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Chapter 557 The limited time event begins!

The landing module containing the source of the previous generation's violent power swooped down from the orbit, causing violent friction with the atmosphere.

Although Mikkelsen mobilized enough search resources to re-determine the location of the landing module as soon as the Eye in the Sky lost contact, four robots completely covered its internal space, leaving Wang Zhengdao helpless.

Just jump in and grab the stuff.

According to the calculation of the fall trajectory, the landing module will eventually land near the island of Madagascar, which happens to be the weak area of ​​the Military Technology Group and the Ark Organization.

Or to put it another way, where there is no organization that projects much power, it is a land forgotten by the civilized world.

In this era of demonic salmon raging, unless there are rare resources on the island, or if it happens to be taken advantage of by big companies like Hawaii Island, almost all island countries are living a life of dire straits.

The shipping cost of ships has soared, which has had an impact on the island country in that the cost of living has greatly increased. The total population currently living on this island is just over three million, which can be said to be depopulated.

But the people here were able to witness the largest conflict to date between human civilization and players.

Before the landing module officially landed, Mikkelsen received a call from Mrs. Generous.

"Your plan cannot be hidden from the planning department. They know everything." Mrs. Generous said directly: "Markarian hopes to turn this conflict into a local conflict acceptable to both parties. Do you accept it?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Mikkelsen was wary of the planning department mentioned by Mrs. Generous. This was not the first time he heard about this department.

Previously, in Carcalf's description, the planning department was only a department within the company used to plan the world background and output scripts. It was regarded as the directly superior department of the Trailblazers.

It single-handedly guided the pioneers on how to influence the world situation, and finally got the results they wanted. From the beginning, Mikkelsen regarded the planning department as one of the world's biggest enemies.

And now, Mrs. Generosity has unlocked the mysterious corner of the planning department, which knows everything.

Just like Markarian, Mikkelsen cannot see through Mrs. Generosity's position. The extraordinary enthusiasm she inadvertently shows for the world always makes Mikkelson feel chills in his back.

It can be said that without the mediation of Mrs. Bountiful, the Special Zone would not be possible at all. Mikkelsen has already advanced the script to the moment of the final war.

Either completely cut off players from entering this world, or completely destroy human civilization.

But Mrs. Generosity easily came up with conditions acceptable to both parties. The two sides used the dividing line in the special zone to compete with each other, each with their own plans.

"Markarian hopes to define this conflict as a campaign event among the player community, restricting the participation of some players who have previously abided by the laws of the District, as a reward." Mrs. Generous continued: "He promised that no matter what the outcome,

After the incident is over, players will be restricted to continue their activities in the special zone and not expand the scale of the war, and they can enter the war zone in the traditional way, and dimensional gates are not applicable."

"Then what?" More than four thousand Mikkelsens around the world were wondering whether this was Markarian's own meaning or Mrs. Bountiful's.

"You promise not to invest in superhuman beings at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins, including the little follower next to Tang Ji." Mrs. Generosity's voice seemed to be in a good mood, and she smiled: "I know you have always felt that you have no power, and now I will give it to you.

With one chance, I will directly deprive all players who are killed in this event of their qualifications to enter this world again."

"What is your purpose?" Mikkelsen asked after a moment of silence: "Don't say that you are fascinated by the culture of our world, I don't believe it."

"Why don't you believe it? You should have more confidence in the civilization you came from. Maybe this is the truth?" Mrs. Generous said softly: "I am full of curiosity about your world. This sentence is true."

"Me too, and it's the truth." Mikkelsen was silent for a few seconds, with various thoughts swirling in his mind, and finally said: "Tell that bastard Markarian that we agreed, but I want the king to

Zhengdao first arrived near the landing module to supervise."

"Yes." Mrs. Generosity, as her name suggests, directly agreed to Mikkelsen's request: "But we will also send someone to supervise."

"I agree." Mikkelsen smiled. In a one-on-one situation, Wang Zhengdao's combat power can be amplified almost infinitely. No matter what the outcome of the war, he will never let go of the source of the violent power of the previous generation.


Wang Zhengdao was standing directly above the landing cabin. At this time, the landing cabin had almost released its slowing parachute and was slowly floating in the sky, thousands of meters above the ground.

He didn't know why Mikkelsen agreed to the other party's childish request, but at the moment Wang Zhengdao really couldn't directly take away the source of power from the previous generation's rage.

Judging from the feedback of space perception, the four robots turned themselves into fixed locks and occupied all the space.榁

Wang Zhengdao's space jump can displace gases, liquids and other low-density objects at the target location, but metals cannot do this at all.

But this can be the direction for his future promotion... Imagine that Wang Zhengdao doesn't even need to do it himself, he just suddenly jumps in space, takes up half of the target's body, and easily kills him.

With Wang Zhengdao's current mastery of space jumping ability, he will immediately become the god of death in a full sense. The King of Hell will let you die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch?

But that was a bit of a failure. Wang Zhengdao raised his head and looked at the sky. Fighting and killing was too boring. Conquering deep space was his ambition.

If one day in the future, the war can end, if they can win, drive those damn players out of their own world, or take a step back and let them squat in a specific area in compliance with the law, he may be able to...

Impossible. Wang Zhengdao suddenly thought of Tang Ji's face and couldn't help but smile. Even if the whole world compromised, that man would still fight alone and carry the war to the end.

Therefore, what impact did the source of the previous generation's violent power have on Tang Ji? What did the prophet know?

Wang Zhengdao knew nothing about this, and he couldn't even get an answer from the prophet, who now only had a few hours of waking time every day.

And even when she was awake, her memory seemed very confusing. She completely confused her own timeline, and the memories in those timelines were intertwined.

Wang Zhengdao did not know or understand most of the names and things that the prophet said, but he did hear the prophet call Tang Ji a heartless man in one of his murmurs.

Wang Zhengdao planned to let this little secret rot in his stomach, but he suddenly realized that the prophet was once young. She was also a young and beautiful girl with her own feelings and past.

She just gave up all those things in this world and chose to become a prophet.

Wang Zhengdao knew very well that the prophet's time was running out, so he stayed by the prophet's side almost every day. He could not let her go alone.

She gave everything of herself to this world, and he couldn't let her go so lonely.榁

But after all, Wang Zhengdao also has responsibilities to the world. Even if he doesn't want to, he can only stand on the landing module like a fool, looking at the sky and sea, wasting his precious time.

It took thirteen minutes for the landing module to land on the sea, and it just floated on the water. The special dyes dyed the nearby sea area a conspicuous orange in the blink of an eye. These dyes themselves also served to disperse fish schools.


This place is almost seven or eight nautical miles away from the coastline, but the unusual phenomenon caused by the landing module is enough to make everyone living by the sea notice its existence.

Not long after, there was an old-looking helicopter hovering over the sea. The observer on the plane, wearing a life jacket and holding a gun, was obviously curious as to why a landing module landed here.

After seeing Wang Zhengdao, he loudly asked through a loudspeaker: "This is the Fianarantsoa Coast Guard, please report your name and origin!"

"By the way, you are so cool, my friend. This is the first time I have seen a real spaceship!" The voice was full of excitement: "Do you need help? We can help salvage your spaceship!"

Wang Zhengdao appeared directly in the helicopter the next second. The pilot and the observer were almost crashed by the sudden appearance of the person.

"You came up like this!" The observer's eyes were as wide as a bell.

"You must leave here immediately, there is going to be a war." Wang Zhengdao stood guard at the hatch, his eyes never leaving the landing cabin for a second.

"There's going to be a war? Who and whom?" The observer began to feel that the superhuman in front of him might have had his brain damaged during the fall.

"Go back and inform your government to start evacuating coastal residents immediately." Wang Zhengdao edited a message and sent it to the headquarters of the Ark Organization: "Soon, the European Federation and the Ark Organization will officially send you a joint notice."

"Are you kidding me?" The observer couldn't help laughing. If a drunken bum tells you that there's going to be a war, you can slap him in the face.

But if a space-moving superhuman crashes into your door in a landing pod and tells you that there's going to be a war in this place, you'd better consider whether the cost of such a prank is a little too high.

"You don't have much time, the sooner the better." After saying this, Wang Zhengdao jumped out of the helicopter and suddenly disappeared in the air. When he reappeared, he returned to his previous position.

At this time, a dimensional door suddenly opened near the landing cabin, and a speedboat drove out of the dimensional door. Paulina Kubera, the great pioneer with a somewhat ugly face, appeared in front of Wang Zhengdao.

She was very dissatisfied with Markarian's order. Although the other party promised not to use Tangji and the aboriginal superhuman who had committed an offense in Roswell just now, what if, what if those people broke the contract?

But Paulina's protest was ignored by Markarian. Because of her position as a great pioneer, Paulina's sunk costs were too high and she was unable to resist this kind of oppression.

The moment she saw Wang Zhengdao, Paulina felt her heart stop for a beat. She had dreamed countless times that Wang Zhengdao suddenly appeared in front of her with that man. The next second, her head became

The plaything in the man's hand.

But now, half of the nightmare has come true, and Wang Zhengdao can make the other half come true in the blink of an eye.

Wang Zhengdao glanced at the woman and said hello. She was an old friend, the new pioneer, Paulina Kubera, the original body of the dimensional gate ability.

Although Cathy Walter did not make any outstanding contributions, she at least provided information about the body commonly used by every pioneer, especially the pioneers in key positions such as the door group. Unless they encounter an accident, it is almost impossible to change the body.


Paulina looked at the size of the landing capsule and estimated the possibility of opening the dimensional door from a distance and taking it away directly. This was the only reason Markarian sent her here.

After the incident is over, regardless of the outcome, make sure to take the things away.

What followed was a long wait, from day to night, during which the helicopter belonging to the Fianarantsoa Coast Guard came twice more, during which time it also asked both sides of the confrontation if they needed food.

Then, a jet fighter of the same old model roared over their heads before the sun set, and a few photos were taken.

Neither Wang Zhengdao nor Paulina was in the mood to eat. They both knew that this kind of tranquility was just the dormancy before the storm.

Early the next morning, at 6:15, a cruiser belonging to the European Federation and flying the English flag appeared from the northwest horizon and stopped there without moving forward.

8:20 A large oil tanker from the Petrochemical Alliance approached from the northeast. A whole shipload of players were like locusts trying to get close to the landing module.

Some of them rowed lifeboats, but ended up spinning in circles due to uneven force. Others just jumped into the sea and realized they couldn't swim, becoming the first victims of this event.

When a player approached 500 meters near the landing cabin, it was already an hour later. At this time, a submarine that had been lurking there for some time broke out of the sea. A familiar figure of Wang Zhengdao stood outside the submarine.

On the deck, the submarine rushed out of the sea together.

Then, he just disappeared, and instead, a line of death suddenly appeared among the players. Most of the players didn't even realize that they were dead, and their heads were missing.

Soult studied under Tang Ji and has a special paranoia about players' heads.

He walked smoothly on the sea, killing countless players along the way. He made a sharp turn in front of the oil tanker, causing a huge wave that shook the entire ship.

This is a warning. Next time a ship comes, you won't have such good luck.

Wang Zhengdao looked at Sirte's performance, turned to look at Paulina and spread his hands, as if asking: How do you plan to win with a lineup like mine, even if Tang Ji is not called?



This chapter has been completed!
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