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Chapter 776 Make a deal

Chapter 779 Make a Deal

Tang Ji has lost his memory, but his power is still there. This is a good thing for Mikkelsen, because it means that Tang Ji's usable value has increased. Even if it is done properly, the methods he has used before can be used.

It can be used again now.

But Mikkelsen is more concerned about why Tang Ji lost his memory, who, or what force caused Tang Ji to lose his memory.

In The Seven Deadly Sins, there is still laziness hiding in the dark, which has always been a problem for Mikkelsen, who is used to deploying weapons all over the world.

He is used to incorporating everyone and all variables into his plan, but if he doesn't know who Lazy is, what his abilities are, and what his purpose is, he will always be an X factor.

Mikkelsen doesn't like X-factor. In addition to dealing with players and containing human civilization in his own small box for easy control, the Apocalypse Plan itself also has another factor: it wants to force lazy people to sacrifice themselves.

Even a reckless man like Wolfgang had to compromise and live in a shelter in the face of the Apocalypse, spending a little 'pleasurable' time under Mikkelsen's supervision.

Everyone in the Seven Deadly Sins cannot escape Mikkelsen's "training" in the end. Regardless of rage or greed, although it is difficult to cooperate, they cannot escape the fate of a tool man in the end, including gluttony, jealousy, and being beaten.

Dispersed, exiled, and lustful, Mikkelsen didn't even plan to sleep with her.

No, it can't be said that way. Mikkelsen had to admit that he did have feelings for Anne on some nights and thought about holding her in his arms and ravaging her.

Mikkelsen does not deny that he has become a lot mediocre after losing the bonus of the hive mind, and has even been bewitched by small characters like lust, but that is just a hormonal change stemming from the reproductive instinct, and only needs some external supplements.

Using chemicals, he easily countered the influence from Annie.

Only laziness, and only laziness, makes Mikkelsen feel fearful every time he thinks about it.

Limited by the impact of the big storm, Mikkelsen's intelligence sharing speed can only be limited to the communication network, which is far less agile than before.

Therefore, Mikkelsen only learned the news twenty-six hours after the doppelgänger who went to the Davis Mountain Shelter died, and the news about Tangji's amnesia was only four days after Tangji left the Haywood Shelter.

Minutes are synchronized to several major nodes around the world.

The death of a clone is not a loss to Mikkelsen. Affected by the big storm on the surface, he cannot be so omnipotent, but in the shelter that is not affected by the big storm, all he needs to do is

Compare it horizontally to see which shelter needs new manpower more, and then ask a clone in that area to create a new clone.

Mikkelsen once said that he is unkillable. If Tanguy really plans to attack him, then he'd better be prepared to kill everyone on the planet, keep killing, keep killing, until the last person.

, that person must be Mikkelsen.

But out of respect for Tang Ji, Mikkelsen still hoped to settle the matter and not worry about trivial matters such as the murder of his clone.

This is called putting the overall situation first.

It's a pity that Tang Ji is a stubborn donkey, and Mikkelsen has to find a rein for him, such as Dr. Wu Qianying

"Dr. Wu, it's nice to see you again." Mikkelsen was still sitting in his office, looking at the increasingly irritable Dr. Wu Qianying across the desk, and said cautiously.

Mikkelsen had already heard about Dr. Wu's recent irritable state, so he said straight to the point: "I have some information about Tang Ji. He has now arrived in Night City."

"Hmm." Wu Qianying looked at her fingernails critically. She polished them under a microscope and spent six hours on them.

She was so irritable not only because of Tang Ji's neglect, but also because she was currently at a bottleneck.

Wu Qianying does have her own thinking laboratory, which can always carry out various experiments in the most ideal state. However, all experimental parameters and data need to be input directly by herself and cannot be generated naturally, so Wu Qianying still needs a large number of peripheral assistants to cooperate with her.

As time went by, Wu Qianying soon discovered that in the field she was good at, she had entered a state of being unable to advance under the existing conditions of the shelter.

Either the theoretical system has reached its ceiling and cannot achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time, or the laboratory equipment cannot meet the hard targets for the next stage and needs to wait for further improvements in the materials industry.

Without the support of these theories and materials, Wu Qianying's thinking laboratory came to a standstill, which was also a major reason why she chose to enter a state of hibernation.

However, when Wu Qianying woke up from her dormant state, she suddenly discovered that the entire Shelter Zero, no, it should be said that the entire human civilization has fallen into a state of stagnant development, without any breakthroughs.

And this kind of stagnation is not accidental, but will inevitably occur with the decline of humankind's order of magnitude and the collapse of the healthy competition order in society.

The fact is that if Vault Zero was not so special, and if there were not special individuals like Wu Qianying and Alia in Vault Zero, human beings would not be able to maintain the current level of technology.

You only need to open your eyes and look outside Vault Zero to know that human civilization is making great strides in retreat, from the era of bionic prosthetics to the era of internal combustion engines.

Wu Qianying has no way to deal with such a retreat. She cannot carry an entire civilization forward alone. This is systemic destruction. The population has been greatly reduced, resulting in the entire scientific research community losing the supply of new blood. Existing personnel

We cannot even ensure that the inheritance of the discipline is not interrupted.

In the New Hope Era generation, the total number of people who can achieve a master's degree or above does not exceed 10,000, and at most one-third of these 10,000 people can enter the scientific research community as new blood. If according to Wu Qianying's standards before the Apocalypse,

When it comes to screening interns, she estimates that only two or three people will be selected in the end.

But now, in Shelter Zero, the personnel in various laboratories are basically in a state of dissatisfaction. The few members of the New Hope generation who are qualified to become interns are now qualified to select teachers.

Wu Qianying felt that she could not see the hope for the future of mankind at all. Instead, players were constantly increasing their number in this world, and it seemed that they were not affected by the Apocalypse Day plan at all.

As one of the planners of the Apocalypse Day plan, Wu Qianying didn't know how the man opposite could do it so calmly. They sacrificed 99% of the population to gain a chance to win, and now this plan has been

Proved to be a failure

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Mikkelsen asked Wu Qianying. The news he overheard from Night City must be sold at a good price before Tang Ji comes.

"I won't listen to anything, Mikkelsen, don't try to use your tactics against me." Dr. Wu Qianying smiled: "I guess you want to tell me the reason why Tang Ji hasn't come to me until now."

"There is a 45% possibility that he has lost his memory, a 21% possibility that you threatened Tang Anran and did not allow him to come to me, and a 17% possibility that he was injured in the Apocalypse and is no longer your opponent now. He is afraid

Swallowed by you." Wu Qianying looked at Mikkelsen and said one by one: "There are seventeen other possibilities, the probability of which is less than 10%, I am too lazy to talk about it."

"By the way, I think it's basically a fact that he lost his memory." After Wu Qianying said that, she stood up and left Mikkelsen's office.

When she reached the door, she suddenly stopped, turned back and said to Mikkelsen: "By the way, when Tangji appears at Base Zero, please take care of all the tails you left in the shelter.

Don't leave anything unpleasant, you know I can find it if I want."

In fact, Wu Qianying not only guessed the problem Tang Ji encountered, she also roughly knew who did it. This was what made her most angry.

"Don't think you can escape by hiding on the moon! Children should mind their own business, adults' business!" Wu Qianying looked up at the direction of the ceiling and rolled her eyes.

"I heard that Tang Ji has appeared in the Federation Continent?" Wolfgang, who was far away in the European Federation, asked his butler.

As more and more places gather on the earth's surface, his life becomes more and more enriched.

Although most superhumans are hiding in shelters these days due to the impact of big storms, Wolfgang still has countless ways to enter the shelter and enjoy a meal.

For example, some time ago, he activated a small shelter as a whole, letting the shelter spit out those superhumans who thought they would be safe hiding inside.

Of course, this kind of large-scale fighting trick cannot be used often. Even after Wolfgang finished the operation despite the interference of the big storm, he had to rest for three full days before he regained his composure.

"Yes sir, according to the information provided by the informants we left in several other shelters, Tangji has indeed become active in the federal continent." Foreman nodded, the reason why this news can spread so much

Hurry, because someone in Night City has already posted the secretly taken photos in the newspaper.

As the scope of human activities is no longer limited to shelters, regional forces led by the Night City area have begun to establish their own public channels for speaking out. Due to the impact of the big storm, newspapers are naturally the best choice.

The photo of Tangji in front of the Afterlife Bar was published in the newspaper "Valentino People". This newspaper is regarded as the official media of Valentino. The content published needs to be reviewed by Gusvota in advance, so it is very difficult.


"I knew he would have to come back sooner or later, and now is a good time." Wolfgang frowned as he ate his share of food. Human food was not quite to his liking, but it was the price he had to pay to disguise his identity.


Wolfgang once wandered around like a beast for many years, eating hair and drinking blood. During that time, he deeply realized that he was still a social animal and could not leave the human group. This may be why he stood firm in this war.

The original intention on the human side.

Wolfgang's good timing is also related to this. He has been pursuing some clues related to players recently.

Back then, players built a total of two dungeons in this world, one on Madagascar and one near the Ardennes Forest.

No one cares whether Madagascar still exists. The neglect of the African continent by the coalition forces is obvious to all. Although the lives of Africans also matter, they must first take their own lives seriously before they can expect others to do the same.

Naturally, Wolfgang didn't care about Madagascar. Under the interference of the big storm, just reaching Madagascar from the European Federation was a big problem, but Wolfgang had always been thinking about the dungeon area in the Ardennes Forest.

Before the Apocalypse, they had tried various methods to destroy the dungeon area, but all had no effect.

As a last resort, Mikkelsen placed close-range explosion points around these two places on the Apocalypse Day.

But it didn't mean much. Wolfgang went back and took a look. The circular defense belt in the Ardennes Forest was like a bug thrown into transparent amber. It was the same as before, without any change.

Not only that, he also found traces of players near the Ardennes Forest. As of today, Wolfgang has killed twelve players. At the same time, he also followed the identities of the bodies used by the players and found this one.

Private Refuge, Sherwood Refuge.

The shelter built by former construction tycoon Sherwood Heinlein was large enough to accommodate 10,000 people. In the end, the actual number of people accommodated was only 8,000, most of whom were employees of Sherwood Construction. But ironically, that person

Sherwood himself, who built the shelter, ultimately failed to enter the shelter before the Apocalypse.

The entire shelter was ultimately led by the personnel department and spent the entire period of the great storm. Wolfgang stayed in the surface reconstruction area of ​​the shelter for three days, observing with interest the rare union politics of the shelter.

structure, and the private agreements between them and players.

Under the leadership of the union, Sherwood Shelter rents out the bodies of shelter survivors as commodities to players, and requires players not to deprive the bodies of their personal consciousness or put the bodies into dangerous situations. If they violate the rules, they will face high fees.

liquidated damages.

It seemed like a fair contract, but Wolfgang was curious about where these players got so many materials to rent the body.

The two parties have obviously been cooperating for a while, and they are doing it very secretly. If Wolfgang hadn't tracked it down from the player first, he wouldn't have thought that this seemingly normal shelter was secretly cooperating with the player.

However, Wolfgang killed twelve players, or to be precise, the bodies used by twelve players. This obviously required a large amount of compensation for Sherwood Shelter. He is now waiting to see where these supplies come from.



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