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Chapter 544 Binding

The black flame instantly burned the roots in front of Atham. Atham could not even see what was happening in front of him. He looked at the black flame in front of him curiously. It burned quietly in front of him, but there was no burning heat.

Garvalal, who was wrapped in the roots of the Ashoda tree, was helpless in the face of the black flames. He moved with the roots like a snake and shrank into a hole in the ground.

In front of Gavaral, countless plant roots continued to gush out from the ground, resisting the ubiquitous black flames in front of him.

As an entry-level super life form, he has also analyzed the genes of gluttony, studied the evil blood of greed, and extracted some gene fragments from each and inserted them into his own gene fragments.

But this was the first time he faced the Seven Deadly Sins head-on, and the pressure Tangji put on him far exceeded Gavallar's unoptimistic assumption.

From the first attempt to make a deal with the other party to the hasty escape now, Gavalal's originally calm mind has experienced strong fluctuations.

It was an unprecedented feeling of frustration. His wealth on earth, Nihelu, and the Gandi family's savings over thousands of years, seemed meaningless in the face of the Seven Deadly Sins.

He didn't know how the member of the Eternal Council who was stupid enough to stay on earth would feel when the Rothschild family was destroyed, but it would definitely not be a pleasant scene.

Those genetic components from superhuman beings all lost control under this flame, and Gavalal had to give up the dominant expression of these genes.

He knew that these superhuman beings were unreliable.

Before being engulfed by black flames, Gavalal pulled his old body out of the secret chamber in time.

In fact, that old body is not that important. Over the years, the relationship between him and the Ashodha tree has become closer. If it hadn't been for today's accident, he would have even forgotten that the so-called real body existed.


As the true body became part of the root system, Gavalal's consciousness also sneaked into the depths of the Ashodha tree.

This was not a good experience for him. The bioengineers of the Nihelu Gandi family had only completed the auxiliary sensors above the surface and laid some auxiliary sensors in the middle layer. Those things

Allowing Gavalar to obtain a more intuitive and detailed perception effect.

And in the deeper part, Gavalal became completely blind, deaf and mute

Of course, the above-mentioned are all animals or humans. In the traditional sense, the perception system originally belonging to the Ashoda tree will gradually replace these perceptions.

It is a slow and resilient perception system, and it often takes Gavalar several weeks to realize whether what is blocking him is a vein of metal ore or a stone.

This is why he wants to keep his old body. He needs to use his human perception system to ensure efficiency.

There are several similar secret chambers in the slender web-like branches of the Ashoda tree. One of them is connected to a consciousness transformation device, which can turn Gavaral into a human again through a simple operation.


In another secret room, there is a set of eight nuclear bombs that can send the entire Amāravati skyward.

The Nihelu Gandi family longed for nuclear power, but they forgot about it for half a century, and now they finally got their wish.

Gavalal's consciousness hesitated for a few seconds and controlled the root system to move towards the two secret rooms at the same time.

On the other side, Atham, who saw Tang Ji again, was not as excited as he thought.

Atham looked in the mirror and saw Dalits and knew that Dalits were human beings. He who saw the corpses of Kshatriyas and Manu knew that Dalits and Manu were also human beings.

He saw the corpse of the god at the elevator entrance and came to the conclusion that the gods are also human beings and they will die.

Only Tang Ji, the black-clad Asura, when he stood in front of Atham, his shaky faith was anchored again. There really is a god in this world.

Atham worshiped Tangji devoutly and asked with fear and fear: "Have you seen Kidara's soul? Is she still guilty?"

Tang Ji frowned and looked at the four-armed dwarf at his feet. He was instinctively disgusted with this kind of behavior, but the black flame seemed to have its own will. It was very familiar with Atham's worship, and it naturally separated into one.

Duo, burned a mark on Atham's forehead.

This behavior of walking alone that did not originate from his own will made Tang Ji frown even deeper. He still did not understand what kind of state he was currently in. There was no new prompt from the system. He only knew that he had changed.


But if this power has its own ideas, he would rather cut it off completely.

Tang Ji looked at Atham up and down, then stretched out his hand to wipe away the mark on his forehead: "How did you find him?"

Although it was just a simple question, Atham still tried to interpret this sentence and understand the implications.

"Kidara's soul guides me." Atham replied humbly, as if he had never stood up before.

"I'm not a god. I can't resurrect your wife, and I don't know where her soul has gone." Tang Ji turned around and opened a person-high passage on the wall of the confined space: "But if you are willing to help,

We can quickly find the culprit who caused all this."

"Where is Garvalal?" Durga Mokbara Gandi stood in front of a small silver-white spaceship. He turned to look at Amaropati, who had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and frowned slightly.

With just such a slight movement, the guards responsible for her safety suddenly became short of breath. They carefully explained: "We don't know what happened in Amaravatiri for the time being. Sir Gavaral just made a statement."

Come and order us to send you to orbit around the moon."

Durga sighed and boarded the silver-white spaceship with the help of the guards. It was a gift given to them by the Rothschild family five years ago. In return, they sent out two thousand clones.


As the isotopic body of Ghavalal, Durga is not just a clone. She is a more advanced existence and an ambitious attempt by Ghavalal.

Durga is a 100% female copy of the original Ghavral gene. She has been an adult since the day she appeared. Even her memories are copied directly from Gavaral to ensure that they are facing the same thing.

When things happen, they will make the same associations and ultimately make the same choices.

Therefore, although the guards did not explain the internal situation of Amravati, just seeing that they were about to send him to the lunar orbit, Durga knew that Gavaral's situation might not be good, and he finally provoked him

An enemy that cannot be dealt with.

They are homotopic, yin and yang twins with connected minds and souls. However, with the completion of Amarabhati, the thoughts of Gavalal and Durga went further and further, and he was completely immersed in his own thoughts.

In the God mini-game.

Gavaral is no longer the same Gavaral he was back then. He is now the Asodha tree, the god of gods, but Durga is still Durga. Her mission at the beginning of her birth was to assist Gavaral.


"I won't leave. Take me to Amaropati. I want to talk to Fury personally." Durga suddenly turned around and ordered the pilot to open the cabin door: "I order you in the name of Emperor Nihelu.

Open the door!"

When Durga took out the name of Niruru Gandhi, everyone in the spacecraft could only obey this name because it was an instinct engraved in their genes.

Although these guards and pilots are also clones, they did not grow up in the twisted environment of Amaropati.

Durga persuaded Garvalal to build an underground base not far from Amaropati. It was not as huge as Amaropati. It was more like a large barracks than a base.

The cloned technicians, pilots, and guards were born and raised here. They are considered the normal talent reserve of the Gandi family and are supervised by Durga personally.

To these clones, Durga was not only a leader, she was also more like a strict mother, so they obeyed Durga's order, opened the hatch, and went to Amaropati with her.

Compared to Ghavalal, Durga knows more about what's happening on the earth. In fact, she spends more than half of every year living on the earth.

Of course she knew Tang Ji and had a very good understanding of Tang Ji's deeds. The whole world knew that Tang Ji had a bad temper and never negotiated or compromised with others.

Durga also knows Gavalal as well as he knows himself, and he will definitely bring Tangji's children and wife to the gambling table as bargaining chips.

The only result of doing so would be to irritate Tangji. Durga was very sure of this and had specifically reminded Garvalal and advised him not to rashly intervene in the provocation of the Tangji-Mikkelsen combination by the Celestial Being Organization.

She even opposed Nihelu Gandi to continue to be a member of the Celestial Being Organization and interfere with various things on the earth. She has always had a pessimistic attitude towards the existence of players.

Soon, Durga and her guards rode an electric car from the underground tunnel into the secret entrance of Amaropati.

This entrance is hidden on the floor where Sudras and Vaishyas live. It took those hardworking workers three years to dig it out bit by bit.

People here are very familiar with Durga. This beautiful and majestic god comes here every once in a while and generously gives them food and drinks that they have never seen before.

These devout believers happily welcomed Durga's arrival, and at the same time told each other with some concern about the changes in the giant tree that had been restrained in these few hours.

First there was a shock, and then the Ashoda tree began to twist. They had never experienced anything like this before, and everyone fell into panic.

But the Manu did not appear from above to comfort them as they did in the past, and it seemed as if this place had been forgotten.

Durga comforted these cultivators and builders who were deliberately shaped into such ignorant characters, and then walked to the Ashodha tree and covered the bark of the tree with her hands.

"You failed, Gavalal, let me go and talk to him." Durga muttered silently in her heart, and she knew that he could hear it.

"It's useless, Tangji is just a rock, but I have a way to deal with him." Gavalal quickly sent a reply: "He and the organization behind him are full of greed for our technology. They think they can

Leave us alone to take away these technologies."

"This is wishful thinking. Ah!" Gavalal's consciousness transmission suddenly ended, as if he had suffered a heavy blow.

Durga couldn't imagine what kind of attack could cause a heavy blow to something like the Ashoda tree. She could understand Tangji's use of flames to incinerate it.

But she soon understood.

Another vibration passed along the Ashoda tree, as if someone was looking at this giant tree. You know, the diameter of the main trunk of the Ashoda tree is more than seventy meters, and the wood is almost as hard as metal. Even Tang Ji should

It is difficult to shake such an existence.

However, the fact is that Tangji was cutting down the tree, and according to Atham, that damn Gawalar was moving back and forth throughout the Asoda tree like an invisible parasite.

This giant tree is so huge that the flames of hatred are still burning in the upper space to this day.

Although the Flame of Hatred that mutated completely into black is a supernatural flame that does not require the restraint of oxygen and can burn even in a semi-vacuum environment, it is an illusory existence after all. When Tang Ji's attention is not here,

Its power has been greatly reduced.

So Tangji planned to block it in the middle stage and divide Gavalal's consciousness bit by bit.

Tangji's wood-cutting tool was a long-handled metal knife picked up from a Kshatriya. The broad and thick blade was very suitable for chopping as long as it could be swung.

When Durga walked up to the level of Brahmins and Kshatriyas, Tangji was there, in the horrified eyes of those poor clones, using a mortal weapon to chop down the Ashoda tree that represented the will of the gods.

Dozens of weapons of the same model were thrown aside. Whenever a weapon deformed, Tang Ji would replace it with a brand new one and continue working.

It seemed that he was not cutting down trees, but cutting down the faith in people's hearts. With each cut, large chunks of wood were brought out.

Tang Ji had already dug a trench on the Ashoda tree directly in front of him, which was two meters deep and seven or eight meters long.

"Please stop, outsider, we hope to discuss terms with you." Durga stood fifty meters away from Tang Ji and shouted softly.

Her words caused the Brahmins and Kshatriyas to cry out in disbelief. People seemed to have lost their energy and became dejected.

Tang Ji looked back and said, "Are you also of the bloodline of Nihelu Gan Emperor?"

"I want to get closer. I am the heterosexual body of Gavalal, and I can represent him." Durga bowed slightly to Tangji: "I thought that Gavalal's recklessness would agree to all your conditions, no matter what.

Whatever you want, we just want a small corner."

"What did you say you wanted just now?" Tang Ji kicked Atham, and Atham, who was looking at the Ashoda tree in a trance, suddenly realized: "I want my wife's soul to be liberated."

"You heard it. Coincidentally, so am I. I hope no one will disturb these dead people again." Tang Ji did not stop what he was doing and continued to swing the ax very fast.

"We are willing to make guarantees."

"I do not believe."

This chapter has been completed!
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