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Chapter 599: Benefit from the copy?

The scale of the earthquake was so large that Innokenti's body was almost killed by the falling gravel. As a result, he temporarily quit the mental control of the indigenous soldiers and turned to look at his temporary teammates.

, who caused the earthquake?

But obviously, players who can cause such a large-scale earthquake will definitely have no interest in playing the dungeon.

Innokenti could only admit that he was unlucky, having wasted a mental control session, and planned to go back to 'play' this first-person war game again.

However, after a brief mental connection, he was greeted by the muzzles of other Aboriginal soldiers.

Innokenti's helmet had been taken off, and the officer with the blue light was pointing a pistol at his face: "Say your number, soldier!"

What number? Innokenti smiled and wanted to raise his hands to show that he was not hostile, but found that his hands were also cuffed: "Hey, don't be nervous. If you accidentally kill me, I will have to do it again."

You don’t want to find someone to possess you, right?”

Innokenti smiles very gently, not even feeling domineering. This is a dungeon. These aborigines do not really exist. They are just Innokenti. I don’t know how to describe it. In short, when the next dungeon is opened, this place will be re-opened.

A group of the same people appeared.

Innokenti, who has a lot of experience in dungeons, knows that these aborigines can still communicate with each other. In some extreme cases, Innokenti has even successfully instigated some aborigines in the dungeon, and most of their sad wishes are

After realizing that he is a false copy person, he hopes to be taken out of the copy.

But this time, Innokenti's diplomacy failed, and the commander in front of him obviously couldn't care about him for the time being.

The house that was previously found to have biological heat source signals collapsed twice due to the earthquake. The screams of women and the cries of children penetrated the smoke and war and reached the ears of the soldiers.

Although they really didn't care about the casualties of civilians in Manakara City, seeing civilian corpses and bloody ruins all over the place along the way, the psychological pressure on the soldiers was still accumulating. Therefore, under the current circumstances, they were even braver.

Those who are willing to take the initiative to take the risk to shout at a distance.

"People inside, come out! If there are weapons, raise the weapons above your head! This place is about to collapse!" After getting permission from the commander, a young soldier ventured closer to the house under the cover of his teammates.

Ten meters away, he shouted loudly.

But judging from the observation of Tank No. 6, no one inside moved.

"If you don't come out, we will open fire!" After receiving the signal, the soldier threatened even more.

"Let's fire a warning shot!" The commander knocked on his helmet and selected a ruins in the eyepiece. Tank No. 6 immediately responded and blew up the place again.

This time, the people in the room finally moved, and the soldiers on the front line immediately became alert. However, a mother held a child who seemed to have lost vital signs, and took two half-year-old children who could move freely from the previous target house.

They ran out, screaming without meaning, as if they had not recovered from the previous shelling.

"Come here quickly!" The soldier looked at the distance vigilantly, his tone full of nervousness, but the actual situation is that they have not encountered any enemies until now.

Innokenti was the first player they encountered. The nervousness of the soldiers came more from the continuity of time and space, inherited from the war that actually happened before. Of course, this situation will be constantly reset as the dungeons continue.

And gradually returned to normal.

Just like now, there is obviously no danger on the street, but both the soldiers and the civilians are highly nervous, as if they have encountered something. Innokenti has seen this kind of situation before, so he gradually confronts the commander

Asked: "Why are you so nervous? Don't you feel strange? Obviously we have never encountered an enemy."

The commander was obviously stunned for a moment, and his face was a little stiff, but he didn't say anything. He just used his pistol to signal Innokenti to shut up.

"Think carefully, is there anything strange about today?" Innokenti said the last thing, and then shut up obediently.

The expression on the commander's face became more solemn, but there was another earthquake, causing the entire area to shake. Innokenti looked around with some confusion. He had read the brief description of the copy, and there was nothing in it.

Are there any natural disasters like continuous earthquakes?

Ganges River, Delhi War Zone.

Zay Wangchuk opened his eyes a little tiredly. He had just laid down on his desk and took a nap for less than ten minutes. This was his first rest in the past thirty-two hours.

The management system of this place is as bad as shit. If no one keeps an eye on those Ganges people, they will stop where they are. Zai feels that every order he gives seems to be stuck in the quagmire, and he can only act abnormally.

Progress slowly.

For example, regarding the construction of defense structures, he had submitted detailed drawings to the subordinate engineering corps as early as eighteen days ago. As a result, until now, except for a few outsourced projects, all projects have been handed over to the army for internal processing.

All postponed.

And the delay was not just a matter of seconds. Major Ganges of the Engineer Corps simply told him that there was a lack of raw materials and the project had not started yet. Moreover, they had subleased a large amount of construction equipment to local companies. Before the lease contract expired, they had nothing but

There's nothing you can do except shovel dirt.

It sucks here, but Zay Wangchuk has no choice, because war is just around the corner, but sleepiness is also the same. In order to ensure work efficiency, Zay Wangchuk gave himself a three-hour vacation, which can be regarded as supplementary sleep.

Otherwise, if he continues to work so hard, the only thing flowing in his veins will be stimulants.

However, Zay Wangchuk did not sleep well. He dreamed that he had returned to Madagascar and a war broke out, and he led his team gradually towards danger. In the dream, there was an idiot who claimed to be a player. He couldn't remember the details.

After a while, the reality of the battlefield in his dream still made him feel a little uncomfortable, so he simply stopped sleeping and took another dose of low-concentration stimulants.

He shivered, and his whole body suddenly came to life, and he began to record the changes in his dream honestly.

This behavior of recording dreams was secretly implanted by Anne. With just a few hints in dreams, she allowed Zay Wangchuck to develop his own habit of recording abnormal dreams and a self-cultivation that was just a salty fish.

But now it comes in handy.

The dungeon created by the player is essentially the secondary use of materials and information within a certain period of time. It will not originally have an impact on the people who are cloned into the dungeon, but Zay Wangchuck is special after all.

Duan’s information has been repeatedly used in multiple human cloning production lines and training bases around the world.

In other words, the weight of Zay Wangchuk’s information during that period is very high in this world. It is so high that when the information about Zay Wangchuck during that period is retrieved by the copy, the will of the world will change what will happen.

Leave it directly to Zai himself.

Of course, the current copy is only in preliminary testing. Zay Wangchuk himself is not aware of the seriousness of the problem. In his opinion, it is just a dream flashback. He has been repeatedly told about the war recently.

Dreams, he was used to them.

The ECS Bureau had hinted to him that his dreams were being used for other purposes.

Zay Wangchuk now only hopes that he can solve the hidden dangers of players in Delhi as soon as possible. The population density here is high and the population mobility is also high, making it impossible to carry out effective population control. Therefore, only God knows how many players there are in the city now.

He felt like he was sitting on a powder keg. There was an explosion a few blocks away. He suspected it was the player. Someone was missing. He suspected it was the player. There was a superhuman missing. No need to doubt it. It must have been the player.


Alejandro is as busy as a dog every day, sweeping the streets with his superhuman assault, and he can only ensure that no suspicious people appear around Zay Wangchuk's headquarters.

Whenever Zay Wangchuk stood at his window and looked out at the dotted houses, he felt a tingling sensation in his scalp. Unlike in Madagascar, the population there was sparse and the war broke out, and those civilians did not receive the benefits.

If you choose an opportunity, you will be crushed by war.

This place is also different from the European Federation. At least with the joint efforts of the Ark Organization and the ECS Bureau, the European Federation is clearly anti-player, and the soldiers know what they are fighting for, and even why they die.

But here, there are too many people here, and many of them have nothing to do with the government from birth to death. They live in their own small circles and endure the oppression of tax collectors and joint gangs. Compared with players, these people

The sinful people who are rooted in the bottom do not fare much better.

Therefore, when the player enters this city, the people here show a considerable degree of tolerance to him. They can accept that there is a mountain named the player on top of the mountain above them.

And if this mountain can crowd out a few other mountains, these people are even willing to erect a statue of a god on this new mountain and worship it.

There are also knowledgeable players among them. They may not know what public opinion guidance is, but in the past world, some of them have held ceremonies to confer gods, and some have been kings. Maybe they were conferred as evil gods, and maybe the king was a cruel king, but

At least they know what it means to use the people's support and not to use it in vain.

Zay Wangchuck can feel how repulsive this city is to him and the forces behind him. Under the guidance of thoughtful people, this spontaneous repulsion is turning into substantial resistance. Its direct manifestation is that almost every day there are institutionalized

After receiving his order, the armed soldiers expressed their unwillingness to follow the orders of the coalition command center.

The area that Zay Wangchuk can control is constantly shrinking, and although Alejandro has killed several suspected players, he has accelerated this process.

He was used to using Latin America to compete with dealers, but obviously the Ganges people didn't recognize it. They thought Alejandro was a cruel and rude executioner, and spontaneously hindered Alejandro's raids.

Inside Zay Wangchuk's office.

"Yes, I am Zay Wangchuk, sir, I know who you are." Zay Wangchuk stood respectfully in front of his desk, looking at the man sitting on the chair, his tone full of joy.


Because the person who came was the person who came to help him solve the problem. The person sitting in front of him was a clone of Mikkelsen.

"Did you make the report, asking to be prepared to destroy the city of Derry?" Mikkelsen asked expressionlessly, but in fact, he was very much in agreement with the plan.

How to completely destroy the Ganges River and achieve a large enough kill number so that its proud human resources will not become a weapon used by players is a careful and detailed plan, written by Mikkelsen, Ghost, and Wu Qianying

Drafted and refined together.

Correspondingly, they also have a land-clearing plan for Neon, but it has not been completed for the time being. Because of the existence of the Arasaka Group, Saburo Arasaka will not sit back and watch Neon be destroyed. To defeat Ganges, Mikkelsen may only need to make a plan.

Just wait for the result, but Arasaka is different.

You must know that this is Arasaka. During the corporate war back then, the enemies of the Arasaka Group could be said to be all over the federation. At least half of the members in the corporate alliance were hostile to it, and the other half were part of the Arasaka supply chain.

But Ganghe cannot do that. Under the years of suppression and suppression by the Nihelu and Gandi families, they have not even had a company that can stand up and speak out in these years, just like meat on a chopping board.

"I plan to deploy four to six high-yield nuclear weapons in the city of Delhi and conduct air blasts to clean up the excess population. According to the current situation, Delhi is almost like an undefended city. The population here may become exploitable by players in the future.

Resources." Zay Wangchuk made sure that no one nearby could hear their secret conversation, and then whispered to Mikkelsen: "If possible, the cleaner the population here, the better!"

"When did you start having this idea?" Mikkelsen still maintained that expression, wanting to see how determined Zay Wangchuk was to implement this plan.

"It was almost seven days ago when I confirmed that people here were actively cooperating with players." Zay Wangchuk honestly explained his motives: "We don't have time to do what the people want. The bureaucrats here are corrupt.

It is difficult to implement any political decree. The education level of the people at the bottom is too low, and the members of the Advent sect are mixed in. It is difficult to form an effective counterattack, and we can only eliminate them completely."

"But you know, except Delhi, every Ganges city is so crowded." Mikkelsen continued to ask, but Zay Wangchuk did not look shaken at all.

"If other cities are as bad as Delhi, then I suggest cleaning up the entire Ganges Peninsula." Zay Wangchuk hesitated for a few seconds, and finally raised his head and said what he was thinking.

"Maybe, it's very inspiring, Mr. Zay Wangchuk," Mikkelsen suddenly laughed: "Maybe I will call you General from tomorrow on."

This chapter has been completed!
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