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Chapter 438 The Runaway Train

South Africa, once a country of gold and minerals, is now fragmented and even the nominal government no longer exists.

During the Second Corporate War, in order to compete for the mineral resources here, the petrochemical alliance and the corporate alliance had extremely intense conflicts.

From seismic bombs to nuclear weapons, both sides used any means that could hinder the other party's access to resources. In the end, the Petrochemical Alliance maintained its dominant position here with its more powerful ground armor.

But soon, as fossil energy was replaced by new energy on a global scale, the Petrochemical Alliance's rule over South Africa quickly collapsed. The armed forces stationed here at that time either withdrew to the Persian region or retreated to the local area.


The allies the pioneers called were the Durban Spears, a warlord force secretly supported by the Ibrahim family. They were stationed in the KwaZulu-Nadal province of South Africa. They controlled almost 100% of the entire province.

area of ​​seventy.

Due to the damage caused by war to the natural environment, the climate environment here has continued to deteriorate over the past half century. Annual rainfall has increased five and a half times, and floods have become the most common climate disaster in this region.

Durban, once the most prosperous city in the entire province, survived years of wars and bombings, but was eventually submerged by floods, and the Spear of Durban became rootless water.

If it weren't for the largest dry-cooled power plant in sub-Saharan Africa, which generates enough profits every year, Durban Spear would have long wanted to abandon this area.

The Durban Spear, with the support of the Ibrahim family behind it, is far more powerful than other armed forces in the area. If they are willing, they can go all the way north to Pretoria.

There are still a few unexcavated gold mines in Denghang Province, and that is the real profitable business.

But obviously, the Ibrahim family, which represents the Saudi Aramco Group to a certain extent, needs them to firmly control the KwaZulu-Nadal province's outlet to ensure that when the Saudi Aramco Group is reborn from the ashes one day, there will be a safe distance.

The security rear area of ​​the Petrochemical Alliance.

Over the years, the Durban Spear has been secretly accepting indigenous people who were regarded as negative assets by the Petrochemical Alliance in the Persia region, which has changed the demographic structure of the entire KwaZulu-Nadal Province to a certain extent.

At present, the largest population in KwaZulu-Nadal is still the Zulu, followed by the Boers, and then the new immigrants from the Persian region.

Salim Ahmed was transported to South Africa in this way. Fortunately, Salim had received some military training because of his father. He could shoot and was literate. It didn't take long for Salim to join the German army.

Ban's Spear.

After serving in the Durban Spear for seven years, Salim is now the squad leader of an infantry squad. Half of his men are immigrants from the Persian region, which gives him extraordinary control over the squad.

In Salim's view, being sold to Africa is undoubtedly the luckiest thing in his life. There are no transportation lines, no trains from the Petrochemical Alliance, no power grids, and no damn drones.

Except for the endless rain and the muddy roads that he couldn't get used to, everything else was perfect.

Salim's team is stationed outside Pietermaritzburg and is responsible for guarding an inconspicuous cargo terminal. On weekdays, there is a train coming and going from this freight terminal only every three days, carrying some infrastructure materials and food.

Filled with a huge pile of metal and rubber items that disappear into the horizon.

The train will stop here for four hours to unload enough coal, and trucks from nearby power plants will come here to transport the coal away.

If you are lucky, sometimes there will be a passenger car attached to the train, carrying a carload of all kinds of people, allowing Salim to imagine the destinations of these people and the color of their lives.

He has no complaints about being stationed here all year round. Most of the soldiers who come from the same place as him can also endure loneliness. After all, in their view, there is no visible blockade to contain them. In theory, they can go wherever they want to go.

Wherever you go, your life will be the paradise described in the scriptures.

On the other hand, the local soldiers often couldn't bear the loneliness. They would secretly take a train and sneak into Pietermaritzburg, spend all their salary and come back again.

Salim is a kind officer. He turns a blind eye to this situation because he understands people's yearning for freedom.

But today, things have changed.

The train that entered the city three days ago did not return as scheduled. Salim reported the situation to his superiors, and the reply was to wait three more days and call him again if the damn train didn't show up.

However, Salim, who grew up in the blockade, knew that these rail transit vehicles were rarely late. They all had their own timetables. If delays occurred, it meant that someone was going to be in bad luck.

Salim put his men fully armed and on alert. The soldiers who came from the same place as him obeyed the order silently. They were also worried about the delay of the train.

And because of Salim's prestige, the local soldiers reluctantly picked up their guns and drove patrol cars that leaked air everywhere along the railway to patrol the surrounding area.

The Spear of Durban is not without enemies in this land. The real indigenous people here, the Zulu people, have resisted the bloody rule of the colonists for hundreds of years. In their view, the Boers, the British, the South Africans, and even the later

The company, and now the Durban Spear, is no different.

They are outsiders with guns, bringing death and pain, here to spread hatred.

At midnight, on the twelfth hour when the train was delayed, Salim saw fire coming from the direction of Pietermaritzburg. The fire lasted until dawn and he could still see it clearly.

What made Salim even more uneasy was that the communication line between them and their superiors was also cut off, and the channel was full of noise.

Twenty-two hours after the train was delayed, a dull explosion came from the direction of the power station, and a huge mushroom cloud was visible to the naked eye. Even the laziest soldier was now starting to get nervous.

They put all the protective equipment on their bodies and repeatedly checked the condition of their firearms, while Salim selected the two bravest soldiers and drove to the power station to check the situation.

The patrol car attached to the supply station is electric-driven, and the longest round-trip distance can only be driven to the vicinity of the power station. If it has just rained and the road conditions are slippery, people may have to push the last section of the way.

Thirty-one hours after the train was delayed, a soldier who had escaped to Pietermaritzburg walked back to the freight station along the railway in despair.

His body was covered with dried blood, and his eyes were dim, as if he had just experienced the end of the world.

Salim asked other subordinates to stay vigilant. One of them brought the soldier into the office and gave him a glass of strong wine. He watched the soldier drink it and his face became rosy again before asking: "What happened in the city?"

"I don't know, sir, I don't understand. Suddenly there was chaos. Iplis fell from the sky and took over the body. The massacre began!" The soldier said emotionally: "There are killings everywhere! I followed the crowd and walked in front.

People suddenly died. I went in another direction, and someone there turned the road into a trap, and the house had teeth, chewing up the people inside!"

Salim frowned. In his hometown, superhumans were only legendary existences. However, after coming here, he saw several superhumans in the Durban Spear, so he immediately suspected Pietermaritz.

A metahuman rebellion broke out in Fort.

But the soldier was obviously frightened. He said to Salim: "Before I left, I saw a dozen figures floating in the sky, joining forces to set Pietermaritzburg on fire. They are Iplis! They must be!"

"Soldier, calm down! They are just superhumans. You and I have seen them before!" Salim scolded the other party: "Give you five hours to have a good rest, take a nap, take a hot bath, and then

Pick up the gun like a man, if any super human dares to come here, we will know that this is the territory of the Durban Spear!"

He didn't know how much effect his words would have, but this was the only thing he could do. At least he knew now that the train would never appear again.

However, things went counterproductive. Just when Salim was about to defend the freight station, the train that he originally thought would never appear again appeared at the end of the track.

And there was still fire burning, and a figure who was also burning with fire, seemed to be driving a carriage, sitting on the locomotive, with his hands and arms wrapped around a chain that was burnt red, and the other end of the chain passed through the front of the car. It looked like

It's like he's steering the train.

Salim had never seen such a weird thing in his life. The word Ipris that the soldier shouted just now couldn't help but appear in his mind. In scriptures, this word represents evil demons.

But as the highest-ranking officer here, Salim still reacted. He took out his pistol and fired warning shots in the air. At the same time, he ran towards the only sentry tower in the cargo terminal, where there was a 12.7mm caliber twin rifle.

The heavy machine gun is the strongest firepower in the entire freight station.

Salim believed that even Iplis would have to turn around and flee back to hell in the face of that kind of caliber.

However, before Salim rushed into the sentry tower, evil and rampant laughter could be heard on the track. Red molten iron splashed along both sides of the track. The soldiers counterattacked bit by bit, hitting the train with sparks.

Didn't even splash.

The harsh sound of brakes accompanied Salim's footsteps. He hurriedly climbed up the eight-meter-high metal sentry tower and adjusted the pointing of the twin heavy machine guns.

At this time, under the excited shouts of the devil coachman, the hurriedly stopped train suddenly opened the freight car section behind it, and hundreds of flaming corpses were dumped into the freight station.

Accompanied by the sound of a drum with a strange rhythm, the corpses stood up one after another and began to look for living people nearby.

Salim saw with his own eyes two dedicated soldiers who were desperately surrounded by corpses after using up all the bullets in their magazines. One of the soldiers detonated his own grenade at the last moment.

Unfortunately, no casualties were caused, and the group of corpses was cleared away. However, they quickly got up again and continued to look for the next target.

His soldiers died one after another, and Salim finally adjusted the muzzle of his gun. He always had only one target - the man driving the train, Iplis.

For Salom, who grew up within the blockade, trains are a very special existence. In Salim's memory, for those brave men who once tried to cross the blockade, trains were both a danger and an opportunity.

The old man in the village said that those speeding steel machines can take you across the blockade to the edge of the earth, where there is the endless sea and freedom.

And if you are not pious or brave enough, you will be mercilessly run over by the train, which is both sacred and evil.

So, when the fiery demon driving the train appeared, Salim knew that the time had come to face his fate.

If he is pious enough and brave enough, he will survive. Otherwise, he will be mercilessly run over by the train.

Salim aimed the twin heavy machine gun at the flame demon. The demon stood proudly on the locomotive, as if he was enjoying the death around him. There are some things that you don’t need to understand. You can tell just by looking at them that they are evil.


Salim Ahmed asked himself, am I pious enough?

He had lived in the blockade for twenty-two years. He knew every stone in the small square grid and counted every grain of gravel.

Yes, he was pious enough, and he never gave up the pursuit of freedom. He finally climbed over the electrified iron fence, faced the train, and successfully jumped onto the road to freedom before being crushed. Although

In the end, the way he gained freedom was different from the legend, but Salim believed that he was still the son of the wind chasing freedom.

The rest is a matter of bravery or not. Salim pulled the trigger, and the 12.7mm caliber bullets sprayed out. The huge recoil of the handle made it wildly want to jump away from his hand even through the muzzle brake.

But Salim used his muscles to control the wildness of the gun in his hand, so that the bullets were distributed on a very small scattering surface. The body of the flame demon in the scope was like paper, penetrated and torn apart by large-caliber bullets in the blink of an eye.

In a sputtering manner, it covered every inch of land within a radius of twenty square meters.

Just as he thought, even a demon would have to escape back to hell under such firepower.

Those walking corpses, as if they suddenly realized that they were dead, fell to the ground in pieces, burning quietly.

A soldier who was in a desperate situation had already grabbed a pistol and pointed it at his head, intending to make him walk faster. When he saw the miracle happening in front of him, he immediately knelt on the ground and worshiped devoutly towards the north.

And that direction happened to be the direction of the sentry tower. Salim looked at the direction of the distant flames, his eyes gradually becoming tough.

He didn't know what was going on there, but he knew that this was just the beginning.

(End of chapter)

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