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Chapter 429: Dismemberment and Gluttony

How do you kill a being who has been born to live forever?

Gluttony has the highest degree of alienation among the Seven Deadly Sins, and is also the largest and most tenacious being. It is naturally designed to break all life limits.

Driven by inertia, the huge body washed up on the coast shaped into a slope by Chris. The pressure of Gluttony as an apex predator could be felt through the ice more than ten meters thick.

"This is definitely a miracle of the Creator!" Dr. Wu Qianying, who arrived in Antarctica from the Lost Mountain base, looked at the gluttonous body in the air.

As an expert in the field of biochemistry, in Wu Qianying's eyes, the attraction of gluttony drug is comparable to the paradise inhalant in the eyes of drug addicts.

"This is definitely a nightmare created by Satan after he drank too much!" Behind Wu Qianying, the saint made the sign of the cross, as if he had seen something disrespectful.

Saint is responsible for Wu Qianying's personal security today. This job has been taken turns by Soult, Martin, and Saint since the last time the Moonlight Gold was raided.

Tang Ji trusts his own people more. Although the Lost Mountain base currently seems to be a safe zone, no one can guarantee that there are no naturalized people inside the base.

The three saints are very powerful in small-scale conflicts because they are warriors first and superhumans second, not the other way around.

"We need to conduct destructive tests immediately, and it's best to start now!" A researcher wearing a heavy thermal suit suggested: "If possible, it is best to bring some active materials back to the Lost Mountain base!"

"Take sealing measures and do not allow any direct contact." Wu Qianying quickly approved several applications, and then said to Greedy, who was resting with his eyes closed: "Is it possible to cut a two-meter-thick test material on the torso of a gluttonous subject?


As a 'big man' who has lived for hundreds of years and already regards himself as a high-level species deep down in his heart, Wolfgang is very uncomfortable with Wu Qianying's tone.

He can tolerate Tang Ji's provocation and can temporarily become part of Mikkelsen's plan. That's because the former is the rage among the Seven Deadly Sins, and he and the latter are suspected of being the arrogance among the Seven Deadly Sins. They are on the same level.

From this perspective, Greed is closer to Gluttony frozen in ice than these busy researchers.

So Wolfgang remained silent and did not respond to Wu Qianying.

On all levels, he had no interest in Wu Qianying. He had already roughly known the scope of Wu Qianying's abilities through his sense of smell, and he had no appetite.

Wu Qianying did not waste time because of her greedy attitude. She planned the basic content of the "Superhuman Registration Act" and her research on superhumans is quite in-depth.

So she just looked at Greed carefully, then turned around and got back to work.

"You'd better listen to her, otherwise her boyfriend won't show mercy to you next time." Mikkelsen reminded him "kindly" when passing by Greedy.

"Mortal company." Wolfgang then raised his head and glanced at Wu Qianying, and saw the woman taking out the glass container for soaking the jealous head from the light box.

Seeing that familiar face, Wolfgang's expression instantly turned ugly.

Wu Qianying also deliberately shook the container, so that the white soaked face faced Wolfgang, constantly reminding him that he was treated like a dog before, and everyone has not forgotten it.

"What are you going to do with him?" This time, it was Wolfgang who took the initiative to talk to him: "Why don't you just destroy it?"

"Because it's still useful, understand?" Wu Qianying's tone was as fast as her hand speed. As several potions of different colors were poured into the container, the jealous head slowly opened its eyes.

Wolfgang's fingers flicked lightly on the trouser line, and the muscles all over his body tensed. His shame and anger were defeating his reason, as if he was about to explode in the next second...

However, when the next second came, Wolfgang's anger suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Calm down?" Tang Ji didn't know when he blocked Wolfgang's path and looked at Wolfgang expressionlessly. He had just confiscated Wolfgang's anger.

"What did you do...fuck! We are indeed all monsters." Wolfgang calmed down and smiled bitterly. After losing his anger, he felt at a loss about his previous behavior.

"All the known Seven Deadly Sins will sooner or later gain the ability to control the emotions they express. Tang Ji can control anger. The Lord of Happy Dreams represents lust, and you can control people's greed." Wu Qianying

Without looking back he said: "As for Jealousy, he died too quickly and was a trap."

"We need a psychic expert who is powerful enough to ensure that this kind of thing will not happen." Wu Qianying pointed to the head on the table: "I removed part of the brain tissue and asked him to only remember a few fixed instructions. One of them is to ensure that we

Not affected by gluttonous appetites.”

Wolfgang admitted that he had underestimated these mortals, so in return, he was now willing to carry out the cutting task according to Wu Qianying's instructions.

A one-meter-thick original cut specimen... If the target is placed in front of a super-large creature like Gluttony that may fight back at any time, this task becomes troublesome.

Chris is slowly thawing the ice around Gluttony, and a small group of heavily armed soldiers are standing by with cutting saws.

Whenever these frozen tentacles came back to life, the desperate soldiers immediately stepped forward and cut the tentacles in half with the cutting machines in their hands, and then handed them over to another team of soldiers to quickly collect the stumps.

It was a problem to freeze gluttony before, but now it is undoubtedly a problem to completely defrost it.

Gluttony wrapped in ice undoubtedly maintained a strong vitality. According to Tang Ji's judgment, it was accumulating strength and waiting for a counterattack.

While Chris was changing the structure of the seaside ice shelf, allowing the gluttonous frozen ice to slowly slide inland, she was also dissolving the volume of the ice itself, which made her feel like she was defusing a bomb.

No one knows when Gluttony will choose to break the ice, but no one can stop because everyone is rushing for time.

To put it harshly, if the pioneers react as quickly as they did two years ago, and the world's resistance forces are all gathered in the Antarctic region, they will laugh out of their dreams.

All it takes is a few nuclear bombs, or the opportunity to steal a house and perform a wave of extreme one-for-one. As long as Tang Ji is not on the scene, the Blazers will win.

But now, the three parties represented by Mikkelsen, Tang Ji, and Wang Zhengdao are trying to bring order to the chaos little by little despite being at such a disadvantage.

They first forced the pioneers and naturalized people to tend to conservative choices in their choices, and then killed three big pioneers in a row, leaving the pioneers leaderless in the end. Then, to a certain extent, they solved the advantage of the pioneers on the Internet.

, so that everyone can finally move around in the sun without worrying about being monitored. The whole process is simply a big pitfall.

In short, through their own efforts, they have given the world a little bit of a head start in repairing its internal problems.

For example, jealousy, and gluttony.

Jealousy has led him to the road of rape. As a price, his head is now soaked in preservatives on the table next to him, providing a mental barrier for Wu Qianying and others.

As for Gluttony, its spokesperson was forced to go astray by the pioneers in the early stages of promotion. Just as the ability described, [Cancer Recovery], Gluttony is the cancer of this world.

You can let it go, but sooner or later it will surprise you as time goes by.

In the extreme natural environment of the polar regions, time seemed to be frozen, and four hours passed quickly.

Tanguy and Wolfgang took turns guarding the ice itself to prevent Glutton from escaping.

Wolfgang is a versatile talent. In this special environment, he can help with almost any job.

Tang Ji, on the other hand, needs to be responsible for opening the dimensional door and transporting various materials when needed.

Chrissy's little face was so pale that she was almost the same color as Bing Ling, and even Hawking Locke couldn't hold on anymore. He had already used his ability enhancement six times today.

But no one stopped. A few hundred meters away, Stark Polo prepared a special cemetery for Gluttony. Layers of composite materials were laid in, and all the materials burned were real gold and silver.

Compared to Greed, who had lamented before, Tang Ji didn't feel like he was intimidating his kind at all. He just looked at Gluttony's ugly body exposed in the sun with disgust.


With an explosion, a tentacle thicker than a human suddenly burst out of Gluttony's body and penetrated the entire ice!

The tentacles moved upwards and upwards in a mighty manner, relying on their own gravity to directly smash a soldier who was trying to evacuate into a pulp.

Then more tentacles burst out of Gluttony's body. Gluttony's huge body naturally has this advantage, as a large number of heavy tissue structures and accumulated fat found an outlet at this moment.

Tang Ji even saw several tentacles pouring out at the same location, scrambling to pounce on the organism closest to him - Chrissy.

The overworked girl had no time to react. She didn't even notice the screams when the first soldier was pounced on and eaten by the tentacles.

Tang Ji appeared next to the girl in time and used an ax to cut off several tentacles that were stretched out: "Get out of here and leave the rest to us."

The girl walked to the rear in confusion, and a small group of soldiers who were also ordered to evacuate protected Chris.

At this time, the huge ice block, which was originally 200mx200m square and thirty meters high, had been dissolved by Chris and was only half the size.

A quarter of Gluttony's body is exposed to the air and is no longer covered by ice, but it is already fully awake.

Its main trunk was frozen nearly ten meters above the ground. At this time, hundreds of tentacles of different lengths were completely exposed to the public, making it look like an oversized sea urchin.

"I'm hungry!

!" A roar unique to the giant beast swept through the camp.

Because of the Flame of Hatred, Tang Ji did not feel any threat from it, but the soldiers who were closest to Gluttony and who had originally carried out the evacuation mission in an orderly manner immediately began to kill each other.

It was as if they had been brainwashed by the whispers of the ancient gods, crazily attacking the living creatures closest to them, treating their own kind as easily accessible food, and entangled and bitten crazily.

Further afield, people were also affected. The frozen meat thrown on the airstrip was devoured by the swarming crowds in just a few minutes.

Even Wu Qianying, who was theoretically at a safe distance, was affected. Reason told her that her body had sufficient energy and perfect body shape, and she did not need to supplement more protein. However, her body kept sending strong hunger signals, which filled her mind with thoughts.

It's all about getting more food.

As for the most accessible ingredients around Wu Qianying, apart from the helpless assistants, it was the jealous heads on the table who did not work as agreed.

Wu Qianying raised the fork and pried open the container where the head was kept with one hand, intending to use it locally. Under such a threat, the Envy Skull really started to work.

The first to recover were Wu Qianying and other mildly controlled persons. Due to reasons such as distance and personal will, they did not feel the strongest emotional radiation.

As jealousy entered the scene, the scene quickly came under control. In terms of controlling human emotions and desires, only the instinct of gluttony was left. Among the seven deadly sins, jealousy was undoubtedly the strongest.


Tang Ji took one last look at Wolfgang, who had always been very restrained, and jumped onto Gluttony's torso with an ax in hand.

God knows what that Immortal Seed is thinking in his heart. Tang Ji does not intend to live that long. He wants to eliminate all the potential cancers in this world within a limited time, leaving Tang Anran with a clean world.

Therefore, gluttony must die, and things like it should not exist in this world!

Wrapped in the flames of hatred, Tang Ji broke into the group of tentacles. Without the bonus of sea water, these things posed no threat to him.

The only thing he needed to be careful about was the corrosive liquid used to attack him before Gluttony. Tang Ji had reason to believe that it was Gluttony's digestive fluid.


It took Tang Ji three minutes to determine that the speed at which he cut off the tentacles was not as fast as Gluttony's ability to regrow the tentacles from other places.

Where the Flame of Hatred cannot cover, Gluttony's self-healing ability has exceeded the limits of human imagination. Those tentacles will pick up the severed stumps from the ground and place them in other areas, almost the same as before they were cut off.


Yin Sen controlled the drone to grab the severed limbs from Gluttony's tentacles like a tiger's mouth, but at this rate of reducing the total amount of Gluttony, it would be able to spend months here with Tang Ji and the others.

They need to dismember Gluttony first, then throw it into the basin near Chichi and slowly dissolve it.

But this last step obviously made Gluttony aware of the danger. It wriggled its tentacles crazily, trying to slide itself back into the sea.

"Have you thought about it? Which side are you on?" Mikkelsen stood next to Wolfgang, as if he was not in a hurry: "Is it Wolfgang who makes the decision, or greed?"

This chapter has been completed!
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