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Chapter 553 Meeting old colleagues

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight entered this building that could barely be called a house, Tang Ji was already standing in front of the window looking down at the city.

His need for sleep does not depend on physiological needs, but more of a spiritual need.

If he has time, Tang Ji will sleep for a few hours when humans sleep. Although in his sleep state, Tang Ji has a clear understanding of the conditions in several nearby streets, and can even sense the rats walking in the sewers under the building.


But Tang Ji still felt that he needed to sleep, just like he felt that he still needed to eat.

Yesterday on the street, the supply package distributed by the soldiers was quite generous. It contained items according to army rations, including soup powder, coffee, chocolate, compressed biscuits, lunch meat, instant steak, etc. It weighed a full five kilograms, which was enough.

An average family of three can eat it for two days.

He looked at the production date on the luncheon meat, and it turned out that it was written in 1972... With Tang Ji's poor historical knowledge, he didn't even know the historical background of this can, but it was obvious that in that era this canned luncheon meat was

It was produced in large quantities, so much so that I haven’t finished eating it until now.

Under Tang Ji's control, the black flame of hatred was like an ordinary natural gas flame, burning gently under the kettle, boiling a kettle of water.

Tang Ji made a cup of thick soup and a cup of coffee with boiling water. He first took a sip of the soup brewed with thick soup powder, rinsed it in his mouth, spit it directly on the ground, and silently picked up the coffee.

Very good, that thing belongs to that nice gentleman.

Tang Ji was holding the coffee, picked up the head with half a shoulder on the table, and frowned. As a homework for the Scarlet Disciple, the workmanship of this thing was too rough, and it was simply unsightly.

Like the most docile pet, the black flame of hatred followed Tang Ji's will and enveloped the stump of the limb. In the blink of an eye, all the flesh and blood was burned away, leaving only the skeleton.

Without the connection between skin, flesh and fascia, the bare skull and underlying bones can easily detach.

Tang Ji didn't feel much about the change in the color of the Flame of Hatred. Ever since the explosion on the moon, his Flame of Hatred had gradually begun to change to black, and the color was getting darker and darker.

He held the cleaned skull in his hand and played with it, his expression looking a little solemn, because the actual situation of this player will determine the future direction of human wars.

Should we continue to delay time and let Tang Ji create more scarlet disciples, or will one day stage a show of destruction according to Mikkelsen's doomsday script?

Even Tang Ji felt a little nervous at this moment. He was even a little unfamiliar with this feeling. When was the last time he felt nervous?

As for the initiator of the whole thing, Mr. Rickard was sleeping in the room that used to be the bathroom. After he woke up in the middle of the night, he vomited because of his cruelty. The vomit was all over the floor, and Tanguy had to throw him away.

Go into the bathroom and reflect.

As Tang Ji's spiritual successor, his cowardice has always made Tang Ji doubtful as to how he was qualified to be chosen as the Scarlet Disciple in the first place.

If there were no superhumans or players in this world, people like Tang Ji and Rickard might never have any intersection.

They are not the same kind of people by nature, and they do not live in the same world. The only reason for them to meet is that Rickard came to Night City to travel, and was robbed, raped, or shot. Tang Ji was responsible for dealing with him.


Whether this kind of case can be solved in Night City depends entirely on how many ribs Tang Ji is willing to break. Generally speaking, as long as he hits hard enough and breaks enough bones, he will always get the result.

He still remembered his third partner, a bastard who switched careers from a corporate mercenary and returned to his hometown to find a stable job... He was a complete bastard, with a temper that was particularly bad for Tang Ji. When they partnered together, they could knock

Many bones were broken.

They are equally unscrupulous, hate evil with the same hatred, are both tough-minded, and do not know what compromise is. Their blood seems to be full of strong fuel, tireless, and never retreat.

At that time, there were no street gangs in Night City that they didn't dare to break into, but suddenly one day, that bastard died in a car accident.

It took Tang Ji a week, countless bones were broken, and teeth were shattered before he finally determined that his partner died of drunk driving and had nothing to do with anyone else.

He still remembered that he was depressed for a long time, as if he had lost a relative. However, when Tang Ji recalled it carefully, he couldn't even remember that bastard's name...

What was his name? Was he a corporate mercenary or from some other department? Tang Ji stared at the skull in his hand and suddenly realized that he had begun to forget those days.

Fighting against rage is another desperate battle. Tang Ji has to pay something, and the memory of the past is one of them.

It's just that the memories that were burned were the same as the old photos that were treasured under the box, making it almost invisible.

Did that person really exist? Did those things really happen? Wearing body armor every day and beating street fighters with fists in a hail of bullets, it seems like it happened in a previous life.

Tang Ji used his fingers to clasp a small diamond-shaped square between the eyebrows of his skull. He hesitated for a moment and did not put it on his necklace.

The results haven't been released yet, so this can't be counted.

In the bathroom, Rickard stretched out. His strengthened body prevented him from enduring the soreness that ordinary people would feel after sleeping on the cold floor for several hours, but he accidentally caught a large amount of his own vomit.

Things are still something that Rickard will never forget.

He was almost never in such a mess in the first half of his life, but now it seems that his future life will take a completely different path.

Rickard moved his bones and walked out of the bathroom. He saw Tang Ji sitting in the sun playing with his skull. The sun cast his shadow on the ground, stretching it very long, as if there was no end in sight.

When he thought that the skull was torn off a human corpse by himself, Rickard felt nauseous again.

"From now on, if something comes out of your mouth, you will eat it back the same way it came out." Tang Ji's voice still had no warmth and a sense of distance.

Rickard nodded with difficulty. He was actually not that disgusted now. After all, strictly speaking, he was not a novice.

He has nearly forty lives in his hands, but Rickard is used to doing things politely. He is more used to meeting to confirm his identity and ending the grudge with a shot in the head.

But obviously, Tang Ji prefers a punishing death, which is often accompanied by fear.

"Where are we going today?" Rika asked proactively. After killing two players, he suddenly became less nervous in front of Tang Ji.

"Go and meet my old colleagues." Tang Ji looked at the time and decided to visit the man who founded the railway organization, Mitch Shepard, today.

Tang Ji's impression of her was limited to the few times when she was forced to participate in press conferences, and the other party's anxious figure, because usually the number of casualties at press conferences that Tang Ji had to attend should not be less than twenty people.

It is actually not difficult to find clues about the railway organization in the special zone. What is difficult is uncovering the clues they left behind.

Railway organizations will post declarations and logos related to themselves in various corners, on the one hand to expand their influence, and on the other hand to prove that they are still there and have not been eliminated by players.

But for Tang Ji, it seems much easier to find the personnel of these railway organizations.

He had only been walking on the street for a few minutes when he 'saw' a group of sneaky figures armed with weapons, handing out leaflets in a nearby corner.

Instead of sending the flyers directly to someone, they randomly threw them in nearby uninhabited and unused shops.

Tang Ji took Rickard with them for a while and found that this group of people was not just a mob, they had a tacit understanding with each other.

There were seven people in total, divided into three waves in the front, middle and back, nearly forty meters apart. They looked like ordinary SAR citizens who went out to seek work and food.

But in fact, these people have been taking care of each other. Only one person will enter the closed room at a time, leave the leaflet and leave.

Next orange mark.

Not long after these people left, ordinary people from the neighborhood entered the room to look for leaflets left by the railway. Or maybe they called the Railway Daily?

Tang Ji held such a leaflet in his hand. The top part stated how many people their railway organization had successfully sent out of the special zone. The middle part stated what noteworthy things and people had been in the special zone recently. Which areas were not peaceful recently and needed to be avoided.

Come on, where can someone provide relatively low-priced supplies?

Further down, there is a list of those who died recently. The railway organization wrote an obituary in its own way and wrote their names on it one by one.

Tang Ji took a cursory glance and found that yesterday there were forty-five named people in the special zone who were registered by the railway organization in this column. Most of them were marked as having died at the hands of players, and some were killed.

Due to illness, the house collapsed.

At the end of the flyer, there are some slogans telling people not to give up hope. The railway organization has been working hard and the people of the SAR will one day be free.

The A4-sized leaflet is densely written, without any waste, and there is also a simple map of nearby neighborhoods printed on the back, which is full of practicality and readability.

But Tang Ji couldn't actually do this kind of tracking work now. Before they even finished walking down the street, the seven members of the railway organization in front discovered Tang Ji and the others.

It wasn't because the stalking behavior was discovered. Tangji was far enough away from those people. The reason why he was discovered was because Rickard was now a celebrity and his behavior of killing the player last night was noticed.

Members of the railway organization who were observing on the rooftop of a nearby building discovered Rickard on this street and immediately asked the peripheral members who were handing out leaflets on the street to leave, because the players' revenge was very fast, and anyone who attacked them would definitely be killed.

will be retaliated against.

But it was still a step too late. In the next second, an off-road vehicle full of players swerved into the corner with a violent attitude and rushed into the street.

There were eight players sitting in the car, and they were loaded with guns and ammunition, and everyone had guns in their hands.

Tang Ji took a step back and leaned against the wall, giving Rickard a moment to perform, who was twenty meters behind him. He seemed a little uninterested.

Judging from the players' reactions, it seems that the players Rickard killed did not cause any sensation, and these players are still so unscrupulous.

But then, the player who had just jumped off the jeep started the car faster than when he came, kicked the accelerator and disappeared around the corner, leaving everyone stunned.

The moment they parked the car, players in the Roseville District received a new system prompt. The game version was about to be updated, requiring all players to bring their bodies back to the body storage center and prepare to go offline.

Anyone who does not send their body to the body storage center within the specified time will be deemed dead and will be randomly assigned to a new body the next time they enter the game room.

Therefore, these players do not dare to delay for a minute. They already know the preciousness of the superhuman body and do not dare to neglect it in the slightest.

Maybe it was because the distance was close enough, or maybe it was because Tang Ji's system was originally from the Pioneers. He actually received the relevant system prompt, but it contained a lot of garbled characters and couldn't clearly see the specific meaning.

Even so, this is good news. It means that Rickard at least played some role and made players furious.

It's just that I don't know the specific situation of those two players...


"Shepard, there is a naturalized insider saying that the players have to leave this world temporarily." Chaval Ortega's voice sounded on the other end of the intercom: "Do you want to do something big?"

"You mean, sneak attack on the body warehouse?" Mitch, Shepard looked more capable, and the lines on his exposed arms looked very strong.

"If we can succeed, we can temporarily prevent players from coming back." Chaval Ortega's voice was a little excited: "We have been preparing together for so long, isn't it just to have the opportunity to express our attitude?"

But Shepard still felt that it was a bit too coincidental. Two players were attacked just last night, and such good news came today?

In the special zone, attacks against players have never stopped. Even the railway organization she led has killed more than a dozen players.

However, the players were preparing to leave this world collectively temporarily, but it never happened...

Is this a conspiracy? Or is it a new idea that the players have come up with? This kind of thing has happened before. Those players seem to have infinite creativity in their minds.

"Wait a minute, I need to go and see for myself to be sure." Shepard finally decided: "Everyone stands still and waits for my news."

Shepard randomly picked a peaked cap, put on a light bulletproof vest, and walked out of her hiding place. She had more than a dozen similar hiding places in the special zone.

These hiding places are all randomly selected. For safety reasons, even the top brass of the railway organization do not know each other's locations now.

However, Shepard, who had just stepped out, turned a corner and ran into a familiar figure...



This chapter has been completed!
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