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Chapter 15 Hello, bastard

Cliff followed the surveillance blind area and bypassed the riot area. According to the original design of the shelter, there should not have been a surveillance blind area, but now it is NV-11, and the residents of the shelter are following their lives as their lives unfold.

, destined to gradually occupy some public areas.

These so-called traces of life, through the use of sun and force, eventually created some surveillance blind spots, and Cliff knew all of these locations very well.

The fundamental purpose of the riot initiated by the committee was actually to create convenience for Cliff. In order not to interact under the eyes of the supervisors, they have been actively destroying the monitoring equipment since the riot began.

Especially Cathy Walter, she purposefully cleaned up all the surveillance equipment she passed along the way.

Cliff did not go directly to the supervisor's office area. There were copper walls and iron walls. From the beginning of the design, he had considered the possibility of a riot in the shelter or the infiltration of players. It was completely designed as a fortress.

The place he is going to is the energy center, where the reactor is located.

Theoretically speaking, that is the most defendable and difficult to attack position in the entire shelter, because if the supervisor dies, a new one can be replaced, and if the reaction is finished, the shelter will be finished.

But for people like Cliff and Mikkelsen, dead things are never difficult to deal with, only they themselves are.

In the past ten years, Cliff has explored all the freely accessible areas of the shelter. He knows where to go to avoid those warning areas and how not to trigger the alarm.

The energy center is located at the lowest level of the entire shelter. Most of it is immersed in coolant. Maintenance personnel who usually enter and exit need to wear special insulation suits to prevent themselves from accidentally turning into ice.

Cliff's way to get to the bottom is actually very simple - rappelling through the elevator shaft.

The entire shelter is a vertical barrel-shaped structure with a total of nineteen elevators. Among these nineteen elevators, only three elevators can go directly to the bottom floor. One is the main elevator that was originally used to transport various goods and building materials.

One is a freight elevator used by the engineering department, and the other is a supervisor-specific elevator that leads directly to the supervisor's control room.

The elevator doors on each floor of the main elevator are cast with six centimeter-thick armored alloy steel, and the elevator itself is also a very strong, integrally cast cage-type lifting platform that is directly powered by the reactor. Every time it is started, most of the shelter

You can hear its slow movement.

The freight elevator in the engineering department is smaller, but every time it is started, it requires simultaneous confirmation from the engineer on duty on the ground floor and the person in charge of the engineering department on the residential floor before it can be started, and cannot be circumvented.

As for the private elevator dedicated to the supervisor, there is no need to say more. If Cliff had the ability to enter the elevator directly, he would not have to go to such trouble. He would first find a way to go to the energy center to cut off the power supply to the living area above, and then think of a way.

Come back and look for an opportunity to assassinate Mikkelsen.

The path that Cliff and the others opened was the main elevator... The elevator shaft of the main elevator is large enough and rarely used. It is safe enough and will not alert other people. You only need to pay attention to avoid the obstacles placed along the way.

Sensor, Cliff can go directly to the bottom.

He spent some time and quietly arrived at the bottom of the living area. Vault 413 was a small shelter. There were only over 10,000 active residents in the shelter. The living area only had ten floors.

The lifting frame on the first floor is only three meters high.

Below the living area is the dormant area. It has the same lifting height, but only uses two floors to accommodate a total of 10,000 hibernating personnel.

Further down is the engineering level, and the reactor is also on this level.

Cliff's destination is the second floor of the dormant area, the floor closest to the energy center.


Mikkelsen looked at the chaotic shelter in the control room. He only delegated the defense work to the security department. There were no free superhumans in the entire Vault 413, so this was just a battle between mortals.

He was observing Cathy Walter through surveillance, as if he was more interested in her than the riot itself.

"I haven't seen you in ten years. You seem to be more adapted to this world than I thought." Mikkelsen said with some emotion, and drew a line along the surveillance blind spots on the shelter map: "So,

How are you going to deal with me? Start a revolution, or just show up out of nowhere and shoot me?"

Cliff does have a gun now, and it's pointed behind some hapless engineer's head.

"Open the elevator door." Cliff ordered. As early as a year ago, the committee developed an offline network here. The cameras on this floor were broken two weeks ago. The committee people had tampered with the monitoring system.

In the committee's plan, this was a way to demonstrate to the supervisors and test the other party's bottom line, but little did they know that this was almost one of the main purposes of Cliff leading them to establish the committee.

Cliff simply revealed his identity as a committee member and let the people here open the door. It's a pity that the people here are not stupid at least. When they realize that the target of the man in front of them is the energy core, even if they join

The committee was not willing to cooperate.

So Cliff fired three shots, killing three of the four men, leaving only the one in front of him who looked the weakest.

The door of the elevator shaft was slowly opened. Because the elevator itself was still parked on the top floor, the supervisor could not see the abnormality here for the time being.

Cliff casually killed the worthless engineer, used the rope prepared in advance to find a place to fix it nearby, and jumped directly into the elevator shaft. His gloved right hand used the ranging cable of the lifting platform to slow down, and smoothly

Arrived at the lowest level.

Then comes the most difficult yet simplest step, he needs to enter the energy center.

The energy center is the most important area of ​​the entire shelter. It is like a car cab, a safety cabin. It only requires a simple procedure to completely isolate itself from the outside world.

But Cliff has been here for ten years, and he has been planning this for these ten years.

So this last step has become the easiest step in the entire plan.

Cliff hit the elevator door leading to the energy center from the elevator shaft three times with the handle of his pistol, and after five seconds, he hit it three more times.

Then silence enveloped the elevator shaft with black smoke until a few minutes later, the elevator door slowly opened, and a woman covered in blood stood behind the elevator door, looking at Cliff weakly: "I did it.

..I did it, Williams!"

"Sorry, honey, that's my fake name." Cliff didn't even look at the woman, raised his hand and shot her dead at the elevator entrance.

That was the woman he spent a year to get. Under Cliff's brainwashing, the naive woman firmly believed that the supervisor was a psychopath who wanted to achieve the rule of poisonous vegetables. Only by defeating him or destroying the reactor could this person be allowed to die.

The farce is over.

Thanks to Ghost's mature design, the energy control center is basically fully automatic. Only two people are needed to complete daily supervision work. At this time, the woman's partner is lying less than one meter away from the alarm, his head

It was smashed by the time card machine.

Cliff expertly entered the password, unlocked the operating system, and entered the system background. Everything should not have been so smooth, because entering the reactor background program required biometric verification by the supervisor himself... But Shelter 413, or rather

All shelter backdoors can be verified using Mikkelsen's biometric information.

But Cliff... is also Mikkelsen.

He directly entered the reactor emergency maintenance mode in the background. In this mode, the reactor will not be extinguished, but the energy output will be temporarily reduced to a minimum for fifteen minutes.

The backup power supply system took thirty seconds to switch. After Cliff finished all this, he stood in front of the private elevator door that led directly to the supervisor's control room.

At the moment the energy was switched, the entire shelter went dark, including the control room where the supervisor was located.

This is the opportunity Cliff was waiting for. The reactor is in emergency maintenance mode. Although the energy output is reduced to a minimum, the elevator and ventilation system are considered priority energy supply units and they will not be disconnected.

The elevator arrived slowly in the darkness. Cliff took a deep breath and entered the elevator.

No matter how perfect his previous plan was, Mikkelsen who is upstairs now should have discovered the anomaly in the elevator. Cliff has made such a big circle, and all he wants is a chance to enter the control room.


The elevator moved up slowly. When he felt that the longest ten seconds in his life had passed, the elevator door finally opened slowly, and Mikkelsen was in front of him.

It was completely different from what Cliff had imagined. There were no soldiers with live ammunition, no tense atmosphere, and that Mikkelsen was... cooking.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Mikkelsen was wearing a white apron and standing in front of the kitchen bar. This may be the most professional and luxurious kitchen in the entire shelter. It is basically the kitchen of the entire Michelin restaurant.

Moved in: "Tell me your story? Starting when you started your solo career?"

Mikkelsen is cooking a piece of steak. It is not a synthetic steak, but a real steak. It is a high-quality steak taken from the Charolais beef that was just slaughtered this morning. The meat is bright red in color, has a fine texture, is elastic, and has moderate marbling.

The color of fat is slightly pale yellow.

The diamond-cut steak knife in his hand gently scratched along the edge of the steak, gently cut off the uneven edge, and threw it into the trash can.

"I guess the most difficult person in the world to understand is myself, especially for people like us, isn't it?" The gun in Cliff's hand did not deflect at all, and he always maintained the most relaxed posture to ensure that he

Can kill the opponent at any time: "But it's not that easy. Why don't you first tell me what is going on outside?"

"Nice opening, but why should I cooperate with you?" Mikkelsen put down the steak knife and picked up the frying pan next to him: "I guess our tastes won't have changed too much in just ten years.

Deviation, right? I don’t want to waste this steak. You also know that this is a refuge and it is difficult to get such high-quality ingredients."

"Please, if you don't mind, I can taste it for you later." Cliff nodded slightly and said at the same time: "By the way, I now prefer to use olive oil instead of butter, in order to stay healthy."

"I didn't expect you to be so tasteless now." Mikkelsen completely ignored Cliff's pistol and emphasized: "My steak, I have the final say, otherwise you can shoot now and use it on me.

Eat blood."

The two sides fell into silence. When the butter gradually melted in the frying pan and made a sizzling sound, Mikkelsen spoke again: "I heard that you built yourself a family? Family is a bit strange to me.

It sounds like an ill-fitting suit, what does that feel like?"

"I don't know what to say, because I have no idea about family before." Cliff said sarcastically: "It's all thanks to you."

"There is no need to ridicule, we are all...mature individuals." Mikkelsen put the garlic into the pot and stirred it slowly: "I just want to know how you got here, after all...you are

The first among us."

Cliff was silent for a while before replying: "At first I was a little lonely, even a little scared. Sometimes I would turn on all the lights in the room where I was temporarily staying, and then walk out aimlessly. When I came from

When you look back from a distance, it looks like a ship on the sea..."

"Only then will we gain a sense of security." Mikkelsen continued indifferently: "But we overcame this discomfort quickly, didn't we? We don't need anyone else's support when we

When we are alone, we are still strong."

"I'm different from you. I got something stronger from my family. Family is like an anchor that helps us stabilize in bad weather." Cliff shook his head and pointed out the difference between himself and the other party: "I

There is no need to be strong, I am not you."

"Really? I thought that our nature is like this and cannot be changed. We will eventually make the same choice, no matter which individual it is." Mikkelsen knocked on the table with a metal key: "I have heard too many harmful things today.

comments, so I want something lighter, how about a fruit-based Cumberland sauce?”

"If you want a fresher taste, I prefer late-harvest Vidal sauce, paired with dried and fresh figs, if available." Cliff gestured to the gun in his hand.

They are Mikkelsen, so they all know that only one person can survive and have the chance to eat tonight's dinner, which is the prize for the winner.

The disagreement between Mikkelsen and Cliff about the sauce seems to be the starting point of everything, and it also seems to be the end... There seems to be an invisible countdown in the air that is ticking to zero, when the mixture of butter and garlic is heated to

At the most appropriate moment, both of them moved.

Cliff did not hesitate to shoot, but Mikkelsen dodged to the right at the moment he was shot. The bullet did not hit his heart, but hit his shoulder.

But the frying pan in Mikkelsen's hand had already been thrown forward, and the hot and sticky butter was wrapped with garlic cloves, covering all Cliff's dodge directions. He only had time to cover his eyes with the back of his hand.

The hot oil erodes human skin and immediately emits a strange garlic smell.

Next came the frying pan and the steak itself. Mikkelsen stretched out his intact arm and planned to pick up the steak knife on the eucalyptus board, but at that moment, he hesitated, with a hint of anger at the corner of his mouth.

With a weird smile, he lay prone on the ground and kicked his legs hard on the table legs. The cow's blood that had been deliberately sprinkled on the ground became lubricant, allowing Mikkelsen to quickly slide out to the other side.

Cliff also made the correct judgment almost at the same time, squatting down, avoiding the frying pan and steak, and pointed the muzzle of the gun in the direction where Mikkelsen slipped out.


A gunshot rang out, and Mikkelsen clutched his chest, but the smile on his lips remained unchanged, as if he was mocking Cliff, but also seemed to be pitying him.

"I said, late-harvest Vidal sauce, you wasted that piece of steak." After a long time, Cliff finally spoke slowly, but Mikkelsen still maintained that smile without any change. He had already

Dead: "By the way, hello, asshole!"

When Cliff stood up and walked to the bar, he saw the late-harvest Vidal sauce that Mikkelsen had cooked before. The sauce was still bubbling slightly in the hot water at a moderate temperature.

, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually disappeared, now it is his turn to be trapped and die in this prison...

This chapter has been completed!
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