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Chapter 545 No Negotiation

"Compared with just now, isn't it a little too quiet?" Mikkelsen hugged his shoulders and looked at the satellite surveillance screen on the back of the moon with Wu Qianying.

Due to the interference of the heavenly organization, the entire moon has actually become a dark restricted area. All satellites in the lunar orbit are actually operated by companies controlled by the Nihelu Gandi family. The entire Amaropati is under double cover.

Not known to outsiders.

Nuoda's military technology group could not even find several weapons that could threaten the base on the back of the moon. Ninety percent of the weapons they deployed in the earth's orbit were aimed at the earth itself. Humanity has forgotten the stars and space.


Almost all of the few deep space projects are controlled by the Celestial Organization, which is undoubtedly sad.

Just like now, when they plan to destroy Amaropati, the best weapon to use turns out to be Tangji, and the vehicle to send him up is an ancient creation left over from the corporate war period.

This is undoubtedly a silent insult to the man behind the world's largest arms dealer, and Mikkelsen even loses sleep at night because of it. Well, at least more than 300 individuals can't sleep at night.

"When you sent him up, didn't you consider that he might completely wipe out that place?" Wu Qianying asked while calculating the area and radiation intensity of the previous flame explosion: "Or, did you think about that place?

What else do you expect from monsters in the city?”

"Who knows, maybe those Nihelu and Gan emperors just want to open a hospital on the moon to save all sentient beings?" Mikkelsen smiled.

He was very satisfied with Tang Ji's efficiency. Just like when he killed the Rothschild family, Tang Ji was so efficient that the heavenly beings had no time to counterattack, and the physical existence as a brain disappeared from the physical level.

The Nihelu Gandi family is no exception. Judging from Mikkelsen's monitoring, there has been no change in any of the companies controlled by them. Those agents don't even know what is happening on the moon.

"You should still worry about how you will explain when Tang Ji comes back. They have mastered An Ran's condition and have Angelina's biological information." Wu Qianying said with a gloomy face.

Wu Qianying is the kind of scientific creature who is more rational than emotional. If she hadn't considered that the surgery might cause irreversible consequences to herself, she would have wanted to operate on her brain and cut a few slices to study it.

She rarely acted because of her mood swings, but this time was different. Everyone could see that Dr. Wu was angry.

As a cooperative enterprise of Dr. Wu Qianying, Lazarus Group has always played the role of a generous investor and met many of Dr. Wu Qianying’s unrealistic conditions and requirements.

But after Wu Qianying was exposed in the Tianren Organization, she followed the clues and found out that there were also shadows of the Nihelu Gandi family behind the Lazarus Group.

Because Tianren Organization is one of the original founders of modern corporate law and corporate system structure, and it also secretly contributed to the occurrence of corporate wars and further improved the construction of corporate entities, so they played this trick with pure passion.

Even Wu Qianying, a brilliant genius, even though she had an encyclopedia like Aaliya by her side, she still spent dozens of hours to find some clues.

Tang Anran's information was backed up by the Lazarus Group and sent to Nihelu. The Gandi family was initially used as a normal data reserve. After all, the genetic mutation that occurred in Tang Anran was truly rare in the world.

But soon, as Tang Jicheng became furious, Tang Anran's information became a priceless treasure. The Nihelu Gandi family blocked Tang Anran's information so tightly that players could not find it for a long time.

I didn't realize that Tang Ji had weaknesses.

Angelina's biological information was provided to Nihelu and the Gandi family by the hospital that performed her prenatal check-up. It was submitted as an accessory material to Tang Anran's relevant research materials. That hospital was also Nihelu's.

.The Gandi family is part of the global industrial chain.

It is obviously self-evident that a force that uses cloning technology to gain a foothold in the Celestial Organization will use these things as conditions or threats when facing Tang Ji.

Wu Qianying only hopes that these idiots who claim to be heavenly beings are smart enough to know how to use these conditions to make deals, instead of trying to use these things to threaten Tang Ji like street gangs.

According to the Paradox of the Ship of Theseus, how much consistency is there between Tang Ji now and Tang Ji three years ago when Angelina was still alive?

When the current Tang Ji suddenly faced a living, brand-new Angelina, was his first reaction joy or fear?

Wu Qianying prefers the latter. In Tang Ji's heart, Angelina has become a belief, and he launched a revenge in her name. But in fact, Tang Ji knows very well that his current life is by no means what Angelina wants to see.

Yes, he carried out his will in the name of Angelina.

His revenge, his anger, all come from himself, and he needs a reason to continue.

The previous flash of light on the back of the moon undoubtedly proved this. There must be someone or something there that completely ignited Tang Ji.

To be honest, Wu Qianying was very sorry for the Tianren Organization's reaction when facing Tang Ji. She thought that these people who claimed to be the Tianren Organization should at least have some corresponding abilities.

But what she saw in the Rothschild family was just a group of mortals who only relied on the wealth and power accumulated over a long period of time.

The so-called Eternal Parliament is not even half as efficient as the Ghost in terms of data processing, and those family members who are still alive do not even have the courage to face death rationally. Wu Qianying does not even know what she is expecting.

Under this situation, she sincerely hopes that a hidden force with unfathomable strength, full of cleverness, and the use of the world as a chessboard will suddenly appear in human civilization.

Even if this organization is more evil than the Celestial Beings and their ultimate goal is inferior to the Celestial Beings' organization, Wu Qianying can still accept it.

Because that is at least a contradiction within human beings. Even if they want to drag human civilization back to slavery after victory in the war, it is stronger than human civilization being turned into an amusement park by players.

But currently, it seems that the reality is that they are the only ones working hard to resist the players. They are the last line of defense for mankind.

This is really disappointing, isn't it?

As Wu Qianying swam in the ocean of data, and with the help of Alia, he marked out companies that were suspected to be controlled by the Nihelu Gandi family, he sighed in his heart.

Durga Mokbara looked at the man in front of him at a loss. He was just like Gawalar said, just like a stone.

Tang Ji did not direct his anger towards others, although those Manu were nearby looking at him in fear, whispering and trying to come up with a solution.

The clones wearing the names of Brahmins and Kshatriyas were divided into two parts, and half of them were persuading the Manu to open their weapons arsenals. They would fight to the last man for the gods and Asuras.

The other half, under Atham's call, knelt in the square far away from Tangji and worshiped Tangji as a god, because the one who can defeat the god must be a greater god.

As Durga saw, Tangji did not direct his anger towards others, he just treated them as if they did not exist.

He once gave the poor slave a chance. He asked Atham if he regarded himself as a human being, and Atham replied in the affirmative.

At that moment, Tang Ji vaguely felt that the other party had the potential to become a Scarlet Disciple, but he lost the qualification after Atcham threw his wife's body into the grinder and expected her soul to be forgiven by the gods.

And when Atham saw Tang Ji for the second time, he chose to kneel down. From that moment on, he no longer had the qualifications to be a human being.

Maybe given time and the right guidance, Atham and others here will wake up from their enslavement education, but that will take time and patience.

Yet both of these valuable qualities are poison to rage.

As the incarnation of rage, Tang Ji did not completely become the puppet of the emotions represented by each of the Seven Deadly Sins like Gluttony, but he was still affected by the emotion of rage.

Tang Ji's bottom line is to be willing to give a chance to strangers he meets for the first time, and to force himself not to burn his anger on innocent people.

But that's all.

A giant tree with a diameter of seventy meters is considered a spectacle on earth, but when faced with the wrath of the LV3 stage, it is just a thicker tree.

Tang Ji waved those weapons like propellers, polishing the giant tree from the outside to the inside in circles. From a distance, the rhythm was neither urgent nor slow, with a kind of patience that dripping water penetrates the stone.

"We are willing to hand over the complete treatment plan to Dr. Wu Qianying, and she can make a decision on whether to treat Tang Anran after research." The exchange between Durga and Gavalal was brief, but very efficient. They are of the same sex.

A large amount of information can be exchanged in an instant.

Durga hesitated and did not mention Angelina again. She could not understand Gavalal's choice.

"We are willing to withdraw from the Celestial Being Organization and align our interests with yours in the subsequent war." Durga continued, although she actually did not have such rights, she still made this promise.

It took the Nihelu Gandi family more than half a century, but in the end only this Ashoda tree successfully survived and grew healthily to its current size. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most precious property of the entire family.

She could not just sit back and watch the Ashoda tree be cut off by Tang Ji: "We are willing to open up all existing technology patents to make up for the mistakes we made before."

Tang Ji turned a deaf ear to this. At this time, he had worn away nearly half of the 70-meter-thick giant tree. However, the wood of the Ashoda tree was so tough that it still stood firm even if it had to bear part of the weight of Amaropati.


"What exactly do you want?" Durga Mokbara Gandi plucked up the courage and stepped forward to try to stop Tangji.

Facing Tangji's propeller-like weapon swing speed, Durga's fear instantly took over, but she immediately used her reason to overwhelm that fear.

Tang Ji must have a purpose for coming here. They are either coming for the influence of the Nihelu Gandi family, or they are coming for their technology.

There is no way that someone really traveled thousands of miles to come here just for the so-called justice.

With this thought in mind, Durga bravely took a step forward. She was confident that Tang Ji's pretentiousness was just to gain a foothold in the negotiation.


Durga Mokbara Gandi, Ghavalal's homotopic, the one element in the dual rule of Niruru Gandi's family, just disappeared.

The weapon in Tangji's hand instantly scraped across Durga's position, causing a bloody storm. Durga's bones were not harder than those of Dalits, and her flesh was not more delicate than those of clones.

Okay, maybe it was a little more delicate, but her blood was indeed no more obvious than the others, at least Tang Ji didn't notice it.

This small episode did not affect Tangji's work progress, but it did have an indescribable impact on the entire Amaropati.

Durga Mokopura Gandi is dead!

The death was so sudden and so hasty that all the Manu who witnessed Durga's death had such thoughts at the first moment.

The Ashoda tree finally couldn't bear the damage of Tangji. When its diameter was less than 20 meters, it finally couldn't bear its own weight and the weight of the upper layer of Amaropati, and collapsed.

Pieces of building fragments fell from above, and the crowd dispersed. Only Atham was left looking at Tang Ji's back piously: "Asura! Asura! Asura, the one who destroys everything! Let this place change.

Let it turn into ruins and let it become a river of blood!"

"Shut up!" Tang Ji slapped Atham down and carried him to the next level: "Where is he?!"

"Not here!" Atham frantically threw himself on the Ashoda tree, pressing his side face against the tree trunk, and then shook his head: "He's not here!"

Tang Ji sneered. No one could escape from this place today. He directly used the Death Fight Invitation on the Ashodha Tree. He didn't know whether this would be successful, because according to common sense, he could only invite enemies within the range of his perception.


But now he cannot sense the exact location of Garvalal, and can only target the Ashoda tree itself.

But chains composed of black flames extended from Tang Ji's back, penetrated the rock formation, and disappeared to the next level.

While he was busy incubating cloned superhuman soldiers and shaping a new body for himself, Garvalal completely failed to notice that the black flame shackles penetrated the Ashoda tree and entangled his consciousness.

This idealistic skill completely ignores the laws of physics. It doesn't care what Gavaral is or how consciousness exists. It only ensures that the two sides will not be five hundred meters away from each other.

When Gavalar belatedly saw the chains composed of black flames, it was already too late. Tangji had already followed the direction of the chains and appeared outside the cloning chamber.

There's that damn Dalit with him!

PS: It’s finally back to normal. I also bought a new motherboard, ASUS B450M. Otherwise, I would have been unsure about using it, so I bought a new solid state drive. Now that solid state drives are so cheap? It feels like it’s free. The price is so good.

Got it!

This chapter has been completed!
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