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Chapter 775 You are in big trouble

Chapter 778 You are in big trouble

Edward slowly opened his eyes, and the shadowless light above his head gradually became clear from blur. Various discomforts were constantly reflected back from all parts of his body, reminding him of the fact that he was already overwhelmed.

As an attractive middle-aged man, Edward has reached the point where he must repay his debts for years of dissipation, and the hibernation process only delays this time.

He stretched out his hand to hold the edge of the dormant cabin and sat up with difficulty. A strong big hand pushed him gently from behind, allowing Edward to sit upright more easily: "I said, there is no one who is young and beautiful and wears sexy clothes.

A female nurse wearing clothes?"

Edward raised his head while complaining, intending to thank someone, and then he saw Tang Ji's face.

"Either I got aroused, or I slept for too long and had hallucinations." Edward reached out and touched Tang Ji's hand, but the other person's hand was warm and strong, and it couldn't be more real.

"Damn you, you still know how to come back and see me!" Edward reached out and patted Tang Ji gently, and then laughed.

"When you wake up, it's time to get up and pee, old man." Tang Ji took Edward out of the life-saving cabin and said, "I'm in some trouble and I need your help. I can only trust you now."


"What kind of trouble? Did you and Mikkelsen break up, or did the Apocalypse Day plan fail and the players come back again?" Edward sat on a chair and gave himself an injection to speed up functional recovery.

, looking at Tang Ji's face, he asked abruptly: "Is there any problem between you and Wu Qianying? That is a big trouble."

The old man's words immediately silenced Tang Jiwen. He could only say that the old man was worthy of having worked in the Law Enforcement Bureau for so many years and he was very accurate in judging people.

"I lost my memory. My memory stopped before the Red Sun incident." When mentioning the Red Sun incident, Tang Ji's tone was a little unnatural, but he still said: "I was found on the beach in Australia, as if I was on the beach.

One second I was still living with Angelina and Tang Anran, and the next second I was thrown into this doomsday world."

Edward heard the confusion and exhaustion in Tang Ji's tone. It was obvious that Tang Ji had been vigilant during this period. He didn't know who he should trust, who was his friend, and who was his enemy.

Deep down, he simply didn't believe that he could do so many great things, influence, or even destroy the entire world.

The whole world has changed beyond recognition, but Edward remains the same.

"I know, I know." Edward walked slowly to Tang Ji, covered Tang Ji's mouth with his hand, and whispered comforting: "I know everything, but this is not the place to talk. You are too important.

Come on, kid, you have to be alert to everything, including the surrounding environment, and we have to change places to talk."

Tang Ji immediately understood what Edward meant, this place was not safe.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Mikkelsen is monitoring not far from the next door. Although this is not an officially built large shelter, considering the size and location, Mikkelsen will not let it go.

Today is a fruitful day. Tang Ji lost his memory, which is worth tens of thousands of dollars to Mikkelsen.

After all, Mr. Edward has withdrawn from the political circle for a long time, and now Tang Ji, the law enforcer, is much less sophisticated and more idealistic than the furious Tang Ji before the Apocalypse.

They didn't expect Mikkelsen's monitoring to be so strong. If it were a complete Tang Ji, he would never make such a mistake. He would even first confirm whether there is anyone in the room when he enters a strange space.

'foreign body'.

Edward's awakening was a big deal, and Tang Ji's appearance was an even bigger deal, so much so that all the prominent people in the City of Night had to come and show their faces to test Tang Ji's attitude.

After all, if Tang Ji followed his previous standards, more than half of these people would die.

Even Luther seemed worried at this time, because he did spend a period of absurd life in his private sanctuary, but fortunately in the past few years, his enjoyment-themed private sanctuary was occupied by several Valencias.

The top management of the Tino people took over.

Now even if Qiu Hou settles accounts, 80% of them won't be able to find him.

These reckless street warriors never know what it means to wash their hands in a golden basin, and what it means to stop when enough is enough.

Also belatedly arriving was John Fleming, the leader of the League of Gentlemen, who was considered a high-ranking figure among the Valentinos at this time. Due to their background, he and Luther were natural allies.

Fleming's power in Heywood Sanctuary is deeply rooted, while Luther has the reputation bonus of the former federal commander. The two of them are pure outsiders in this de-power pyramid with the Valentino Gang as the main body, and they have to

Always do things carefully.

But now, Tang Ji is undoubtedly a breakthrough.

Luther felt that he had made a statue of Angelina and had some acquaintance with Tanguy, while John Fleming planned to invite Edward to join his league of gentlemen again.

He had tried it once before, but Edward had refused. He did not want to get involved in politics.

But now, Tang Ji is back, and Edward's identity has suddenly changed from insignificant to an important figure who can change the world structure.

Gusvota did not come in the end. After careful consideration, he still felt that he should keep a certain distance from people like Tang Ji.

He has completed the transformation from a gang boss to a force leader. Gusvota has no objection to Tang Ji. He even admires Tang Ji, but now it is not suitable for them to cooperate directly.

Gusvota knew very well how Luther managed to please Tang Ji back then. He didn't want to be reduced to that situation. Luther had no choice. The Federation was such a shabby car that was hard to come back from. Luther didn't even have any autonomy.

But Big Valentino is different. It is a lotus born in the mud. It has a bright future.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly the most correct choice to handle the relationship between yourself and Tang Ji carefully.

What's more, the Valentino people are already bleeding. Gusvota still needs to consider internal opinions. Tangji is a legend, but when the legendary knife cuts at him, he still has to make a decision.

React a little, at least don't make people feel that they are weak in front of Tang Ji, although that is the fact

But fortunately, based on Gusvota's understanding of Tang Ji, they can still maintain a certain balance between them. Tang Ji will never suddenly come over and kill him because of his tough attitude.

So, twenty minutes after Edward woke up, Gusvota's messenger brought two messages.

The first message said that because Tangji killed several Valentinos, they must leave the shelter owned by Valentino immediately. This was Gusvota's response to Don Quixote as the leader of the great Valentino.

Deportation order issued by Kyrgyzstan.

Everyone knows Tangji's strength, so no one will think Gusvota is weak.

But the other message was given by Gusvota in a private capacity. The messenger spent a few minutes explaining Gusvota's difficult situation in detail, and elaborated on the efforts of a united and cohesive group to rebuild the wasteland.


Finally, the messenger also provided a list. Gusvota said that the chassis was too big and it was difficult to lead the team. If someone drifted, Tang Ji would handle it himself. Everyone on the list was more or less the same.

In the same circle as the late Jain.

And this circle happened not to please Gusvota.

An hour later, the neatly dressed old man left the Heywood Shelter under the warm greetings of John John Fleming. Roger's car started again, and its destination was the Afterlife Bar.

"By the way, Edward, I'm glad you're back. There are fewer and fewer old friends in this city." Rogge greeted Edward in the car. They were friends before.


Or to put it another way, Edward was once one of Rogge’s sources of intelligence. As a former senior federal army officer and branch director of the Night City Law Enforcement Bureau, the information Edward could provide made Rogge less likely to become a top middleman in Night City.

Been gone for ten years.

Until the Apocalypse, Edward was a VIP member of the Afterlife Bar.

"This place was more completely destroyed than I imagined." Edward sighed as he looked out the car window at the city that was almost razed to the ground, but he soon became excited again. He saw the rebuilt villages, gathering points, and

Farmland: “But at least it’s starting to get back on track now,”

The Afterlife Bar is located between the Heywood Shelter and the Valentino Shelter, and when the surface passage was first rebuilt, people also started with the Afterlife Bar as the center, so it is naturally convenient. Roger can turn this bar into a

It must have cost a lot to come back.

After being reminded by Edward, Tangji would not make such a stupid mistake again. Before entering the secret room of the Afterlife Bar, he carefully checked the inside of the room to ensure that nothing that should not appear would appear.

"Give me a less strong drink, Rogge. You should know what I want. I see that you are older than me now. This feeling is really strange." Edward teased Rogge, and then was

I found a comfortable seat in the restored secret room.

"So, you have killed a Mikkelsen clone?" The old man frowned as he listened to Tang Ji's narration. He knew that Tang Ji was a person who did big things, so he deliberately stayed out of Tang Ji's circle, but he just didn't want to.

I hope my own judgment has affected Tang Ji's judgment.

"Probably, that's what they all said." Tang Ji answered honestly.

"That bastard Mikkelsen probably wants to test you. If he dies, he will die. Anyway, he has so many clones that he will die." Edward mocked Mikkelsen mercilessly, and then said: "

The fact that you kept putting off seeing Wu Qianying made him suspicious, but it doesn't matter now. He should already know about your amnesia. If that bastard didn't install a bug in the place where we met, I would

Give up all the coffee."

Having said this, Tang Ji took out a bag of coffee beans from his arms and handed them over: "Surt asked me to bring one to you, but I didn't bring him with me."

"It's not in vain that I hurt him." Edward looked at the coffee beans with some emotion, and then as if he suddenly remembered something, he pointed in the direction of his head and asked carefully: "Where is Tang Anran now? Is he still up there?


Tang Ji nodded silently, and the next second he was slapped by Edward: "If my grandson is implicated, you will bear the blame for me!"

The old man's attitude was so different that Tang Ji rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore. The players' information has been put aside in advance. At that time, no one could be sure that your Apocalypse Day plan would be successful. It was just a matter of survival. If it failed, it would be a failure." Edward looked at it.

Very open-minded, he always has been.

But what he said next gave Tang Ji an even bigger headache.

"Dr. Wu, you still have to go there as soon as possible." Edward looked at Tang Ji and said seriously: "After Angelina left, I have seen what Wu Qianying has done to you and his son over the years. You can't

Because if you lose your memory, just pretend it didn’t happen.”

"But I don't know how to face her. She is almost a stranger to me." Tang Ji said helplessly: "I"

"Have they ever told you that Dr. Wu is a beauty, and a very smart beauty?" Edward heard a knock on the door. It was Roger who brought wine in, but Roger did not stop and almost immediately


Tang Ji remained silent again. He had met Dr. Wu Qianying on the Moonlight Gold. It is undeniable that Dr. Wu is indeed beautiful, but this is not a question of whether Wu Qianying is attractive.

"Do you know that after Angelina left, it was Dr. Wu who worked day and night to bring Tang Anran back from the brink of death?" Edward asked: "Judging from the subsequent situation, Wu Qianying was almost

I’ll give you the money to work.”

Tang Ji shook his head silently, he didn't know.

"Did you know that the entire Apocalypse Plan was actually directed by Dr. Wu, who finally calculated the explosion point divisions?" Edward asked again.

Tang Ji shook his head obediently, he really didn't know this.

"Did you know that it was Wu Qianying who designed the nanovirus that killed Gluttony?" Edward asked with a smile while drinking the wine in the cup.

"I don't know." Tang Ji's tone sounded a little guilty.

"You are in big trouble, Tang Ji, do you understand?" Edward looked at Tang Ji with some pity and said.

"I should go find her and give her an explanation." Tang Ji said honestly.

"Yes, that's right. No matter what your reasons are, you must at least give her an explanation before she plans to destroy the world again. No," Edward said, "I don't think you need to explain. You can go directly."

Tell her what happened, and Dr. Wu will solve the rest on his own. Maybe she can research something and retrieve your lost memory."

"Then I'll leave now?"


This chapter has been completed!
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