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Chapter 601 Enchantment Ritual

Tang Ji looked at the Prelude in his hand. A revolver of the same model was placed next to it. In terms of appearance, the replica even had the runes on the surface of the Prelude very clearly carved out.

But even Wu Qianying, who is not proficient in firearms, can tell the difference between the two at a glance. At this time, Dr. Wu was filming the prelude with two high-precision cameras that Tang Ji did not recognize.

Of course, the real name of this thing is actually the Extreme Ultraviolet Free Electron Laser Device, and the camera is just the name that Wu Qianying used to translate to Tang Ji so that he could understand it.

"No matter how many times I see it, I am still amazed by the subtlety of these supernatural products." Wu Qianying held the imager in her hand and looked at the photos at the molecular level: "If anyone says that superhumans are the product of natural evolution of human beings, I will

Just pull out his tongue, tie it into a knot and stuff it back in."

Tang Ji just looked at Wu Qianying with a smile. He had long been accustomed to Wu Qianying's soliloquy. Only those who have experienced it personally know how terrible learning is. It violates almost every rule of human beings when they appear on the stage.

Well-established procedures.

You need to be highly focused, persistent, and prepared to not get any dopamine hit during the entire process.

This is not to say that learning cannot bring happiness. It is just that the process of learning and the act itself cannot directly bring excitement to the brain. It must be transformed into chemicals that the brain can recognize through application, such as doing questions, participating in competitions, etc.


A law enforcer who graduated from a vocational school may have his first impression of Wu Qianying as Frankenstein. Even with Wu Qianying's external bonus, this impression is just that of a very beautiful Frankenstein.

But when a person with a master's degree learns about Wu Qianying's existence, his first reaction is probably the same as that of you and me who just happened to see Tang Ji beating up the player next door, slashing the tank with his sword, and using his hand to

Nucleation flash...

The pressure from the brain suddenly hit my face.

"...Zhengdao's space jumping ability requires space perception first, which requires careful calculation. Even the ghost cannot achieve such high calculation power, but Wang Zhengdao can." When Wu Qianying spoke, a follower

A silent drone was nearby recording her words, and directly converted them into text and transmitted them to Wu Qianying's private terminal.

"Just like your pistol, this thing has been recast once at the molecular level, and its surface is as smooth as a mirror. I don't believe that any miracle of nature can do this..." Wu Qianying thought to herself.

Changing the camera angle.

"Strong interaction force." Tang Ji said: "My power weakens the electromagnetic force between protons, allowing the basic particles to be arranged in an orderly manner, forming a monolayer surface. Considering the time when Prelude appeared, this ability is far from

It was far beyond the limit of energy I could mobilize at that time. Even now I can't do anything similar. If I can, my existence itself is a threat to human civilization and even the earth, right?"

Abba, Abba, Abba... Wu Qianying almost meowed. Her reaction was much more exaggerated than Mikkelsen. In those few seconds, she even lost the ability to speak. Her reaction was like,

She saw the monkey speak with her own eyes...

No, Wu Qianying determined after a short period of stabilizing her emotions that it is not difficult to make monkeys speak in this era. She alone has three ways from different technical paths to make monkeys have almost the same language ability as humans. After that, it is just

By repeating the learning process, if you include supernatural abilities, this method may reach a double-digit level.

What really shocked Wu Qianying was that Tang Ji's entire learning process was under her supervision. She should have a good grasp of Tang Ji's knowledge level, but just now, Tang Ji's answer was beyond the scope.

"Maybe they thought they couldn't handle me and made way for me." Tang Ji pointed at his head: "I think I'm ready."

"So you suddenly had an epiphany?" Wu Qianying's eyes were filled with light. At this moment, she really wanted to dig out part of Tang Ji's brain and study it. Anyway, he could grow back...

"Let's try a small one first?" Mikkelsen, who had always had the habit of eavesdropping, finally couldn't help it and made a direct call to Tang Ji's mobile phone to express some of his thoughts.

Tang Ji glanced around with suspicious eyes. Where did the bastard put the bug this time? It actually eluded his perception?

"Stop looking for it, theremin-type bug, passive." Mikkelsen has no regrets about his eavesdropping behavior. As an old guy who has experienced the Cold War era, Mikkelson may be able to tell you

He made a few jokes, but in the final analysis, he only believed in himself.

Wu Qianying turned around and raised her middle finger in the direction of two o'clock behind her. That was the secret camera Mikkelsen had placed there. She had discovered it a long time ago, but she just didn't care.

Just like Mikkelsen will never give up his surveillance fetish, scientific researchers in Wu Qianying's field have long been accustomed to living under surveillance. Now that it is wartime, there is not so much time to be pretentious and fight for so-called rights.

According to the timetable laid out by that group of sociologists, if no other variables and turning points occur, human civilization is estimated to be able to survive the players' offensive for a few months, and then the organized counterattack will begin to decline from its peak and accelerate.

Keep falling.

This is still based on the fact that the number of existing players will not continue to increase on a large scale, but this is obviously impossible. The number of players has been increasing. What Karkarf said before is constantly being verified——

Players are not a minority compared to them, on the contrary, they are even superior in terms of human resources, so much so that they need the strictest population control plan. Only if someone dies can a new baby be approved and born.

Mikkelsen's doomsday plan is based on the fact that mass destruction of players can effectively intimidate players. He did not say what to do if players die on a large scale after the plan, but they are still willing to continue to invest human resources.


Another fact is that despite having started a substantial war with the Celestial Organization, Mikkelsen has not hindered the implementation of the Phoenix Plan for a long time.

Maybe in his heart, those guys who immigrated to Phoenix City are the last kind of fire for mankind... Although most of them are egoists and full of sins, objectively speaking, in the face of this kind of doomsday, the ticket

It seems to be the only relatively 'fair' way to screen survivors.

The purity of capital eliminates all those who seek fame and reputation, and the market constantly screens out those individuals who are not 'strong' enough like a beetle. These individuals will take the initiative to select the best engineers and scholars for their own survival issues.

To proactively optimize the entire process.

Mikkelsen even wanted to record this process that lasted for several years and represented extreme capitalist efficiency. Those physical representatives of capital solved almost all the obstacles in front of them and ultimately accelerated the progress of the Phoenix Project.

A little more than double.

This is the art of project management and human resource management, and Mikkelsen even learned a lot from it.


"A portable nuclear bomb with a yield of five thousand tons, let's practice with it first." Mikkelsen stood in front of Tang Ji. Like Wu Qianying, he was interested in how Tang Ji turned ordinary weapons into weapons that could completely kill players.

Full of curiosity.

For now, players are undoubtedly high-dimensional creatures in this world, and there should not be any war between them, but Tang Ji made everything turn around.

As for Wu Qianying, although she has been tirelessly searching for the secrets of Tang Ji, she knows very well where her limits are. With the current knowledge of mankind and the time left, I am afraid that she will not be able to get an order.

Satisfactory results.

But records still need to be recorded, after all, this can be regarded as a milestone in human history.

Tang Ji looked at the nuclear bomb in front of him, which was as big as the box used by the Saints to store the Holy Cloths. He reached out and touched its surface. This was not the first time he had seen a nuclear bomb, but he was not familiar with this thing before, and now -

Nuclear bomb, fission bomb, implosion trigger. An internal explosive is detonated by a detonator. The shock wave drives the plutonium fragments to form a ball. When the subcritical mass fuel block combines, the uranium 235 or plutonium 239 fragments impact the neutron source located in the center of the ball.

, the fission reaction begins and destruction comes...

Tang Ji knew its principles well, but he could not regard it as a direct damage weapon like a firearm or a sword.

To turn these dead objects into weapons of revenge, what Prime Minister Tang Ji needs to do is to feel the concepts behind these dead objects...

This is a well-established rule. Since the age of cold weapons, the sharpness of swords has accompanied the process of human wars and continues to play their own role in human civilization.

Until the emergence of guns, human beings gradually adapted to the new way of death. With a bang!, small projectiles became an important part of human civilization. The sound of gunshots meant that someone was injured or someone died.

During this long process, human beings have formed a basic concept of these weapons in their subconscious mind, which is very important.

And now, as players use nuclear weapons unscrupulously, humans are becoming more and more familiar with this kind of thing, and they are becoming more and more afraid of it. It is becoming more and more related to the concepts of being hurt, fear, and death.

Coming stronger and stronger.

In addition, Tang Ji's own definition of a dead thing like a nuclear bomb is also crucial.

He stared at this fatal bomb for a long time, even though so much time had passed, even though he had experienced the pain of being baptized by a nuclear bomb at close range... This was the bomb that exploded in the center of Night City, causing the first

The 'culprit' of the Red Sun Incident.

There was no need for Mikkelsen to say it. Tang Ji could determine it just by intuition. This was the same type of nuclear bomb. Back then, the bastard from Losas threw such a nuclear bomb into the central area. It was the one that caused what happened later.


Tang Ji closed his eyes, as if he saw black snow falling from the sky, and the blood on his hands could not be wiped clean...

The temperature in the room dropped instantly, and the gray-black flames of hatred spread without wind. Mikkelsen, who relied on supernatural powers to maintain his existence, began to feel uncomfortable.

If I had such power at that time... If I had been stronger... If I had been faster... I could have prevented all of this from happening. The human part of Tang Ji's eyes gradually weakened.

Go down.

The rage that was once squeezed to the corner of my consciousness and refused to work hard to study has now spread again...

However...this is what nuclear weapons...fission...uses neutrons to split an atom's nucleus into two smaller pieces, releasing energy in the process. Its explosive power is...when an atom breaks down.

, there is incredible energy released in the form of heat and gamma radiation...

When this knowledge gradually flows through the brain, the rage that represents the original emotion begins to hesitate...

A single fission reaction can release energy because the combined mass of the fission products and neutrons is smaller than the mass of the original uranium-235 atom. The ratio of the mass difference converted into energy is determined by the equation e = m * c2.

The energy produced by 0.45 kilograms of highly enriched uranium used in nuclear bombs is equivalent in magnitude to the energy produced by approximately 3.79 million liters of gasoline...

As the total amount of knowledge increased, Fury gradually stopped its activities and retreated into its own corner.

Fury and Tang Ji are one. She relies on Tang Ji's anger to exist, and the source of Tang Ji's anger comes from his hatred for the player. They are not opposed to each other, but complement each other.

However, when it came to specific incidents, Angry, who represented primitive emotions, and Tang Ji had some differences. The former felt that the latter's methods were too complicated, while the latter knew very well that if he wanted to completely solve the problem for the players, he needed to use nuclear bombs.

But raw emotional rage cannot deal with a nuclear bomb. She cannot understand the principle of this weapon and cannot exaggerate it...

"Tang Ji, are you okay?" Wu Qianying stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Everything is normal." Tang Ji did not look back. She was still trying to understand and analyze the harm that nuclear bombs would do to humans...

At the core of the explosion, everything is instantly evaporated due to the high temperature. This is the first stage.

Outside the blast core, most casualties include thermal burns, damage from debris from buildings knocked down by the shock wave, and damage from severe exposure to high levels of radiation, which is the second phase.

Outside the immediate blast zone, casualties are caused by fires induced by heat, radiation and heat waves, which is the third stage...

So the key he is looking for is gamma rays...

Tang Ji, whose brain was highly active, just stared at the nuclear bomb, as if declaring his sovereignty over it. The next second, Mikkelsen and Wu Qianying both realized that something had happened, and the nuclear bomb became different from before.

"Did you succeed?" Mikkelsen had already retreated far away to prevent himself from being accidentally burned to ashes by Tang Ji.

Wu Qianying stepped forward, lightly traced the surface of the nuclear bomb with her fingers, and nodded vigorously: "It's done!"

This chapter has been completed!
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