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Chapter 486 Star Shuttle-3

Today is a big day. The first manned passenger ship of the Phoenix Project is about to take off, carrying one hundred and forty-five passengers to Phoenix version 0.1, which has already built a core cabin.

These passengers are either CNC engineers, environmental experts, experienced astronauts, or mining ship pilots. There is no one extra.

They will be the first to see humans in Phoenix City with their own eyes, and they will also be the builders who continue to complete it. The Phoenix Group has sufficient human resources to choose from, and the ones they choose are all elites.

Of course, the censorship goes beyond that. As a refuge for the rich, the Garden of Eden is used to escape the invasion of superhumans and players. The last thing they want to see is a superhuman or player sneaking into Phoenix City.

Every passenger has undergone strict blood tests and consciousness screening to ensure that there is no potential risk of awakening and the possibility of being trapped.

If the wealthy class who control half of the world's wealth still don't understand what threats they face, then they really deserve to be exterminated from the earth.

What the players are, where they come from, and what their purpose is. These people know almost as much as Mikkelsen. Many naturalized families who are good at hedging their bets have taken many tickets to Phoenix. Naturally, they don't

Being stingy about buying some information for 'one's own people'.

The Star Shuttle 3 spacecraft responsible for sending these people to heaven was manufactured by the Houston Aerospace Industry Center and is currently owned by Phoenix Orbital Construction Group.

"Cole, this is Star Shuttle No. 3. Everything is normal. Waiting for the ignition signal." The main pilot Copperfield checked the LCD screen in front of him to ensure that all the instrument readings were normal. The co-pilot next to him was rookie Nick.

Well, this was his first real machine operation, so Copperfield had to complete all the inspections himself to prevent accidents.

In order to prepare for the immigration wave in a few years, they need to train a large number of qualified drivers, and now all experienced drivers are equipped with a rookie deputy.

Copperfield sometimes felt that the world was too unfair. Those who were rich could always enjoy the best and most guaranteed services, while the service staff below were directly classified as being able to practice.

Just like now, aerospace is a serious and precise business. Star Shuttle-3 is currently one of the carrier spacecrafts with the largest carrying capacity and the longest range in the world. Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as Nikkor.

Rookies exist.

But all rules are meant to be broken, and Copperfield had no choice but to obey.

"Permission to ignite, Star Shuttle-3, I wish you a safe journey." came the response from the command center. Today is a big day for the Phoenix Orbital Construction Group and a big day for Copperfield. No one wants to have an accident.

As an experienced pilot, Copperfield was selected to become a resident of Phoenix City early. As a benefit, he also secured two places for his family, which made him very sober. He left the aerospace center and entered the business world.

The aerospace industry.

This damn world will soon be left behind by him

"Starting the ignition process, countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Ignition successful!" Copperfield felt the thrust generated by the rocket, and his whole body was pressed tightly on the seat, and gravity was in vain.

He tried to stay, but his destination was ultimately in the dark starry sky.

"Are you nervous?" Copperfield turned to look at Nickel. Rookies always bear the greatest pressure.

"I'm okay." Nickel looked very calm and didn't even break a sweat. This made Copperfield very satisfied and felt that he would soon become a qualified co-pilot.

At this time, the main propulsion rocket, which had completed its mission, began to actively separate, adjusting its attitude and falling back to the earth, while Star Shuttle-3 had already reached the synchronous orbit lightly.

They need to circle the earth three times here to find the right angle to start the next journey, the journey to Phoenix.

"Do me a favor, go to the back and see the passengers, and help me get a tube of coffee cream from the flight attendant." Copperfield asked Nickel with a smile, and the other party left the cab obediently.

Then Copperfield began to enjoy this moment of tranquility. This was not his first time in space, but every time he liked to watch the beautiful scenery of the sun crossing the cockpit for the first time alone.

This is a chaotic era. On the one hand, humans can build farms in space and even have ambitions to build a space city. However, on the other hand, they are losing the ability to manufacture high-thrust engines.

Star Shuttle-3 is still an old thing from the Federation era. The Phoenix Orbital Construction Group's only contribution in this regard over the years is to copy this engine, rather than making a stronger one.

But fortunately, Copperfield is just a pilot. In his opinion, this is actually a good thing. He does not need to learn more troubleshooting manuals. It would be better if he could drive Star Shuttle-3 for the rest of his life.

At this time, Nikhil, who was walking outside and had just finished making requests to the flight attendant, was taking the opportunity to observe the passengers and observe the flight attendants.

He has two identities, one is the supervisor of the security department of Phoenix Orbital Construction Group, and the other is an undercover agent of the Joint Investigation Office.

The former requires him to secretly assess every employee participating in the Phoenix City Project as a new employee to ensure that there are no undercover agents from other forces. The latter requires him to do the former's job well and strive to become a permanent resident of Phoenix City as soon as possible.

Nicole took the coffee cream from the flight attendant's hand and assessed the flight attendant's mental state. Her palms were damp with sweat.

But judging from her resume, this should be her fourth round trip to this kind of space route, and she shouldn't be so nervous unless there is something beyond her scope of responsibility that is bothering her.

Nikhil asked calmly: "How was your day? Is everything going well?"

"It went very well. The passengers were a little uneasy, but this is a normal phenomenon. The company has provided them with special training and they will overcome it." The flight attendant was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile.

"Have you obtained the residence permit in Phoenix?" Nickel asked again. This time the smile on the stewardess's face disappeared.

The cruelest thing in the world is to let you know the news of the great flood in advance, but your name is not on the list of the Ark.

At this time, these workers who have already obtained the tickets have become the targets that the flight attendants will never reach in their lifetime.

"I believe the company will make a fair decision in the end." The stewardess answered formulaically.

"I believe it too, but before that, keep hope and don't do stupid things." Nikhil's words made the flight attendant's face change, and she immediately replied: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

When Nikhil was about to say something else, the flight attendant made a decisive decision and shouted before anyone could react: "You traitors to humanity will be punished!"


The explosion was actually not loud. Nikhil could even imagine that the explosive was only the size of a watch. The flight attendant must have used her body to hide the explosive itself.

Its equivalent force could not even damage the hull itself. The flight attendant probably stuck it on the tempered glass, and Star Shuttle 3 began to lose pressure instantly.

According to normal procedures, the depressurized cabin will be automatically sealed, but the flight attendant was obviously complicit in destroying the cabin sealing ability.

Right in front of Nikhil, the flimsy door leading to the bathroom was gradually denting. The only thing he had time to do was to hold on to the only fixed object around him.

The next second, the entire door was torn off, and the air pressure in the cabin sprayed gas outward through the gap. The flight attendant's body was adsorbed on the gap. It only lasted a few seconds, and then was drilled by this section in the state of parts.

Got out.

At the same time, in the power cabin, a maintenance technician also damaged the power system, causing Star Shuttle 3 to temporarily lose power.

Although other maintenance technicians stopped his further actions in time, it will take at least four hours to restore power. Star Shuttle-3 will lose the optimal time to escape from orbit, and it will need to wait another twenty-six hours for the next window period.


Currently, Phoenix City is staying near Ceres to facilitate those autonomous machines to collect enough mineral materials locally.

In fact, the entire Phoenix City Project was first established around the Ceres Autonomous Mining System. This project will provide 46% of the raw materials for the entire Phoenix City Project.

In addition to the 145 passengers, Star Shuttle 3 also carried some materials that the Ceres mining system cannot produce, such as insulation materials, special glass, etc.

Copperfield calmly handled various alarm signals, and responded to inquiries from senior executives of the Phoenix Orbital Construction Group. He knew nothing about what happened in the cabin. He only knew that the current problems had not affected the mission.


Star Shuttle-3 is a large ship with a high safety margin. To destroy it, it requires military strike-level damage.

So Copperfield did not panic. His affirmative answer made the management of Phoenix Orbital Construction Group feel a lot more at ease.

This is when Nikhil returned to the cockpit. He had successfully dealt with the depressurization problem in the cabin. The only price was that within the next one hundred and forty hours, only one bathroom would be available to all passengers.

Fortunately, most passengers were locked in their cabins and had no idea what was happening outside.

"What happened?" Copperfield asked while trying to start the backup power system. As a veteran pilot of Star Shuttle 3, he had confidence in the ship.

"Earth supremacists." Nikhil shook his head. The security personnel on the ship have already begun investigating, and I believe there will be results soon.

Since the birth of the Phoenix Project, earth supremacists have emerged. They despise the original intention of the Phoenix Project and feel that it is a sentence to human civilization.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Not only do they want to leave on their own, they also want to take away the best part of the entire civilization.

Of course, for the participants in the plan, this behavior is more like stopping losses in time and accumulating strength for the future. One day, like angels, they will return to the earth again and become the true savior.

Nickel is very dissatisfied with the condescending attitude of the Phoenix participants, but he also disagrees with the Earth Supremacists, because the latter have no solution to the current dilemma faced by mankind, and all effective resistance comes from Mikkelsen.

Therefore, he firmly believes that he is on the right side.

But the journey of Star Shuttle-3 is destined to be uneventful. Problems from within are only the first hurdle, followed closely by the threat from the Arasaka Group.

Although the Arasaka Group was driven out of the Federation during the corporate war, it is still a behemoth, and its influence in outer space deserves special attention.

The largest man-made object currently in Earth orbit, the Crystal Palace Space Station is its masterpiece.

"This is Crystal Palace Defense Outpost No. 11. No approach permission has been detected. Please do not take the risk of approaching this outpost at your own risk." When an orbiting space station that looked about the same size as Star Shuttle-3 appeared on the radar

Copperfield's face looked a little ugly.

Although this was his first time carrying people to Phoenix City, he had already run cargo routes twice before, and there should not have been such a large space station on his route.

If the other party did not deliberately move into its own orbit, then it can only be caused by its own yaw.

Not everyone is happy to see the Phoenix Project succeed, such as Saburo Arasaka. The Crystal Palace of the Arasaka Group was originally the closest place to the Garden of Eden, but the Earth in it was too close.

Those increasingly powerful superhumans may threaten its existence at any time, and Phoenix City, far away near Ceres, has become a more suitable ideal place.

From the perspective of interests, the Arasaka Group did have reasons to hinder the Phoenix Project, but the Phoenix Orbital Construction Group judged that the Arasaka Group would not break up like this. After evaluation, they agreed to the other party's request for armed personnel to board the ship for inspection.

As the captain and pilot of Star Shuttle-3, Copperfield was very dissatisfied with this behavior, but he could only accept it.

Then things got out of hand. Those armed soldiers from Arasaka left a passenger behind after boarding the ship for inspection.

"Where is this?" Sigitas Lange, who was wearing a straitjacket, looked around with a cold face. When he saw the boundless space through the porthole, he was completely confused.

Saburo Arasaka agreed to send him to see Tang Ji, but asked him to cooperate with him in an experiment.

Saburo Arasaka wants to know what will happen if a player is sent to a place far away from the earth. Will they still experience delays? Will they be disconnected and reconnected?

Of course, his explanation to Sigitas was not so detailed. He just asked him to go to a certain place, come back, and tell him what he saw and heard.

It is actually very simple to convince Sigitas Lange. Anyone who is obsessed with death can find their own spiritual support in neon culture.

In the process of communicating with Saburo Arasaka, he was quickly moved by the beauty of the end that was as gorgeous as cherry blossoms in the other person's mouth, and voluntarily accepted this task.

The other party promised him that when he returns, he will invite Tang Ji to be his intermediary with the highest courtesy and let him die gloriously as a warrior.

Although it is quite nonsense, as a player, Sigitas feels that this is a very meaningful adventure. As for what the people on Star Shuttle 3 think, no one knows

PS: I suddenly remembered that I forgot to change my leave application form last month and lost 100 million.

This chapter has been completed!
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