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Chapter 16 Underground World

Shelters around the world are changing over time. Some have become better, while others have become worse. The special social structure of shelters makes them easier to manage.

But its social nature has also been weakened.

After endless work, some shelter managers finally realized that no one else above them could restrain them. They were the apex of power in the entire shelter society, and this led to many tragedies.

But compared to the big tragedies happening in the entire world, these 'little things' are insignificant. After all, the shelter is a closed environment, and the supervisors themselves are representatives of power.

Anthony has deep feelings about this. Although Vault 97 is an official refuge, it has too many traces of the Bear Gang. The appearance of those members of the Vault Bear Gang is quite different from other residents of the shelter.


Although many gang members are unable to maintain their body size because they have stopped taking drugs, and they do not seem to be that different from ordinary people, the Big Bear Gang itself is not an ordinary gang composed entirely of muscular men.

In its heyday, the Bear Gang was a gang with its own unique cultural concepts and even created popular culture around the world to a certain extent.

They are not just big guys. They once had a very clear strategy and built their own business empire. However, they were attacked by many other forces in the middle, and they happened to encounter the wave of superhuman beings.

In the face of supernatural abilities, muscular strength is completely inferior.

The Violent Bear Gang invested too much in the direction of globalization, so that after being hit, they suffered the greatest losses. For a long time, they could only rely on their status in Night City to barely maintain the scene, and even finally accepted the violence.

The leader of the Bear Gang has become a fool like Burrows who once couldn't even squeeze into the management.

But now, the real top leader of the Bear Gang is hidden in Vault 97. He is not in a hurry to challenge Anthony's position. Instead, like back then, he starts to influence the people at the bottom by reshaping the fitness culture.

way to gather public opinion.

Muscle strength, once eliminated by society, once again ushered in its own spring in the special environment of the shelter.

People are fed healthy food from the Gray Field Project, but apart from boring work, a large number of shelter residents have nothing to do and can only rely on virtual reality to pass the time.

In this case, the experience of the Bull Bear Gang once again became valuable. Some small gyms that appeared in private gradually became popular in various levels of the shelter. Now among the branches of the Bull Bear Gang, the most popular

That is the Animal Gang controlled by Bigfoot.

That ferocious woman would appear in the gym she controlled from time to time, leaving behind a pile of records that astonished the overestimated challengers, and then disappeared again before the arrival of the special team led by Anonymous Doe.

Anthony has no interest in Bigfoot. He just wants to find out the mastermind hiding behind the scenes. To this end, he even directly approached Mikkelsen during the limited communication time, hoping that he could help him.

He is a military doctor and likes the unchanging lifestyle of the military camp. The current situation of the shelter makes Anthony feel very tired. He even hopes that Mikkelsen will take over the shelter directly on his behalf.

"I know you have a doppelganger here." Anthony said bluntly when talking to Mikkelsen: "Let him help me, otherwise there will be chaos here soon."

"It's not yet time, Anthony, I won't let it go." Mikkelsen comforted Anthony, but after hanging up the phone, his face looked a little ugly.

Due to the big storm, he was unable to contact the clones in Vault 97, but according to his style, when Bigfoot publicly executed Burrows, he should have taken the initiative to find Anthony.

However, no, the clones in Vault 97 seemed to have other plans and never showed up. Mikkelsen placed two clones in Vault 97, all of which were in a latent state...or they were already dead.

Either way, this is not a good sign.


Shelter No. 97, 22nd floor, Animal Gang actual control area.

Bigfoot walks on the street that is surrendered to her, looking at the passing members of the Animal Gang with a smile on his face.

Her territory is expanding, her manpower is increasing, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Although the supervisor launched a series of counterattacks, such counterattacks were actually minimal at such a long distance, and Bigfoot was not afraid of the supervisor at all.

He may be a good guy, but this era doesn't need good guys, and Bigfoot has proven his theory with practical actions.

After Burrows' death, Bigfoot's Animal Gang inherited the largest legacy of the Violent Bear Gang. The most intuitive benefit is that they can freely enter and exit the energy center layer, and obtain additional energy from there to use

Chemically synthesize some simple supplements.

But today, Bigfoot is not here to break records, she is here to meet a man, a man who guided her to the path she is today.

"Mr. Stallone, Anonymous' team is currently operating on the third level. This is the information you want." Bigfoot said respectfully in front of a strong man. The other party not only supplied her with a large amount of illegal drugs, but also provided some other drugs.

Prosthetic body modification services that are simply impossible to complete in a shelter environment.

This gentleman, in the shelter, has a small private area hidden in the cracks...

Stallone is an obviously fake name, and the so-called Mr. Stallone himself is just a boxing robot plugged in and located in the center of the boxing training ring.

This wired robot has a 27-inch flexible screen on its chest, which can withstand repeated heavy blows, and the screen is currently playing a clip from the classic old movie "Rocky"——

"At least you have had your glory! What about me! I have nothing! Day after day, I am nothing, no one gives me anything! You want to come to my game? You want to see me get beaten up hard?

Dun? You want to help me? Then come and help me! I’ll stand right here!”

Rocky, played by Stallone, painfully vents the injustices the world has dealt to him and vents his dissatisfaction with the world, but in this context, such emotionally charged lines are like a joke.

The new generation of kids don’t even know what boxing is...

Bigfoot did not disturb Mr. Stallone's enjoyment. Although it was just a 'robot', Bigfoot, who was fearless and fearless, still maintained respect.

"Very well, my strong and beautiful lady, you can always surprise me." Rocky, who was still yelling at me just now, suddenly looked at Bigfoot through the screen, his gloomy and sad eyes looking straight like this.

looked at her.

"It's just a trivial matter..." Bigfoot's face showed a rare female posture, and he did not dare to look directly into his eyes.

"By the way, how are the two people I asked you to help me capture now?" Rocky continued to ask, with a painful tone of voice that was abandoned by the whole world, which seemed tragic and uplifting.

"I just checked their situation, sir, everything is normal." Bigfoot replied. She didn't care who those two people were. The generous reward given by this elegant gentleman was enough for her to attack the supervisor's location.


"Very good, remember, make sure they remain calm at all times. If they run away or something unexpected happens, tell me immediately," Rocky warned.

"Sir, there will be no accidents. My people keep a close eye on them." Bigfoot felt that his ability was underestimated, and his tone was a bit honest.

"Sooner or later, accidents will happen. No one can keep them locked up. It's a pity that I can't reward them with a bullet now." Rocky said with some regret: "I have prepared the medicine and weapons you need. Go to the old place.

Just take it.”

Bigfoot immediately smiled after hearing this. She ordered a batch of new medicines from Mr. Stallone. Some were muscle and bone strengtheners, and a few were precious time-sensitive hormones, which were important for them to fight against the Nameless Ones.


Nameless Doe and his team of superhumans are the sharpest blades and strongest shields in the hands of the overseers, especially Nameless Doe himself. In a cramped environment like the shelter, when he opened his energy shield, they

Almost immediately, he fell into a situation where he could only be beaten and could not fight back.

But with time-sensitive hormone... everything is different.

Bigfoot looked at Rocky on the screen who had returned to the plot again, and felt a little disappointed, but she soon cheered up again. She had her own boxing match to fight, and she wanted to fight beautifully.

When they were doing business before, the gentleman always put all the supplies he had prepared in advance in an inconspicuous warehouse, and this time was no exception.

Bigfoot didn't use any tools to help. She was the best tool. She picked up the 500 kilogram metal box by herself, and then just walked through the market and placed the huge metal box in the shelter.

The location in the center of the 22nd floor.

"Aliwu, here are your medicines, super trenbolone, and drostanolone. You are lucky this time. There is also compound No. 3, use them separately!" Bigfoot threw a large box of medicines to his.

His subordinates, like drug dealers, openly distributed various drugs on the street.

Most of these drugs are actually just steroids and hormone drugs. Although they can help the big old people to further expand their girth, they do not violate the rules of the shelter. They are just because they are not necessary and there is no production line in the shelter.

But Mr. Stallone, in his own mezzanine, has enough reserves and even a production line to continuously produce these precious drugs.

However, these are just children's toys. If a person really wants to become a powerful warrior like Bigfoot, he still needs Compound No. 4, a hormone drug containing gluttonous active cells.

Not only can it make people strong quickly, it can also give people the ability to heal themselves by overeating in small amounts.

Here, the word "fast" does not mean that you will become stronger in the next few weeks or even months after the injection, but very fast, so fast that it can be seen with the naked eye...

You can feel the whole process of muscles being pulled apart, then re-healing, and the tissue overlapping each other in a short period of time. Most users will faint on the spot, but there are a few who will feel all this while awake.

Bigfoot just handed a shot of the secret compound to a young boy who had always wanted to join the Animal Gang, and then watched the boy become stronger as if he was blown away.

"Welcome to join us!" Bigfoot grabbed the other person and handed him a fire ax smoothly: "Don't let me be embarrassed, don't let us be embarrassed, from now on you are the beast in the animal gang.


"Now, guys, go cause some trouble for those overseer dogs!" Bigfoot ordered, throwing more addictive compounds to these hungry and crazy followers: "I want to see them


"Yeah! Let them bleed like rivers!" A group of followers who were high on drugs immediately became excited.

But Bigfoot left the iron box full of illegal drugs, took only a few tubes of time-sensitive hormone from it, and turned around and walked into a cubicle belonging to the Animal Gang.

According to the original plan of the shelter to allocate according to needs, there should not be such spare compartments. However, as the shelter has been operating for ten years, many things are different from before. For example, now, those who do not have any skills and are

Poor people who are not qualified to join the Animal Gang or some other gang are not qualified to live in a single room like this.

They can only live like beggars on the narrow road of the shelter. Even the safe passages between each floor are full of people, regardless of gender, living next to each other and crowded together.

I sincerely appreciate the constant temperature and humidity environment in the shelter.

Bigfoot is just passing through this room, and passages have been opened inside it. You can traverse four rooms to the left, and then there is a downward secret passage that can directly enter the 23rd floor.

Those were also the secret passages left by the Brutal Bear Gang during their construction work. They might have been used to smuggle some goods at first, but now, they have become a way for Bigfoot to hide from other people's sight.

After entering the 23rd floor, Bigfoot walked through the rooms in the same way. Although some rooms were still occupied by people, they also learned what it means to turn a blind eye.

Her target is the two captives that Mr. Stallone is paying attention to. These two captives were secretly captured by Bigfoot himself. They may seem ordinary, but upon interrogation, they are all hard-core.

Now since Mr. Stallone said that they were trouble and would escape sooner or later, Bigfoot decided to break off their limbs while sparing their lives, just in case.

However, when Bigfoot walked into the room where Prisoner No. 1 was held, the room was already empty. The prisoners and guards had all disappeared. Only some blood stains were left on the floor, and someone drew a picture on the wall with blood.

Big smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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