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Chapter 409: Jealous Choice

(Let’s talk about 406. My editor has been on vacation for the past few days, so he hasn’t responded to my messages for the time being. I changed it myself and it failed. I will try again tomorrow... everyone forgives me)

"John, be careful today, I have an ominous feeling." Gino John's partner put on a heavy bulletproof vest, hesitated and put a shotgun on the passenger side.

"Begg, you made me nervous!" Gino John's heart skipped a beat. His partner was a superhuman who had just completed registration on the FBA official website a few days ago.

Although there is no rating yet, John and Berg have been working together for four months. He knows how powerful Berg is and he can always detect danger before it comes.

"I know, I do too." Berg is like a person who forgets to turn off the gas at home after going out. His subconscious keeps giving him various signals of discomfort.

But Berg has never been able to find the source of danger, and his ability seems to regard the entire demonstration city as a dangerous place.

This made him very panicked. The precedent of Night City being attacked by nuclear weapons was vivid in his mind. Nuclear explosions seemed to have become a common occurrence in the past six months.

Berg had really seriously considered the possibility of leaving the city now, but the salary and benefits in the Model City were far higher than those in other areas, as well as its excellent social security, which attracted him like a magnet.

He and John were both law enforcement officers from small cities, and the Model City Law Enforcement Bureau offered them an olive branch. In addition to the top salaries in the industry, they were also provided with an additional family apartment. As long as they worked for twelve years, they could obtain permanent residence.


Berg didn't want to give up his hard-won opportunity. It would be difficult for a superhuman with ordinary abilities like him to find such a good job.

Those superhumans who attract attention all the time on TV and on the Internet are, after all, a minority. Most superhumans are actually like Berg. He did awaken, but he did not gain additional benefits from it, such as becoming stronger.

React faster, even become more attractive, etc.

In fact, Berg didn't even know what his ability was and when it would take effect. His ability to predict danger was not completely accurate. From the perspective of his partner, it was closer to predicting the small note in the cookie.


Even so, Gino John still brought his most luxurious equipment, a complete set of lightweight protective equipment with military technology, and a force feedback assist device on the joints.

The price of this thing is almost the same as six months' salary of his, and John will only wear it during big operations.

But today, Berg's prophetic biscuit revealed a sign of great danger, and John decided to deal with it carefully. He always had the attitude of preferring to believe in this ability that sometimes works but not in others.

"There are 16th Street and Nine Streets, so we can find a place to relax." John rubbed his eyes. For him, everything in the Demonstration City was good, except that the height of the buildings and the streets were somewhat similar.


Especially for patrolling law enforcement officers, if you accidentally open an extra intersection and turn onto another street, there will be no difference in your senses. You can only realize your problem through navigation prompts.

And if you look at these black buildings for a long time, you will feel depressed and your eyes will hurt...

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"Maybe you just have a cold today, and we won't be so unlucky that we encounter shooting incidents three times in a month." John continued: "After all, this is a model city, and the higher-ups also want this place to look like a model city, not a model city.

It’s as chaotic as Night City, isn’t it?”

"I heard that during the last night of riots in Night City, Enforcer Tang killed hundreds of superhumans who were making trouble on the streets in the city. What do you think of him?" John asked curiously.

As a law enforcer, Tang Ji is undoubtedly his idol. Every law enforcer has dreamed of becoming Tang Ji, killing the legal bastards on the streets from beginning to end, pulling out their intestines, and choking them.

His neck, until his tongue drooped down and his face turned black.

But after all, there is only one law enforcer, Tang. He used his own experience to show all law enforcers with illusions how difficult this road is.

So John is very curious, for Berg, who is both a spellcaster and a superhuman, what exactly is Law Enforcer Don?

What an image.

"Begg?" John, who hadn't heard his partner's reply for a long time, looked back at Begg, who was on alert in the back seat with a loaded gun, only to see that the other person had lost consciousness at some point and fell directly on the seat.

"What the hell! Something happened?" Gino John stepped on the brakes, jumped out of the car in a hurry, and checked his partner's vital signs.

"Call the bureau, bureau. My name is Gino John, number d0815. A law enforcement officer is in an emergency and needs to go to the hospital for first aid. Please plan the route!" John made sure that Berg would not be strangled by the bulletproof helmet and jumped again.

I got in the car and started calling the main office.

Without waiting for a response, John had already driven to the nearest hospital: "Begg! Can you hear me? Damn it, your premonition today was really accurate!"

"Law enforcer Gino John, we have planned the shortest route to the hospital for you. Please ensure that the patient will not be harmed again." The gentle female operator of the General Administration revealed an unsettling panic in her tone: "We.


Before she could finish her words, John narrowly avoided a pickup truck that hit him head-on. He watched the car crash into the traffic behind him, causing an explosion: "Fuck! Fuck! Sixteen

Street, there was a car accident! There must have been casualties! Ask other nearby law enforcement officers to come over and respond!"

"There is no one else!" The operator lady yelled in collapse: "All superhuman law enforcement officers have had accidents! There are police reports everywhere, and we have no other manpower!"

Hearing what the operator said, Gino John suddenly became more uneasy. He took the time to look back at his partner: "You had a premonition that something big was going to happen today, Berg! Even I have this premonition now!"

John drove his patrol car almost all the way into the hospital. The parking lot was full of battered cars, and all the patients who were carried down and brought to the hospital looked like Berg, intact, but only unconscious.

"Put the patient where he is! Then step back! We are going to start isolation here!" A male nurse saw John in uniform and shouted hurriedly: "Law enforcer? Great! Help us maintain order!"...


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The same order was quickly issued to John through the General Administration, and he became the order maintainer at the entrance of the hospital.

Now John began to thank Berg. His hard goods produced by military technology and the big guy in his hand were very intimidating, which made several street fighters who sent patients to the hospital become more honest.

But as more and more people were sent to the hospital, John began to worry.

There were rumors flying everywhere in the hospital. Some people said that this was a virus targeting metahumans, while others believed that there was something wrong with the metahuman group itself, that their family genes were unstable, etc.

However, in fact, these patients who were sent to the hospital and occupied all the beds were all in good health. After detailed examination, the doctor thought that they might just be asleep.

As for why this kind of mass sleep symptom occurs, no one knows. One doctor even thinks that it is a prank of a superhuman who has awakened related abilities, and it is a new way of saying hello.


"There are many superhumans in this city, but I have found them all." Envy sat on the boss's chair opposite Markarian and said with a relaxed expression: "Now they have all been deprived of their free consciousness and have become

My puppet."

Snap, snap, snap.

Markarian applauded in admiration: "Amazing, Mr. Jealousy, I knew from the very beginning that we were natural allies."

"Haha, what I'm saying is that they are all my puppets now. If you want my puppet, you can make an offer now." Envy leaned back, and Greed behind him adjusted the backrest for him in time.

A hand never left Jealousy's shoulder.

"This is different from what we agreed, but I am happy to accept the price increase from excellent collaborators. No error updates @" Markarian's expression did not change, although jealousy burned the bridge in front of him.

According to Markarian's original plan, they originally planned to take advantage of Tangji's emptiness to launch a large-scale indiscriminate attack centered on the Demonstration City.

But the battlefield over there is surging.

In a twist of fate, jealousy suddenly became the big winner, and with greed, he went directly to the demonstration city to avoid the danger.

So Markarian's plan also changed. He hoped that Jealousy could help process the superhumans in this city.

After all, many of their bodies were handled by Jealousy on their behalf in the past, and Jealousy's craftsmanship has been recognized by everyone in this regard.

According to the price they just negotiated, after taking control of these superhumans, Envy will get a hundred messenger superhumans from the Pioneers, and these messengers all possess the ability of dimensional gates.

But now, Jealousy clearly has greater ambitions.

"I want a separate production line that can make the greedy blood potion I want at will." Envy crossed his legs and put his shoes directly on Markarian's table: "It's that simple, and then those scattered around the city

Within this time, all the superhuman beings in total exceeding 4,000 will be yours."

"I'm afraid we can't reach an agreement." Markarian was not angry at all because he was offended. He just stated the facts: "The ability to copy requires both the blood of greed and the flesh of gluttony. Now we have solved the problem of the former, but

The latter are still rare, and we are also worried that if you master the same technology, you will not sell high-quality superhumans to us.”….

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"I can't see our own interests in this deal, so I won't agree. If you want these puppets, you can take them away." Markarian made a gesture of invitation: "I promise.

, this does not affect other agreements between us at all."

"I'm just kidding." Envy bared his teeth at Markarian, his expression as unruly as possible. After controlling greed, his self-confidence was unprecedentedly huge: "In this case, let's talk about something more practical.


Markarian smiled and said nothing, as if he still had the same expression that allowed you to impose conditions.

"I can save you a lot of trouble and speed up your conquest here, but I also know that once you win the final victory, I will be useless." Envy patted Greedy's arm hard: "And he just happened to

It is the final link in your plan, so now I want to know, at what price do you plan to buy the blood of greed from me?"

"How can a person as powerful as you worry about your own safety?" Markarian's jealous smile twisted with just one sentence, but he did not continue to sarcastically say: "If you want a safety net, I will

I can promise you."

After saying that, Markarian pulled out a world map from the table: "We don't actually need to occupy the whole world. The world is big enough for both of us to coexist. To show sincerity, you can

Draw whatever you want, draw a safe zone, and our people will never enter on their own initiative."

"The question is, how can I trust that you will keep your promise?" Jealous asked sarcastically: "As far as our previous cooperation is concerned, the word promise means nothing to you."

"So I followed your request and sent them all to Tang Ji." Markarian replied with a smile: "Are you still not satisfied?"

"What's the point of this?" Envy slammed the table hard: "Don't think I don't know, you have no fear of death in our world."

"No, we have it now." Markarian looked at Jealousy with some pity: "Don't you know?"

Some people are locked up in a basement for two and a half years, and when they come out, the whole world has changed. But he buried himself in a small place in Sudan and ignored what happened outside the window. Such a person is actually a member of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Jealousy's face instantly brightened up. When he heard Markarian say this, the jealousy with strong self-esteem immediately began to overtake the memory of greed.

He actually resists doing this, because Greedy's mental power is very strong, and it is very difficult for him to read the other person's memory, and Greedy's memory length is several times longer than that of ordinary people.

He has so many colorful experiences and unforgettable memories that his jealousy almost burned his brain at first glance.

But now he had to do this, and he would not allow himself to learn the truth from Markarian's mouth.

This lasted for fifteen minutes, and the expression on Jealousy's face kept changing, sometimes extremely ferocious, sometimes laughing heartily, and sometimes looking as cold as ice.

"Tang.@essence\/书馆*first update~~

Ji?" Jealous frowned and looked at Markarian, his face full of confusion: "I don't understand, aren't you from a higher dimension?"

"You have stopped me from asking this question. Believe me, I want to know why more than you." Markarian said with emotion: "This world of yours is so amazing."

So I actually still have untapped potential? Jealousy looked at the part about Tang Ji in Greedy’s memory and fell into deep self-doubt.

God has testified that he really fought against these pioneers. Only after he was sure that he could not control the will of those pioneers did he give up hope of resistance and choose to commit adultery.

But now, the jealous face is dim and uncertain...

Qian Zhi Mo Yi reminds you: Remember to bookmark [] after reading it. I will update it next time so that you can continue reading. I look forward to the exciting continuation!. _o_m

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