prison has transferred more than 400 superhuman criminals from various places, and Wang Zhengdao is actively communicating with the European Union to establish a transnational transfer mechanism for superhuman criminals.

Of course, this thing sounds very difficult, let alone actually doing it. The biggest obstacle standing in front of Wang Zhengdao is not the deep-rooted naturalized forces, but the ECS Bureau that he personally led and established.

Political bad things are not Tang Ji's turn to worry about. He is responsible for more specific tasks, such as killing people, establishing his own authority in the central prison, and selecting people who are not so scum among a bunch of scum.

Zha recruited him to the FBAS Bureau to serve as cannon fodder.

Tang Ji humorously named these cannon fodder the Suicide Squad. Although there are still zero members who have the opportunity to join the Suicide Squad and go on missions in exchange for reduced sentences, Tang Ji feels that as long as there are enough scum in the prison, he can always

Found some weird ones.

As for today, he came here to meet with Rogge. They had a very pleasant cooperation before, and now Tang Ji hopes to continue their cooperation.

"Big shot, the party specially organized for you has been prepared." Rogge, wearing a cyber yellow jacket, leaned on the bar and nodded to the bartender and Edward: "Their consumption will be charged to my account."

"Then I'm not polite." Edward backed off Tang Ji and said, "Go and do big things. It's not your turn to worry about me as an old man. Go back and see me when you have time."

Although Edward said this, both of them knew that with their current relationship, unless Edward was willing to be closely protected like Wu Qianying, the number of times they would meet each other would be numbered.

Tang Ji drank the wine in one gulp, hugged Edward, and headed to the secret room deep in the afterlife with Roger.

It was a safe house specially prepared for such an important event today. The lead floor, walls, and ceiling could isolate almost all electromagnetic signals and most known supernatural powers from prying eyes.

When Tang Ji walked into the safe house, there were already several people here, all "big shots".

The new leader of the Tiger Claw Gang, Hiroyuki Sanada, the new and old talkers of the Valentino Gang, Machete and Gusvota, as well as several representatives of the old Night City gangs, also found their own places to gather.

Together, we are all Tang Ji's 'old friends'.

In addition, there are several newcomers.

A woman wearing heavy makeup but not looking gaudy is Yin Lisabai, the owner of Lizzie Bar and the eldest sister of the emerging gang Mox Gang.

A muscular man who occupied most of the sofa by himself. Looking at his size alone, he was almost as good as Martin now. Needless to say, he was definitely a super human.

In addition, there was a fat man sitting in the corner constantly wiping his sweat, looking as if he was about to get sick any second. That was Adams, the former manager of the Law Enforcement Bureau and Tang Ji's old superior.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit solemn. Hiroyuki Sanada was leaning on the sofa alone and drinking sake. The talkers of the Valentino gang were talking loudly, but the remaining people looked like they were about to draw their guns and shoot each other in the next second.

Tang Ji's appearance changed the atmosphere in the room, and the noise instantly became quiet.

Hiroyuki Sanada sat up straight, patted Gusvota with his scimitar to stop the conversation, and all the gang leaders who were arrogant returned to peace.

Yin Lisabai and Da Zou Lao tightened their muscles. They were superhuman beings, and they felt a pressure from Tang Ji like a natural enemy.

Only Adams's whole body softened and he took his first breath of the day without fear.

"Okay, today's protagonist is here, don't waste my good wine here, let's get to the point." Rogge clapped his hands and signaled everyone: "When I close this door, I hope everyone will

Remember one thing, this is a completely sealed room, and the oxygen concentrator under the sofa can only guarantee that we will not be suffocated to death within forty minutes."

Adams became nervous because of Rogge's words and the heavy sound of the lead door closing, but when Tang Ji sat next to him, he suddenly felt at ease. No matter what the reason was for calling him here today, at least he didn't have to worry about himself.

Die here.

"I called you here because Night City needs a new order." As soon as Tang Ji spoke, all the elders present frowned.

Although many people here have been beaten to the point of losing their temper by him, any talk involving the new order is a sensitive topic for the old rulers.

What's more, there are two people here who represent some kind of new order, and the seats under their buttocks are not yet hot.

Everyone is waiting for Tang Ji's next words...and Tang Ji is recalling the key points written on the little card Wu Qianying wrote to him before.

It said a lot of glossy words, saying how important the stability of Night City is to the overall situation, what kind of existence the players are, etc.

But looking at the group of people in front of him, Sanada Hiroyuki looked very neon aristocratic, but Tangji knew that half of him was imitating Arasaka Yorinobu, and the other half was imitating Nagagusa Shiro...

Gusvota may be the one who has recently taken over as a senior executive in the company, but his exquisite shirt cannot hide the tattoos on his body, which are the logo of the Valentino gang, the Madonna and the Grim Reaper, and a pistol.

As for Scimitar, he is also an old bastard in a suit. His old face alone can make him a senior cadre in the Sword Club.

Elizabeth Yin from the Mox Gang still maintains the style of a stripper. The fabric on her and the big old guy next door who only wears sports shorts can't cover Adams' belly.

So Tang Ji silently threw the things on the card aside. He had to tell these people in a language they could understand what he wanted, what was going to happen in Night City, and what would happen if he was not satisfied. .

"We are fighting a war, a war with no victory or defeat, only life and death." Tang Ji said to everyone: "On one side is me and my allies, and on the other side is Losas and what they represent behind them. power."

"I thought Losas had been disbanded." Adams asked cautiously.

"They have changed their names now, called Pioneers, Walter Group, Naturalized Persons, Players, etc." Tang Ji named several familiar names: "By the way, our late Commander-in-Chief Mr. Hunter did not lie. ,They...are aliens."

Tang Ji's words made many people present change their expressions. Thanks to the prevalence of mental illness in Night City, people here have developed a pair of nerves of steel.

"They are like a group of ghosts, they can occupy your body and deprive you of your will. They regard our world as a playground and plan to come here to have a good time." Tang Ji raised the wine glass on the table and poured himself a glass: " The two Red Suns, Paris, the Petrochemical Alliance Missile Crisis, and the Omaha Massacre were all just to say hello.”

"With all due respect, Don, what does this have to do with us?" Scimitar had to stand up and say something. Sanada Hiroyuki remained silent, Gusvota was deep in thought, and the remaining people were not qualified to speak. But he took it for granted: "Those big companies should be the ones who worry about this problem."

"Good question, Scimitar." Tang Ji raised his glass and touched Scimitar in the air: "The problem is, those rich old men think that we are destined to lose, and they plan to run away."

"Run away?" Gusvota seemed to have been shocked. His mind instantly connected the news he had received from the business school: "That's why they keep selling off their properties and don't care about the gains and losses in the secondary market. .Because they don’t care anymore?”

"He is much smarter than you." Tang Ji praised Scimitar: "You have chosen a good successor."

However, Scimitar's face showed no joy at all, because it took him more than ten years to let Gusvota put on a suit, and now the world told him that the man in the suit was going to run away.

"The Tiger Claw Gang is at your mercy. Lai Xuanjun and I have reached an agreement. We are on your side." Hiroyuki Sanada gave a very direct answer, which surprised several small forces who were half-hearted.

"What do you want?" Elizabeth Yin, a fierce woman, asked bluntly: "The Mox Gang is just a small gang. I don't even know why I have the honor to attend this meeting."

"Me too!" Adams raised his hands to show his innocence.

The big guy sitting next to him also raised his hand, but didn't say anything. He is the new leader of the Violent Bear Gang, but he has not yet resolved the differences within the gang, and his influence is very limited.

"I want my voice to be the only one in Night City. When I ask you to do something, you must cooperate with me unconditionally." Tang Ji stated his request, and this request was undoubtedly forcing others to do something difficult.

"You're kidding, Don!"

This chapter has been completed!
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