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Chapter 532 Amaropati

Tang Ji's biggest feeling about space was the coldness. He could feel the low temperature slowly seeping in through the thin shell of the landing module.

In just seventeen seconds, Tang Ji had escaped the shackles of the earth's gravity. This was an unprecedented experience, as if the earth had not had time to react and exert an influence on him, and he had already broken through the atmosphere.

At least the Mediterranean didn't lie to him. The most dangerous stage was the moment of launch. As long as the launcher could hold on without any accidents, the next problems would be much simpler.

Tangji only needs to wait patiently for five hours and 43 minutes, and then it will enter the lunar orbit, which will set a new record for the fastest passage of a man-made object to the moon.

Nearly half of the weight of the long and narrow landing module is used to store fuel, which is used to decelerate during the extreme stage of orbit so that it can be captured in the lunar orbit.

For more than five hours, Tang Ji could only keep quiet, staring at a low-power timer in front of him in a daze.

He only has a minimal supply of oxygen. Although Tang Ji can hold his breath for a long time, he is still a carbon-based creature after all, and he needs oxygen to participate in life activities.

Mediterranean advised him to keep a calm mind, which can effectively reduce his metabolic level.

Tang Ji has already seen the space station of the Rothschild family. He is now very curious about who this Nihelugandi family is and why they gave up life on the surface and hid themselves on the back of the moon.

Although there are many rich people in this world, in order to show their status and taste, they have built some space estates and sky farms in outer space, but after all, these are temporary needs, and they may only go there every few years, and they are even more so.

To own and use.

After all, life in outer space is monotonous. No matter how rich or powerful you are, you must abide by the safety system, otherwise the danger will be the same for everyone.

And this may be the thing they can't stand the most

The demise of the Rothschild family's power on Earth has begun to have an impact in invisible places.

Some companies and political entities and organizations that were secretly manipulated suddenly discovered that the big hand that once secretly guided the direction no longer existed. Some organizations were ecstatic, while others were at a loss.

Over the years, Rothschild has single-handedly controlled the barometer of high-end manufacturing, split up a large number of aviation technology companies, and deliberately created the current situation of the decline of the civil aviation industry.

In addition, they continue to clean up the academic community, eliminate dissidents, suppress emerging technology fields, and try to artificially establish technological fault lines. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a cancer of civilization.

But because of several giant companies, such as Military Technology and Arasaka Group, they have not fully achieved their goals.

In contrast, the Nihelugandi family has completed the original intention of the Tianren Organization in the biological field, forming a real technological gap.

Garvalal Priyadarshini Niruru was the leader of this plan. It took him seventy years to gradually complete his plan and create today's Amarabhati, a truly living building.

city ​​of.

According to the information provided by the Celestial Being Organization, this is a realm beyond the reach of mortals. It is located in the huge crater of the Meru crater. It is full of exotic flowers and plants, and gems are everywhere. It is a place of joy, with neither sorrow nor sorrow.

No sadness.

Although Tang Ji knew that most of the people in the Celestial Being Organization were mentally abnormal, this kind of illusory introduction was still unique.

According to Wu Qianying, the members of this organization are either too naive, have no worldly pursuits, and are gradually mentally abnormal. After being unable to jump up their social level, they try to jump up their biological level and realize the transformation from humans to gods.

Or, they have lived too long and want to live forever. They are still pursuing the same routine of seeking immortality, which is no different from the kings, emperors, and sultans who tried to pursue the elixir of immortality in the past few years.

Garwalal Priyadarshini Niruru obviously belongs to the latter. Thanks to the information brought back by the prophet, the technical assistance of the ghost, and the encrypted letters just confiscated from the Rothschild family, they still found it.

Some clues about the Nihelugandi family were found.

What is certain is that they own shares in almost every company in the biological and pharmaceutical fields. These shares are hidden behind layers of fog and are far more difficult to find than the Rothschild family.

Because the Nihelugan people never profited from these shares, they generously distributed this part of the profits. The only purpose of holding shares was to grasp the technological progress of human civilization in this field.

Those they deem valuable will be swallowed up through acquisitions, bankruptcies, and the emergence of similar competing products. In the end, these achievements will be used to make the Nihelugandi family more prosperous.

Garwalal Priyadarshini Niruru considers himself a god in the true sense of the word. This is not a joke, nor is it a form of self-pleasure. He has been ruling his followers in his kingdom for almost

A hundred years ago.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been completely isolated from the disturbance of external information during the past hundred years, and have been addicted to the myths and legends that Gavaral weaved for them. So far, they have multiplied to the fifth generation.

When Amaravati was established, Gavalal brought these believers here, completely away from the disputes in the world. He regarded that day as his day of ascension to the gods.

At this time every year, the entire Amaropati holds a carnival, and those Dalits who live deep underground and never see the light of day can also enter the land of light and experience for themselves what sunshine is.

Atham is one of them. He was born in the dark depths of the underground. He was defined as a Dalit from the moment he was born because he had a pair of slender arms under his armpits.

That means that Atham's genes have mutated, that there are still errors in Nihelugandi's technology, and that it represents an unforgivable mistake.

Of course, Atham himself does not understand these reasons. He only knows that he is a Dalit and is born guilty. He cannot speak human language, cannot look directly at the sun, cannot go to the bright place, cannot take a moment to rest, and needs to work day and night to make up for himself.

crimes in order to seek blessings in the next life.

For Atham, the Ascension Day every four years is his only light. On this day, he can temporarily escape from the endless work, hide behind the vents with other Dalits, and flow

Tears watched as the fabled ray of light swept through the vents.

Although there are only three blinks for every Dalit, that is still the reason why Atham insists on living.

Blinking for the first time, he saw indescribable light shining from behind the transparent wall in the distance. The dazzling light forced Atham to close his eyes to relieve the pain in his lens caused by the light.

Blinking for the second time, Atham tried hard to look at the colorful world of the Land of Light. It was so beautiful and so short that he could not restore it in his dream.

Blinking for the third time, Atham's eyes were blurred due to the stimulation of the light, and he could only see some strange outlines. His companions scrambled to snatch him back so that the next Dalit could

Go enjoy the festival where you only have three chances to blink.

"Kidara is finished, she is too greedy"

"She has been punished by the gods, she is useless!"

As soon as Atham recovered from the darkness, he heard the whispers in the crowd. He pushed his way through the crowd and walked towards the center of these whispers. His four hands were particularly useful at this time.

"What's wrong with Kidara?" Atham asked loudly, but the voice that came out of his throat was as weak as a mosquito, mixed with the whispers around him, and seemed to be no different.

Atcham finally found Kidala, a Dalit woman who looked shorter and thinner than him, with a third deformed arm growing out of her right shoulder blade.

Her hair is sparse and connected with the body hair on both sides of her cheeks. She looks more like a monkey without hair. But this is Dalit. Their bodies are proof of their sins. They can only redeem themselves by working to death for the gods.

own sins in order to be whole and healthy in the next life.

Even though Kidara was so ugly and weird, Atham still looked at her with tears streaming down his face. She was his wife, who was already blind at this time.

She was greedy for the bright light and took one more look. Bloody tears flowed from her eyes, and she could no longer see.

Becoming blind will not kill her, but if she becomes blind, she will not be able to work. If she cannot work and completes the daily assigned tasks, she will not be able to exchange for food.

Even if Atham is willing to give her half of his food, they won't be able to hold on for long. They will not be able to pay off their sins and will not be able to obtain blessings in the next life.

"Why are you, Kidara?" Atcham asked with tears in her eyes. He didn't understand that they had already spent an ascension festival together and she shouldn't have made such a mistake.

"I don't want to go on like this anymore, Atham." Kidala cried and said: "I don't know whether I will be me in the next life or not. I don't believe in the afterlife anymore!"

Kidara used his last strength to shout out the second half of the sentence, causing all the Dalits hiding in the pipe to fall silent.

Even Achamu looked at his wife in horror. The terms wife and husband were passed down from a long time ago. In fact, Achamu did not know its true meaning, and they did not have the desire or ability to 'proliferate'.

, they just build a family in pairs, keep each other warm at night, and take care of each other when they are sick.

In the next second, all the Dalits moved away from Kidara and this monster. Even Atham took a step back, but his hand was held by Kidara and could not be pulled out.

"I'm going to die, Atham, look at me and remember what I said. We have no future and no afterlife. Even if there is, it won't be you and me." Kidara seemed to want to say all the words in this life.

Afterwards, her weak respiratory system soon made her out of breath: "Don't believe what they say, Atham, please, for yourself and for me, seek true relief!"

"What crazy talk are you talking about, Kidara, I will take you back to our corner, I will give you some water, and feed you some moss, you must have been burned by the light of the light!" Acha!

Mu covered Kidara's mouth with some fear and dragged him backwards in a hurry.

"We are not really living like this, Atham, you will understand sooner or later." Kidara said the last thing, broke away from Atham's hand, took out a triangular iron sheet from his arms, and separated it.

There was no hesitation in his own throat.

"Kidara?" Atham looked at the corpse on the ground in disbelief. He stretched out his hand to touch the blood on the ground in horror, and screamed in fear.

Atham believed that Kidara's soul would fall into the abyss forever, unable to be revived, and there would be no afterlife.

"Quiet! You bugs, if you keep calling me, I will take you all out, chop off your hands and feet, watch you howl, and then use the tongs to pull out your throats!" The majestic voice belonging to Manu, accompanied by

The huge knocking sound echoed inside the ventilation duct, making Atham unable to stand firmly.

He covered his mouth in pain to prevent himself from crying, and dragged Kidara's body towards the altar of reincarnation. Regardless of whether Kidara committed suicide, he would try to see if he could activate the altar of reincarnation.

Let her not fall into the abyss forever.

Tang Ji was woken up by a vibration. During the taxiing stage, there was almost no equipment in operation in the landing module. In this silent deep space, with only the sound of breathing and heartbeat, the environment was perfect for sleeping. Tang Ji couldn't help but


After all, he has been quite busy these days, either in heaven or on earth, and is somewhat mentally tired.

During the nearly six-hour journey, Tang Ji slept for five and a half hours. When he woke up, he had successfully entered the lunar orbit as originally planned.

The jet used for deceleration worked hard, eventually reducing the speed of the landing module to a level where it could be captured by the moon's gravity.

Then the jet port used to adjust the angle started to work, allowing the landing module to gradually approach the lunar surface at a constant inward angle, circle by circle in the lunar orbit.

Tang Ji did not know the normal lunar landing process at this time. The power part of the lunar module should be divided into an ascent section and a descent section. The descent section is not only responsible for providing a buffer for the lunar module when it lands, but it is also the launcher when it returns to orbit again.


As for the landing module used by Tang Ji, not only did it not have an ascending section, it didn't even have a descending section. After completing the final cut-in angle turn, this thing was now a hollow cannonball.

It will continue to circle the moon for three and a half times, and then hit the lunar surface directly at a very degrading angle. The final large buffering measure is nothing more than a set of quick-response gels that are shot out at the same time as the oxygen bag.

As for how useful it was, no one knew, because it only existed for less than forty-eight hours from design to manufacturing to installation on the landing module.

Moreover, during the launch process, they had to abandon half of the oxygen bags in the Mediterranean Sea because they miscalculated the passenger supply.

The only good news may be that even if the system doesn't work, it may not kill Tang Ji.


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