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Chapter 418: Your name is destined to be buried

Burning Night City Chapter 418 Your name is destined to be buried "This is Federal Channel 9! We are taking the risk to live broadcast the conflict on 21st Avenue in the Demonstration City for you!" A TV station with the logo of the TV station printed on it.

The helicopter was hovering in the sky, and the reporter inside was giving live commentary with pale faces.

Reporters and pilots were promised bonuses from Channel 9 that were high enough to buy out the rest of their lives, so they were willing to come out and conduct on-site interviews at this time.

The major shareholder behind Federal Channel 9 is Commander Luther. This is a counterattack by traditional media against new media in the battlefield of public opinion. They want the public to interpret this conflict from their own perspective.

"We have seen a large number of corpses and burning vehicles on the streets. The order of the entire city has been lost, but the conflict on 21st Avenue is obviously a hot spot in the city!" The reporter watched as the plane suddenly flew by.

The superhuman hurriedly turned the camera, but only one figure from behind was captured: "As you can see, superhumans are constantly gathering here!"

In the footage, the free-flying superhuman was rubbed by gray-black flames before landing. He lost his balance and fell to the ground, dying.

"It's Tang Ji! He's here!" The iconic flame immediately excited the reporter, and his tone instantly rose several degrees.

In fact, he already knew what he was going to broadcast before taking off. Tang Ji fought against foreign visitors. Although it was absurd and uninhibited, as a reporter who always went to the scene and often came into contact with superhuman beings, he still accepted this setting instantly.

"What exactly happened here? Why is Tang Ji here!" the reporter asked excitedly, as if he had discovered big news.

He seemed to be asking a question, but in fact he was setting the mood for the rest of the story.

Because right after, another filming team was busy setting up the scene, and the location they chose was the hospital where chaos first broke out.

The ‘actors’ who have been prepared in advance and the survivors who can immediately show up on the scene to give their own accounts are the best interview subjects.

A clone of Mikkelsen himself is here to manage the scene, and he is also escorting one of the most important interview subjects -

That player who seems to have been forgotten by the Trail Blazers, Dan Turan.

In fact, the best person Mikkelsen has, and the most suitable candidate to exploit the existence of players, should be Cathy Walter.

But Cathy Walter is a smart and cautious person. After dying once, she became more sensitive and did not want to expose herself in the spotlight.

Mikkelsen has always been kind-hearted towards allies who still have potential to exploit them, and has not pushed them too hard.

"Yes, we come from another world, by occupying your body." At the camera line, Dan Turan looked a little confused.

The only instruction he received as a player was a few days at the Trail Blazers' training camp before Mickelson picked him up.

Because of the memory trafficking, he knew nothing about his original world and was completely blank. Because of being captured, he also had a very rudimentary understanding of this world.

So when he read out the words written on the paper according to the script, the convincing expression he expressed was very low, but Mikkelsen didn't care.

This is just the first step in promoting public opinion. Whether the audience believes it or not, as long as this concept is implanted in their minds, everything will fall into place.

Moreover, it’s time for Dan Turan to be recycled. Mikkelsen has never seen such a flat person in his life. If players have this kind of character, I’m afraid there will be no war with them in this world.

Because there is no past and no future, Dan Turan even likes his prison life. He gets up on time every day to eat, and enjoys every meal and tastes every taste with great interest.

With Mikkelsen's permission, Dan Turan was granted the right to read some literary masterpieces a few weeks ago, and his whole body has been devoted to them, and his power has declined visibly.

After Dan Turan finished speaking his lines, he showed a harmless smile to the camera, even with a hint of flattery in it.

"What did you do to him?" Ms. Cathy Walter, Mikkelsen's special adviser, frowned and looked at Dan Turan: "Why is he so cooperative?"

"This is also a question I want to ask you. If he didn't go offline, why didn't anyone on your side wake him up?" Mikkelsen asked: "He almost considers me his home."

Cathy Walter pointed to her brain: "I can't help you. The memory in this area has been deleted. I have no impression of him at all."

At this point, Cathy Walter and Mikkelsen looked at each other at the same time, because this in itself was a very important clue.

Mrs. Bountiful's memory deletion operation on Cathy Walter was very perfect. She stripped out all the memories related to the mother world while retaining Cathy Walter's complete personality.

As for Dan Turan, one of the first players to arrive, to Cathy Walter, the memory of the mother world should not have been involved.

In other words, Cathy Walter should not have any impression of this player unless his existence involves some information about the home world.

"What secrets are you hiding?" Mikkelsen looked at Dan Turan with a smile on his face. His image in the other person's eyes was gradually changing from a trash can to a golden trash can.

"Can I read the second volume of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" today?" Dan Turan asked cautiously.

"Of course, we will meet again soon." Mikkelsen enthusiastically patted Dan Turan on the shoulder and sent him into the specially-made prison car: "Maybe I can find some companions for you.


"Really? That's great. I remember I have a friend named Doligon." Dan Turan also smiled, seeming to be even more looking forward to his future life as a prisoner.

"It sounds like a child, and it looks like one." Cathy Walter deliberately waved in front of Dan Turan, but the other party didn't respond.

"He said that before he came to this world, he only had one week of memory. From a cognitive perspective, he was just a baby." Mikkelsen watched the metal door of the prison van close, turned to Cathy Walter and said, "Although

I know very little about your world, but I am sure that there must be something wrong with your world."

"Their world, thank you." Cathy Walter corrected Mikkelson's statement: "I am in the same world as you now."

"Then I should call you gay?" Mikkelsen joked, but then he frowned. He always felt that he was somewhat alienated from this word.

But immediately, the live broadcast from the scene attracted Mikkelsen's attention, and Tang Ji stood in front of Jealousy again.

"Do you want to know what they call you?" Tang Ji squatted in front of Envy and asked with interest.

He was in a very happy mood. This competent bait was like a magnet, constantly attracting nearby players. How many players had he just killed?

One hundred? Two hundred? Or three hundred? But it doesn't matter anymore. He will have enough time to harvest what he needs.

Now, his priority is dealing with one of the world's cancers.

"Laugh out loud, you are the winner, of course you can laugh at me." Envy, who had adjusted his mentality during this period, looked at Tang Ji with a ferocious expression: "But do you think there is any difference between us? Look.

Come on, sooner or later, the harm you will cause to this world will be far greater than mine, and how they see me now will be how they see you!"

"If I were you, I wouldn't worry about such distant problems." Tang Ji reached out to help Envy break his limbs.

The psychological construction of jealousy collapsed in an instant. He thought he was prepared, but in fact he was not. He didn't want to die, and he couldn't accept this ending.

He clearly has a bright future, a talent that is visible to the naked eye, and he clearly has a chance to dominate the world.

But all this, to Tang Ji, is just a seasoning in the process of harvesting joy.

As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, jealousy is the most physically fragile person Tang Ji has ever seen.

In this regard, the most powerful person is undoubtedly Gluttony. It has gone too far on the road of physical body, has escaped the scope of human beings, and can even withstand a nuclear attack head-on.

As for the second-ranked person, Tang Ji thinks he is himself, because he has also experienced the taste of a nuclear strike. Although he adopted some tricky methods, he was finally certified by the nuclear attack.

Greed may be ranked third. He has too many abilities and is too complicated. He rarely encounters any opportunities that require him to take action personally. However, in several battles with Tang Ji, under the suppression of the flame of hatred,

, he is also at a disadvantage, which is very telling.

As for the remaining seven deadly sins, lust is hidden behind the curtain of dreams, and no one has seen her true body. Whether arrogance is Mikkelsen is still an open question.

Every time he is asked this question, Mikkelsen will smile mysteriously and directly transform into the Riddler: "If you think I am, then I am. If you think I am not, then I am not."

But if Mikkelsen is really arrogant in the Seven Deadly Sins, then he is probably on the same level as jealousy in this regard, at the bottom.

"Okay, you've seen my joke, Fury. We can talk now, you can kill me, but keeping me alive is more useful to you." No one knows the inner activities of jealousy, previous article

One second he was scolding Tang Ji as if he was sacrificing himself generously, and the next second he was crying bitterly in front of the insignificant physical pain.

But now, he suddenly calmed down and tried to impress Tang Ji with benefits, as if the person just now was not him.

Tang Ji had only seen such a psychotic guy before, the Resurrectionist Kang Aur, one of the few weirdos who could not be directly punished because of his violent ability.

"Did you see the plane overhead? They are broadcasting this scene live in front of the whole world." Tang Ji turned a deaf ear to the mental patient's words and just pointed to the plane overhead: "This is the last image that can be left to the world. I am very sad.

I am happy to broadcast your execution live in front of the whole world."

"But when I think of the mess you left in Sudan, I won't even give you this chance." The smile on Tang Ji's face became even brighter: "They won't even know who you are and what you have done. You will die.

In a dark, unknown corner, just like the countless ordinary people who died here today, no one cares, and their deaths are insignificant."

"You can't do this!" The jealousy that had been crying before returned again, his eyes widened, and he screamed like a virgin who had seen the dark side of the world for the first time: "You can't humiliate me like this! I am the Seven Deadly Sins after all!"

For the arrogant man who dreams of establishing the kingdom of God on earth, this is undoubtedly the most unacceptable result, even more difficult to accept than death itself!

"Why not?" Tang Ji reached out and pulled his gorgeous coat from Greedy, who was lying on the ground. He was still covering Jealousy's face, blocking the other person's appearance, pushing and tugging on Jealousy's crushed wrist as if dragging him.

He walked towards a muddy alley like a piece of garbage.

Jealousy struggled crazily, but his weak body was unable to resist Tang Ji's violence. His powerful mental probe performed no better than his muscles under the flames of hatred.

Therefore, all the remaining resistance of Jealousy stayed on his lips, and he let Tang Ji experience world-class curses.

"Stop, you idiot! Only I can save me!" The jealous voice suddenly deepened, and he said to himself: "Let me handle it, don't make any more noise."

"Listen, Fury, I am jealous, and I want to have a good talk with you." Envy no longer twisted her body, but turned over to make herself more comfortable against the wall.

"Have you ever considered controlling a psychiatrist and giving yourself a craniotomy?" Tang Ji nailed the dagger to the wall and looked up at the gap above the alley. The gray-black flames were like a barrier.

Got there.

"That's enough!" Jealousy's voice sounded a little majestic, but considering his current fate, it only made people feel that he could still endure a few more cruel blows.

Anyway, that's what Tang Ji felt, and he did so.

"I am the perfect thing in his fantasy, the perfect phantom that can be crowned with the title of the Seven Deadly Sins, the jealousy that can rule all things." The jealousy gave up the plan to restore dignity, and spoke of his origin in a calm and sincere tone:

"He used his mental power to hypnotize himself and create me, the person he once hoped he could be."

Tang Ji whistled and lit a tree of life. He kept Envy alive for so long, and his only purpose was still to catch a few more players.

"I know how difficult players are to deal with, so you need me." Jealousy's tone was more urgent than before, because he really couldn't guess Tang Ji's heart, and he was worried that he would be fired by the other party before he could finish his sentence.

Go: "This war is destined to become more and more difficult. You need someone who can help you unify your will, and I"

"And I'm afraid you won't be able to see that day, and I'm afraid no one will remember you by then." After confirming that the bait could no longer attract more fish, Tang Ji decided not to waste time anymore.

He stuffed the half-remaining tree of life into Jealousy’s mouth: “Take a taste, and don’t say I didn’t give you anything.”

This chapter has been completed!
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