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Chapter 794 LSP is the primary productive force

Chapter 797 LSP is the primary productive force

The theory of parallel worlds has always been an important topic discussed in cutting-edge science. After all, finding technology that can break the balance of space seems to be closer to the world than building the legendary curvature engine.

Especially after players appeared in this world, the scientific community has been divided into two groups. Some people believe that they come from a parallel world, while others believe that they are existences of higher dimensions. Of course, there are also a small number of people who believe that they come from a parallel world.

They are aliens.

Before the Apocalypse, Dr. Wu Qianying preferred that players come from high-dimensional worlds, because in many cases the characteristics they displayed completely exceeded the limitations of this world. For example, the legendary planning department showed certain characteristics to a certain extent.

Plant a lead on the timeline.

According to Kacalf's description, the planning department has a certain degree of understanding of the history of the world and can predict the occurrence of some major events in advance.

But this kind of predictive behavior was broken with the appearance of Tang Ji, just like the situation the prophet encountered back then.

The timeline that the prophet can see cannot match reality because there are no players present. The same is true for the planning department. The timeline they can predict does not include Tang Ji's influence.

Tang Ji's behavior cannot be predicted by various prediction methods, and he can directly kill players, so from various perspectives, Tang Ji is the key to solving the problem.

And Wu Qianying now wants to know what is the difference in Tang Ji's abilities now compared to before the Apocalypse.

"1 kilometer sprint test, 2 seconds, not bad." Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji who had just stopped on the test field and smiled. Before the Apocalypse, they also conducted a similar test on Tang Ji. The results at that time

It's 5 seconds.

For Tang Ji, this kind of error can actually be regarded as a fluctuation in state, not a level of strength.

Compared to a superhuman like Surte, who changes his own speed directly from the rules of time, a monster like Tang Ji, who relies entirely on his body to break through the speed of sound, has a starting process.

To give a simple example, if Tang Ji is asked to sprint for 5 kilometers, the average speed per kilometer will be 20% faster than now.

As for Surte, his speed is more average. Of course, Surte has exceeded this level now. If it weren't for his special ability that would not cause physical fluctuations in the real world, it would be possible to sprint 5 kilometers.

It will create a storm that can shake the entire world.

"Strength test, forget the strength test." Wu Qianying canceled the test somewhat nonchalantly. Before the Apocalypse, they once asked Tang Ji to lift a 200-ton metal cube. The only result was that Tang Ji was pressed into the ground.

In actual strike tests, they have not yet found anything that can block Tang Ji's attack.

But from the perspective of strength, although Tang Ji's physical strength is very exaggerated, it has not yet reached the level of invincibility. But obviously for an existence like Fury, he also adds many things to his attacks that must be understood from an idealistic perspective.


For example, anger emotions, such as flames of hatred, bonuses such as discovering weaknesses.

In this regard, it is difficult to complete the test on Tang Ji based on the current situation of Shelter Zero, and Wu Qianying also discovered a very serious problem. It seems that Tang Ji is now unable to use the Flame of Hatred ability again.

Obviously, Tang Anran's behavior of blocking Tang Ji's memory was not to make a big joke with his old father, but to deprive Tang Ji of the ability to use the Flame of Hatred, that was what he really wanted to do.

Dr. Wu Qianying frowned and recorded the data obtained by Tang Ji on other projects in turn.

In the self-healing project test, Tang Ji's performance was still frighteningly fast. Among the known superhumans, only Gluttony was stronger than Tang Ji, while the resurrector Kang Aoer was limited by his rebirth time.

So it was ranked third.

In the end, the paper that recorded Tang Ji's various test data was burned clean by Wu Qianying.

Wu Qianying gave Tang Ji a test, not because she was bored, but because she was thinking that since she was going to launch a counterattack against the players, she at least wanted to know what the only effective weapon they had could do.

As a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Tang Ji's strength is actually affected by the number of human individuals.

Wu Qianying knew that Tang Ji had an ability called the Wrath of All Beings. This ability allowed him to control the angry emotions of the people around him to a certain extent. It could catalyze this emotion or directly deprive it of this emotion. Moreover, he could

Get extra strength from this emotion.

However, judging from the current test data, the disaster brought by the Apocalypse Day to the human race does not seem to have affected Tang Ji personally, and his strength has not been reduced due to the sharp decrease in the number of human individuals.

Wu Qianying believes that this may be because Tang Ji has not reached his limit at all, and the values ​​he has now may be more of a guarantee of ability.

There are two most important things for Wu Qianying at the moment. The first thing is how to reverse engineer the player's technology and release Tang Ji into a certain world. The second thing is how to strengthen Tang Ji's personality as much as possible.


This is like the atomic bomb dropped by the Federation on Neon. If possible, they would naturally hope that he and the atomic bomb would be the Grand Czar, not the little boy, but the technical strength at the time was not up to standard.

"How do I turn my little boy into a great tsar?" Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji, and her frown relaxed a little.

For a woman like Wu Qianying, the emotional dispute with Tang Ji can only be ranked fifteenth on the to-do list.

It's not that she doesn't value the relationship between them, but it's because Wu Qianying's relationship can be taken care of slowly, and she didn't see any possible threats in the process.

Maybe Aaliya can barely count as one, but obviously Aaliya has more of a vague affection for Tang Ji, and just wants to join in the fun of this 'emotional crisis' and tease Dr. Wu Qianying and Tang Ji.

Aaliya is probably one of the few special people in this world who can tease these two people at the same time. After all, when she first met Tang Ji, Tang Ji was still an "emotional and humane" guy.

However, Dr. Wu Qianying at that time was already completely intact. Alia had waited for so many years before she had the opportunity to take revenge on these two guys, so she naturally refused to let go of this opportunity.

"Let me just say, Dr. Wu, there is probably no man stronger than Tang Ji in this world, right?" Aaliya said with a knowing expression on her face, teasing Wu Qianying with a smirk on her lips.

As a woman with the nickname of Encyclopedia, Alia naturally knows everything. After all, the Internet is a lawless place, so there is really all kinds of knowledge on it, and it is also the main channel for the dissemination of that information.

Miss Encyclopedia can definitely be said to be the most knowledgeable woman in the world, although this is only theoretical, but this does not deny Alia's status in the 'academic world'.

Before the Apocalypse, Miss Encyclopedia spent her free time fighting online wars with ghosts and players, and also found time to run the world's largest adult resource forum.

For a long time, the ghost thought that this was some kind of secret data base disguised by Miss Encyclopedia. However, after being forced to read dozens of petabytes of blockbusters, the ghost finally realized that this was Miss Encyclopedia.

channels of personal recreation.

It's hard to imagine the ghost's mental state at that time. If he still had that thing, in short, Miss Encyclopedia had an information advantage over the ghost for three days. At that time, she thought that the other party had been exploded again.

What about the center of force?

"Alia, if you can help me calculate the data of reverse descent technology, I wouldn't mind sharing Tang Ji's genetic samples with you." Wu Qianying is one of the smartest women in the world, although she is rarely encountered in this area.

Rivals, but not jealous.

Sure enough, with just one word, she caused a blush to appear on Miss Encyclopedia's face and she fled in defeat.

"Tsk, Virgin" Wu Qianying showed a winner's smile, then turned to Tang Ji and shouted loudly: "Take off your clothes and draw blood!"

There are many people in this world who care about Tang Ji, but there are only a few people who care about Tang Ji's body, and most of them are Tang Ji's "fellows", such as gluttony, greed, and lust.

Of course, Gluttony has now been broken up in a literal sense, and it can only temporarily withdraw from the track until it can reassemble as an individual with independent consciousness.

Wolfgang was probably in a state of being thief-minded but not courageous. Tang Ji's rise left too many deep impressions and psychological shadows on him.

Many times Wolfgang wonders, when he and Tang Ji met for the first time, was it the closest he got to his dream in his life?

It's a pity that he was too blind to see that Tang Ji was such a big fish. Moreover, Tang Ji grew up so fast that before old guys like Wolfgang could react, he had already turned into the surface of the earth.

The strongest.

As for Lustful Aunt Anne's obsession with Tang Ji, it probably goes back to before the two people met, or even further back, before Tang Ji became furious.

Anne first heard the name Tangji from the prophet's dream, and from then on Anne was very curious about Tangji.

The most direct and effective way for a woman to develop a crush on a man is to start with curiosity.

In particular, Tang Ji is a man who is easily addicted. What Aaliya said is true. Tang Ji's masculine charm has been recognized by the media. It is the so-called classic joke that will be passed down forever, and the same is true for classic gossip.

Tangji's cover photo of Time Magazine has even transcended the apocalypse like Apocalypse Day and has spread to this day, spreading through exchanges between shelters.

Originally, all the news about the Seven Sins was the most enduring topic in the world. They were the brightest stars of this era, attracting the attention of others all the time.

The same is true for Tang Ji, and the same is true for Anne.

Constantine Guren has always been upset that he missed the ceremony to welcome Tang Ji's return. Although God he later asked Tang Ji to sign all the photos he collected, he still felt that he had lost 100 million.

So this boy, who had a lot of clever ideas and was very courageous, decided to recover his losses from Anne.

His latest dream is to take a photo of Auntie Anne that can be posted next to Tanguy's cover photo of Time Magazine. For this reason, Constantine did not hesitate to ask his old father for help.

After all, everyone knows that Ethan is the best drone operator in the world, and he also controls all the cameras in the shelter.

"Don't even think about it, you little bastard! If your mother finds out, neither of us will be able to live!" Ethan rejected his son righteously.

But soon he couldn't stand Constantine's persuasion. Constantine promised that he was willing to bear all the blame and was willing to share the harvest with Ethan. Who can resist the fruitful photos of rage and lust placed side by side? This thing is placed in the apocalypse.

Recently, just changing the smile of Mona Lisa might be enough!

So the two of them secretly monitored Annie 24 hours a day. As a micro-manipulation master and a member of Tang Ji's team, Ethan was naturally not a fool like Constantine.

He may be one of the few people in the world who has the most in-depth understanding of the Seven Deadly Sins level superhumans, so Ethan knows very well what kind of intuition the Seven Deadly Sins level superhumans have.

As early as when he tried to spy on Annie and was molested by her, Ethan knew that Annie could easily find the cameras hidden in the dark.

But what does that sentence mean? LSP is the primary productive force. When a technical man, especially a technical man like Ethan who has mastered supernatural abilities, plans to turn curiosity into action, everything is not a problem.

Ethan plans to create an ultra-wide-angle spy lens that does not emit the visible spectrum itself, but relies on sound wave positioning to form a virtual image, but with terrifyingly high precision and a level of detail. Before the Apocalypse, it had

It is widely used in the field of intelligence, so Miwako happened to have such a set, but unfortunately it was damaged in the Apocalypse.

However, Ethan Neng Xiu only lacked some necessary key materials and some special tools, and these problems were solved as the refuge directly resumed trade.

For the few special materials that could not be solved through trade, Ethan directly sent out a search team to look for them by roping in powerful people in the refuge such as Big Daddy Martin and the Saints.

As mentioned before, if it is possible, who can refuse to peek into the body of lust? After all, it is one of the original sins of mankind. Moreover, their life in the shelter is indeed boring, especially when basic survival is solved in each shelter.

After stress, boredom further destroys the physical and mental health of these powerful superhumans.

Therefore, soon this plan, which originated from the youth's inspiration, was successfully launched under the secret planning of half of the shelter's senior officials.

But no one expected that on the day the spy camera was activated, they discovered an unexpected discovery: Anne taking a bath in the bathroom, communicating with the outside world through a device that looked like a mobile phone.

For those LSPs who asked me to elaborate on the fight, my finger was strained. The keeper slipped and fell that day. I was playing with her, so I stretched out a finger to let her pull her up, because when we were in love before,

It happens often, but my myopia is different from before. I heard a squeaking sound that day, and I didn’t take it seriously because of the slight pain. But after that, the pain became more and more painful, and the joints became swollen, so I paid more attention to it. I almost laughed at home these two days.



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