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Chapter 487 Players Doubts

No one likes surprises, but now that there's an uninvited guest in the cabin, Copperfield must wait for Phoenix Orbital Construction Group to make a decision, whether to return or continue this trip that got off to a bad start?

He anxiously observed the uninvited guest through the surveillance camera. The only two security guards on Star Shuttle-3 were looking at him closely.

As the first personnel transport of the Phoenix project, whether Star Shuttle 3 could arrive smoothly has received a lot of unnecessary attention, and Copperfield was under great pressure.

The person under greater pressure than him is the Phoenix Orbital Construction Group, which is making decisions. They have received definite information. The person who was forced by the Arasaka Group to take the Star Shuttle-3 with him is a player.

The top executives of the Phoenix Orbital Construction Group were almost crying. They did not dare to respond to the provocative behavior of the Arasaka Group. The gap in military strength between the two sides was too big. If the Arasaka Group wanted to, they could completely let the entire Phoenix Orbital Construction Group ship a ship.

Ships cannot leave the earth's orbit.

But they didn't do that. They just put a player on Star Shuttle-3, which was both a warning and a conditional acquiescence.

But the original intention of the Phoenix project is to keep their customers away from the threat of players, and they obviously can't really bring that player to Phoenix.

So what does the emperor of Arasaka want?

Copperfield was finally ordered to set sail with the uninvited guest temporarily, but to be prepared to throw him out of the cabin at any time.

In addition, he was also told that the uninvited guest was a superhuman and they were preferred to use lethal force.

To be honest, this did not make Copperfield feel safe at all. The Star Shuttle-3 spacecraft was indeed equipped with five rifles and corresponding bullets, but all the bullets were reduced-load ammunition. They looked like rifles, but in fact

The power is only slightly stronger than that of a pistol.

The reason why the pistol is not directly equipped is because the rifle is harder to hide, which is good for navigation safety.

Copperfield feels that he is a little allergic to the word superhuman. What abilities does he have? What can he do? Can five rifles deal with him?

Everything is unknown. For those shareholders on the ground, this is a symbolic voyage with great significance. But if it really fails, the result will be just another one. After all, the customers have no other projects to work on.


But Copperfield and the other passengers only live once, and he doesn't want to just become fireworks.

So after smoking three cigarettes, Copperfield decided to meet the legendary player in person to see if he could reach some agreement with him.

"The prisoners are being released from their restraints!" The news from the guards made everyone who knew about it nervous.

Copperfield didn't know what the players were. He only knew that the higher-ups warned him that those players were very dangerous and their way of thinking was different from humans.

The guard who raised the alarm only lasted ten seconds before losing contact, and the camera in the prison cell was also destroyed.

Nickell gave one of the only five rifles to Copperfield, and then said calmly: "I'll go first. If I die, you will be the only pilot. You have to ensure that Star Shuttle-3

normal operation."

Copperfield hesitated for a few seconds, and finally listened to the co-pilot's persuasion. After all, the other person gave him a very good reason, and this spaceship cannot be without a pilot.

Forget it, he didn't want to continue to lie to himself, he just didn't dare to face that legendary player.

Sigitas was walking in the transportation cabin at this time. He was very curious about everything outside, because when he was in the Crystal Palace, he was in a state of cryogenic freezing and had never seen the starry sky outside.

At this time, he had no plans to destroy the man-made object. He was simply curious about everything outside the porthole. This was the first time he saw the real starry sky outside the atmosphere.

He comes from a future world where all the stars visible above his head have been conquered and occupied, but that vast history is only related to the Supreme Beings and has nothing to do with them.

As a Chaos Demon type player, Sigitas's interpersonal relationships are in a mess, but he is one of the few Chaos Demons who still have a sound mind, so his information channels are wider than those of ordinary players.

For example, he knew that the city he lived in was a mirror city in a superimposed state. The Supreme Beings may have done this for the convenience of management or to save trouble. In fact, all players live in the same city, but they belong to different cities.

Mirror area.

This is why some players have full names, while others only have a codename consisting of a string of letters and numbers.

Because it is more random, the rate of duplicate names is lower, and it is more convenient to manage.

This world is the first world that Sigitas has experienced that has the ability to allow ordinary people to leave the atmosphere. He looked at the huge space station not far away and the satellites orbiting the earth, and felt that all of this was


For a moment, Sigitas felt that he didn't want to die. People in this world still wanted to explore the starry sky under such difficult conditions, but his world was so developed, but he had never thought of looking up at the starry sky.


Sigitas felt that he had wasted endless life. Compared with the miracles in the starry sky above his head, the stimulation he had been pursuing before was only a negligible mental stimulation.

He glanced at the bloody dagger in his hand, threw the only weapon on the ground, and just sat on the ground, looking at the distant starry sky and falling into obsession.

When Nikhil and several crew members surrounded him with guns, this was what he saw. Sigitas showed no resistance. His only request was that his freedom should not be restricted, and he wanted a seat by the window.

Sigitas' request was met, and he just looked at the starry sky quietly until Star Shuttle-3 crossed Lagrange L5 and suddenly lost consciousness.

Or to put it another way, Sigitas went offline, leaving only a physical body in Star Shuttle Line 3.

Eight hours later, the body was expelled from Star Shuttle-3 after discussions among the top management of the Phoenix Orbital Construction Group.

Phoenix City has maintained its purity. No superhuman has ever set foot there, not in the past, not now, and never in the future.

They will implement the most stringent vetting procedures. All the 145 known settlers will have their blood samples retested every three days. Once someone awakens, he will be repatriated to Earth.

Phoenix City will be the last piece of pure land for mankind!

Big E is an authentic old Night City member, and in this three-acre area of ​​Night City, he is really authentic wherever he goes, and there is no place that he can't get enough of.

In just two weeks, Doligon was defrauded by Big E of nearly 300,000 yuan in activity funds. Big E assured him that he had a way to obtain Tang Ji's personal files before he entered the law enforcement bureau.

It's just that the asking price is a bit high.

Duoligong and the pioneer forces behind him were eager for any information about Tang Ji. They didn't care about money at all and paid the deposit without even discussing the price.

Big E knew at this point that the spy must have escaped, so he took a deposit of 250,000, including food and drinks, and sent Dorigon to the Central Prison.

Don't you want to check Tang Ji's information? Brother E has a card and will arrange a meeting with you directly to ensure that none of your money is wasted.

When Big E drove away, he was filled with joy because after Mikkelsen confirmed the identity of the Doragon player, he gave him another 250,000 federal coins as a reward.

This order cost him half a million yuan. If there were such good deals falling from the sky every day, Brother E would be able to buy a small single room in Phoenix next year.

And Mikkelsen himself gave the money with the same idea. If everyone was like this taxi driver and manipulated the players, there would be hope for this war.

"Hello sir, when can I see Tang Ji?" Sitting in the office, Doligon tried his best to act more arrogant. Big E taught him that he spent money and could act too much.

a little.

"Tsk, believe me, it will be quick, but before that, I think you can stay with your companions for a while." Mikkelsen looked at this clueless man, and for some reason he remembered another clueless man under his command.

Mind, Dan Turan.

Maybe it's because they exude a similar sense of stupidity, but it always feels like there are some real idiots mixed in among the players.

"Dorigon, is that you?" Dan Turan was surprised to see the only companion he knew. It became a prisoner almost as soon as it entered this world and has been working until now. Sometimes Dan Turan almost forgets it.

Now I am a player.

"Dan Turan? Why are you here?" Duoligon was even more surprised than Dan Turan. He always thought that he and Dan Turan had not met because they were in different areas when they were assigned bodies.


But now, it seems that the other party is still using the same body as when they first met. Doligon had to ask his doubts: "Since you were arrested last time, have you been staying here until now?"

"Yes, otherwise I would have nowhere to go. The mission system is just a decoration, and I am not interested in those missions." Dan Turan also held a report in his hand, which was the registration of super hot humans this month.

The program needs updated information.

He originally thought he was called to the Central Prison today just to deliver a work report, but he didn't expect to see Dorigon.

The two players just stared at each other, and both sides were speechless.

"So, what are you doing here?" Dan Turan took the initiative to break the silence. He has been doing administrative work during this period and has seen all kinds of people. He is completely different from the player who was like a blank piece of paper at that time.


"I'm here to collect information about Tang Ji. The middleman said that there is someone here who can give me detailed information." Duoligon was beginning to feel paralyzed now. He felt as if he had done something stupid.

"Do you know where this is?" Dan Turan laughed and asked his friend.

"Where?" Doligon asked a little guilty.

"This is the Central Prison. Tang Ji's office is on the third floor. You are in the right place, but I guess this is definitely different from your original purpose." Dan Turan helped Doligon refill a cup of coffee:

"Try it, this may be the highest quality coffee in the world."

"Thank you." Doligon felt a little uncomfortable. He felt an obvious sense of strangeness from Dan Turan.

"Okay, what do you want to know? And, what do you know now?" Dan Turan continued to ask: "Maybe I can help you."

Soon, Dan Turan learned the information he had collected from Doligon. Just as he guessed, most of these things were public information on the Internet.

"So, those pioneers just let you have them in your hands for so long?" Doligon was still a little unbelievable.

"Maybe they think this is a normal player experience. I don't think it's any different." Dan Turan smiled and told Doligon the cruel fact before: "You were deceived. You can't do these things."

It can be found by searching online. If you enter Tang Ji’s fan forum, you will probably gain more than this.”

Doligon stopped talking. He felt sincerely that he seemed to have been tricked intellectually.

"I can tell you a big news. The pioneers all know it, but they have kept it from us." Dan Turan said seriously: "Tang Ji can really kill a player."

Doragon was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly, as if he wanted to hear a great joke.

"You can laugh, but if you are willing to stop and think about the pioneers' fear of Tang Ji, you will know that this news may indeed be true." Dan Turan drank coffee and continued to add: "

Or let me put it another way, those players who were killed by Tang Ji, have you seen any of them since?"

Dan Turan did not lie on this point, and Doligon could not even refute it. No matter how the pioneers tried to hide it, the players killed by Tang Ji indeed all disappeared, and no one appeared in front of them again.

Dorrigon fell silent, he didn't want to believe this fact.

Although he gained basically nothing from eternal life, the feeling of being broken by the aborigines still made him uncomfortable.

"The recent Heilis Chapter and the Conquering Blade Chapter basically have survivors. If you want, you can go back and ask them if those dead players have appeared again." Dan Turan continued.

Said: "I guess they let you in just to let me tell you this fact."

"But we are players, do you plan to be an ordinary person here?" Doligon asked with some confusion: "Are you willing to do this?"

"What is a player? Do you have any memories of that world worth mentioning? When we came here, our brains were like a blank sheet of paper. Everything was what they told us." Dan Turan shook his head.

: "What is our purpose here? They just tell us to be ourselves and follow our feelings, but what if they are wrong? What if I don't want to be a player?"

Doligon's worldview seemed to have been greatly impacted, and he remained speechless for a long time. The final blow came from Dan Turan's final question: "Those memories that we were told had been sold were really sold.


PS: The condition is unstable these days, and the cough is getting worse and worse. The update time is not stable. I will try again when I recover. The good news is that the child’s fever has subsided. The bad news is that the breeder and I both seem to have some symptoms after returning to work.

The symptoms of Fuyang include a low fever and a cough, which are a bit scary.

This chapter has been completed!
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