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Chapter 417 The end of the road

The distance between Tangji and Envy is less than five meters. According to previous data, Envy should be at the LV2 stage at present and has not shown any abilities related to physical enhancement.

Jealousy is still powerful but has a single range of abilities. He can forcibly control millions of core members of an entire country, but there is no guarantee that he will not be attacked while walking on an unfamiliar street.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, although Jealousy rarely has direct conflicts with others, his physical fitness is still far above the average.

So when Envy suddenly made the decision to turn around and run away, Tang Ji was not surprised. He still maintained his own rhythm and followed behind at a leisurely pace, continuing to put pressure on Envy.

As for greed, he is destined to be a supporting role in this direct conflict between the Seven Deadly Sins.

When Tang Ji stood at the door of the building, Jealousy, who was sprinting at full speed, had already rushed into a group of fleeing citizens outside. Those refugees were like Moses parting the sea, giving way to a broad road in front of Jealousy.

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Then these people looked at Tang Ji at the same time, and rushed towards Tang Ji under silent orders.

As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the power of jealousy is obvious to all. Or to put it another way, all superhuman beings involved in mind manipulation and personality shaping are potential destroyers of order.

The crowds that Jealousy caused in the demonstration city were far less spectacular than what he did on the plains of Sudan. On the one hand, he was like a stubborn miser who refused to spit out the meat he had swallowed. On the other hand, he had to spend energy to control his greed.

, he refused to let go, and he didn't dare to let go.

Once upon a time, the crowds on the plains of Sudan could not stop greed, and now the crowds on the streets of the Model City cannot stop rage.

Tang Ji directly entered the phase transition state, and when he reappeared, he was less than fifty meters behind Envy.

"Let Mikkelsen come out and talk to me!" Envy looked back at Tang Ji, who was equally unhurried, and suggested sincerely: "Tell him that I agree to all conditions now!"

Tang Ji turned a deaf ear to such nonsense.

[Death Fight Invitation] is a non-stop ability. Unless he plans to spend the rest of his life with Envy in a small space, unscrewing Envy's head and storing it away is the only result.

The voice of jealousy was loud, and Mikkelsen, who was hiding in the dark, also ignored the other party's nonsense. He used the drone controlled by Yin Sen as his eyes and watched everything in mid-air.

Mikkelsen's eyes did not leave Tang Ji's side. Yin Sen's drone network, satellites, and even the sniper shadow in Tang Ji's team became an extension of his sight.

Each civil war between the Seven Deadly Sins represents the highest level of superhuman confrontation in the world. This information is extremely precious to mankind.

This also brought Mikkelsen an unexpected gain. He saw the face of Markarian, the new leader of the Trail Blazers. Although the other party had completed the death offline achievement and would replace the 0 body next time he came back, there were times when he was alone.

His temperament and eyesight will not change just because he changes his body.

Mikkelsen happens to be such a sensitive person, and he will never admit his mistake the next time he sees Markarian.

Markarian is dead, Mrs. Kang is participating in a variety show on a TV station hundreds of kilometers away, and the entire pioneer organization is leaderless.

Because of Tang Ji's existence, they have established a complete responsibility system and can quickly get through this chaotic period, but the person who caught this loophole was Mikkelsen.

Mikkelsen, who was based in the Hawaii headquarters, immediately sent a message to Wang Zhengdao, asking the other party to continue to import manpower to the demonstration city from the beginning.

He wants to take this opportunity to completely take this city back into the hands of the players.


"What is this!" Envy ran all the way, and suddenly staggered and was pulled to the ground. That was the chain of [Death Fight Invitation] ensuring that the distance between the two people would not be less than an hour.

What made Envy even more nervous was that the invisible chain flickered for a moment, and then softened before disappearing, which meant that Tang Ji was approaching him.

Strictly speaking, the ability [Invitation to Deathmatch] can actually be a rule-based ability. Within the limited observation time, it shows the characteristics of multiple abilities, but it has its own system and does not interfere with each other.

The jealous brain processed countless information in just a few seconds, knocking down one plan after another, but could not find the possibility of escape.

Controlling Wang Zhengdao is undoubtedly the best solution for Jealousy now, but as a ginseng fruit that everyone wants to take a bite of, Wang Zhengdao's alertness is not unusually high, and he will disappear immediately if there is any disturbance.

Especially this time, Lao Wang didn't dare to stay in the demonstration city for too long. He came here, sent people to the designated location, and then left immediately.

Before becoming jealous, Lao Wang had already dealt with superhumans with similar abilities, and there was a Swede who could control people's hearts on the list listed by the prophet.

His abilities are not as exaggerated and grand as Jealousy's, but they are even more sophisticated. He is a top-notch troublemaker.

In the prophet's records, when the Swede wanted to control someone, he needed to make eye contact first, or use mental power to search for nearby targets, which all took time.

The same is obviously true for Jealousy's ability. He needs time to determine the target and penetrate it before he can complete the final control.

In order to kill the Swedes, Wang Zhengdao spent two days and made 135 space jumps, each staying for no more than ten seconds, just to determine the specific location of the target.

What happened next was much simpler. Wang Zhengdao appeared, injected the poisonous sleeve needle into his body, and then left.

This time, he used the same method to protect himself, but it turned out that jealousy was far beyond what the Swede could match.

Wang Zhengdao brought six heavily armed agents at once, and instantly appeared in the southern area of ​​​​the Demonstration City from the Military Technology Hawaii headquarters. According to the information obtained by Cathy Walter, there was a pioneer warehouse on South 19th Street there.

However, as soon as Wang Zhengdao walked out of the space crack, an invisible spiritual probe instantly found him.

As a LV3 superhuman, Wang Zhengdao's mental strength was strong enough due to long-term training in long-distance space jumps. He gritted his teeth and withstood the opponent's first round of testing.

But those six agents instantly turned into jealous puppets, and they numbly raised their guns and aimed at Wang Zhengdao.

Through the mental probe, Wang Zhengdao could vaguely sense the madness and despair stemming from jealousy. He quite wanted to make his enemies pay as much price as possible if he was going to die.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

Amidst a burst of gunfire, Lao Wang killed half of the agents in close combat, then broke through the window and fled while covering his two gunshot wounds.

Under the interference of jealousy, he was temporarily unable to leave the other party's range of influence through space jumping.

But fortunately, Yin Sen's drones are everywhere here. With Markarian temporarily offline, Mikkelsen's side temporarily has the information advantage, and Yin Sen can use his abilities unscrupulously.

The firepower falling from the sky instantly cleared away all the living creatures around Wang Zhengdao. Mikkelsen's order to Yin Sen was to treat every moving thing in the city as a jealous puppet.

Wang Zhengdao smiled bitterly and gave a thumbs up to the drone, then stumbled into a pharmacy and began to bandage his wounds.

Mikkelsen, who had witnessed everything in multiple window interfaces, hesitated and gave up this seemingly reasonable opportunity.

He couldn't risk irritating two allies at the same time by plotting a supernatural power.


What stands in front of Tang Ji is the biggest unexpected factor in the world - players.

He didn't know whether it was Markarian's response after he went offline, or whether it was Mrs. Kang who was far away in other areas who made this decision. In short, just a few hundred meters away from Tangji, a group of people suddenly arrived.

Players become the last line of defense for jealousy.

Of course, in their eyes, the jealous head behind them was marked with a green name that read: 'VIP'.

Additionally, they received a system prompt.

[Task (beta 0.4): Protect friendly neutral units]

》Published by: Pioneer (main mission test)

》Task requirement: Protect the survival of friendly neutral units

》Task Difficulty: Black (the highest difficulty, the ultimate difficulty that is difficult to challenge, all participants will receive participation rewards)

》Note: All players are prohibited from causing damage to friendly neutral units.

》Warning: This task is too difficult and will result in the death of a large number of participating players (but the reward is extraordinary, this will be the largest easter egg task in this test)

By accident, Tang Ji also received this mission prompt, but the handwriting was a little incomplete and there were some blurs, as if it was secretly photographed by a player with a low-pixel camera screen.

When he saw the mission description, Tang Ji laughed very loudly.

Whether it was the pioneers' description of jealousy or the description of the difficulty of the task, he was satisfied, very satisfied.

"Hey! I know you can hear me!" Tang Ji looked at more and more players in front of him, and the smile on his face became more and more crazier: "They are all here to protect you! Are you touched?"

Envy, who knew nothing about the player's mission, looked ugly. The reason why he was so tolerant to the pioneers and even willing to actively cooperate was because his ability did not affect those people.

And now, these players who are constantly passing by him also have the same 'physique'.

They are obviously not very interested in the so-called 'friendly neutral units' they want to protect. They are more interested in Tang Ji, the BOSS who uses black to represent the difficulty of the task.

Jealousy watched these players rushing over happily, and then being harvested by Tang Ji with a wild laugh. Both sides were filled with smiles, but his heart was getting colder and colder.

Players are not afraid of death and dare to die, but Tang Ji is not afraid of killing and can kill. Before this, what limited him from killing players was the loose and chaotic distribution of players.

Now with jealousy as bait, these players finally rallied.

It's just that these are all at the LV1 stage, and most of them are not even combat-type bodies. Under the control of players, they can't even fight against local law enforcement, let alone fight against Tang Ji.

No one cares about jealousy. Those players even thought jealousy was getting in the way on the way to death and pushed him hard so that they could experience the intensity of the limited-time BOSS faster.

Envy just stumbled down the road, being pushed around by people, and then pulled to the ground by the sudden appearance of shackles again.

The distance between him and Tang Ji reached the limit again, and he could no longer leave.

This time, Jealousy didn't want to get up anymore. He suddenly felt tired. He once wanted to be a master and a god king on earth.

For this reason, he could tolerate Tanguy's presence, for even Jupiter had enemies.

Later, he was able to tolerate the existence of the pioneers, because their appearance broke his jealous worldview and let him know that there is a world outside the world.

He wants to use this to break out of the world, and greed is his bargaining chip.

But Markarian rejected him without hesitation, leaving him no room for bargaining.

When several players excitedly stepped over his head without even bothering to look at him, Jealousy suddenly understood what he meant to them in their eyes...

They are probably equivalent to the puppets controlled by themselves, they are not even human beings.

Jealousy looked at the shackles on his feet that were beginning to disappear again, smiled bitterly, and an idea suddenly came to him: "How about forgetting it like this?"

But when he thought that he had accomplished nothing in this world, with no flowers, no fame, and no experience of the world outside this world, he felt a jealousy burning in his heart, making him experience the heart-gnawing pain of thousands of ants.


No, he cannot accept such a result!

Envy struggled to stand up from the ground and began to summon his new pet - Greed.

Following his thoughts, Greedy with only one leg instantly appeared two meters in front of him. At this time, Greedy was holding a bandage with both hands and tied it above the amputated surface to try to stop the bleeding.

Apparently, greed has regained some control where jealousy was previously uncontrolled.

And now, as jealousy takes control of him again, greed's actions come to a halt.

"Shedding a little blood won't kill you." Envy looked at Greed and ordered: "Try to take me away."

Greedy held Envy's shoulders expressionlessly, trying to take him away with a space jump, but at the moment before starting, the gray-black chains reappeared, firmly nailing Envy in place, and only Greedy disappeared in place.


Of course, he quickly returned to the Demonstration City under Jealousy's orders.

Envy did not fall into negative emotions again. He stared at Greed and looked around, and finally pointed at Tang Ji, who was enjoying the killing a few hundred meters away, and said: "Go, kill him, or be killed by him."

He knew very well what Tang Ji was doing. He was enjoying the process of torturing and destroying himself. He wanted to extend his death into a long experience.

He wants to make himself feel hope and despair again and again, just like pushing a person into the water, pulling him out, pushing him in again, repeated torture.

Jealousy admitted that for a moment, Tang Ji almost achieved his goal.

This chapter has been completed!
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