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Chapter 552: The Second Most Brutal Hunter in the Special Administrative Region

Hunting is a technical job. Some people are born hunters, while others look like prey. Even if they gain the power they are given, before they are angered and before they feel the need to fight for themselves,

, he still looks like prey, smells like prey

Rickard is this kind of person. The education he received since childhood and the environment in which he grew up do not require him to use strong muscles and fierce momentum to protect himself.

His mind and skills are enough to get everything he wants. Rickard is a person who relies on skills. His ability to have a strong body is entirely due to his talent.

So, when he was walking alone on the streets of Roseville, he was a perfect victim for any hunter who found him that night.

They regarded him as prey and pounced on him ferociously.

Then, the hunter broke his arm and broke his teeth due to the hard bones of his prey.

Rickard beat a marauder armed with a submachine gun until his face was covered in blood, but he controlled his power well and did not leave any permanent damage to this fierce-looking man.

At least, he didn't pinch this man's nose into a straight line

"Do you have any accomplices?" Rickard held the man's collar so that he could hear the other man's unclear words.

"F*ck you!" The man spat a mouthful of blood on Rickard's face, which also contained a tooth: "You coward, either kill me! Or get out!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of death?" The man struggled to stand up from the ground, took out a pistol from his waist and slowly loaded it: "Do you think a coward like you can ride on me after becoming a superhuman?

Shit on the top of your head? Bah, just dream about it!”

The man fired three shots at Rickard, but the bullets penetrated Rickard's clothes, and his skin and muscles were as weak as those of ED patients.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" the man yelled, not knowing whether the target was Rickard or the pistol. He pointed the gun at himself angrily: "I don't want to play in this damn world anymore!"

"Don't!" Rickard grabbed the pistol. He was startled by this psychopath: "You win, take your things and go!"

The man curled up in the corner like a child and cried, lowering his head to reveal the barcode stamped by the prison on the back of his neck.

If Rickard was as familiar with these scum as Tanguy, he would know that only serious criminals who have been sentenced to more than fifty years in prison will be branded with this kind of barcode for easy identification.

Obviously, this is a serious criminal who was thrown into the Special Administrative Region as a negative asset by the prison to save money. After being isolated from society for decades, he simply cannot adapt to the new order.

All the rules he was used to no longer existed. The bespectacled man on the roadside, the sissy, the woman, the girl, even the old man, the child, might all of a sudden turn into something he couldn't understand in the next second.

There were also those high-tech gadgets that he couldn't figure out despite all his efforts, all of which made him feel strange. When even the bullets failed to bring him a sense of familiarity, he finally collapsed and became a tear of the times.

If Tang Ji were here, he would most likely break the man's legs to let him experience more deeply what cruelty is, and because he thinks that every day the man lives, he will atone for the sins he has committed.


But it was Rickard who appeared here. He even kicked the submachine gun back at the man's feet out of pity, left a wad of cash, turned around and ran away.

He acted as if he was the plunderer.

But those three gunshots, like a signal, made the Roseville area come alive at night.

Rickard walked aimlessly on the street. He saw women venturing out from the corners, trying to obtain food through body trade, and he saw men standing on the roof of the building guarding the house with a gun.

and players.

Not all players will kill randomly on the streets. At this stage, most players behave more civilized than many of the natives of the special zone.

They are like curious babies, curious about everything in the world.

But they are different after all, and you don't even need much life experience to tell. Anyone who has looked directly into their eyes can realize this.

When you look over, all you see in their eyes is the word "unscrupulous", just like a child watching ants. It has nothing to do with you that they smile at you, and it has nothing to do with you that they give you food. When they tear down the ants cruelly,

Your limbs have nothing to do with you.

Rickard saw the fire and the corpses. For some unknown reason, a small stronghold was abandoned by passing players.

More than a dozen corpses fell radially around the stronghold. When these people scattered and fled, they were killed from behind in an instant.

Rickard stood in front of the corpse in silence for a while, and he began to understand Tang Ji's anger and hostility towards the player.

Now, he needs to find a target, a real player. It's very simple. There are thousands of players in this city and they are almost everywhere.

But what Rickard saw was that they were just wandering on the street, and some people did make some noise and yell. Rickard couldn't kill each other for this reason.

He needs a suitable target, one worth killing, one

"Look, a lone player! New fun!" Rickard was suddenly blocked on the road. Two players walking together did not need to ask. He could confirm it with just one look.

There were still blood stains on their clothes, as if they had just attended a Halloween parade, but the blood stains were real and fresh, and Rickard could even hear the wails of the dead from above.

For a moment, he was even a little grateful for the appearance of these two players: "It's you."

"What did he say?" One of the players was holding half a bottle of wine in his hand. He was already a little drunk. His clothes looked several sizes too big and didn't fit at all.

The player loudly asked his companions, and then began to laugh. In the next second, his whole body swelled up and turned into a muscular and twisted man.

Rickard now knew where the ill-fitting clothes came from, which were now stretched out like a corset.

"Turn him into a little tomato!" his companion shouted excitedly from the side without any intention of intervening.

Obviously, these two drunk players have long forgotten the so-called player's handbook and community rules, and now they just want to have a good time.

However, this time they encountered a tough opponent. The seemingly non-threatening Rickard blocked the muscular man's attack. Even before the opponent could react, he performed a joint technique and directly knocked the opponent's seemingly strong arm away.

It was broken.

The opponent who seems to be extremely strong may actually have three to four times the average strength of a human being. As for Rickard, he took the Tangji script. In the FBAS Bureau's internal test, he was determined to be unable to read data accurately.

that level

"Big guy, look here!" Rickard threw the opponent over his shoulder, and his thick arm was twisted into a twist like a toy in front of him.

Another player was paralyzed by alcohol and was stunned for a while before he stopped smiling. His whole body instantly turned into smoke and followed the wind towards Rickard.

The fighting instinct given to Rickard by the Scarlet Disciple caused gray-black flames to instantly cover his whole body. Perhaps it was because there was not much anger in his heart, perhaps because Rickard had only a thin layer of control over his abilities.

layer, close to his skin.

However, even so, the player who turned into smoke screamed and returned to his human form in an instant, as if half of his body had been burned by fire.

At this time, a man covered in blood stumbled out of the alley behind the player with a knife. When he saw the player being pinned to the ground by Rickard, his desperate face showed hatred and surprise.

A crazy expression.

He did not waste this God-given opportunity. He completely ignored Rickard with the knife and slashed at the player on the ground.

Just listening to his heart-rending roar, Rickard could hear the anger contained in it, but this anger suddenly disappeared.

Rickard looked at his angry master, only to find that he had already passed away.

He was covered in blood, especially his chest, which had a visible collapse that was just the right size for a muscular man's fist.

The broken bones and violent body movements killed him.

Rickard didn't know what kind of hatred supported him to get here and chop out those few swords?

However, the angry master was dead, and Rickard had no way of knowing. He picked up the knife somewhat numbly, looked down at the player who was still struggling in vain, and tried to find the answer.

There was no answer, and the player's eyes were still filled with contempt, even though he was at a disadvantage, even though he knew that his life might not be long.

But he, they don't care.

The muscular man even looked at Rickard provocatively, as if blaming him for not taking action.

Killing is easy, but killing a stranger with a knife is actually not easy for Rickard. Until now, his anger has only been directed at those who have hurt him.

The player in front of him seemed to be just an 'innocent' stranger to Rickard.

However, the power from rage contains the anger from rage. Rickard can naturally feel the anger in Tang Ji's heart towards the player. At this moment, he even feels that he can draw anger from the dead person next to him.

He raised the knife, with anger that did not belong to him but completely dominated him, and with a snap, his arm was numb from the shock, and blood spurted on his chest like scalding hot water.

Gray-black flames surged out of his body. Rickard was immersed in this anger at this moment. The flames spread to the corpse next door, as if connecting them together.

He understood the other's anger and accepted the other's hatred. At this moment, they were just like one person.

The knife rises and falls with the hand, the knife rises and falls with the hand, until it turns into meat.

When the fire reached the sky and the heat wave hit his face, he suddenly felt that the blood on his chest was like a spider web filled with violence. He felt dizzy in his heart. He looked into the night through the thick smoke generated by the burning of human fat.

Everything you see is a complete illusion.

He said: We are born in fire and we perish in fire.

Rickard looked at the corpse that had been turned into ashes in the flames. The other party seemed to smile at him, and there was a sense of freedom and ease in the smile that a great revenge had been avenged.

Rickard gasped and stood up from the corpse. The head of the corpse had been chopped into a piece of flesh and could not be lifted at all.

But fortunately, there was more than one prey today. He turned to look at another player. The other player seemed to be frightened by Rickard. He suddenly screamed and closed his eyes tightly.

The player is going offline, but his pounding heart tells him, no.

He heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, and the player finally opened his eyes under the pressure. He struggled and tried to escape, but Rickard was faster and stepped on the player.

Rickard hit the head with the hilt of the knife, and the hard skull made a banging sound under the collision of metal, as if to say that this was a good head.

"Don't move around. I won't be able to chop accurately. If I chop off, you will be the one who suffers." Rickards gently advised: "This is my first time to chop off someone's head, don't mind."

Hearing his words, the players on the ground struggled even more fiercely. The burned half of the body was constantly rubbing on the ground, and large pieces of skin fell off, revealing the dark red and whitish muscles underneath.

But this is meaningless. Rickard is much stronger than them. At this moment, he has revealed his fangs, and no prey can escape from his mouth.

Rickard raised the knife high and slashed it hard. The player suddenly stopped struggling. The whole body remained in a strange posture for a few seconds, and then went soft like a deflated inflatable doll.


What he said was true. His sword skills were not good, the player struggled hard, and he missed the target.

A quarter of the shoulder is connected to the back of the head, and the handle of the knife is stuck in the middle of the shoulder blade. The entire blade cut into the ground due to Rickard's power, leaving a deep ravine.

Rickard tried to pull the knife out, but the fragile mortal weapon did its best, but when he did, the entire knife broke into two pieces.

The knife was like a nail, nailing the body to the ground.

"Before dawn, I want to see a head on my table, either the player's or yours." Tang Ji's words were still echoing in his ears. Rickard looked at the already white horizon and glanced at that

A corpse that had been burned in the flames turned and walked towards the alley where the man had come out.

A few minutes later, Rickard walked out expressionlessly, stepped on the body on the ground, grabbed the head on the ground with one hand, pulled hard, and directly broke the remaining connection.

He just carried his head, which was still connected to half of his shoulders, and set off. The corpse on the ground, the blood on his body, and the corpse in his hand all seemed to prove that he was the hunter.

The least and second most ferocious hunter in the entire city.

This chapter has been completed!
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