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Chapter 600 Conventional Nuclear War

"David, be careful, the players here seem to be harder to deal with." Rebecca hung herself from the ceiling. Since she upgraded herself to a pair of retractable gorilla arms, she has This problem of showing off one's prosthetic body.

Compared to Rebecca's petite figure of less than 1.5 meters, the pair of exaggerated prosthetic arms are indeed a bit exaggerated. That thing even requires a separate built-in battery function to achieve full power output.

But Rebecca was obviously very fond of her prosthetic body. She climbed over David Martinez's head like a real orangutan, and stared at the end of the street in the distance: "Those people just now, I'm not sure they are I'm not a player, but the way they looked at me was disgusting, we should teach them a lesson."

"Don't cause trouble, Rebecca, focus on our mission." Martinez was carrying a heavy-looking military barrel bag, which contained the second nuclear bomb they were going to plant: "Don't forget that we were By taking action rashly, Falco almost died in the hands of those people."

Rebecca curled her lips. It was true that she had a conflict with someone last time and Falco was injured because of it, but that was because those players went too far!

Martinez comforted Rebecca and moved on. Although the installation process of the first nuclear bomb had some twists and turns, it was still smooth. They had already received that part of the commission. As long as they installed a few more nuclear bombs, their debt would be cleared. .

Although the risks of the mission are high, the rewards are also high, and if they are lucky enough, they can completely avoid the risks.

They have been active in the old Paris area for three or four days. In fact, it has not become deserted as they initially thought. The people who died and disappeared are just honest people. There are many people who are more adaptable to this place than they thought. A disorderly state of life.

According to what Qiwei knows, the underground forces in the old city are currently mixed. The number of players is a minority compared to the number of survivors. Except for some areas that are enclosed by players to build settlements, the entire old city of Paris is almost deserted. The state of care.

Some lucky survivors have survived since the Special Zone era without even seeing a trace of a player.

Some of the forces formed by these survivors are a group of disintegrated coalition soldiers, called the Survivor Alliance. Most of them still hold an anti-player stance and rely on the Internet to maintain contact with the coalition command center. Being able to receive airdrop supplies from the coalition forces is considered the strongest among the survivors.

The Survivor Alliance has obtained the right to use some of the tunnels in Area 13, and they have sheltered some civilians. Martinez believes that they are also involved in the task of placing small nuclear bombs in the player-controlled area.

There are also a considerable number of survivors who have embraced this disordered life. They have begun to adapt to this lifestyle in which they are responsible for themselves, and remain wary of everyone. Relying on the huge buildings in Paris, these people Like postmodern scavengers, they search for various materials and valuables in empty houses every day and barter them with others.

The most objectionable group are those survivors who have joined the Advent sect. Some people, in desperation, joined the Advent sect and try to live under the new order specified by the player. Martinez and the others have been deliberately

Avoid areas controlled by those people.

But this time their intended location is in a church marked as an area controlled by the Advent sect. There are many ways to complete the task. They can go through the sewers and place the nuclear bomb in the sewers below the church.

Of course, you can also use your imagination to think of this thing as some kind of gift to the descendants and offer it to those fanatical believers. If they are stupid enough, they may be able to complete the rest of the work themselves, for example, regard this nuclear bomb as some kind of saint.

The object was placed majestically inside the church, and people worshiped it every day before it exploded.

Mikkelsen didn't care about how or where the nuclear bombs were placed. He didn't even care much about whether Martinez and his team could succeed in their mission, because there were more than a dozen of the same team. This time it was considered a saturation accumulation of nuclear bombs.

Every moment, new nuclear bombs are being transported into the old city of Paris and placed there.

The missions of these mercenaries who want money rather than lives are often two-way. They go in with nuclear bombs and come out with cultural relics. They earn money twice in one mission. All the mercenaries who took the job expressed satisfaction with this.

The same is naturally true for Martinez's team. Their mission on this return trip is to venture into Notre Dame de Paris, use a scanner to conduct a comprehensive scan of the interior of Notre Dame, and bring back several samples of the walls and floors so that they can one day

Rebuild on site.

"We are in trouble, David!" Rebecca nimbly climbed up to the roof of the small building next door, and her electronic prosthetic eyes synchronized what she saw to Martinez: "Just now, we observed that those of us were passing through an intersection.

Ambush us."

The danger signal was passed to them by Qiwei. As a hacker in the team, although Qiwei was hiding in the Taha gang's safe house, the remaining surveillance network in Paris could still become the eyes of Martinez's team.

In this regard, the Taha Gang, who occupy the 13th arrondissement, is a talented group. After realizing that players are not proficient in network technology, they are working hard to strengthen their capabilities in this area. Repairing the surveillance network in the old Paris area is one of their efforts.

The Taha Gang provides safe houses to external mercenary teams, encouraging them to repair as many surveillance equipment as possible and restore the old surveillance network. Internally, the Taha Gang uses materials in exchange for survivors to help install more cameras to monitor the movements of players.


The Taha gang internally calls this plan the Paris Recovery Plan. Martinez and the others have now become the beneficiaries of this plan, and they have taken a detour.

Both Martinez and Rebecca have multiple prosthetics, and their mobility is far beyond what humans can match in the traditional sense. In just three minutes, they crossed two blocks from the roof of the building.

"There are no law enforcers, there is no FBAS bureau! It's so exciting, I'm starting to fall in love with it." Before Rebecca could finish her words, she choked on the strong smell of blood.

What was displayed in front of them was hundreds of densely packed corpses. These corpses were piled up and down on the rooftop of the building. Martinez took a few steps forward and looked down from the edge of the rooftop to see the dozens of meters high buildings downstairs.

Dozens of corpses were also piled up, showing how many people in desperation chose to make a desperate move.

Rebecca retched, relying on the hormone detection device in her body to balance her endocrine system, and she no longer spoke the same words as before.

Although they had been mentally prepared for this for a long time, and the person in charge of the streets of the Taha Gang had told them about the players' organized and planned massacre of humans, this was the first time they had seen such a scene.

Except for those who jumped to death, most of the corpses on the rooftop did not have any wounds on their bodies. It was as if they just fell asleep suddenly and then fell asleep forever.

Many people died of dehydration and respiratory failure and looked emaciated. However, due to the good ventilation on the rooftop, coupled with the dry climate, no rainfall, and low temperatures during this period, the bodies of these people were well preserved.

It’s too late to start corruption.

Men, women, the elderly, and children are all piled up here, dying meaninglessly.

According to the intelligence that Martinez searched during this period, these people should have died at the hands of a player nicknamed "Soul Eater". He himself was the leader of a medium-sized battle group, and his ability could be deprived of human beings.

Conscious reaction, simply put, is to erase the person's operating system and turn it into a bare machine.

Because the characteristics of the corpses left behind by the Soul Eaters are too obvious, District 13 has been counting the number of victims who died at the hands of the Soul Eaters. Correspondingly, the Taha Gang has issued a bounty for the Soul Eaters.

The former is 6,391 euros, while the latter is 693,910 euros.

The ratio of one hundred euros per human life is undoubtedly a bad deal for the mercenaries, but for the Taha Gang, this is just a bounty issued out of morality. There are too many players on their bounty list.


No one knows yet whether Soul Eaters can gain any benefits from this killing process, but according to existing observations, Soul Eaters are most likely doing it out of personal hobbies, or from the perspective of exercising their abilities.

Slaughtering human beings, this act of killing itself cannot bring him direct benefits.

"David, is this the war we are fighting now?" Rebecca asked a little confused, with tears brewing in her big eyes. In the final analysis, she is just a 'little girl', and the life of a mercenary means nothing to her.

It was already exciting enough, but this sudden war was beyond everyone's psychological endurance.

Martinez tightened his backpack, his eyes a little confused. If it were you, Main, what would you do?

"Focus on our mission, Rebecca." Martinez covered Rebecca's eyes and stopped her from walking towards the corpse of a child: "This is not our war Rebecca, we have to make enough money as soon as possible

, to Phoenix.”

Lucy, I'll take you to Phoenix.

"The number of active small nuclear bombs currently deployed in player-occupied areas is fifty-six. Four hours ago, the signals of two nuclear bombs suddenly disappeared. It should be that the naturalized people noticed our plan."

Mikkelsen and Tanguy were sitting in the newly opened cigar room at the Lost Mountain base, smoking cigars.

After all, the output of the Tree of Life could not keep up with the consumption of a few big smokers. As a last resort, they now began to consume expensive Latin American cigars. Most of the inventory was brought by Mikkelsen from immigrants in Phoenix.

Of course, the biggest culprit among them is Mikkelsen. He originally only had more than 2,000 clones, but later the number doubled, but his salary was not reduced, and the tree of life was wilted all of a sudden.

This also led to Tang Ji's unintentional study. As we all know, one of the prerequisites for adults to study hard is not to stop smoking, otherwise they will fall asleep immediately.

Tang Ji didn't speak. He was working behind closed doors during this period, his mind was filled with fission and fusion, and he knew nothing about Mikkelsen's plan. At the same time, he was very unhappy about the fact that he had no cigarettes.

"This plan is a feint, mainly to make players accustomed to our counterattack with nuclear bombs and create opportunities for you." Mikkelsen said: "We will ensure a certain frequency of nuclear attacks in the next few months to allow players to

We are accustomed to the pace of life being bombed by nuclear bombs in order to hide our true purpose."

"To pave the way for those true nuclear bombs?" Tang Ji frowned and smoked the cigar like an ordinary cigarette, half a puff at a time, but it made no difference to him if it passed through the lungs.

"Strictly speaking, they are all real nuclear bombs, but the ones you enchant are larger and use a compound detonation method." Mikkelsen has always had a headache about this matter. He can send small nuclear bombs into the player-controlled area at will.

, but how to deploy those large array nuclear bombs is a big problem.

Not only do they require a professional construction team, but they must also remain hidden for a period of time after they are built, in order to wait for subsequent unified detonation.

The only way he has come up with so far is to use small nuclear bombs to blow up the area where he plans to deploy large array nuclear bombs in advance, leveling the place to the ground so that players will be unwilling to move around the area.

As for whether the workers responsible for the construction will be harmed by nuclear radiation during the construction, Mikkelsen doesn't care. He can use money or other things to make up for it.

"Why are you talking to me?" Tang Ji flicked the remaining cigar tail away: "I'm just a torch to light the torch."

Mikkelsen was a little uncomfortable with Tang Ji's literary style. He glanced at Tang Ji with some doubts, thinking that the Tang Ji might have hidden a few literary classics while pretending to read a physics book behind others' backs.

Otherwise, there is something wrong with the teaching materials Wu Qianying found for him. Are there any descriptions with literary language in normal science books? Of course not! The relationship between mathematics and literature is probably equivalent to the relationship between Tang Ji and the player. Are they?


Mikkelsen was very suspicious, but he didn't dare to ask. Apparently, the surge in the number of Mikkelsens had already made them unhappy because they had consumed a large amount of Tangji's Tree of Life.

"At that time, you may need to open the portal and be responsible for transporting materials and workers." Mikkelsen decided to skip this topic: "At that time, you have to ensure that our real nuclear bombs are not threatened. In order to confuse those

Players, we still have to arrange a large number of false targets, and you and Wang Zhengdao will probably be very busy by then."

"You must show up frequently to stop those people from destroying the nuclear bomb. When they are no longer surprised by your appearance, our plan will succeed." Mikkelsen did not tell Tang Ji about the attendance figure Wu Qianying estimated.

Anyway, it’s quite an exaggeration.

True, false, false, false, true, after playing this card, Mikkelson is considered to be stud, this is the last card.

This chapter has been completed!
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