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Chapter 428: The aftermath

From Tang Ji's perspective, the entire sea area was condensing very quickly. The icy blue frost caused the temperature of the surrounding sea area to drop significantly almost instantly. Gluttony also felt this stimulation when soaked in sea water.

The surrounding seawater changed from flowing liquid to a viscous mixture of ice and water in just a few seconds.

As an inhuman being that has evolved its body to the extreme, Gluttony immediately realized that its cell activity was decreasing in this low temperature state.

Must leave!

Gluttony is like a submarine. Its huge body begins to expel gas, and the skirt structure under the body rapidly absorbs water and expands. The front section expands faster, allowing Gluttony to dive at a more reasonable angle.

However, at this time, in addition to being strengthened in ability by Hawking Locke, Chris also received technical support from Wu Qianying.

Yin Sen's underwater monitoring network transmitted a variety of data from this sea area back to the Lost Mountain base in real time. Dozens of cutting-edge people from different fields made different predictions through different software based on these data.

Wu Qianying, on the other hand, used all her abilities, compiled all the data and information, and finally obtained some kind of tactical guidance that was close to a prophecy.

When Gluttony started to act based on biological instinct, Wu Qianying had already conveyed its intentions to Chris a few seconds in advance through this ability of data analysis, and also included a solution.

So when Gluttony tried to adjust its center of gravity in this way, Chris used the medium of water to directly apply the low-temperature field to the skirt structure that was absorbing water and expanding——

It became the first part to be frozen, and the sponge structure that was absorbing water and expanding quickly turned into a honeycomb crystal under the erosion of low temperature.

Gluttony's self-healing ability started to operate at the same time, and the skirt tissue structure squirmed, crushing the fragile crystalline material, then expelling it from the body, and began to grow new biological structures that were more resistant to low temperatures.

Without outside intervention, Gluttony might be able to adapt to this sudden cold snap in just a few minutes through this iterative approach.

However, Tang Ji is on Gluttony.

Although compared with the same size, Tangji is like a flea on a lion to Gluttony, and the threat is very small.

But now, Tang Ji and Chris are both sharing information with Wu Qianying. Although Dr. Wu doesn't know how to fight, she is extremely sensitive to data. She has a clear understanding of biological instincts, and she knows how to intervene at the right time.

She used blue light to mark an area on the virtual image of Gluttony, and then told Tang Ji: "Keep it busy to ensure that this area cannot be effectively regenerated!"

"As you wish." Tang Ji flew up on Gluttony, leaving a burning trail at the foot of his house with the flames of hatred. However, without Tang Ji's continued support, these flames of hatred would soon burn out.

It is extinguished by the surrounding mucus.

Tang Ji slid along the glutinous body surface towards the edge, and soon came into contact with the somewhat stiff skirt tissue. Compared with other places, there was a strange refreshing feeling when he stepped on it.

The gray-black flames of hatred spread instantly, covering the surrounding area and disrupting Gluttony's adaptation process.

Chrissy took the opportunity to gain the upper hand. She froze the skirt structure of the front half of Gluttony's side, while the normally water-filled skirt tissue on the other side caused Gluttony to lose its balance and roll to one side.

The tentacles around Gluttony's body had to give up their work of hunting and propulsion, and began to intervene in the process of maintaining balance.

"Take care of these tentacles." Wu Qianying once again highlighted her target on the virtual model.

That is the key point where Gluttony is maintaining balance. Once destroyed, it can only watch itself roll over in the water.

The tool man Tang Ji instantly entered a phase transition state, passed through Gluttony's torso, and appeared on the other side of its body. The several tentacles marked by Wu Qianying were all on this side.

In the original plan, they didn't think about letting Tang Ji jump directly into Gluttony's body and explode it internally to solve the problem directly.

But later this plan was shelved. On the one hand, everyone was worried that Gluttony's disintegration in the ocean would lead to a state of rebirth in the spring breeze. On the other hand, the moment Gluttony appeared, Tang Ji's sense of danger immediately felt a piercing threat.

The ubiquitous death threat made Tang Ji give up the plan in an instant. God knows what state Gluttony was in.

At this time, the gem had already felt a real threat, and its tentacles were swinging wildly, pushing the body away from the sea.

However, when it meets a professional butcher, these extremely dangerous tentacles turn into a lamb with no threat.

Tang Ji swung the ax and cut off the tentacle closest to him, and the tentacle separated from the body.

An unmanned boat quickly approached the tentacle that was still active, but it was almost immediately destroyed by the tentacle filament.

However, more unmanned boats have approached from other directions and finally recovered the tentacle.

After discussion, Wu Qianying and other think tank members believed that gluttonous body fluids and small limbs should not have the ability to lose self-reliance under extreme conditions. They can only maintain cell activity.

Otherwise, their actions today are meaningless. Gluttony only needs to leave a severed limb underwater to occupy an invincible position.

At least based on its current cell activity, it can't do such nonsense. Recycling severed limbs is just a precaution, because this thing itself is aggressive, and if it is left alone for a long time, God knows how long it can survive alone.

With Tangji's clearing operation, Chrissy finally condensed the entire area into a mixture between solid and liquid.

Gluttony, who was the first to suffer, was struggling in this ice-water mixture. His tentacles rolled back and forth, but could not break the restraints. Moreover, under Wu Qianying's guidance, Kris was giving priority to freezing Gluttony's important organs.

In the water, Gluttony is controlled by the environment, and Kris can do almost anything.

Tang Ji also suffered from the biting cold from the ice water, but he didn't care, he still had two tentacles to deal with.

Neptune, who was very fragile compared to the Seven Deadly Sins, was already far away from this sea area. He cooperated with Avalon and tied a total of four knots on Gluttony.

"Wolfgang, it's your turn!" Mikkelsen watched the entire plan proceeding in an orderly manner on the rotorcraft, and ordered Greedy: "Tighten our locks. I don't want this big boat to be damaged at the critical moment.

The fish ran away."

Greedy, who was dragging four carbon nanoropes in his hand, snorted coldly and could only turn around and start working.

This tough carbon nanorope is as thick as a finger and can withstand a pulling force of more than 5,000 tons. It is an expensive material that the Arasaka Group plans to use to develop a space elevator.

As Greed gradually increased its height, the carbon nanoropes originally wrapped around Gluttony's body began to tighten and gradually became entangled in Gluttony's flesh and blood in the ice water.

The originally slippery mucus also lost its original stickiness in the rapidly condensing ice water, unable to prevent the carbon nanoropes from tightening.

"The third knot needs to be adjusted, take care of it, Tang Ji." Wu Qianying's voice reached Tang Ji's ears: "Can you hold on? We have not tested your state in a low temperature state. If you feel any discomfort, tell us immediately.


"It's okay." Tang Ji shuddered and trudged through the ice-water mixture. At this time, because the crystals were floating up as a whole, a small part of Gluttony's torso was exposed to the water. Tang Ji only had to raise his head to see the top of his head.

of the sun.

Although he was only a layer of ice-water mixture less than five meters deep from the screen, the ubiquitous buoyancy and resistance still made Tang Ji feel as if he was walking on the moon.

Gluttony's countless tentacles moved lazily in the ice-water mixture. Some tentacles had been completely frozen in the ice, and those seemingly slender eyestalks had all withered due to the low temperature.

But he could feel that Gluttony under his feet was not as weak as it appeared. It still retained a huge part of its physical strength. This level of low temperature could not even affect him, let alone Gluttony, which had developed its ** to the extreme.

"Be careful, it is accumulating strength, waiting for an opportunity." Tang Ji found the location of the third knot, and found that there was a thigh-thick tentacle tied together in the lock, with filigree-like sharp teeth on the top of the tentacle.

The carbon nanoropes are being cut continuously as the muscles contract and relax.

Tang Ji raised his arm in the ice water and chopped it hard, cutting off the mouthparts of the tentacle head directly, and also cut off the tentacle hand on the other side of the knot. The next second, the carbon nanorope followed.

Greed exerts its strength and disappears from the surface of Gluttony's body.

"Leave the sea, Chris is starting to cool down!" Wu Qianying's words appeared together with a medium-sized drone, which hung a rope and hovered above Tang Ji's head.

As Tang Ji stretched out his hand to pull the rope, the drone slowly took off and took Tang Ji away from the sea bit by bit.

At this time, a tentacle that had been lurking in the ice water for a long time suddenly ejected out as Tang Ji left the sea level. When it was four or five meters away from him, it sprayed out a ball of pus the color of his face!


The danger warning that almost stung Tang Ji's body warned him. Tang Ji entered the phase transition state in an instant, leaving only the drone, which disappeared two-thirds of it in an instant just after being splashed.

The remaining wreckage was corroded away before it could even fall into the sea.

"Do it!" Wu Qianying was not sure whether the thing could corrode the carbon nanoropes, so she could only ask Chris to immediately lower the temperature around Gluttony to minus 80 degrees.

Chris's limits don't stop there. She has created ultra-low temperatures close to minus 270 degrees in the laboratory, but this time the area she wants to freeze is too wide, so more time is needed.


The ultra-low temperature wave that seemed to condense the air emerged on the sea surface, with Gluttony as the core, spreading to all directions. Wherever the wave passed, the seawater condensed.

When Tang Ji returned from the phase gap again, he was already standing on a huge ice block frozen with Gluttony. In just a few seconds, his tactical boots were frozen together with the ice.

When Tang Ji tried to take a step, the sole of his shoe was broken directly on the ice. He had to use the ability of [Air Trampler] to lift into the air fifty meters high before joining the others.

Viewed from the air, Chrissy had frozen a large block of ice on the Ross Sea. Thanks to the large ice block being able to float on the sea, Wolfgang would not have to work as a coolie to drag this thing all the way back to the shore.


Kris, who overused her powers, looked a little weak, and her face was as pale as the ice on the sea. Wang Zhengdao was like a guard guarding a treasure, standing in front of Kris, so that bastard Wolfgang couldn't even look at it.

She glanced at it.

"I now know why Dr. Wu had to control her first." Mikkelsen looked at the results at sea and sighed with emotion: "If the prophet had Dr. Wu's vision, the Ark Organization would have become the world's largest organization."

The most powerful organization.”

"Thank you, but please don't compare that old bastard with me." Wu Qianying was very satisfied with Mikkelsen's praise. She especially liked this comparison.

With Wolfgang acting as a tracker, dozens of unmanned boats exerted thrust on the outside where the temperature was not so low, and the huge ice block enclosing Gluttony began to slowly move towards the planned landing point.

After they leave, the transport plane carrying disinfectant materials will repeatedly spray chemicals until the sea area is no longer suitable for any life to survive.

This is just an insurance policy taken by the Lost Mountain researchers. Before this, humans had not dealt with a super life form like Gluttony. No one knew how to prepare for it, so they could only increase the risk as much as possible.

Wang Zhengdao sent Chris back to the temporary base, and Stark Polo and Hawking Locke were also among the priority members to return to the base.

They need to start the next step of planning, find a suitable area, and artificially shape a basin that is strong enough to prevent gluttony from burrowing downwards and escaping.

Gluttony has used this trick once before, and no one wants to go through it again.

This will be a very tricky project. Stark Polo needs enough geotechnical materials to build an isolation layer. Another superhuman who will be dispatched to the temporary base has the ability to control metal. He will be in the isolation layer.

Add metal plating to the periphery.

Considering Gluttony's previous sneak attack on Tang Ji, Wu Qianying is considering adding another layer of polyethylene coating.

As more materials from Gluttony are sent to the laboratory, and eventually the basin-shaped container used to explain Gluttony, the construction requirements will become more and more complex.

The biggest difficulty in all this is time. The pioneers and players obviously do not want to see Gluttony, who has the ability of [cancer recovery], completely wiped out by the local indigenous people.

Once they react, it only takes one assault to cause irreversible damage to the entire protection.

For this reason, everyone had to work overtime in the cold Antarctic and wait for the result. Everyone felt that they were killing people, and no one could regard gluttony as the same kind, including the other seven deadly sins.

"Is this the end of our future?" Wolfgang asked Tanguy, who was also standing in the cold wind. He held a tree of life in his hand, which obviously came from Mikkelsen.

"If you are afraid, I will be happy to help you out in advance. You should know that the only reason why I haven't done anything to you yet." Tang Ji came closer and took some heat from Wolfgang.

"You know exactly when I'm talking about." Wolfgang was used to Tang Ji's speaking style. He waved his hand a little irritably: "Forget it, talking to you is just playing the piano to a cow."

This chapter has been completed!
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