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Chapter 551: Insights from the Special Administrative Region

The conflict between the player and the soldiers happened suddenly, but Tang Ji was not surprised. Before the conflict broke out, his perception had already included everyone in his perception system.

He knows the position and movements of every player, every soldier, and even every onlooker around him.

He saw the players rushing forward one after another, and there was no anger in his heart. On the contrary, most of the players' faces showed a sense of satisfaction of opening a gift, and the excitement of a well-earned death.

They will cheer because they have successfully released their abilities, and will be happy because they have caused damage to soldiers. If anyone can kill a soldier, everyone will scream with excitement and have a full sense of participation.

The soldiers' hearts contained fear and anger. Most of this anger was directed at the attackers in front of them, and some was directed at the staff far behind.

Tang Ji gently played with these angers, and he strengthened the former, making the soldiers angrier without burning their sanity.

Appropriate anger made them become more fierce and brave, and thus launched a round of counterattack.

A four-man team even blasted through a wall and rushed in under the cover of precision shooters to show off the players who dared to attack them.

Tangji gave the performance of this group of soldiers a seven out of ten points. Mikkelsen at least equipped these soldiers with a sufficient amount of technical equipment so that they could easily deal with the various strange attack methods of low-level superhumans.

An injured soldier was dragged back from the front line by his teammates. A mass-produced version of the therapeutic injection was inserted into the wound, and the bleeding quickly stopped.

That thing was also produced by the Lost Mountain Base. They cloned a batch of gluttonous biomass in a limited manner and used nano-swarms as inhibitors so that these therapeutic injections could quickly heal wounds without allowing the gluttonous biological information to stay for a long time.

In living organisms, they reproduce continuously.

Tang Ji leaned against the wall, blocking the wind with the back of his hand, and lit a tree of life for himself. Perhaps because he was in a good mood, he threw one to Rickard.

"I don't smoke..." Rickard kept this sentence in his heart and did not dare to say it. After all, he was facing the legendary rage, and he had made the other party unhappy several times today.

As the flames ignited, Rickard fell in love with this unique smell almost instantly. He felt as if his lungs had learned to breathe for the first time. He felt as if he had been living in a polluted area in Ohio, and everything he breathed was

Just like poisonous air.

"What is this? I mean, what is this?" Rickard raised his cigarette and asked Tang Ji excitedly, like a relapsed poisonous insect.

"Don't take this as a habit, you are not qualified yet." Tang Ji turned around and walked into a small alley with a cigarette in his mouth. He had seen enough. He didn't care at all who won the battle there.

But the smell of the tree of life also attracted the prying eyes of some other people...

"Hey, friend, I smelled something new. I don't want to get into trouble..." A backpacker hiding in an alley was bewitched by the smell and started talking nonsense in front of Tang Ji.

"No, you didn't." Tang Ji pushed him back to his corner and pinched his nose into a straight line with his fingers: "You can't smell anything."

The wails of backpackers instantly made a few figures leave in a hurry in this alley. In this city, if you want to live a more stable life than others, you have to try to take risks and take risks to obtain more supplies.

The backpacker was lying on the ground and rolling around. He tried to breathe through his mouth, but his physiological habits continued to violate his will driven by the pain, making his pain more severe.

Rickard looked at the backpacker, wondering if he had neglected his duty again, but he could only step past this poor man and catch up with Tang Ji.

No one knew Tang Ji's purpose, and no one knew what he was thinking. He walked tirelessly in the city, as if he wanted to see the entire special zone.

Rickard followed Tang Ji and walked for fourteen hours. Their footsteps covered most of the city, walking from day to night.

Tang Ji finally stopped in front of a bar that was still open. The place was brightly lit and lively, and it was out of place in the whole city.

Don't go in, don't go in, Rickard prayed behind Tang Ji. If he saw such a weird shop on the road, he would definitely not go in.

But obviously, Tang Ji is a different kind of person, completely different from him.

Tang Ji opened the door and walked in. The lively and loud music instantly broke through the door and resounded throughout half the street.

The bar was full of men and women, their age range was very different, and most of them were wearing random matching clothes.

This made Rickard feel that he had mistakenly entered some kind of wizard gathering. These people were all wizards who were isolated from the world. They chose a quiet place to drink and meet each other.

However, that is something in a novel after all, and the reality is that these people are all players.

The entire bar fell into a moment of silence due to Tang Ji's sudden intrusion, but soon the players' whispers filled Rickard's ears.

Those glances and whispers that seemed to be sizing up prey made Rickard feel like an animal in a zoo, while the people around him were considering which part of him was more delicious.

At this time, Tang Ji was already sitting in front of the bar. He threw his backpack heavily on the bar and knocked over the wine glass of the guest next door.

"A glass of whiskey with ice." Tang Ji's voice was very cold, as if he was severely separated from the whole world: "Turn down the music, it's too noisy."

The bartender who was wiping glasses with his back to Tang Ji was stunned for a few seconds when he heard his voice before turning around, revealing a face that Tang Ji was familiar with - Nao

That face belongs to Con Orr.

"Isn't this my old friend!" Kang Aer's enthusiastic tone instantly dispelled the coldness caused by Tang Ji: "God testifies, he is my old friend! I'm paying for all the drinks tonight!"

All the players immediately cheered, and the atmosphere of joy filled the entire bar again. Rickard breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and found a seat in a corner away from Tangji, praying that he would not need to translate too much anger tonight.


Tang Ji didn't ask such nonsense as why you are here. He was not even surprised to see the bastard Kang Orr here. It was so reasonable for him to come here.

Kang Aer skillfully chiseled three square ice cubes for Tangji and made a water-cut whiskey. He leaned over with a playful smile and asked: "You are such a rare visitor. I thought you would definitely make something when you came here."

What's going on?"

Tang Ji poured the wine in the glass on the ground and repeated again: "Whisky, add ice."

Kang Orr didn't react at all, but the player whose wine glass was knocked away just now asked aggressively: "Hey! Kang, are you in trouble?"

"It's none of your business, go away!" Kang Aoer had a completely different face towards the player. He turned to smile at Tang Ji again and said: "After all, the whole world knows that my friend has a bad temper.


Kang Aer casually took out an ice cube from the ice box and threw it into Tang Ji's glass. He pushed the whole bottle of whiskey to him and asked him to pour it himself: "What? You're in a bad mood? Why are you so serious? Look.

Look around, this is eternity!”

Tang Ji poured himself half a glass of wine, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, making sure there was no peculiar smell before tasting it slightly.

He's not afraid of the poison in the wine, but he's afraid that this bastard Kang Orr has added other more disgusting things to the wine. He's the kind of person who has fun.

"You hurt me, friend. I didn't expect that I would be like this in your mind... Damn it! You are such a genius!" Kang Orr seemed to be inspired by something, carrying half a bottle of champagne and stuffing it into

I got under the bar and took off my clothes.

After half a minute, he shivered, smashed the warm champagne bottles on the bar, and shouted: "Free champagne! Original goods from Gaul! If you want to drink, just take it!"

The players who didn't know what they were called suddenly shouted "Long live Kang Orr" again, and a bunch of local leopards who had never seen the world just rushed to share the champagne.

An exaggerated smile appeared on Kang Aer's face, and he added a finger to show off to Tang Ji: "I think I may be a little diabetic. Is this a little sweetness for them?"

Even if he is furious, at this moment, facing a pervert like Kang Orr, he can only numb himself with alcohol in silence.

"What are you doing here?" Tang Ji waited for ten seconds before finally asking his first question.

"What am I doing here?" Kang Aoer raised his hands as if to embrace the world: "Of course I am here to have fun, otherwise?"

"The question is, what about you? What are you doing here?" Kang Aoer came closer again and asked in a low voice: "Do you have any news? Let it be revealed. Nothing else. I just want to have some fun."

"No comment." Tang Ji took out a one hundred federal dollar bill from his arms and threw it on the bar: "No need to look for it."

"If you have to pay the bill, this money... isn't enough." Kang Aoer picked up the note and flicked it lightly, imitating Tang Ji's tone: "Whiskey, on the rocks, one thousand two one


"No bargaining." Kang Aoer added.

For a moment, Rickard had already begun to roll up his sleeves. He felt that he had to do a big job this time to translate all Tang Ji's anger.

But to his surprise, Tang Ji paid.

Tang Ji once again counted eleven hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and threw them on the bar, and then walked out of the bar.

"Tsk, you're not going to hit me? You're not happy anymore." Kang Orr smiled and waved his hand to Rickard: "Looking forward to your next visit."

Rickard walked out of the bar in one step and three turns, leaving a very deep impression on the bartender.

As a result of his rage, Tang Ji's provocation to Kang Aer was not much touched, at least not as much as that of the player in the bar.

He regarded them all as dead, but for the former, he was still looking for a way to kill him completely, while for the latter, he temporarily postponed their death.

He promised that bastard Mikkelsen that he was just here to take a look and would not ruin his plan.

Moreover, what Tang Ji saw during the day was enough to prove that Mikkelsen did not waste Tang Ji's trust. He was indeed preparing for war and resistance.

Under the night, Tang Ji's figure was stretched very long, looking a little desolate.

He looked at the deserted road and the abandoned buildings on both sides of the road. The houses that once lined the street were all regarded as negative assets because they were more vulnerable to attacks by players and more susceptible to war.

On the contrary, those higher-level residences hidden deeper are loved by the people of the Special Administrative Region, and they appear to be safer.

Of course, some people simply live in the basement, or even further, live in the sewer pipes, in order to avoid the sight of players and looters.

Tang Ji could feel his footsteps, causing the residents of the Price Sewer to panic. They covered their mouths nervously, as if they were worried that their breathing would attract attention.

This is how civilization gradually dies. They think they can hide forever, but the fact is that they can't.

Human beings can fight a very difficult war against the invaders, even if blood flows into rivers, and even if their homes are turned into wasteland, they cannot fight a war that is destined to be impossible to win. When they realize that the enemy they face is forever

When there is no way to kill them, civilization will begin to collapse and decline.

But if Tang Ji kills one by one, that's not a war, that's a street fight.

Therefore, when Mikkelsen was unable to increase the number of Tangji, the first thing he thought of was to increase Tangji's lethality, and the scarlet disciples who appeared in the process were an unexpected gain.

Tang Ji finally stopped walking around. He picked up the house closest to him with his backpack, opened the door and walked in.

It was finally over. Rickard breathed a sigh of relief and followed quickly, but was turned away by Tang Ji: "I can rest, but you can't."

Rickard looked at Tang Ji with some confusion, and then he heard the deep voice say to him: "Kill a player, whoever you choose as the target, and bring his head back to me."

What did he bring back to you? Rickard felt three question marks appear on his head, but what he responded to was a closed door and a sentence: "Before dawn, I want to see a head placed before me.

It's either the player's or yours on the table, and you have six hours."

Yes, it's a head, a head, he heard it right, Rickard hears it clearly now.

There must be a head on Tangji's table before dawn, so why can't it be him... Rickard shook his head vigorously to expel these strange thoughts and recognize the reality.

He will either kill a player tonight or die outside. It's not hard to understand, right?

Rickard's first thought was to go back to the bar and pick a target who didn't look difficult to deal with, but when he remembered the arrogance of the bartender asking Tang Ji for drink money, he gave up this plan.



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