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Chapter 533: A god in black descends from the sky

According to tradition, the two leaders of Nihelugandi's generation should also be a man and a woman. The dual genders lead the men and women in the family respectively. This can not only prevent the sudden death of a single leader and cause the family to be leaderless, but also prevent the family from being leaderless.

It can limit the power of a single leader to a certain extent.

This is the ruling art of the Nihelugandi family for thousands of years. They have to limit their rights because their rights are too great. Over time, people with whimsical pursuits pursue things that do not exist in the world, and therefore

And the family becomes weak.

However, the ancient order cannot compare with the development of modern technology. The ancestors who originally designated this system never thought about how future generations would circumvent such restrictions.

When the talented and talented Gawalar Priyadarshini Nirugang became the male leader of the family, his female partner was his aunt, Kali Mahaprada Gandi.

Kali Mahaprada is powerful and has the say of the entire family. She is greedy and stupid, and her eyes are limited to land and underground resources that can produce value. At one point, she even wanted to involve the family in the Petrochemical Alliance and the Petrochemical Alliance.

In the stupid war of corporate syndicates.

Garvalal had endured for more than 20 years and behaved quite submissively, but suddenly one day, he stabbed a poisonous dagger into Kali Mahaprada's abdomen and watched her die with his own eyes, and the toxin decomposed rapidly.

Her body was destroyed, and all healing agents had no effect.

Later, Ghavalal supported another female leader to come to power, and began a close cooperation with her, Durga Mahabala Gandi, his isotopic clone.

They are so connected and their tacit understanding is terrifying. The Nihelugandi family has never been so united, and they have never lived up to the name of the family.

Garvalal built a true kingdom of gods on the moon, the abode of the gods, Amāravati!

It is so majestic that such a large-scale extraterrestrial creation has never appeared in human history. In comparison, Saburo Arasaka's Crystal Palace is like a shack built by the nouveau riche near a castle.

Amaravati is a three-dimensional vertical structure super building complex. Its main body is a very unique giant tree. Gavaral built a huge bio-dome for it, and then the entire Amarobhati followed the giant tree.

Take root and spread downwards.

Ashoda tree is the pearl of Nihelugan land in the biological field. It can not only adapt to the low gravity environment of the moon, take root and grow in the weathered soil rich in mineral elements, but also produce purified metal crystals in the form of fruits.


In addition, the Ashoda tree can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen in the process like ordinary plants, so as to improve the living environment of Amāravati.

It is the perfect outer space colonization plant, supporting the entire Amaropati with its huge root system.

But correspondingly, the Niherugandi family is not that proficient in other fields. The radar system used by Amaropati is a monkey version of the product provided by the Rothschild family. The ghost is facing huge network delay interference.

The radar system ignored the landing module containing Tangi.

The landing module finally hit the lunar surface at an angle of forty degrees. Mikkelsen and the others had already learned the specific location of Amaropati from the prophet, so the carefully calculated trajectory made the landing module directly hit Amaro.


Seen from a distance, Amaropati looks like a green scabies growing in a crater on the moon. The transparent adaptive isolation bubble will grow with the growth of the Ashoda tree.

It is flexible, and countless microorganisms live in this mucosa, relying on sunlight to survive and produce more materials that make up the mucosa.

Under the canopy of the Ashoda tree, there is a transparent dome made of hard materials. Most of the 'gods' with the blood of Nihelu Gandi live on this floor. They can see Ashoda when they raise their heads.

The majestic figure of the tree, and the spectacular scene of the alternation of day and night once a month.

On the next floor, the Manu class composed of technicians and their descendants who were brought to Amaropati by the Nihelugandi family live there.

They live a carefree life, are the minions of the gods, and are the defenders of Amāravati. Most of them live a very prosperous life.

Continuing down, you will see the true face of Amaropati. This is the cloning factory of the Nihelugandi family. They can clone tens of thousands of clones from the breeding cavity every year, and use these clones according to demand.

Divided into four castes.

Those with stable genetic sequences, the best appearance, and outstanding appearance are the Brahmin class. They are mainly responsible for singing praises and serving the gods, and a few will be assigned to meritorious Manu.

The most outstanding among them, known as the Brahma caste, will be taught the language called Veda and participate in the work of maintaining the Asoda tree and Amāravati.

There are also Brahmins who are the mediators of communication between humans and gods, responsible for conveying the will of the gods to the human world.

Those who had extra genes inserted to make them extraordinarily strong or agile without mutating were replaced by Kshatriyas. They were the guardians of Amāravati and the soldiers of the gods.

The strongest and most agile Kshatriyas will be taught by Manu how to use the weapons given by the gods, go to the endless sea of ​​stars to perform special tasks assigned by the gods, and bleed and sacrifice for the gods.

Those who are particularly smart and patient are called Veshas. They will be taught by Manu and driven by Manu to prune the branches and leaves of the Asoda tree and build bricks and tiles for Amāravati.

Those who have no special skills but have not mutated are all classified as Sudras. They are humble slaves and the most humble farming species in the farmland.

Every Sudra must work for life, trying to take care of those fragile seedlings in the barren soil, and pray that their harvest is higher than 20% of the resources they consume, otherwise they themselves will become part of the harvest to fill the gap.

The loss of Amaravati becomes the waste of the Asoda tree.

Finally, there are the untouchables, the Dalits who live forever in the ventilation ducts. They are parasites in Amravati and live only because of the mercy of the gods.

Tang Ji's landing module penetrated the biological mucous membrane, passed by the residence of the gods, and crashed into the lunar surface close to Chi Chi.

However, the hollowed-out soil below was directly penetrated by the cannon-shaped landing cabin. The landing cabin continued downward, penetrating the Manu layer and the fourth layer, and finally stopped at the lowest layer of Amaropati.

The entire landing module was severely deformed, and the gel ejector, which was originally designed to cushion the landing, has not moved at all until now.

Tang Ji, who was dazed inside, tore open the hatch of the landing cabin that was supposed to be opened by ejection with his bare hands. He stepped out with one foot and half leaned against the landing cabin for a few minutes before regaining consciousness.

"Inferior product." Tang Ji jumped out of the landing cabin, turned around and kicked it, leaving a big hole in it.

The next second, the injector that sprayed the gel finally started to work, spraying the gel from Sticky Lake all over Tang Ji. When it encountered oxygen, it expanded almost instantly, covering Tang Ji and nearby passages like jelly.


Tang Ji used his phase transition ability to appear outside the gel coverage area with a gloomy expression. He took deep breaths to calm himself down and not get angry with dead things.

He took a look at the environmental monitoring system, which showed that there was oxygen here, and took off his helmet and took off his heavy spacesuit.

These things cannot provide him with any protection, but will be damaged due to his excessive movements. Their greatest role is to provide a suitable survival environment for Tang Ji during his spacewalk.

Tang Ji looked around his environment and found that the landing cabin seemed to have crashed directly into a place similar to a maintenance channel. The surroundings were quiet, with only the broken pipes pouring out steam from time to time, and the surface of the walls was all condensed.

Water drops.

In the corner near the floor, a large amount of moss had covered the original wall, and a rapid and weak breathing sound reached Tang Ji's ears in this environment.

Tang Ji appeared in front of a ventilation duct as if teleporting, and directly tore off the ventilation grille, exposing the breathing person or something else to him.

That thing looked exactly like Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, with its body hunched and curled up in the pipe. It looked like it was only sixty or seventy centimeters tall.

If he stood up straight, maybe a meter? Tang Ji frowned and looked at the poor thing twitching with fear.

He was obviously frightened by Tang Ji. He covered his mouth and nose with two arms, and the other two arms under his armpits covered his heart. His face turned pale to the naked eye.

Atham felt that he must have been punished by the gods for his actions just now. The black-clothed god standing in front of him must be the legendary Lord Shiva!

He felt as if his heart was being held by invisible hands, and every beat was like a countdown, and his brain was falling into chaos due to lack of oxygen.

Atham tried his best to look back at Kidara's body. He felt that he could not die yet. He still had unfinished business and Kidara's soul was still waiting for him to save.

Even gods, even Shiva, should have some compassion!

Atham felt a surge of anger injected into his heart like fuel, causing it to start beating vigorously again with full anger, making him stronger and braver than ever before.

He raised his head and looked directly into the eyes of the God with unprecedented determination. What kind of eyes were those!

Atham felt as if he had seen the desolation at the end of the universe, the whirlpool in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and the countless vengeful souls wailing behind those eyes. The gray-black flames gathered in his eyes, which reminded him of the killing of Ji.

Dara's light

But maybe this should be called the light of darkness?

Atham felt that he was not as scared as he thought. The god opposite did not seem to have the intention to kill him immediately. He just stood there and looked at him calmly, with even a trace of pity in his eyes?

But why is this? They are Dalits, untouchables who are not loved by God. He should not be so kind.

Atham knelt on the ground and bowed to the ground to show his excitement. He expected that the other party would leave directly because of that trace of mercy.

But the next second, Atham felt himself being picked up by a big hand. The god's majestic voice contained a hint of disbelief, a hint of trembling and endless anger, and asked: "What are you?"

"I am Atham?" Atham's mind went blank at this time and he subconsciously said his name, but he immediately realized that as a Dalit, his name was also an insult to the gods, and he immediately kept silent.


"What are you!" The voice of the black-clothed god became even more violent. Atham could hear that there was a terrifying anger that would end the world in the other person's voice, but the anger didn't seem to be directed at him.

"I am a Dalit," Atham answered cautiously. He did not dare not answer the god's question, so he could only summon up the courage to scream loudly.

But even if he tried his best, the voice was still small and pitiful.

It is said that a long time ago, in Atham's father's generation, the sound of Dalits communicating with each other in the pipes continued to pass along the pipes, making Manu, who was responsible for managing the ventilation system, unable to sleep. From then on

They deprived Dalits of their ability to speak loudly.

In Atham's memory, they had always communicated with each other in this insignificant voice, as if this was how it should be.

Atham's answer obviously did not satisfy the god in black. He asked again in a majestic voice: "Are you a human too?"

Am I a human being too? Atham sobbed, not knowing how to answer. He felt that he should be a human being. Even if he was a Dalit, he should still be considered a human being.

But he was also worried that his answer would offend the black god. The anger in his tone almost froze the surrounding space!

Atham's mind was thinking like it was about to burn out. He tried to turn his head to look at Kidara's body. At that moment, he made up his mind.

He wasn't saying it for himself, but for Kidara she had to be human!

"I am a human being! We are human beings! Of course we are human beings too!" Atchamu closed his eyes and shouted to the black-clothed god with all his strength: "We are human beings!"

Atham suddenly felt like he was being let down. The movements of the black-clothed god were so gentle, as if they were holding some kind of treasure.

Then Atham saw the black-clothed god roaring in the direction of the sky. Atham blocked his ears in fear. The sound was so loud that the entire pipe vibrated, causing all the people on the ground to vibrate.

The stones began to vibrate.

He believed that the roar was heard throughout Amravati, and even the Asoda tree trembled!

"Where are you going?" After an unknown amount of time, Atham, who had fainted, was shaken awake by the god in black, and he heard the other party ask.

"I want to go to the altar of reincarnation to save my wife's soul." Atham knelt down in front of Tang Ji piously: "I hope she will have another life."

"Show me the way, I will take you there." The god in black said.


This chapter has been completed!
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