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Chapter 419 Death of Jealousy

No one knows whether Envy was comforted by the Tree of Life at the last moment, because Tang Ji slit Envy's throat the moment the other person breathed in the tobacco.

Perhaps it was the last struggle of the [cancer recovery] ability, or perhaps it was the obsession of not wanting to leave human affairs. In short, the Seven Deadly Sins-level superhuman showed extremely tenacious vitality at this moment.

Jealousy stared at Tang Ji with disbelief. It took half a minute before the sound of a flat tire burst out from the wound.

He strangled his neck with both hands, squeezing the flesh with such force that it turned purple and blue, but it didn't help. Tang Ji was an experienced executioner. The angle of his knife was deep enough, completely cutting off the trachea and arteries.


Tang Ji just quietly lit a tree of life for himself, watching the other person's tree of life being soaked in blood and ultimately wasted.

Jealousy is fighting against physiological instincts. The powerful superhuman body function allows him to endure hypoxia for a longer period of time than ordinary people, but then those cells that bring powerful backfire will give Envy a much stronger oxygen thirst signal than ordinary people.

This breathing instinct will attack his sanity stronger and stronger, and eventually defeat that seemingly strong line of defense.

The trachea, which has been filled with arterial blood, will suck blood back into the lungs at the moment when the respiratory instinct succeeds, causing the slippery blood to fill the lungs, leading to respiratory failure.

Later, Jealousy will enter a state of severe hypoxia, leaving a large amount of carbon dioxide, causing a disturbance in consciousness. At this moment, the mental power he relies on for survival can no longer be maintained.

Those puppets left in Sudan and around the world will awaken their sanity as their jealous minds gradually collapse... Of course, this is just an optimistic estimate.

No one knows whether jealousy directly wipes out their consciousness when controlling their own puppets, or whether it just wraps a layer of their own on the outside.

If it's the former, maybe some superhumans who were originally classified as mentally powerful can return to themselves, and the remaining puppets can be regarded as vegetative.

Tang Ji knew very well what jealousy had done, so he looked at this true superhuman without mercy as he struggled on the ground.

He watched Envy insert a few fingers deeply into his wound, as if to enlarge the wound to facilitate breathing.

This is a mistake often made by novices. Doing so will only increase the amount of bleeding and lead to more serious physiological reactions.

The superhuman's strong lungs are constantly trying to get a little air from the pool of blood, while the equally abundant superhuman blood pours in unceremoniously from the trachea.

With one peck and one drink, Jealousy spurted his own blood to a height of three meters, like a fountain.

"Relax, it will be over soon." Tang Ji slowly exhaled the smoke and explained to Envy: "Normally, you don't have such a big reaction. You are too excited."

As Tang Ji said just now, many novices have made such mistakes, but they often have no chance to correct them. However, players may have the opportunity to learn from this experience in the future.

Jealousy's body gradually reached the stage of acid-base imbalance of body fluids, heart rhythm disorder, and heart failure due to lack of oxygen. At this stage, most of the deceased had lost basic consciousness and only had instinctive physiological reactions.

But Jealousy did die with the dignity expected of the Seven Deadly Sins in the death process. He persisted for a record-breaking three minutes and twenty seconds, and still maintained a relatively clear consciousness.

Tang Ji therefore lit the second tree of life. Of course, he could speed up the process at any time. He only needed a bullet from the prelude to burn it with the flame of hatred, or simply add more force and give him a good blow with his fist.

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But he didn't, he enjoyed the process.

For the sake of his own ambition and desire, jealousy destroyed an entire country, directly destroyed the lives and dreams of millions of people, indirectly affected the livelihood of tens of millions of people, and caused panic on the Internet that spread to the entire world.

These three minutes and twenty seconds of struggle cannot make up for the crime he committed.

Jealousy, who can be called a super life form, has finally entered the last moment of his life, and his consciousness still maintains the most basic sobriety.

He spent his last remaining energy on the boring thing of glaring at Tang Ji. Tang Ji felt sorry for him. If he was willing to let go of his resentment, he could at least look at the blue sky, look at the white clouds, and ask about the soil at the last moment.


Well, it’s not his fault, it was Tang Ji who dragged him to this dark alley, where neither the blue sky nor the white clouds could be seen, there was no breeze blowing on his face, and there was no fragrance of earth.

There is only fermented garbage accumulated here, and the soil blown by the wind turned into mud after being soaked in the strange-smelling sewage.

Because his heart stopped beating, Jealousy's body straightened suddenly, and his whole body twitched as if he was electrocuted. He also seemed like a fish out of the water, flopping around on land.

That is this individual of the Seven Deadly Sins with vast spiritual power, fighting the final battle, challenging death.

As his heart stopped, Jealousy was physically dead, but mentally, he was still alive. Although the consciousness in his brain was quickly dissipating, the remaining part of his will was still trying to reawaken his body.


Once! Twice! Three times!

Tang Ji even wanted to applaud this tenacious vitality! This is a hymn to life in the true sense!

However, as the last electrolytes stored in the cells were squandered, Jealousy finally twisted himself into a weird posture and became motionless.

His eyes were still looking directly at Tang Ji, and the light in his eyes was the last thing he extinguished.

It was difficult for Tang Ji to describe what kind of mental journey Jealousy went through in the last few tenths of a second. His eyes went from resentment to resentment, from stubbornness to completeness, and finally turned into prayer.

Until the last moment of his life, Envy tried to believe that Tang Ji's trial against him was just a formality, and that he would suddenly change his mind at the last moment of his life to win back the heart of a Seven Deadly Sins-level ally.

After all, in the eyes of jealousy, the crimes he committed against mortals were not considered cruel at all.

It's a pity that until everything was destroyed, Jealousy didn't get the answer he wanted, and just turned into a hideous corpse.

Faced with this corpse, Tang Ji did not give any preferential treatment. He directly raised the knife and cut off the head whose eyes turned around, which could be called a work of art. Then he sent Envy to a cremation with the flames of hatred.

No one cared about him when he came, and no one cared about him when he left. It was fair that he had no worries.

His name, like his body, was completely buried behind the true image. No one knows what the name of Jealousy is. Jealousy seems to be very satisfied with his name, and now he can be regarded as benevolent and benevolent.

"So you really killed him? Jealousy? He just died like that?" A somewhat vicissitudes of voice sounded from the top of the alley, and then the burly Greedy jumped down from above, and looked at the burning corpse with Tang Ji.

There was a hint of joy in getting revenge in his tone, and also a hint of regret in not being able to kill his enemy, but more of it was a sigh.

As the earliest known existence and awakening of the Seven Deadly Sins, he traveled alone on the edge of civilization for hundreds of years before meeting his own kind.

Although their tempers were not very good, and their personalities went to extremes, Greed still felt a long-lost sense of identity from them——

They are the same kind, monsters in the eyes of humans, superhumans in the eyes of superhumans.

No one knows that in fact Greed longs for the future that the prophet had seen, where the Seven Deadly Sins would cede territories and govern themselves without interfering with each other. If the huge impact on mortals is not considered, this is what Greed's ideal world would look like.

Of course, after being controlled by jealousy, Greedy also envisioned his own revenge scenario. Jealousy is dead. This is an affirmative sentence. Greedy will never let him go.

But none of those scenes compare to what Tang Ji did before.

He acted like he was killing a chicken, cutting a wound and waiting for the prey's blood to drain. During this process, the person who killed the chicken didn't care at all what the chicken was thinking.

This kind of indifference changed Greedy's perception of Tang Ji.

"Are you going to kill me here?" Greedy hugged his shoulders and watched the remains of jealousy being burned, and then said: "This is your best chance. I haven't completely gotten rid of the influence of jealousy yet."

"No, if I want to kill you, every day is the best opportunity." Tang Ji flicked the beautiful dagger in his hand: "But I said, I will settle the score with you after the war is over."

"Okay! I'll wait for you!" Greedy nodded, turned around and left silently. He needed to find a place to lick his wounds and relax himself so that he could forget the humiliation of being controlled.

"Is he dead?" Mikkelsen's call came in immediately after Greedy left. The timing was so precise that Tang Ji thought the other party had installed a camera on him.

"He died completely." Tang Ji scattered the ashes of Envy with one kick, ensuring that there were no valuable residues.

"Did you forget the biological samples Dr. Wu asked for on impulse?" Mikkelsen confirmed again: "The brain tissue samples I'm talking about."

"Intact." Tang Ji patted the back of Envy's head as hard as patting a watermelon, and it happened to hit the spot where Greedy had opened the can before: "If there is really a flaw, it was also done by Greedy."

"Understood, do I need to prepare a celebration banquet for you? We have achieved all strategic goals, and even exceeded some." Mikkelsen said seriously after joking: "Also, don't harvest the heads. This

It’s a global live broadcast! I will help you get An’s head.”

After hearing Mikkelsen's words, Tang Ji inserted the dagger back with some regret, as he was planning to do this.

"The remaining players in the demonstration city have begun to go offline in batches. This time we won." Mikkelsen finally gave the final result: "Well done, Tangji."

Tang Ji calmly blew out a smoke ring, threw the cigarette butt into the ashes of Envy, and turned around to leave.



When the sun rose the next day, the death of jealousy was like a silent fart. Everyone who asked about the smell wrinkled their noses, but no one else knew anything about it.

The media is overwhelmingly full of chaos happening in Demonstration City, superhumans who suddenly go crazy, aliens who can take over superhuman bodies, real and fake news mixed together, constantly stimulating the emotions and reason of the audience.

On the plus side, the passionate public opinion prompted the implementation of the new version of the "Superhuman Registration Act", and many more people called the FBAS Bureau to report it than before.

Before, everyone had dealt with it with the attitude that it was none of my business, but now they suddenly realized that superhuman things really need to be reported to the relevant departments, otherwise he might go crazy one day.

Markarian's offline caused the stranded pioneers to completely stop working. No one contacted each other to try to restore order. Everyone wanted to hide more secretly.

The good news is that Tanguy and Mikkelsen took this opportunity to destroy the computing center in the demonstration city.

By coincidence, this computing power service center was provided by Karcalf, and his photo is posted on the company's wall of honor.

The good news is that Kacalf's wife and children are fine. The bad news is that Kacalf is not in the demonstration city. No one knows where he is being held and whether he is still in this world.

It is undeniable that Karkarf is their first window into the player world, and his own feelings for this world are real.

But when Tanguy and Mikkelsen talked about Karcalf, Mikkelsen laughed.

"Do you really care about that player?" Mikkelsen, the version of Dru Yin in the Central Prison, sat on the floor and asked Tang Ji while feeling the nature: "Or do you just want to get more information out of him? This is a war.

, there is no centrist, we all know that Karcalf is finished.”

Mikkelsen's words were unequivocal. In terms of the technical level of that world, a small character like Karcalf was like a flat book. Every punctuation mark was visible to everyone and could be modified at any time.

"If you want to help him out, give him a shot the next time we meet." Mikkelsen pointed to his eyebrow: "Shoot it accurately and don't let him feel pain. This is the only thing we can do. Other than that,

, don’t believe everything he says.”

Mikkelsen's words brought the conversation between the two people to an end. Outside the window were the inmates of the Central Prison with disheveled faces. They spent an unforgettable three days in a solitary cell converted from an underground parking lot.

In order to facilitate management, every time Tang Ji went on a field mission, Mikkelsen would drive the cattle and horses into the confinement room, put them to sleep with a pure natural herbal formula, and maintain their vital signs with the minimum nutritional intake standards.

Being out of the light for a long time, bedridden, their bodies in a state of dormancy, and malnourished, these superhuman prisoners look like they came out of Ottschville.

But this is not the end. There is still a lot of work for them to do in the prison. In the latest plan, a low-temperature warehouse for storing captured bodies is put on the agenda.

As the players in the demonstration city logged off and left, Mikkelsen searched out more than 1,500 unconscious bodies from the city.

Coupled with the body they had captured piecemeal before, before they knew it, they had reached the point where they needed to build a body warehouse.

In this regard, the prisoners did not complain at all, because the bodies lying in the 'coffins' looked like their future fate, and no one dared not to work hard...

This chapter has been completed!
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