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Chapter 416: Catching a Turtle in a Urn

"Did I interrupt your entertainment time?" Tang Ji didn't find the two ordinary people who stood up to resist superhumans in the building, but he found Mi who was smoking and watching a movie on the roof of a three-story building nearby.


There were two boxes of arms piled next to him. It was obvious that the firearms and equipment in the hands of those people came from one of the world's number one arms dealers.

"Put it out quickly." Tang Ji picked through the weapon box, took out a few grenades, and took away an M-10AF Lexington pistol with some disgust.

When he was working as a law enforcer, this thing was a standard gun, but in a wild place like Night City, its function was more like an atmosphere set.

"I saw your expression. What you despise is the most profitable pistol in the world." As one of the founders of military technology in the early days, Mikkelsen emphasized: "Although the power is average, the Lexington can survive any harsh conditions.

Maintain stability under any circumstances and you will never see it get stuck.”

"Forget it, you will never understand what universality is." Mikkelsen finally shrugged: "There is good news, we found Envy, he and his new pet are less than seven kilometers north of us.

The place."

Upon hearing these words, Tang Ji threw Lexington directly back into the equipment box and took a tactical folding knife from it.

To be fair, from the perspective of kinetic energy alone, in the case of close combat, the damage caused by Tang Ji's dagger piercing would definitely exceed the bullets fired by a small-caliber pistol like Lexington.

"The bad news is that Greed has also mastered the ability to jump in space. Although we don't know where his limit is yet, we can be sure that as long as you appear in Envy's sight, he will disappear immediately." Mikkelsen jumped out of his arms.

He took out a box of Tree of Life, generously took one out of it and lit it for himself, and threw the rest to Tang Ji: "So you have to wait for Wang Zhengdao."

"Wu Qianying is making plans to conduct a raid on the basis of ensuring Wang Zhengdao's safety." Mikkelsen said with some emotion: "At this stage, no one can replace her in the tactical planning of multiple superhumans, and a lot of data can only be handed over to her.

That’s reassuring.”

"Let Wang Zhengdao throw me directly from the sky. I will enter the phase transition state in the final stage, and then he will not be able to run away." Tang Ji knew what he was capable of, and Wu Qianying also knew it.

As long as jealousy is exposed within 500 meters of him, he can rely on [Death Fight Invitation] to keep the opponent.

"Intelligence shows that he is negotiating with the new leader of the Pioneers. Which side do you plan to block first?" Mikkelsen asked: "And almost everyone in those Pioneers knows the dimensional gate now. As long as greed holds you back a little, they will

It will disappear immediately without a trace."

"It turns out that greed has this ability, and we are still not sure whether this is a trap for you." Mikkelsen didn't see any nervousness on his face, but the meaning behind his words was very clear.

In the room that Cathy Walter explained, there are currently gathering some of the most dangerous people in the world, the two Seven Deadly Sins, and the new leader of the Pioneers, not to mention a large number of Pioneers.

So even Wu Qianying didn't dare to let Tang Ji throw herself in so easily.

"Let Wang Zhengdao bring me some bullets, and then we set off. I go in, shoot, and come out again. It's that simple." Tang Ji rejected Mikkelsen and Wu Qianying's plan.

He has always been willing to cooperate with the plans of these smart people when the situation is unclear, because that is not what he is good at.

And now, in one house, there are three targets who can solve half of the world's problems as long as they are solved. This is an area he is familiar with.

In this regard, he is an expert, while Wu Qianying is a woman who has shot people face to face. In Tang Ji's eyes, Mikkelsen will always be a conspirator who uses poison and cold guns to solve the enemy in the dark.

Just like when they first met.

Tang Ji knows what he has to do, what risks he has to face, and what he can do.

He is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of the great horror between life and death, and he even enjoys the process. What's more, in the process, he can easily add the names of a few "big shots" to his death list.

Mikkelsen saw the smile on Tangji's lips and never stopped, knowing that he couldn't stop him.

This was also the reason why he chose to meet Tang Ji here. He didn't convince that stubborn woman Wu Qianying, but he knew how to best use tools like Tang Ji.

He doesn't need to drive Tang Ji to take risks. He just needs to deliver the right news to the other party at the right time, and the rest will fall into place.

Many times, ordinary people can accomplish things that cannot be accomplished by calculations in temples with five blood-spattered steps. This is the romance of these gunmen and the miracle of their faith.

But no matter what, Mikkelsen had to admit that at this moment, the thing he was proud of bowed to the invisible body that represented barbarism.

Regardless of the reason, Markarian and Envy did not leave the Demonstration City. Even if it was indeed a trap, this was still their best opportunity before the start of all-out war, and the best opportunity for the human world.

Between personal friendship and responsibility, Wang Zhengdao may feel extremely painful, but Mikkelsen knows that in the end he will always unswervingly choose the latter.

So when Wu Qianying continued to perform better solutions with the burnt wig on her head, Wang Zhengdao had already appeared next to Tang Ji.

"Are you ready?" Wang Zhengdao placed everything Tang Ji wanted in front of him one by one.

Twelve specially made bullets, each warhead is mixed with reflective elements. The bullet itself is covered by a layer of lead shell, but the fragile lead shell will be shattered at the moment of firing. Anyone hit by this is self-inflicted.

No creature in it can bear such damage.

These bullets were originally made for gluttony, but now they are also suitable for dealing with things like jealousy and greed.

Wang Zhengdao also brought Tang Ji some high-performance sticky explosives and a heavy-duty explosion-proof shield originally used with the mammoth exoskeleton system.

He watched Tang Ji roughly stick the explosives to the surface of the shield, and then applied a [reinforcement] effect to the shield, and he knew exactly what this man wanted to do.

"Take me to a distance of 150 meters outside the target room, and then leave immediately." Tang Ji patted the explosive shield with satisfaction: "Then wait for my signal and tell Surte and the others to keep an eye on Wu Qianying and the others.


"More!" Tang Ji didn't say anything else, he just looked straight at Wang Zhengdao.

Wang Zhengdao looked at Tang Ji's slightly red eyes and immediately understood what the other party meant. What he wanted to say was Tang Anran.

In this world, they are the only two who know where An Ran is hidden. This heavy responsibility makes Wang Zhengdao feel heavier than carrying the Ark Organization.

But he still nodded vigorously, this was his promise.

"Let's go." Tang Ji took a deep breath. For them, a raid could be carried out very quickly. The whole process only took a few seconds.

Envy, who had broken down the negotiations with the Pioneers, had already stood up, his face a little twisted, and his position had been decided. It had become a fight to the death with Tang Ji and even the entire human world.

If he can't get what he wants from the Trail Blazers, he will face enemies from both sides, but these pressures are not enough to cause jealousy to create anxiety.

After taking full control of Greed, a new pet that was also one of the Seven Deadly Sins, his ambitions expanded greatly.

Yes, he can't have an impact on the Blazers or players yet, but since that reckless man Tang Ji can pose such a big threat to the Blazers, maybe he can too

Even if he can't do it now, he can wait until stage 3, LV4 or even LV5 to make long-term plans.

So Jealousy has already begun to prepare for PLAN-B, such as finding a dark corner to build a country that is entirely his own.

He almost succeeded in Sudan, but a greedy attack finally made it all come to nothing.

Thinking of this, Jealousy slapped Greedy's face a few times again, with a pleasant smile on his face: "Come on and hear how a dog barks?"

"Woof! Woof!" The greedy dog ​​barked numbly.

"I actually still like your unruly look, but it's a pity." Having had enough of jealousy, he stood up and planned to leave.

Jealousy, who possesses greed, can finally be regarded as a "car owner". As long as he is willing, greed can take him across thousands of mountains and rivers.

And for a person like Jealousy, there are almost no secrets in the world. As long as he wants to know, he will find out sooner or later.

For example, Tang Ji once had a conflict with the pioneers in the Antarctic Circle, which also involved gluttony. The pig who only knew how to eat took the opportunity to break free.

As a psychological master who is good at manipulating his own kind, Envy simulates in his mind the choices Gluttony would make in that situation.

He is different from Greed, an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, and he is also different from Wrath, a man with great bitterness, hatred and strong purpose.

Under the constant torture of the pioneers, the spokesperson of Gluttony almost without hesitation fed his independent personality as a sacrifice to Gluttony itself.

That's why he advanced to LV3 so quickly. He is closer to the original desire given to him by the concept of gluttony. The only thing he needs is to eat and keep devouring food.

For Gluttony, hatred is undoubtedly meaningless, the past is meaningless, and the embodied personality is meaningless. He only cares about whether he can absorb enough energy.

Jealousy doesn't know if he will be affected by this in the future, and his whole person will become closer to the concept represented by the Seven Deadly Sins from the inside out. Of course, maybe this influence started a long time ago, he just didn't feel it.

That's all.

He only knows that if he controls two Seven Deadly Sins-level superhumans, he won't have to hide from XZ and choose sides. When the time comes, both the Pioneers and the Furious group will only be able to watch him.

Become the only true God.

However, Mikkelsen, a cunning villain who has been lurking behind the scenes of the world for decades, just to satisfy his own dark psychology, is actually very stingy, so stingy that if there are more than four thousand clones of him, he will

, no one can sleep.

He would rather expose his trump card than hide it overnight.

The moment the pioneer next to Markarian opened a dimensional door in front of Envy, Envy suddenly felt extremely dangerous!

He didn't even have time to order Greedy to take him away, so he subconsciously threw himself behind Greedy!


A black figure with explosions and flames instantly appeared in the center of the room!

Underneath the orange-red flame was a venomous snake-like gray-black flame. Under this flame, the originally bright dimensional gate was ignited in the blink of an eye, and then burned to death.


Everyone present shuddered subconsciously. Envy knew what he had done and had no room for negotiation. The Blazers and Markarian knew more clearly that they were facing a real death threat!


The pioneer closest to the door didn't even have time to open his eyes in the shock wave before he was hit in the head by a bullet from a distance of less than five meters.

The powerful bullet opened a fist-sized hole in the front, and directly shattered the entire head in the back, leaving only a twisted face connected to the lower jaw by the toughness of the skin.


The bullet wrapped in the flame of hatred penetrated the shield gathered by Greedy's instinct, rolled over diagonally, and cut off one of Greedy's calves. The cross-section of the wound appeared jagged due to the rolling of the bullet, as if it was being used by someone.

It was as if a stone had broken it with force.

The pressure of facing death made the normally well-trained pioneers become particularly sensitive and vulnerable. After just one encounter, the six pioneers arranged nearby by Markarian all fled.

As for Markarian himself, he took advantage of the fact that he was not the first target and decisively shot himself in the head with a pistol. He walked away so cleanly that even death could not catch up.

The atmosphere that was tense before suddenly became deserted, and there were only two corpses left in the hut, a greedy one lying on the ground, and a face-to-face rage and jealousy.

"Hello!" Tang Ji glanced at Markarian who committed suicide with some regret, but looking at the jealous and pale face, he still smiled happily and cruelly.

【Invitation to Deathmatch】!

Gray-black illusory shackles that seemed to be organized by the flames of hatred suddenly appeared, cuffing the two people together, and then disappeared.

"What do you want!" Envy tried to stay calm, but when his mental power probe was mercilessly burned and dissipated by Tang Ji's flame of hatred, he still showed timidity.

He tried to force Greedy, who was lying on the ground, to do something, but the only thing Greedy could do for him was to crawl in front of him and try to block Tangji's footsteps with his body.

"I really should record this scene and keep it forever." Tang Ji kicked Greedy's broken body away, and the flames of hatred burned the wound on his broken leg, ensuring that the wound would not heal on its own.

Perhaps the flames of hatred interfered with Envy's control over him, and a smile gradually formed on Greed's lips. He stared at Envy with wide eyes, as if he wanted to see the other person's final fate.

This chapter has been completed!
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