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Chapter 410 The Beginning

As there were more and more superhumans in the hospital, the expressions of the hospital staff became more and more solemn, and Gino John began to feel a little nervous.

And outside, a large number of superhuman family members, friends, and even street gang members are also gathering here. Perhaps it is because Demonstration City is a brand new city, and the gangs here are also very trendy.

To put it simply, almost all the gangs here have embraced the dividends brought by the superhuman wave, and they are all built with superhumans as their core.

It is precisely because of this that the Demonstration City Law Enforcement Bureau is equipped with the highest proportion of superhuman law enforcers in the entire federation, with a headcount ratio of almost three to one.

Gino John is actually very lucky that his partner is Berg. Although he is a big guy, he has a gentle personality and is steady. He is the kind of partner you can safely trust him with.

As a negative example, there is a bastard superhuman named Harry in the Bureau. His ability is invisibility. In the past four months, he has changed six partners, three of whom have retired due to injuries.

No one knows where Harry is at the critical moment, but he is always the one who reaps the glory and credit in the end. Moreover, he has an extremely bad character and often relies on his abilities to make outrageous pranks.

Gino John had had several disagreements with Harry, and sometimes he really wished he had the chance to shoot him in the back.

And now, Harry was also taken to the hospital by his new partner. Sure enough, he was carried into the hospital in front of many media.

"Seriously, you should wrap him in some clothes. It's too disturbing to the appearance of the city." Gino John whistled at the newcomer: "Or just throw him in a corner and say that he will die after he passes out.

He is invisible and no one knows where he is."

"Yeah, I wanted to do that too, but the General Administration installed a locator on him, and the deputy director called me personally to confirm the status of that bastard." The newcomer who just arrived and seems to be difficult to deal with is very

He shrugged regretfully: "So I had to carry him back up from the sewer."

"Haha, did you really do that?" Gino John felt that he was beginning to like this new guy. He stretched out his hand: "Gino John, I worked as a SWAT in Philadelphia for three years. What about you?"

"Night City Law Enforcement Bureau, Nicole Finch, who has been working as a bounty hunter for more than a year after the Red Sun incident." The newcomer shook John's hand: "The equipment is good, and military technology is not cheap."

"It cost me several months of salary, but I can feed myself and the whole family is not hungry. Wait, you are the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau who left after the Red Sun incident, so you..." Gino John was a little excited.

Said: "You and Tang Ji are colleagues!"

"Yes, we used to be colleagues. That bastard has never changed." Nicole Finch said with some emotion: "He has influenced many people. I know what you want to ask, but we have no contact now. We

I didn't know him well before, and no one except Edward could stand his bad temper."

"He is the idol of our industry, he is so awesome." John took out a cigarette from his arms and gave one to Nicole, which was a kind of testimony of friendship: "Your old law enforcement bureau in Night City is also awesome.

Yes, I heard that your street gang has all kinds of ruthless people."

"Fuck, let me tell you, I have been working as a bounty hunter outside for more than a year, and I have never encountered a gang with more firepower than Night City!" Nicole Finch became excited when she was told:

"Tang Ji used to be in charge of the Tiger Claw Gang, and I was in charge of the Dead Gang. At that time, the Dead Gang had more firepower than the Tiger Claw Gang..."

Just when the two law enforcers were about to start exchanging their experiences, a scream suddenly came from the hospital, and the next second a woman in a nurse's uniform crashed through the window and fell to the ground from a ten-story building.

With a squeak, a lake of flesh and blood formed.

The media reporters were the first to react. Countless drones, like flies that smelled the smell, immediately surrounded the scene and started filming the scene.

And more drones quickly took off and flew towards the broken window. Obviously, this was what the reporters were looking forward to.

"Something happened!" Gino John immediately took out his long gun and loaded it, and glanced at Nicole: "Form a temporary team? My partner is placed on the fourth floor, I have to take a look! You have to go find him.

Is it profitable?"

"Who the hell cares about that bastard, I'll go with you!" Nicole was also unceremonious. She took out her Lexington pistol and leaned against the door: "You go first, I'll cover you!"

John nodded, turned on the noise reduction system built into the helmet, and walked directly into the hospital door.

"Call the main office. There is an unexpected situation at No. 12 Street Hospital. We may need support. We are entering the hospital for inspection." John called the main office as he moved forward.

But there was no response from the headquarters. Thinking of Berg's danger warning this morning, a haze enveloped John's heart.

The people who came over were all panicked medical staff. Their faces were full of confusion, and they obviously didn't know what was happening upstairs.

But the repeated screams still made them aware of the danger. Several hospital security personnel were evacuating the crowd and asking medical staff to leave the corridor immediately.

They were wearing the logo of Lyinmetall, a large security group, and two of them were equipped with obvious prosthetic equipment, which made them look safe.

But John knew he couldn't count on these people. He had dealt with such security personnel in Philadelphia, and the security contracts they signed included very strict risk assessment protocols.

Whenever unexpected situations arise that exceed the scope of the contract, they have the right to withdraw from the fight directly until the company and the employer renegotiate the risk commission.

Now, there are at least two hundred superhumans placed in this hospital. If one of them goes crazy, the risk level will definitely exceed the security agreement signed by the hospital.

"Head, armed law enforcers, two." One of the security personnel, whose arms had been replaced by prosthetics, was keenly aware of the militants behind him and patted the leader on the shoulder as a reminder.

"Two minutes ago, the first abnormality occurred on the third floor. The surveillance showed that a superhuman suddenly woke up and threw a doctor out of the ward." The security leader signaled his companions to continue working, and a man came over and explained to them.

After a while: "The hospital nurse tried to sedate him, but he was torn into pieces. Then more superhumans woke up, and some of them showed obvious aggression."

"We still have sixteen teammates scattered on various floors. Four of them have been attacked by superhuman patients. We need support." The security leader glanced at the walkie-talkie on John's body: "If you two plan to go up, please go up now.

You can go."

"The situation has been reported to the General Administration. We are going to ensure the safety of our colleagues." John nodded to the other party: "Thank you."

Then the two law enforcers walked into the elevator and pressed the up button.

At this time, on the fourth floor of the hospital, the unconscious law enforcer Harry suddenly opened his eyes. He first moved his hands with some excitement, then tore off the hospital gown, looked at his whole body carefully, and revealed the corners of his mouth.

A clear smile.

"It looks good, really good." 'Harry' narcissistically stroked the angular muscles on his body, shook his penis hard, grabbed the sheets and wrapped it around his waist.

"Is there no guide to guide you?" 'Harry' walked around the room, looking at these strange things, then stood by the window and looked out with a disappointed look on his face, but then he became excited again.

He got up because an official prompt suddenly flashed on his retina——

[To all players: Alpla1.0 version announcement!

All players should note that this is not the final official version. This early login is just for phased testing. The open area of ​​the world is the Demonstration City.

Demonstration City is a gathering point city built by pioneers for players in this world. As you can see, it looks very familiar and allows players to integrate into this world faster.

This open test does not set up a guide or set up main tasks. Players can explore the world on their own and all actions are allowed.

All bodies in this open test are randomly selected. Due to the particularity of this world, all bodies have a supernatural ability by default. This ability is the native ability of the body. After long-term use, players can improve this ability.

The higher the level, the stronger the power.

Note: All bodies in this open test are free trials, players are asked to cherish their bodies.

Note: This world has a sound monitoring system and law enforcement system. Players are asked to carefully consider their personal behavior.

Note: All players who attempt to enter outside the open area will be punished by the Trail Blazers.

Note: All players have been included in the information supervision system, and any individual who attempts to disclose information about the home world to the indigenous people will be punished by the pioneers.

Note: In the demonstration city, the pioneers have set up some secret safety points. All players who find the safety points can seek services from the pioneers including but not limited to supplies, medical care and other services.

Note: As a test Easter egg, the pioneers placed twenty-five Greedy Blood potions throughout the demonstration city. All players can obtain additional supernatural abilities through these potions (this ability cannot be promoted).

Note: The body can carry up to four supernatural abilities, including the native abilities of the body. Those who exceed the upper limit will be responsible for the consequences. Players are advised to carefully match their ability combinations and develop various styles of gameplay.

Note: The weapons used by the civilization in this world are enough to pose a fatal threat to most new players. In addition, there are super-sized superhumans in this world, which are difficult for ordinary players to fight against.

The final interpretation right of this test project belongs to the company. All players are welcome to experience a new life!】

After reading the system announcement at a glance, 'Harry' read the introduction of his abilities ten times more carefully.

'Harry's' ability is called [Biological Invisibility]. He can make his body invisible. This ability cannot be effective on other objects, so Harry used to be often naked.

The only hidden danger of this ability is that Harry has had heart stent surgery. Several artificial stents are installed in his heart, three translucent mesh cylinders with a diameter of 2mm and a length of 1 to 2 centimeters. It will be weird when he becomes invisible.

floating in the air.

Of course, for most people, this little thing can be ignored.

As for the current 'Harry', he didn't notice this hidden danger at all. He was excitedly starting to try the pleasure of using supernatural powers for the first time in his life.

From this point of view, the life forms of the two worlds have something in common, and the first time is always extra exciting.

'Harry' just walked out of the ward. He was very curious about everything in this world. After all, the company had done a lot of publicity about this world before, and its related information had become the biggest pastime for countless people.

The deeper a company hides it, the more people want to come.

'Harry' is very grateful for the company's policy, which gives priority to newcomers with no Advent experience for testing. Although there is a lot of negative news being spread, no one can refuse the invitation from the 'company'.

Their long lives were empty and pale, and they came to a different world and became their only spiritual support.

To be fair, 'Harry' didn't want to hurt these natives from another world who looked the same as him, so he carefully avoided the corpses on the ground and the few players who seemed impatient.

This feeling of voyeurism, where only he could see others and no one could see him, gave Harry an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. His heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and his whole body became excited.

He began to dream that he could find those hidden easter eggs, acquire more supernatural abilities, and eventually become the strongest among many players, worshiped by many indigenous people and other players.

But the reality is that 'Harry' watched a female player walk towards an aborigine who looked untouchable. Just as she was about to speak, she was shot in the head.

"Bah, madman!" The gun-wielding security guard made sure that the woman in front of him was dead before continuing to move forward. At the same time, he reported on the communicator: "Shoot directly and kill all those who try to approach you or may pose a threat to you.

A doctor told me that this may be a plague targeting superhumans. All superhumans who wake up are crazy, and some of them will attack indiscriminately..."

Before the security guard could finish his words, Harry hit him hard on the back of the head with a heavy object from behind.

However, 'Harry', who was still in shock, suddenly saw a line of small white words drawn in front of him: [Achievement: First Blood] has been obtained, and he has received 10 contribution points.

Then there was another line of small white words: [Achievement: Empty Hands] has been obtained, and 10 contribution points were obtained.

When 'Harry' focused on the words "contribution points", the description text was displayed next to it: it can be used to exchange for greedy blood potions, supplies, medical services, etc. in the hands of the pioneers.

'Harry' turned to look at his somewhat crazy colleagues in the corridor, and instantly showed a look of understanding. However, before he could take the next step, a single-headed bullet directly shattered his entire chest.


No matter what ambitions 'Harry' has, he can only wait for the next time to come.

"Well done!" Nicole's voice came: "How did you know it was Harry's?"

"I specifically checked his medical file!" Gino John said without changing his expression and loaded the gun again: "I hope I don't have to shoot Berg again..."

"Don't say you didn't enjoy that moment!" Nicole shattered the head of another superhuman with one shot, turned to John and winked.

"Well, I do enjoy it."

This chapter has been completed!
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