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Chapter 554 Forming the Doomsday Air Force

Although Tang Ji did some disguise work and carried a small plug-in that could not be recognized by the monitor, his personal temperament was so...unique that even Mitch Shepard had seen him in person before.

Sensitive people who have been working in the media for a long time can distinguish this Tyrannosaurus rex from the crowd at a glance.

"Why are you here!" Mitch Shepard subconsciously looked around, and happened to see a top soldier from the railway organization standing on the rooftop diagonally opposite, holding a rifle with a scope in his hand, and gently pointed at her.

He shook the barrel of the gun.

Shepard turned around and walked behind Tang Ji, blocking the gunman's shooting field of view. Although there was a certain height difference between her and Tang Ji, the gunman immediately understood what Shepard meant and turned around to start warning in other directions.

Shepard's status within the railway organization is very high, but due to the dangers of the organization itself and the unexpected nature of life in the special zone, the entire railway organization operates in an almost decentralized state.

Its subordinate departments are responsible for force support, route diversion, propaganda, and infiltration of player organizations. Each of them is handled by different people, and all of them are trialling a dual-track parallel system. The responsibilities are parallel to each other, but the members do not interact with each other.

Although this will lead to a fragmentation of power, the advantage is that despite the heavy losses to the railway organization, they have persisted in this damn place.

"Why are you here just now!" This was Shepard's second sentence after seeing Tang Ji. Without saying a word, she led Tang Ji to her previous hiding place: "This place is full of players. We

need you..."

"You've done a good job, but you don't need me." Tang Ji stood still and Shepard couldn't move him at all.

"But you are a hero, you have been fighting players! You can't...how can you..." Shepard's eyes widened.

As a media person with a background in the law enforcement system, she naturally has a sense of justice, otherwise it would be difficult for her to sustain such a large career in the Special Administrative Region.

Maybe Shepard was just trying to make big news that would detonate hot topics at the beginning, but it is definitely not the case now. In fact, her reputation in the outside world is now even greater than before.

As a professional media person and a talk show host who can thrive in Night City, Mitch Shepard's business ability has been recognized.

There may never be a second more professional media person in the Roseville District than her. She recorded scenes of human tragedies with her camera, her indignant narration, her personal adventures in establishing a railway organization, and bringing survivors from one place to another.

Rescued from danger, these have caused an uproar in the outside world.

Even Night City's old club sent someone to tell her that as long as she was willing to go back and host a new show, all the benefits would be easy to negotiate.

But she didn't. Shepard knew that she couldn't just leave. She could die here and be carried out as a corpse, but she couldn't leave, otherwise the entire railway organization would collapse.

And Shepard didn't want to leave. Those brave people who voluntarily stayed and helped others in need were like lights in the darkness, able to illuminate their surroundings.

Shepard has become accustomed to living under these beams of light. Every day here makes her feel that she is truly alive. Compared with the past, she seems to have turned into a chrysalis and turned into a butterfly. She can no longer bear the lifestyle she once had.

But deep down, Tang Ji was the one who supported her to this point. She didn’t know where Tang Ji was before or what he was busy with, but Shepard believed that as long as Tang Ji was alive, he would not sit back and ignore the existence of the special zone.


But now, Tang Ji stood in front of him, standing in the special zone, and he said: "You have done a good job, but you don't want me."

"You are the hero in their hearts. They believe that you will not let the Special Zone exist. They firmly believe that one day, you will suddenly appear and announce to the world that this is wrong." Mitchell Shepard took a deep breath.

Calm yourself down: "Just like you did in Paris."

"Now Paris has also been classified as a special zone." Tang Quidan replied calmly, as if he didn't know how cruel his words were.

"You..." Mitch Shepard fell silent. She just looked at Tang Ji, as if waiting for him to say that she was just joking.

However, what disappointed her was that Tang Ji just patted her shoulder lightly: "You did a good job, Mitch, but you are wrong. I am not a hero, and I never have been."

After Tang Ji finished speaking, he passed by Shepard and continued to move forward. He really wanted to meet his old friend today and provide some help within his ability.

But when he saw the fierce conflict between the players and the army soldiers, panicked because of Rickard's killing, and saw those railway members who were as fragile as grass fighting against the players in an organized and planned way, he suddenly realized that he was actually

There is nothing more to say.

Like he said, he's not a hero, never has been, and...

"This is not a war for me alone, Mitch. You did a good job, but it's not good enough." Tang Ji's voice came from the front and penetrated into Shepard's ears: "You can't keep letting them escape.

No one can escape this forever, you have to teach them how to resist."

"Because sooner or later, you will have nowhere to escape, and they..." Tang Ji looked at the direction in which the players were going, and finally a smile appeared on his lips: "They may be everywhere."


"The Special Zone is not hell, on the contrary, it is the beginning, a buffer zone, an illusion to paralyze the enemy, and a lie I use to delay time." Mikkelsen was eating breakfast with relish in the surveillance room, as if he was watching a TV show.

Housewife: "But when these words come out of your mouth, why do I look so incompetent?"

Mikkelsen drank the coffee with several cubes of sugar in it, completely ignoring its temperature.

Although he was not as exaggerated as Tang Ji, the hot water of more than 80 degrees was not enough to hurt him. It took Mikkelsen three minutes to finish his breakfast and start handling today's official duties.

Managing a country is very demanding, especially when the country is full of sieves, the upper and lower classes are deeply divided, and there are enemies both inside and outside.

But fortunately, Mikkelsen has more than 4,000 of himself, ghost assistance, and a lot of coerced people who need to work hard to save their lives.

Today, four more powerful figures have chosen to compromise and hand over their power and wealth to the Mikkelson-Luthor coalition.

Of course, in exchange for a peaceful handover and understanding of current affairs, Mikkelsen thoughtfully allowed them to bring no more than 500 million federal dollars in movable property, and helped them buy air tickets to Phoenix.

Mikkelsen’s original words were: “Every night you leave for a day, the price of space in Phoenix will increase by three percent. If you don’t want to live in a space as big as a coffin in the future, start moving your butts now.

Roll as fast as you can!"

Facts have proved that when you have such powerful weapons as Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao, even the most arrogant and domineering negotiator will become reasonable.

In addition, Mikkelsen will also need to approve a financial allocation for the expansion of the Air Force today. Even for a person like him, it takes some time to mentally construct when seeing an allocation of this scale.


The financial project of rebuilding the federal army has always been the plan of Ghost. After analyzing a large number of records about players and superhumans, Ghost chose a two-legged air force construction route.

On the one hand, they want to build an air force based on a modern air force system that has fighters that can move at supersonic speeds, accurately strike individual targets, and an air force capable of large-scale strategic bombing.

This also includes a large number of unmanned combat units with simple AI systems capable of autonomous combat. In the hands of people like Yin Sen, these drones can exert unimaginable combat effectiveness under a unified command network.

But in Phantom's strategic analysis, if a war between the two sides begins, the theoretical existence time of this air force is only about sixty-five days.

The more advanced and sophisticated the weapon, the more it requires the cooperation of the system to exert its combat effectiveness.

What the players are best at is the attack system, dragging both sides into a quagmire of melee and melee.

It may take half a year to build a command center that can provide information support for those expensive aircraft, but destroying it may only require a few players to spend an afternoon to find a convenient entry point, perhaps because of an aging circuit.

The camera, maybe it's an officer who accidentally went to a bar and forgot to hide his identity...

The biggest problem currently faced by the federal government is insufficient production capacity. Because of the layout of the Tianren Organization, mankind has to face the big problem of the barrel effect in high-end manufacturing.

Although the technical reserves are still there, it may take two to three years for some key industries to be built and put into production. Even according to the most optimistic estimates, the big air force system proposed by Ghost can only be completed by 12% within a year.


The majority of these are UAV systems that are relatively easy to manufacture.

The imminent all-out war may break out tomorrow, next week, next month, or, to be more optimistic, next year.

By then, they will have to face the embarrassing situation of what is useful.

So Specter came up with an alternative plan, a somewhat retro-inspired plan for a small air force.

A large number of arms manufacturing, led by military technology, will also free up some backward production lines to transform and produce an improved version of an old aircraft from a century ago - the piston propeller fighter, the Skyraider AD-1.

The Skyraider AD-1 was an untimely product at the beginning. When it was finally finalized and produced, the war was over, so that the Federation Navy at that time only ordered a few more than 200 aircraft for early adopters.

As the last piston fighter, the Skyraider AD-1 has many advantages. It is a comprehensive fighter that integrates multiple functions.

Its basic requirements must be to be single-piloted, capable of dive bombing, torpedo attack, low-intensity air confrontation and ground strike capabilities, and have powerful weapon mounting capabilities.

Its design is more concise, with a straight tapered fuselage, low-rise wings, weapons mounted under the wings, and a large bomb load. It is equipped with four 20mm cannons and has fierce firepower.

The aircraft has an empty weight of 5.4 tons, a payload of 3.3 tons, can carry up to nearly 6 tons of external plug-ins, and has a cruising speed of 319km/h. The most critical point is that the aircraft has a simple structure, low cost and easy maintenance.

Moreover, it was an order put forward by the Federal Navy at the time, which had very strict take-off distance requirements. It could successfully take off at a distance of just 80 meters.

Although it is not as crude as modern large vertical take-off and landing toys, in terms of cost and ease of manufacturing, some toy factories can directly switch to producing such fighter jets by purchasing some new production lines.

Compared to the F-48, which requires a lot of logistical support to take off, costs as much as 190,000 federal dollars per hour, and requires pilots to undergo more than five years of training to fly, the Skyraider AD-1 is the kind of person who can fly alone when drunk.

, a rough guy who can also spin twice in the sky.

Even... even those clones of the Kshatriya class in Amaravati can become qualified pilots after two weeks of training.

As for logistics, a maintenance technician with maintenance experience only needs a universal wrench to complete all maintenance and disassembly work. What's even better is that in Phantom's improvement plan, it replaces a large number of electronic components, allowing these

The aircraft turned into a real doomsday air force.

They can keep flying in the nuclear storm. As long as they are not torn to pieces by the shock wave, these Skyraiders still maintain their combat effectiveness.

In terms of weapons, the Phantom only retains the original cannon, and all mounted weapons have been replaced with smarter versions. Essentially, the Phantom only uses these aircraft as mobile weapons platforms.

According to Ghost's calculations, once production capacity increases, the cost of the entire aircraft, including the pilot, can be reduced to the level of seventy-five Lexington M10AF pistols.

If Ms. Anne is willing to complete flight simulation training in the Dream Network, the cost for pilots can be reduced by another fifteen Lexington M10AF pistols.

With the gene source of Gluttony, the clone manufacturing technology of Nihelu Gandi, and the Dream Network for training, the production rate of pilots used to fly this kind of aircraft can be completely equal to the production rate of the aircraft itself.

Therefore, in the improvement of the Phantom, the Skyraider is not equipped with an ejection seat at all. Coupled with the application of new materials, the weight and power of the Skyraider itself still have room for further optimization.

"You seem to know my little plan." Mikkelsen looked at the virtual face on the screen and smiled: "So, this is a test?"

"No, this is for the benefit of all mankind." The ghost made a very anthropomorphic shrug: "I just analyzed the existing data and feel that it is more likely that you will use nuclear bombs to clean the ground in the end and actively smash the earth to pieces.

That’s all.”

"Is there any similar plan?" Mikkelsen asked noncommittally: "While I am happy now, let's come up with it together."

"I don't have it here, but I found some interesting things outside, maybe you are interested." The ghost sent Mikkelsen a video file: "Don't ask me where this came from, the person who uploaded it is very

Be careful not to leave any traces."

This chapter has been completed!
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