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Chapter 439 Type Distinguishing

Chapter 443 Type Distinguishing

"South Africa, Pietermaritzburg, according to satellite images, it is now in ruins." Mikkelsen hurriedly walked into the conference room at the Lost Mountain base and turned on the huge air projection screen.

Sitting in the conference room were Tang Ji, Wang Zhengdao, Wu Qianying, Prophet, and a lot of think tank members from different fields.

Of course, there is also Mr. Lucky who was temporarily called to stack buffs. He is sitting nervously in the corner, like a frightened hamster, always on guard against dangers coming from different directions.

Mr. Good Luck's message today was obviously not to go out, but he came anyway.

This conference room is specially built, and multiple confidentiality measures have been implemented throughout the room to prevent prying eyes from all known angles. It was first used to guard against the gaze of a ghost on the Internet, and as the ghost actively jumped back, this room

The importance of the conference room is no longer that important, but they are used to holding important meetings here.

There was a place left for Greed in the conference room, symbolizing his importance, but he couldn't come to this meeting today. The bastard went back to his castle in England to enjoy life.

After solving the gluttony problem in Antarctica, Greedy immediately returned to his retirement life. Perhaps this is a common problem among immortal species. In many cases, Greedy has completely different concepts of time from Mikkelsen and Tang Ji.

Wang Zhengdao is currently the only space jumper in the world who can quickly travel intercontinental distances, and given his greedy record, there is no possibility of them being alone together.

"How many players showed up there?" Tang Ji frowned as he looked at the image shrouded in black smoke in the projection. The previous massacre in Omaha had already proven the destructiveness of players.

"I don't know, they basically didn't leave anyone alive this time, and it used to be the sphere of influence of the Petrochemical Alliance, and there was no one of mine." Mikkelsen played several satellite pictures: "The Trail Blazers implemented a full-frequency attack in that area.

Interference, no streaming, no text messaging, and other than satellite pictures, we have no idea what's going on there."

"The reason why we can conclude that the disaster was caused by the arrival of players is because the ghost provided a vague information. Twelve hours before the incident, the Pioneers sent twenty high-quality bodies into the city." Mi

After speaking, Colson looked at the time and suddenly opened the door.

Outside the door, it was Luther, the current federal commander. His toughness during the Northern California prisoner incident made many federal people think that he was the last hope to bring the federation back to its regular commander-in-chief after the second corporate war.

, the reputation is very high.

Luther is indeed beginning to reorganize the order of the federation, using alignment and external pressure to force the military to return to federal control. This is the result of his first month in office.

And then he borrowed Tang Ji's intimidation power to establish the FBAS Bureau, and used the issue of superhumans to make the federal states start to consider moving closer to the center again. This was Luther's second fire.

From the current point of view, this fire is raging, and the Omaha massacre is like a catalyst, allowing everyone to see how harmful superhuman terrorists can be without strong department control.

Whether in terms of personal ability or stance, Luther is undoubtedly qualified to participate in this meeting.

"Sorry, I'm late. I have some very important calls to make." Luther hesitated and sat directly next to the prophet.

He was brought here from Night City by Wang Zhengdao, but at that time he was about to hold a press conference to deal with the reporters face to face, while explaining to the public what he was going to do in the next few years.

For the general, it is undoubtedly an art to let the people at the bottom know the policies and guidelines they are about to implement in a language that the people at the bottom can understand.

He can't tell the world cleanly that if there is going to be a war, the Federation's agents will definitely be ruined, and many of you will die. 80% of the survivors will have to find a way to survive the nuclear winter on their own.

So Luther would tell them that the future is grim, but the new federal government is willing to face the challenges with a strong attitude.

The federal brokerage situation is stable, and it will find ways to further stimulate consumption, reduce taxes, reduce bank interest, increase medical resources, strengthen the construction of anti-terrorism forces, increase the share of imported anti-radiation drugs, and ensure that everyone can afford anti-radiation drugs.


"So, they are back again, right?" Luther looked at the information on the screen, his face was uncertain, and there was a hint of expectation in his tone, as if he was waiting for an answer of no.

He was glad that this attack finally did not occur within the federal territory, but at the same time he knew very well that those players who caused chaos would come here sooner or later.

"The ghost did not give a specific number of people. It only knew the twenty high-quality bodies. As for how many superhumans there are in Pietermaritzburg, no one has counted them." Mikkelsen continued; "But this is not the case.

The only bad news we have today."

Here is another set of pictures. The pictures look far less bloody and cruel than before, but in each picture there is a person who looks out of place with the surrounding environment.

In the first picture, a black man is walking naked on the street. He doesn't mind the attention he attracts. All his attention is on a flower in the city's green belt, as if he is seeing it for the first time.

Something so wonderful that it even brought tears to my eyes.

"A reporter in Bloemfontein thought this photo could be sold for a good price, so he posted it online." The picture in front of Mikkelsen soon turned into a missing person notice: "The only problem is

, this man was included in the missing list fourteen months ago."

In another photo he showed, a white woman was concentrating on studying the dinosaur fossils in the museum. Behind her, there were seven or eight law enforcement officers with nervous faces, all of their guns pointed at the woman.

There are seven or eight photos at the back, each of which contains a very unique person. Another thing they have in common is that they are all missing persons.

With the ghosts no longer an obstacle, with the help of big data, they instantly confirmed the identities of these people.

Some of these ‘missing persons’ have been missing for three years, while others have just been filed by law enforcement agencies in their regions.

"Are you sure they only attacked players in these two areas?" Tang Ji has long been accustomed to the atrocities committed by players. If the ability is appropriate and used properly, a city can be destroyed within a few inches of a superhuman being.

Fortunately, for now, under the subtle influence of social order, those superhumans who have just begun to adapt to their own abilities have not yet delved deeply into their abilities in this direction.

More often than not, they are still habitually studying how to use their abilities to take advantage of loopholes, and have no time to study how to make their abilities more efficient in killing the same kind.

But players are just the opposite. Compared to them, even the pioneers are considered law-abiding citizens. After all, they still need to integrate into the local society.

"Unless they make things like Pietermaritzburg, it will be difficult for us to detect small-scale infiltration." Mikkelsen shook his head: "But from what I know about Markarian, he is

The kind of person who likes big scenes and big actions, so I tend to only have these two advent scenes at the moment."

"The agents of the Ark organization are observing the players who have descended on Bloemfontein. What is interesting is that they have been here for at least eight hours, but have only caused six civilian casualties, four of which were while trying to harm these players.

Die in counterattacks." Mikkelsen continued: "And in Pietermaritzburg, the players there are like a plague, they are spreading death around."

"The armed force that controls the area near Pietermaritzburg is a local armed force, the Spear of Durban, backed by the remnants of the Saudi royal family in the Petrochemical Alliance." After saying this, Mikkelsen looked at Tangji: "

Judging from the satellite observation results, the only resistance force in the area is an armed force of the Durban Spear, stationed at a freight station about 40 kilometers outside the city, and you will definitely be able to find a suitable guide there."

"Very good, you can discuss the remaining content slowly." Tang Ji shook his coat, and Lao Wang on the other side stood up in tacit agreement, and the two of them left the conference room gracefully.

Tang Ji didn't know why they were analyzing players' behavior patterns. In his opinion, it was meaningless. Even Karcalf was threatened before he was willing to cooperate.

As long as players can still enter and leave this world at will and occupy bodies at will, they will never put people in this world on an equal footing.

But Tang Ji will not question the decisions of the smart people in the conference room. He just plans to use his abilities where they should be used.

Salim Ahmed held on for another four hours in desperation. During this period, a Durban Spear helicopter passed the cargo terminal and tried to fly directly into Pietermaritzburg. As a result, it was still five days away from the city.

Kilometers were shot down.

Fortunately, the soldiers in the freight station were busy cleaning up the corpses and did not see this scene. The train rider brought a whole train of corpses.

Under the burning flames, the corpses exuded a disgusting smell, and Salim counted his manpower on the sentry tower.

If the wounded were included, he still had seven men available, and only four of them were intact. More importantly, the only heavy firepower in the stronghold only had more than two hundred rounds of ammunition left.

If another super human comes along who doesn't care about everything, I'm afraid death will be their only solution.

"Pack your luggage and wait for the people who went out for reconnaissance to come back. We will set off immediately and retreat to Ulundi." Salim Ahmed looked at the map for a long time. The military base closest to them was actually larger than

Ulundi is much closer.

But the helicopter that flew before was from the direction of Ulundi, which made Salim feel that the direction of Ulundi might be safer.

After waiting for two hours, Salim received a group of refugees who had escaped from the city. They looked like they had crawled out of hell.

Salim knew that the soldiers he sent to the power station were in danger, so he was preparing to evacuate now. Those refugees brought some unbelievable information.

The number of superhumans who attacked Pietermaritzburg was far greater than he imagined. They appeared in the city in groups and attacked everything that moved.

Most of them are extremely powerful and wear various metal armors, like demons coming out of ancient battlefields.

Salim didn't want to try the swordsmanship of those weirdos. He instinctively felt that what happened in Pietermaritzburg was not that simple, so he wanted to lead his men farther away.

But contrary to expectations, players have a more convenient way to share news in another world. The player who died unexpectedly before was obviously very angry at himself for screwing up his physical body, and his 'friends' have come to seek revenge.

Sigitas Lange is a player from another world. In this world, he is a giant man with a height of 2.02 meters and half-long hair, like Conan the Barbarian.

This body was not originally so strong, but the pioneers used some kind of genetic drug left over from the federal super soldier project with extremely strong side effects on the body to make it what it is now, in order to adapt to it.

This group of Chaos Demon type players have just withdrawn from other worlds.

Chaos Demon, Sigitas has become accustomed to other players calling him this. In most open worlds, players like them are prohibited from entering in the early and mid-term.

Only when this world enters its final stages and gradually moves towards destruction, are Chaos Demon type players allowed to enter.

Chaos Demon type players are characterized by extreme destruction. They have no interest in the background story and know nothing about the local environment, but they know how to unleash their desire for destruction to the greatest extent.

Before Sigitas entered this world, they had just participated in a war of destruction in another world. They created endless chaos and bloodshed in that world, so much so that they often couldn't distinguish between reality and games. Selling memory sectors was even more difficult.

Homely meals.

No one welcomes them, because their appearance means that the game world has reached its end, and many players are standing on their opposite side, fighting to protect the world they like.

But Sigitas didn't care. At least in the last world, they won and burned the whole world's 'great achievements', which kept him in a state of extreme excitement for a long time. However, that was the last time after all.


So when Sigitas was invited by the company to enter this newly developed world, he was excited!

The Pyroman who was killed by Saliman was his companion. On the first day they logged into the game, they turned Pietermaritzburg into history.

And now, with the aborigines bringing a somewhat challenging counterattack, Sigitas is even more excited!

He didn't care whether he would follow in the footsteps of his companions, nor did he care about this physical body. For Sigitas, releasing the desires in his heart was far more valuable than operating the account itself.

(End of chapter)

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