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Chapter 637 The Saint at the Funeral

Markarian died, his death seemed like a joke, a footnote in the main story.

A big shot, a big shot who was regarded as an expert in solving special problems in other worlds in the mother world, died just like that. He died quietly. Even if the aborigines hadn't started the live broadcast, no one in the mother world would have been aware of this big shot.

Being hunted.

This is Mikkelsen's gift to players and all successors after Markarian, a bloody gift.

But for Tang Ji, he was not as excited as he imagined, and he felt a sense of pleasure from getting revenge.

He has been growing, and he has embraced hatred. From superhumans to players, countless people have died at his hands, but Tang Ji did not feel the slightest relief from this. On the contrary, his

The hatred is deeper and the anger is stronger.

Tang Ji is calm because he knows that this is just the beginning. Markarian's death, like other players killed by him, has no special meaning to Tang Ji. His revenge target is all players, and even

The company behind the players, the institution that sends players into this world, and the entire mother world, because it is they who shape the player group and the structure of the company.

However, the more he understood his own power and the world the player was in, the more powerless he felt deeply enveloped Tang Ji.

He is already one of the Seven Deadly Sins and the most powerful individual in the world. This most powerful person does not even need to be bound by one, but can he get revenge?

No, he couldn't do it, just like the angry generals of previous generations who targeted the entire earth with their hatred and vented their anger on the entire world. But when he returned again thousands of years later, humans were still humans, and he didn't change anything.


Anger turned into impotent rage, and only hatred turned into rootless water with the passage of time and was difficult to maintain. The original rage became more manic because of such absurdity, constantly affecting Tang Ji's consciousness.

Tang Ji silently suffered the impact from himself, the previous generation's rage, and the original rage. He became more and more taciturn, just because his anger could not be increased, and if he was not careful, he would turn the surroundings into a hell on earth.

He ignored the team of reporters who were still broadcasting live, took out his dagger, knelt on one knee next to Markarian's body, and cut off the opponent's head with one knife. His movements were clean and agile, astonishingly fast, and terrifyingly skillful.

As for it seems to have entered the state of transformation.

Charles Els and his camera team were not even aware that Tanguy had completed the beheading ceremony because they were not paying enough attention and forgot to take a close-up shot.

Tang Ji grabbed Markarian's head with one hand, and when he turned around, the flames of hatred had swept through, burning all the flesh and blood tissue inside and outside the head. When Markarian's head appeared in the camera again

, only a bare skull that can be displayed as a specimen is left. Its flesh and blood have been turned into ashes, drifting away in the wind under the disturbance of the flames of hatred.

Under the camera, Tang Ji seemed to be still dissatisfied with himself and shook his head slightly, causing the hearts of the global audience to hang in mid-air. Why was he shaking his head? And why was he dissatisfied?

I'm afraid only Tang Ji himself knows this, Wu Qianying also knows.

"He has doubts about himself. He doesn't know if he has made the right choice to destroy the world. Even for him, it is a difficult choice." Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji from the screen, as if saying

It’s like telling Aria next to you, but it’s also like telling yourself.

"Are we really going to destroy the world?" Aria is also confused. As an omniscient person, she is actually still filling her mind with all kinds of knowledge. Human civilization has developed from scratch to the present.

The amount of information every day is equivalent to the total amount of the past thousand years. Even she can only remember and understand them one by one.

Wu Qianying said that she wants to record all the knowledge that has been discovered by the entire civilization, because the Internet already belongs to ghosts, and the data stored in the servers no longer belong to humans. If one day ghosts do not want humans to obtain that knowledge

, human beings forget many things.

And Aria is the trump card of mankind. She must put the vast ocean of knowledge into her head. Once there is a fault in human civilization one day, she must rely on the knowledge in her head to shoulder the road to the revival of civilization.

"That's right, the day of the Apocalypse is coming soon." Wu Qianying nodded. She has participated in the entire Apocalypse Project, starting from the promotion of the Gray Field Project.

Wu Qianying collaborated with Ghost to design the entire phased array nuclear explosion device and calculated the coordinates of each detonation point. They single-handedly planned the entire Apocalypse plan conceptually, while Mikkelsen was only responsible for putting forward the requirements and ultimately implementing the project.

Just product managers and project managers.

"A lot of people will die," Aria muttered to herself with a pale face. As an omniscient person, she has the same level of login authority as Wu Qianying. In theory, she can see everything Wu Qianying can see.

But she forced herself to ignore a folder marked as top secret countless times. She didn't dare to look or listen. She hid herself in a safe bunker like an ostrich and pretended that nothing happened.

But now, the ostrich is finally raising its head to breathe, even if there is already a flood outside.

"Dignified death or humble lingering?" Wu Qianying poured herself a cup of black coffee, leaned at the computer desk and asked: "For individuals, this is a very difficult choice, but for civilization and race, it is a very difficult choice.

It was an easy choice.”

Aria's face became even paler. She was an omniscient person. Maybe she was not mature enough, but she had acquired enough knowledge.

When Homo sapiens and Neanderthals competed with each other as two civilizations, only one survived in the end. The losing party was not only an opponent, but also a source of food and a plaything.

However, even Homo sapiens and Neanderthals still belong to the same world and struggle under the same species, while modern humans and players are a war between two worlds, and there is no possibility of coexistence.

Individuals can live humblely, because life naturally has the instinct to survive, but civilization cannot, and race cannot, because it represents more things and carries more things.

When human beings are as rational as Wu Qianying, they can calmly accept human beings as the carrier of civilization and race, and choose to fight in a self-destructive way when given the opportunity.

From this aspect, Tang Ji has not yet transcended. Pure hatred prevents him from taking the initiative to make choices such as destroying civilization and race. Even if someone pushes him down this path, he will be embarrassed from time to time because of his human side.

Trapped in confusion.

This is what Wu Qianying values ​​​​most about Tang Ji. Although he is no longer a human being, he is still willing to think from a human perspective. Only such a person can Wu Qianying dare to trust him to reshape civilization and hold the key to the continuation of the race.

Give it to the other party.

On the contrary, the reason why Wu Qianying has always been wary of Mikkelsen is because Mikkelsen is too detached. He has too many individuals and he no longer belongs to an individual. He himself is a brand new ethnic group.


Just like Homo sapiens and Neanderthals lived in the same era for a long time, modern humans and Mikkelsen are two individuals living at the same time, and there is a clear competitive relationship between them.

Wu Qianying believed that if given the opportunity, Mikkelsen would not hesitate to choose to exterminate mankind and let a new race named Mikkelsen become the new overlord creature.

Of course, this is just Wu Qianying's own opinion. She just habitually turns all Mikkelsen's motives into evil. After all, Mikkelsen once imprisoned her. If there is only one truth in this world, it is to never offend.

Women, especially smart women.

"When men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took them as wives, choosing them from among them." - "Genesis; 6-1, 6-2"

The saint knelt on the ground, and the voice of AI reading the Bible came from the earphones. The priest finally refused to replace the prosthetic organs. He said that he came into this world innocently, and when he left, he had to be completely beard and tail. There should be no

Change in the slightest.

The Lord said, now is the time. It is the time. It cannot be changed at all. People cannot live forever. Anyone who lives forever is not a human being.

The priest left very simply, and returned to her country in his sleep one morning after the saint came back, as if he had long expected it, as if the priest was specially waiting for the saint to return.

After all, although the priest is gone, the children in the monastery still need to be taken care of. The priest knows that the saint has this ability, but he does not say it. He is also a stubborn person. Even if he knows he is wrong in his heart, he is not willing to admit it face to face.

, but wanted to tell the saints in a suicide note after his death that he had misjudged him before, as if he was afraid that the saints would laugh at him because he admitted his mistake.

The saint did not laugh. He acted as if nothing had happened. He picked up the shovel and dug a deep enough pit under the watchful eyes of a group of older children, half-grown children, and small children. Then he carried the priest who had long been there.

The body was buried in the prepared coffin, thrown directly into the pit, and buried without saying a word.

The yard behind the monastery is the cemetery. It is very convenient to bury corpses. Saints have been buried many times. People in the monastery and surrounding areas will bury their dead here. The saint’s favorite thing to do is to dig up the coffins that others buried during the day at night.

Come out, fill it with the corpse of a dead person underneath, and then bury the corpse back. Of course, in many cases this corpse is the victim of the corpse below.

Even with the help of friends, it would take most of the night to go back and forth. Everyone was exhausted, but no one complained.

In this way, the saint hid it from the gangs of the damned people and the law enforcers, except the priest, who just didn't know it at the time.

The neurasthenic priest was woken up by mosquitoes flying by at night, so how could he not hear the sound of landfills all night long? He just pretended not to know, and then prayed for him silently, hoping that God would forgive him.

The priest gave the saint many opportunities, but the saint never repented, went his own way, and thought he was doing it secretly. Little did he know that the priest relied on his own connections to help him cover it up more than once, until the priest could no longer cover it up.

, the saint came into Lazarus' sight almost immediately.

The saint buried the priest's coffin, and he was surrounded by children who brought him water and helped him. Suddenly, he felt as if he had returned to the free days in the past.

At that time, he was not afraid of anything. He felt that he was an angel who could clean up the filth in the world on behalf of God. His friends also regarded him as a hero. Later, when he grew up, after the wave of superhuman beings, the players came and the whole world was transformed.


The saint filled the last shovel of earth and then realized that there was no priest to preside over the funeral. The priest was already buried underneath.

"Yes, there are no priests anymore. The world no longer needs priests." The saint said to himself. He knelt down and listened to the AI's expressive voice reading the content of the Bible: "I used to look at you.

I’m going to host someone else’s funeral, but now that you’re dead, there’s no one to host it, so I’m the only one here.”

The saint is a devout Christian, he was and still is, but his beliefs are somewhat different now.

He opened his mouth and looked at the children around him. The older ones were full of sorrow and sorrow. They knew what death was and were sad for the priest. At the same time, they were also worried about their own future destiny and the future of the younger children.


The younger children, on the other hand, imitated the older children and tried their best to show sadness. They did not yet understand what death was. They were still waiting for the priest to come and call them to eat as they did every day. But now,

The priest just went to stay in the earth temporarily, just like he used to like to stay in bed, but he just changed his place to lie down.

The saint suddenly felt angry because until his death, in his suicide note, the priest still used a pleading tone, hoping that he could go to her country.

"He said to Jesus, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Then Jesus said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." The saint only read these two words.

Then he closed the Bible and looked at the bare tombstone of Sudan without even a name: "He better not lie, otherwise I will bury him under you."

The priest lay quietly on the ground without breaking out of the ground and hitting his head with a Bible. At this moment, the saint finally realized that the priest was really dead, and the tears fell.

"I didn't lie, I kept what I said." The saint tried hard to raise his head, looked up at the sky, as if talking to the invisible spirit, not letting tears fall, and then said to the older children: "Pack your luggage, I found it for you.

We have a new place to live, we have enough food to eat, and there are no gangs.”

This chapter has been completed!
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