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Chapter 556 The Fire of Prometheus

Earth orbit, Lexington 2.

After a long voyage, Lexington 2 finally saw the familiar blue planet. The three astronauts who were tortured by the low gravity environment couldn't help but smile on their faces.

They have been away from their home planet for a while, and compared to all living beings on Earth, the sense of separation between them is so great.

For these people, mankind has long entered the stage of deep space colonization, with different companies building brand new colonies in Earth orbit, on the moon, Mars, and even in the more distant Kuiper Belt.

For humans on earth, the closest news to them about space is the news that the Arasaka Group spent a lot of money to build a Crystal Palace in Earth orbit.

For example, when Night City and the Crystal Palace were first built, the Arasaka Group even held a three-day trip to the Crystal Palace by buying lottery tickets and winning a jackpot in Night City, trying to shake the status of the Dead Man's Lotto.

But after all, they still underestimated Night City's love for violent elements. The people at the bottom just want to know how many unlucky guys who were more unlucky than themselves were turned into corpses and sent to the garbage dump yesterday.

In comparison, a three-day trip to the Crystal Palace as a reward is more like the African Boy Scouts receiving a Barbie doll for Christmas, and it falls into the realm of black humor.

Generally speaking, things like aerospace, after the corporate war, changed from a civilized upgrading event with the country as the main body and representing the interests of all mankind to a company or even more specifically, a certain capital entity with a large amount of resources.

, an incident that unfolds based on small-scale family interests out of personal hobbies or conspiracy.

The few new technologies are not so much the advancement of aerospace, but are actually more like the behaviors of capital entities showing off their newly bred thoroughbred racehorses and customized yachts.

The history of the Lexington 2 ship can be traced back to the Golden Age of the Federation. NASA completed the keel laying of the ship and the manufacturing of the prototype engine. The Military Technology Group only completed the subsequent parts, such as the driving system, life support system, etc.


Human civilization cannot even build a brand new Lexington II now, because the integrated keel laying technology and the engine are like black technology taken out of Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts, unless they

Destructively dismantle Lexington 2, otherwise it will be difficult to complete technical replication.

Of course, the board of directors at that time would not allow this kind of destruction of valuable assets. It was neither economical nor reasonable.

Does military technology need the technology to recreate a spacecraft like Lexington 2? They don't, because there are no interests they need to protect in outer space.

That large toy of the Arasaka Group only needs a few missiles to turn into the largest firework on earth, and military technology maintains a stable route to and from the earth and Mars.

The advertising effect brought by Lexington 2 became the only reason for the board of directors to continue to invest money to keep it running.

Zoepalaya is actually very pleased that in her lifetime, she has at least completed one meaningful voyage on this legendary spaceship.

They retrieved the flame of hope for human civilization from Ganymede, just like Prometheus

Zoepalaya looked at the earth with a complicated look, and she didn't come back to her senses until the secret space station called Eye of the Sky started transmitting data to them.

As the space station with a large number of weapons deployed gradually became clearer in front of her eyes, Zoepalaya finally showed a smile and felt that the pressure in her heart was gradually relieved.

As the only person authorized to know part of the mission-related content, God knows how many times she would wake up from her dreams these days. She could always dream that the Lexington 2 she was on was attacked by unknown sources as it approached the earth.

, the whole ship turned into a firework.

Now, all this is finally over. No matter what the fate of mankind will be in the future, Zoepalaya has done her best.

Lexington 2 was captured by the Eye of the Sky's magnetic device and slowly leaned against the side of the space station. As the connection bay completed the docking, Zoe Palaia and Russell La Cruz opened the hatch together.

Outside the hatch, there were four ferocious-looking humanoid armed robots. They looked at the two astronauts with their skull-like faces, and their red eyes were like the devils in hell.

"The person who designed this kind of humanoid combat robot was definitely a fan of the Terminator series of movies." Russell La Cruz swallowed nervously. He held a special paper container filled with black flames in his hand, and his whole body

He stood there like a piece of wood, not knowing whether he should move forward or not.

"Don't worry, they don't bite." A brisk voice sounded from the connecting channel: "They are just in case."

Zoepalaya didn't want to investigate who this precaution was referring to. She just wanted to complete the handover of the items now, then find a quiet place to adapt to gravity again, and return to Earth for a good vacation.

So Zoe took the lead in passing through the passage surrounded by four robots, and Russell Nan followed behind, looking at these combat robots with interest.

The voice introduced with great interest: "They all use unlimited power supply technology and can move without restriction inside and outside the space station. They are guards and maintainers and can handle most of the mechanical problems here."

"Friends, we are not interested in these robots. Who should the valuables be handed over to?" Zoepalaya interrupted the voice and asked directly.

"Don't worry, please keep moving forward. We don't have enough manpower here and need to use a more direct method to send it back to Earth." The voice illuminated the indicator arrow with light and shadow effects on the ground, indicating that they should continue to move forward.

The four robots were following closely behind.

What appeared in front of Zoe was a shuttle-shaped airborne pod. A man in a black uniform stood there, followed by four more humanoid robots that looked a bit bulkier.

"T-300, a field-type remote-controlled robot with its own energy pack." The man introduced enthusiastically, with the same accent as in the voice broadcast just now.

"It's fifty meters from the connection warehouse to here." Zoepalaya emphasized the distance and looked at the man in front of her who was full of bad taste.

"Life in space is so boring. I remember there were incidents at your Mars base of aliens knocking on the windows." When the man said this, he glanced at Russell: "I thought you would like this surprise.


Zoepalaya turned back angrily and glared at Russell. She had been frightened by this move back then.

Russell La Cruz lowered his head and remained silent, because he really liked the welcome ceremony just now. He got all the surprises and old movie jokes.

So Russell secretly extended a thumbs up to the other party.

"Next, we have to ask these iron men to send the things back to the earth smoothly." The man showed a smile, took the black opaque container from Russell's hand, and solemnly put it into the special container inside the landing.

Fixed in the frame.

Then, four T-300s walked into the landing module and filled the space inside to the fullest.

For some reason, Zoepalaya wasn't interested in the man in black at all. She always felt that he had some annoying special features on him.

"Wait a minute, I need to re-confirm the mission content with the headquarters." Zoepalaya gritted her teeth and said, "Just in case."

The man in black frowned and said unhappily: "We are about to arrive at the predetermined location. The landing module itself is unpowered. If you miss the launch opportunity, you will have to wait three hours for the next window.


"You are an insider. You should know the importance of this mission, right?" The man in black looked at the time and said: "As long as this thing is not in his hands, it is not safe. A lot can happen in three hours.


Zoe looked at the other person's face, that weird feeling of disgust still lingering: "Then show me your mission briefing."

"You have crossed the line, Dr. Zoe, and that is not allowed." The man in black looked at Zoe with some displeasure: "You are also from the office, you know the rules!"

"Roslin, contact the headquarters to determine the follow-up mission process." Zoepalaya directly ordered the companion who was still in the cab.

"That's an encrypted line. By the time you finish contacting us, we've already missed the window! Dr. Zoe!" The man in black looked at the time again: "It's too late!"

The more anxious the other party is, the more suspicious Zoe becomes.

Finally, the man in black looked at the time again, stood in front of the landing module console, raised his hands in surrender and said: "I will show you my mission briefing, how about you let me start the preparations first? In three hours, we will

Hanging like a target in the sky, God knows what will happen!"

Zoe Palaya winked at Russell. They crossed the starry sky together and already had a tacit understanding. Russell calmly observed the robot behind him and the weapon in the robot's hand, and shook it gently.

Shake his head.

These robots are positioned with almost no blind spots, and they are professional.

"Okay, show me your mission briefing!" Zoe took a few steps forward and reached out to take the Man in Black PDA, which officially came from the mission briefing interface on the office network.

Zoe took a quick glance and saw that the requirements written above were almost the same as what the man in black said. The only difference was that it clearly required that enough space should be reserved in the landing cabin.

And Zoe could see clearly that under the command of the man in black, the robots completely filled the landing cabin.

Zoe knew everything about Tang Ji, and naturally she also knew something about Wang Zhengdao. She knew that Wang Zhengdao had the ability to jump directly into the airborne warehouse, take away the goods, and then leave directly.

And obviously, the man in black opposite also knew.

Zoe glanced at the blue mother planet outside the window, then at Russell and the robot behind her, and still resolutely used the PDA in her hand as a weapon to hit the man in black.

She has done so much for this world, how could she fall short at the last moment?

However, to Zoe's expectation, although her attack was blocked by the man in black with one hand and she was directly knocked to the ground, the robot behind Russell did not react at all.

"The robot is not controlled by him!" Zoe shouted, but was kicked in the face by the man in black, and she fainted.

"Dr. Zoe, your cleverness is annoying me!" Faced with the robot's deterrence, the man in black did not dare to use lethal force. He could only restrain Dr. Zoe with one hand and put the other hand on the keyboard.

Quickly set various parameters of the landing module.

"Don't move! Or I'll strangle her to death!" The man in black didn't have much time. As a pretender trained by the naturalized organization, he spent a lot of money to get himself onto the Eye of the Sky space station.

The only remaining member of the Rothschild family has now completely turned to the side of the naturalized ones, such as the backdoor of the Eye of the Sky space station system.

He could temporarily block the ghost's control of other systems, but because of the Rothschild family's trust in autonomous AI, he could not interfere with the behavior patterns of these machine guards. They would automatically attack targets trying to destroy the structure of the space station and holding deadly weapons.

Launch an attack.

It was part of his plan to use those robots to fill the space in the landing cabin so that Wang Zhengdao could not directly enter the space and jump into the landing cabin.

Now, he only needs to let the landing module leave the space station in time and deflect the landing point to the range of the naturalized organization's preset number, which is more than half successful!

Russell was not moved by the threat of the man in black. Without any regard for Zoepalaya's life, he turned over the console and tried to hammer the man in black on the head with the PDA on his wrist.

It was the most powerful thing in his hand, but the effect was not ideal. The man in black stood on the spot and resisted Russell's attack, his eyes fixed on the countdown.

When the countdown on the screen reached zero, he suddenly pressed the launch button!

There was originally no landing module in the Eye of the Sky space station. This thing was expanded after the arrival of military technology technicians, occupying a launch hole that was previously used to launch sub-satellites.

Because this area used to be an uninhabited land, there was no life support system at all. All of this was added later and seemed a bit hasty, such as the landing module, which was explained to be directly embedded on the launch pad.

When the landing module was launched, a huge hole with a diameter of 2.5 meters was left in place, and the air in the room was instantly sucked out.

The man in black, who was well prepared, instantly activated his magnetic boots, fixing himself in place just like the robot.

As for Dr. Zoe, the man in black glanced at Russell, who was almost taken away, and let go of his hand, letting Zoe Paraya float towards the passage to outer space.

His mission has been completed. His newly activated protective stance can support him to walk all the way to Lexington 2. That is the second part of the plan. Whether it can be completed is not important to the naturalized people, but it is related to

Can the man in black successfully return to earth?

After passing through the phalanx of robots, the man in black looked back, but could not find Russell and Dr. Zoe. This made him a little disappointed. He actually likes to see people desperate.

However, the next second, the man in black was no longer disappointed.

He saw Russell's face suddenly appear on the other side of the connection cabin. He just exposed himself to the space, hugged the lifeless Zoepalaya with one hand, tapped the glass lightly, and then

The most famous prank on Mars was discovered - aliens knocking on the window.

The man in black looked at the disconnected connection warehouse, and his face suddenly turned livid, but then he smiled freely. At least his main task had been completed, and his personal safety was insignificant.

This chapter has been completed!
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