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Chapter 558: Individual Anti-ship

Yumaz Marquis, a killer player, is one of the first batch of killer players to enter this world. He has received different levels of adaptive training in five different camps.

Finally, after staying in Paris DC for more than a month, Yumaz Marquez finally graduated from the novice stage, at least that's what he thought.

Compared with the world he came to before, this world is undoubtedly more civilized, more advanced, and closer to the mother world.

It is so special that when he first entered the Paris District, Yumaz Marquez did not even feel that his scope of activities was limited.

Yumaz followed the guidance of the system and completed dozens of tasks, large and small. From buying bread in the supermarket to buying guns on the black market, he did it all. From patrolling the streets to sneaking in to assassinate specific targets at night, he did it all.


In the system's judgment, Yumaz is a killer player with a very low degree of deviation. He is accustomed to relying on the system's instructions to act and suppresses his personal wishes to a minimum.

Therefore, when the world's first dungeon event appeared, Yumaz Marquis received the invitation almost immediately——

[Ancient Heritage—The Source of Anger: An opportunity that should not have existed was seized by the indigenous people of this world. They brought back the power that should have dissipated thousands of years ago from the distant starry sky. Now that ancient heritage is

Drifting in the sea, in order to ensure that the wrath of the Seven Deadly Sins does not continue to expand, we must stop them!] Diao

》Task type: Large conflict copy task

》Published by: Pioneer Headquarters

》Mission requirement: Prevent the indigenous people from taking away the source of anger (the object is a black opaque square box, currently located in the landing cabin)

》Task Difficulty: Red (They know very well that they cannot fail, and you will truly face those high-level superhumans who can subvert the laws of physics for the first time)

》Note: The natives have invested at least one high-level speedster (you can hardly see him with the naked eye, but he is everywhere and faster than death)

》Rewards: Special event points (you can consume points to exchange for materials, weapons, bodies and other items you need in the pioneer warehouse)

》Warning ①: The difficulty of the mission is very likely to enter the black stage with the entry of aboriginal superhumans at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins. At this stage, any resistance you have will become meaningless. At that time, please retreat to a safe area.

》Warning ② (This message is not visible to players): Based on the agreement between the pioneers and the indigenous people, all dead players will no longer be able to enter the world.

Yomaz Marquez felt his heartbeat speed up instantly. He turned his head and looked at the streets of Paris behind him again. These things full of humanistic beauty could no longer attract him.

With such lofty ambitions, Yumaz Marquis began to go to the meeting point marked by the system. All players who received the invitation must go to the meeting point on their own and use this traditional aboriginal-style vehicle to get to the location of the instance.


This is quite new to Yumaz. After all, during the previous transfers, the Pioneers directly opened the dimensional door and let them drill in to complete the transfer.

Now, Yumaz is waiting for the plane at the airport with hundreds of other players.

"They said the indigenous people here can make a large flying object that can carry hundreds of people at a time." Yumaz listened to other players chatting nearby, and his heart was filled with anticipation.

In the mother world, he can see things more magnificent than this city every day, such as the buildings where they live, but to him, those things are like air, light, and gravity, which have already existed since the beginning of the world.

exist, they just happen to live in it. Diaphragm

But it's different here. Every block in this city seems to have its own history. People here know how this city was built from scratch.

Yumaz Marquez was new to all this, and he even had the idea of ​​changing his career to become an explorer, digging deeply into the history of this world.

However, after the system determined that he did not have this talent, Yumaz had no choice but to give up. But for now, at least achievement-oriented explorers cannot participate in this kind of war dungeon.

When a huge transport plane appeared on the horizon, Yumaz was a little disappointed and let out a soft exclamation along with the others.

The aboriginal transport plane was far from as grand as Yumaz expected. It even looked a little old, and even the patent leather on the surface was peeling off.

This is the result of the Gallic government's best efforts. They searched all over the country to come up with two 100% functional large transport aircraft to transport players in the Paris District to the war zone to participate in the war.

On the other hand, the Gauls had to mobilize a small amount of maritime power and slowly set sail to the same area with other European Federation member states to fight against the players they had just transported.

This sense of tearing almost turned the already overwhelmed Gallic government into a crackdown, but under the pressure of the Federation and the Ark organization, they still chose to succumb.

"You are not the main force in this war. You are more interested in feeling the atmosphere of war and then thinking about whether you are ready." Luther's bald head flashed on the screen in the conference room: "I know you guys

Some people have already bought tickets to Phoenix, but there are always some people, and the speed of your corruption cannot keep up with the increase in ticket prices."

After saying this, Luther showed a gloating smile: "What I am saying below is to say to those unlucky ones. Open your eyes and take a good look at what those players can do, then give up your illusions and start preparing for war."

"And those capitulationists, I suggest you live in the Special Administrative Region for a while, and then consider surrendering if you can adapt." Luther mocked: "But you don't have to worry about the fall of Paris in this war.

I took the initiative to send her out."

The noble and wealthy Gaulese gentlemen laughed tacitly, guessing among themselves who among you was the unlucky guy who couldn't afford the ferry ticket.

If you don't even understand corruption, aren't these bureaucrats the most ridiculous thing in the world? We are ashamed to be associated with them!

A cold-faced and dark-hearted politician like Luther was left speechless by his Gallic counterpart. He looked at this group of people in disbelief, feeling that he was talking to a cow. He could only sigh and further threatened: "Mikkelsen

He said that if this matter is not done well, no one will be able to leave. He has deployed an armed space station in orbit and is sure to shoot down the space express you are aboard."

This time, the expressions of the Gallic men finally became serious. After all, strictly speaking, they were just second-class passengers on the spaceship bound for Phoenix.

Those big shots who had special seats or even private rooms and bought real estate in Phoenix are now either waiting for the spacecraft to take off in their own space estates, or they are laughing and watching the world's strife in the luxurious suites of the Crystal Palace.

Only these people, who are too rich to stay on the ground and too poor to afford real estate in Phoenix, are struggling the most.

What happened in Gaul is only a part of the European Federation and even the world. The same plot is happening all over the world. Even the Petrochemical Alliance sent a fully equipped aircraft carrier formation to join in the fun, which was enough to give Mikkelsen some face.


Correspondingly, Mikkelsen also represented the entire federation and broke the blockade imposed by the joint enterprise on the Petrochemical Alliance, and the two sides are tentatively resuming trade exchanges.

This is the resource integration work in front of the station. Previously, the corporate alliance was the biggest winner in the corporate war, distorting the global order with the help of the Pioneers and the Celestial Organization. Now, Mikkelsen is reorganizing it.

But time was running out, so he could only prepare as much as possible.


In the southwest waters of Madagascar, near the landing module.

Wang Zhengdao was holding a piece of fast food that Sirte took the time to deliver. Things like hamburgers and Coke, which never go out of style but never taste good, can always provide sufficient calories.

After eating, Wang Zhengdao felt as if he was alive again. He began to move his body on the landing module and threw the white garbage into the sea.

Although the Devil's Salmon is notorious, it does solve some problems that were considered impossible at the beginning of the century, such as marine debris.

Those little monsters bite and eat almost anything. In the past twenty years, devil salmon have wiped out the garbage in the sea piece by piece. It's a pity that they can't solve the problem of nuclear wastewater, otherwise...

Wang Zhengdao shook his head to prevent himself from being too bored.

He just saw Paulina on the speedboat opposite opening a dimensional door, and someone brought her a large table of seafood from the opposite side. As a result, when Surte came, the waves he made almost capsized the other party's boat.

Seafood basically returns to the sea.

It was a bit of a waste. Wang Zhengdao thought that next time he should ask Sirte to buy the burgers from the other side in exchange for the delicacies on the opposite side...

Just when Wang Zhengdao fell into fantasy, an explosion in the air interrupted him.

This is the second time today. A two-plane formation of F-48s under Mikkelsen will circle the nearby airspace every six hours, constantly exchanging fire with the air power controlled by the naturalized people.

Because both sides are equipped with high-altitude, high-speed fighter jets like the F-48 that have global deployment capabilities, the battle between the two sides is also very boring.

The pilots are not reluctant to fight. They will launch missiles beyond visual range every time, and then counterattack the opponent's missiles. They rely on their superior power to shake off follow-up strikes, leaving beautiful trails in the sky.

The F-48 is like the Surte in the air. It has no rival, but when faced with superhumans, especially high-level superhumans, it feels a bit too powerful to be used. Diaphragm

There are more and more ships on the sea. With the landing module as the center, there are currently seven ships gathered around it. The military strength ratio between Mikkelsen's force and the player's force is 3:4, but Mikkelsen's side wins.

The larger the tonnage, the better the condition of the ship.

And they own Sirte!

Just two hours ago, the numerical ratio between the two sides was still 3:5. After passing on his armor, Sirte pulled back five nautical miles and launched a charge, driving a Constellation-class frigate that seemed to be in good condition from head to toe.

The tail was smashed through.

The Constellation-class frigate named Infinity did not fail to fight back. Its high-power laser anti-missile system, under the control of the fire control system, discovered high-speed moving small targets the moment Sirte started to launch, and launched a


In the end, part of Sirte's armor was melted, and he himself suffered extensive burns.

However, even so, Sirte still completed the feat of single-handed anti-ship. The Infinity persisted for six hours and suffered sixteen penetrating impacts from Sirte before it almost sank.

During this process, Soult used a total of twenty-two prototype treatment injections and ate more than three hundred kilograms of food. The whole process even seemed a bit tragic, for both parties. Diaphragm

Soult was like a knight charging at a windmill, except this time Don Quixote's donkey had a speed of nearly Mach 1 and a half, but he was too small to cause fatal damage to the ship, and was even hit by the keel armor several times.

To block, you can only look for weak areas to hit.

The Infinity is like a giant using a cannon to fight mosquitoes. The anti-aircraft missiles and anti-missile missiles it is equipped with have all become a joke in front of Sirte.

When Sirte launched his charge, he came close to the sea. Even if the missile could detect such a small target, it could only whizz past Sirte's head...

The power of the only laser weapon that could threaten Surte was too small, and it was not able to cause fatal injuries to Surte until it was overloaded in the end.

The desperate crew of the Infinity even released traditional anti-missile solutions such as jamming bombs and induced missiles at the critical moment to try to confuse Sirte.

But Soult is not a machine looking for a source of heat. He is a human being who knows what his goal is.

The six hours of repeated executions made both the enemy and our sailors fully aware of what the tears of the times are.

In the end, it was Wang Zhengdao who stopped the iron-headed boy, otherwise Sirte planned to use the hundred doses of therapeutic injections he brought to annihilate the opponent's fleet...

There is absolutely no point in doing so. These ships are just fleets of both sides cruising in the nearby area, and the real main force is still behind.

The crown jewel of military technology, the super-class aircraft carrier Princess Diana, the crown jewel of the petrochemical alliance, the Ford-class aircraft carrier USS Soyuz are all on the way.

The only problem is that until the Soyuz aircraft carrier battle group begins to set sail, Mikkelsen cannot be sure which side the aircraft carrier battle group will be on when it arrives.

Of course, even the senior leaders of the Petrochemical Alliance cannot be sure of this issue... The influence of the Saudi Aramco Group has continued to exist in the past two decades. Even the audit center of the Petrochemical Alliance has been penetrated. On this basis

On top of that, they have to face another problem. Those people are the secret agents of the Celestial Being Organization.

As a traditional landowner, the Habsburg family owns a full 7% of the shares of the Petrochemical Alliance, and they also own most of the shares of the major groups in the conglomerate. From a total perspective, the Habsburg family owns the entire

Twelve percent of corporate syndicates.

The family at the bottom of the Celestial Being Organization would from time to time give a poor guy like Mikkelsen some Celestial Being Organization-style shock, making him feel pain and happiness.

But this also led to this weird situation. Before the fleet actually opened fire, no one knew who it was loyal to.



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