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Chapter 546 Killing the False God

When Durga died, Gavalal was sentient.

The relationship between him and Durga is too complicated. They are two sides of the opposite sex based on the same gene.

That's right, the current Gawalar is not the original Gawalar. The most original Gawalar has been built in Amaropati and died when it first tried to integrate into the Asoda tree.

Durga was the only one who knew about Garvalal's death. He rashly used immature technology and died of genetic collapse.

In order to maintain the stability of the entire Nihelu Gandi family, Durga had to risk using her own genes to clone the current Ghavalal.

This operation of heterosexual cloning of A to generate B, and then heterosexual cloning of B to generate A1, is indeed beyond the existing technical framework. The chromosomes are reversely expressed twice in a row, and the final product has obvious genetic mutations.

Durga had to use large batches of clones and constantly optimize the process to get a Gawalar that would not cause problems for others.

The direct cloning of the adult body, as well as its own genetic problems, led to a drastic change in the temperament of version 2.0 of Garvalal. In the past ten years, he has been obsessed with his own fantasies and obsessed with shaping the Amarobhati of his dreams.

But in the early years when Ghavlal version 2.0 was born, the relationship between him and Durga was very close, and that closeness was like the closeness between mother and child.

Although there is a protective wall that prevents the side branches from taking control of the main family, Zeus's power is visible to the naked eye. However, he was just pouted by Tang Ji. It seems that it is more difficult to kill a chicken.

In the relationship between mother and child, the one who plays the mother role always pays more. Durga is willing to take risks for Gavalal, but Gavalal will never feel guilty for Durga's death.

And such a person, in order to succeed in her career, contributes her genes and becomes a woman. This woman needs to adapt to her new identity and gender from scratch, and in the process, she must deal with the pressure from within the family.

Hostile forces attack from all angles.

Gavaral didn't know what the Altar of Reincarnation was, but he knew it wasn't a good place to be.

"I can cure your son, I really can!" Gavalal cried, struggling like a child and beating Tangji's hand.

In addition, there are waves of physical discomfort. The carefully maintained muscles are adapting to his movement habits, blood is flowing through new blood vessels, the heart is beating vigorously, and the skin stretches and contracts with his movements.

This is compensation for Atchamu and other people who are about to face destruction.

As a feminine expression of the original version of Ghavral, Durga actually had serious psychological problems.

He didn't have many trump cards left. After it was determined that he couldn't save the Ashoda tree, he returned to the human body just to make his escape easier. They didn't have a big spaceship that could take away the entire giant tree.

Otto von Habsburg himself despised his grandfather's behavior. He felt that his grandfather was too gullible to those players who pretended to be very good at the time.

"Go to the Reincarnation Altar. Don't you want to know whether your wife's soul has been forgiven by God? He is the God with the highest status. Send him down to see the situation for yourself." Tang Ji laughed, feeling a little happy.

Atham was so nervous that he couldn't speak. He felt as if his heart was going to explode in the next second, his ears were filled with buzzing, and an invisible balloon was inflating in his chest.

Compared with several other forces in the Celestial Being Organization, the Habsburg family is actually more down-to-earth. They are not as pure as the Rothschilds, nor are they as extreme as the Nihelu Gandi family.

On the way to the altar of reincarnation, no one stopped Tang Ji. Those Manu were either hiding in the landing area and trying to bypass the authority of the gods and set sail back to the earth in an aircraft, or they were hiding at home shivering.

"I will engrave these words on your tomb." Tang Ji smoked the tree of life to the root and flicked the cigarette butt into Gavalal's face: "I forgot, you don't have a chance to have a tombstone, so I don't."

Say, let’s hit the road now.”

Its nervous system is half artificial, half transplanted. The transplant target is an unlucky speedster. Because the brain of the combat body cannot process information that fast, artificial nerve receptors are used in the second half to assist the brain in calculations.


All this constituted the lamentation of flesh and blood creatures. Gavaral, who was accustomed to observing the world from the perspective of the Ashoda tree, felt very bad. He did not want to suffer in this body for a minute.

This is also the reason why Durga is willing to give up escaping from the moon for Ghavalal and return to Amāravati to deal with the problem.

The skeleton of Gavaral's royal battle shell is a memory metal skeleton, kindly sponsored by the Rothschild family. It has many advantages such as light weight, high strength, strong plasticity, and self-healing.

They just accumulated more wealth, had more advanced technological reserves, played more casual chess, and got involved in the superhuman field earlier - they kept the relevant knowledge about the ancient Seven Deadly Sins.

The damn Dalit looked at all this with a blank expression, with a stupid look on his face, as if it had been ripped off the sole of a smart person's shoe.

Even in Otto von Habsburg's generation, he was not even a superhuman. Instead, he had a side bloodline that awakened into a powerful superhuman.

Gavalal is a powerful hero. He was known as the lion in his family when he was young. He will do anything to achieve his goals and is extremely aggressive.

Atham liked this smell very much, it was something he had never smelled before, but he did not dare to speak in a low voice at this time, and even his breathing was suppressed to the lowest level, for fear of disturbing the conversation between Asura and the gods.

"That's just right. It saves me looking for something to erase this." Tang Ji pinched Gavalar's neck with one hand, as if he had caught a chicken from the chicken coop.

The entire Habsburg Dynasty prospered because of this, and has been collecting relevant knowledge for a long time. Finally, it pieced together some incomplete and strange ancient history, and got a glimpse of the ancient Seven Deadly Sins war where the gods fought.

From hundreds of years ago, they discovered that heirs who have worn holy relics for a long time will master the power of miracles every few generations, and even those side bloodlines will occasionally awaken the power of miracles.

"How do you want to die?" Tang Ji lit a tree of life, and the black-red fire was dim and uncertain.

Gavalal followed Atham's eyes and looked at his ankles, where a black shackle was handcuffed, burning silently.

Even so, this fighting body is not too weak. At least compared to the superhuman beings that the Binilu Gandi family has seen before, it can be regarded as a creation of some kind of genetic ascension, and its degraded model can be measured.


The muscle fibers of this fighting body all come from the body of a muscle-enhanced superhuman. All the muscle fibers of the original ability user were stripped off and transplanted to this body one to one.

The skin of the combat body is also a gift from superhuman beings, but a layer of artificial carapace is implanted under the skin, which greatly increases the combat body's ability to withstand blows, high and low temperatures, and withstand pressure.

"The conditions I offered are very sincere! Are you not interested at all?" Gavalal felt that he couldn't understand. He had given everything Tang Ji wanted, so why was he indifferent?

"Invalid answer, I'll give you another chance to say a few last words." Half of the tree of life burned, and Tang Ji asked impatiently: "Don't waste this opportunity."

It can be said that the first culprit who used the hands of players to bring about the advent of the superhuman era early was the Habsburg family, but the heirs of that generation of Habsburgs at that time, the grandfather of Otto von Habsburg, were even more

Most of them are driven by the desire to recreate historical events.

Durga has always had a serious self-destructive tendency, and it was not until the birth of Ghavlal 2.0 that this special individual with a female soul and a male soul was truly cured.

After all, the first person to provoke Tang Ji was the Holy Rights Organization. Strictly speaking, that organization was created by the Habsburg family.

The superhuman who calls himself Zeus is a collateral blood relative of Habsburg.

It is true that the Niheru Gandi family has not deciphered the secret of superhuman beings, but they have conducted very in-depth research on the red warrior type superhuman beings.

But the reality is this. He has to endure it all, take the nearest escape capsule into lunar orbit, learn from the Rothschild family, and build a new home for himself.

Atham was stunned and looked at Tang Ji in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

It's a pity that the biological experts of the Nihelu Gandi family have not been able to crack the little secret of energy-releasing superhuman beings. Otherwise, they would have planned to add laser eyes, sonic throat and other energy-releasing organs to this fighting body.

According to the research of the Habsburg family, the person who left the holy relic should be Arrogance of the previous generation. His specific abilities are unknown, and the reason for his demise is unknown. The Habsburg family only obtained it by chance.

That holy relic, and discovered the source of power from it.

But the enthusiasm of the entire Habsburg family for the bloodline of the Seven Deadly Sins is undoubtedly worthy of recognition. Generation after generation, they have prayed for the bloodline of the Seven Deadly Sins to awaken in their own family, but they have never been able to realize it.

Gavalal endured the degradation from god to human, observing with his eyes, breathing through his nose, tearing open the mucous membranes with his hands, standing on the ground with his own feet, feeling the dampness and coolness coming from his skin.


The first expression that appeared on Gavaral's never-used face was disbelief, then fear, and then a kind of silent anger.

Well, this anger was dispersed by Tang Ji in the blink of an eye. He had no right to be angry in front of Tang Ji.

After ten seconds, Atham finally answered: "I can!"

"So, not only were you attacked, but the Nihelu Gan Emperors also lost contact because Tang Ji attacked them." Otto von Habsburg, dressed as a noble prince, sat in his castle and looked at

On the other side of the screen was a somewhat blurry Simone Rothschild, with a trace of embarrassment flashing across his face.

This is a fighting body that Gavalar prepared for himself in advance, a superhuman clone modeled on himself and fragments of the gluttony gene.

If time passes, the word "evil if" makes Gavalal full of resentment. There are not so many ifs. The reality is that Tang Ji has come, Tang Ji has overturned the table, and Tang Ji is dismembering the Nihelu Gandi family.

If there is anything special, it is that the Habsburg family still holds the only truly holy relic in the world, from the one who came back from the dead and defined the timeline with the date of his birth.

Holy relic.

As a body with almost perfect proportions sat up from the cloning cavity, Gavaral moved his body in a daze, trying to get used to using a human body again.

"Lead the way." Tang Ji said to Atham.

Atham stared at all this with his eyes widened.

"Kill me, and everyone here will die!" Gavalal looked at Tang Ji with a ferocious expression: "As soon as my heartbeat stops, this place will be blown up to the sky!"

Only then did Gavaral notice in the mirror that the ferocious Tangji was leaning on the wall less than five meters behind him, looking at him with his arms crossed.

"Didn't you hear me! I have nuclear bombs! I have nuclear weapons! If I die, this place will be completely ruined for you!" Gavalar finally began to panic, and he hurriedly stepped back: "I am willing to hand it over.

All technology, I am willing to hand over all property!"

Of course, the premise is that he must solve the current trouble first.

He even breathed a sigh of relief deep in his heart. Now, no one knows that he is a fake anymore, and he will rule the entire Nihelu Gandi family forever.

However, there are not so many happy things in the world. When Gavalal was about to follow the prompts and give himself some electrolytes to rehydrate himself, Tanguy threw a bottle cap at his feet.

As for the clones, when they saw Asura in black dragging another person to the lower level, they immediately knew what the person being dragged was, another god!

Gavalal's spirit and will collapsed on the road, completely, as if he was just a daydreaming child from the beginning. He cried so much that Tangji didn't even want to dirty his hands.

When he arrived at the altar of reincarnation again, Tang Ji glanced at Atham, who had been following him, and threw Gavalar at his feet in disgust: "Do you dare to do it?"

Otto von Habsburg almost laughed out loud when he thought of this. Zeus had put a lot of pressure on him in the past few years, but now it's better. Zeus is dead and he can continue his good life.


It's just that the counterattack from Tanguy Mikkelsen was a bit too strong and a bit beyond his control. Otto felt that the conflict between the two parties might not be solved by writing a letter of apology.

So he decided that while Tang Ji was still busy killing the bloodline of Nihelu and Gan Emperor on the moon, he might as well take the initiative to talk to Mikkelsen, the kind between civilized people, sit down and give a little sincerity to each other,

Talk about problem-solving with dignity.

Just like the Gauls during World War II, they did a very good job, preserving the dignity of the nobility without suffering too many losses. Very, Habsburg.

This chapter has been completed!
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