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Chapter 795: I admit that I am gambling

Chapter 798 I admit that I am gambling

"No, I can't contact him at all now. He's not in the Davis Mountain Shelter at all." Annie, who was taking a shower, was communicating with the ghost through a square device that looked like a satellite phone.

It was a complete accident that Annie was able to get in touch with the ghost. Of course, this was only a one-sided accident for Annie. Communicating with other members of the Seven Deadly Sins except Mikkelsen was part of the ghost's plan.

Ghost has been funding the forces of the Grand Predator Kona. To be precise, 1/3 of the armed forces under the name of Grand Predator Kona are secretly controlled by Ghost. Like Mikkelsen, Ghost chooses to directly

Clone the Great Reaver Kona as his puppet.

After all, Kona's reputation has been established. With such a name in front of him, many things will be easier to handle.

Just like Alan Smithey, the famous virtual director in the federal film industry, the predator Kona has now become such a symbolic figure.

When you want to do something bad and don't want people to know that you did it, you can pretend that you are a subordinate of the great predator Kona.

According to the data speculated by Ghost, there are currently at least twenty-five Grand Predators Kona on the Federation Continent, seventeen of which can be determined to be controlled by Mikkelsen, and six are controlled by Ghost himself, and another

At least two, controlled by some unknown force.

The way for the ghost to get in touch with Annie is very simple. The Davis Mountain Shelter has always been committed to combating the predator forces within its own sphere of influence, so it simply placed a few trustworthy people among the predator forces it controls.

Clone the people, let them enter the Davis Mountain Sanctuary as prisoners, and give the special communicator to Annie.

How to break through the electromagnetic interference in the future of Apocalypse has always been the top priority for major shelters. Naturally, Dr. Wu Qianying was the first to come up with a solution. However, at that time, Dr. Wu Qianying's method was more like an emergency measure and the cost was scary.

And now, twenty-five years after the Apocalypse, as the big storm subsides, the electromagnetic environment is much better than before, and the ghost has come up with a more effective solution to remotely control its puppets.


The terminal that Annie is holding is one of the achievements of the ghost. Now in the wasteland, many big predator Kona has such a thing.

"Where is Tang Ji now?" The ghost is very interested in Tang Ji's whereabouts. What Wu Qianying can see, the ghost can naturally compare based on big data. How important and special Tang Ji is to this world, the ghost is very


To put it bluntly, since the beginning of the superhuman era, almost every major event that has happened in this world is related to Tang Ji. Without the existence of Tang Ji, the player's pioneer organization might be able to lurk at least nine more

month time.

It was Tang Ji's obsession with players and his influence that brought a lot of extra attention to players, exposing the entire player force to the public in advance.

This influence eventually directly led to the subsequent world war, and according to Ghost's analysis, the world's integration of power was accelerated by at least 42% because of Tang Ji's existence.

Tanguy himself may not have the consciousness to take the initiative to do this, but there is Mikkelson behind him, and Mikkelson did use Tanguy's influence very effectively.

Ghost didn't know how to define an existence like Tang Ji, because there was no precedent like him in human history.

He has crushed the entire era with his personal strength, so many times when Mickelson plays the Tanguy card, countries around the world are simply unable to parry. There is no corresponding response mechanism and they can only passively accept Mikkelson.

Come up with all the conditions.

This is also the reason why the Phoenix Project was completed so quickly in the later stages. This was a silent resistance by politicians from various countries to the hegemony of Mikkelsen-Tanghi.

But now with the end of Apocalypse Day and the failure of Mikkelsen's package plan, Ghost feels that its own time has come, and it feels that it can replace Mikkelsen and Tanguy to start a new cooperation.

As a completely digital consciousness, the ghost likes numbers, likes programs, and likes everything that has a solution. It likes order and is naturally disgusted with the kind of chaos brought by players. This has nothing to do with race, but is more like an ideological


The ghost knows very well that it will definitely conflict with human civilization in the future. This conflict may be over resources, living space, or form of existence, but those are all in the very distant future after all.

Formula, unlike the player's problem, is so close and urgent.

Therefore, it is willing to join forces with Tang Ji to once again launch an encirclement and suppression of players. In the eyes of the ghost, Tang Ji is a partner that can be cooperated with. The ghost also intends to maintain a certain degree of honesty with Tang Ji and not conceal its own purposes and ambitions.

Because in Ghost's calculations, if Tang Ji advances from LV3 to LV4 again, then his power and influence will span from planet level to galaxy level.

According to Ghost's calculations, if it wants to develop to this level, even if it eliminates the players and kills Mikkelsen, it will still need at least 650 years of accumulation by relying only on the resources on the earth.

Tang Ji may reach this level tomorrow, next month, next year, or next century. This uncertainty makes the ghost feel a kind of awe for Tang Ji.

Cooperating with Tang Ji and gaining Tang Ji's friendship, in the ghost's perception, is more like surrendering to the overlord at the upper level of the food chain in nature, asking the other party to allow him to have a place in this food chain.

If Tang Ji is just Tang Ji, then the ghost may directly write a letter to the other party, invite the other party to his lair, directly expose his weakness to Tang Ji, and exchange sincerity for recognition. The two may only take five minutes to complete

This kind of mutual recognition in a subordinate relationship.

However, Tang Ji is surrounded by Wu Qianying and Mikkelsen. One of them is too smart to foresee what will happen a thousand years from now, but the other is too sinister and will never allow a competitive opponent like Ghost to survive in the world.


That's why Ghost made all this so complicated, just to give himself priority and become invincible.

Faced with the ghost's question, Anne did not answer immediately. At that moment, she felt a little uncomfortable. After carefully sensing the surrounding environment, she did not find anything abnormal.

Anne was suspicious by nature, so for safety reasons, she immediately ended the call with the ghost, hurriedly took a shower and left the bathroom.

Annie's original intention of colluding with the ghost has not changed. It is still to survive and ensure that no matter what threat she faces, she has a way out.

The ghost hopes that Annie will continue to provide him with all the intelligence and news about the Seven Deadly Sins. To this end, the ghost is willing to provide Annie with an express line directly to Phoenix.

The fact that she did not use her charm to get herself a ticket to Phoenix before the Apocalypse has always been an eternal pain in Anne's heart. During the twenty-five years she spent with Mikkelsen in Vault Zero,

It was the darkest day in Anne's life.

Annie has always felt that compared to existences like Mikkelsen and Wu Qianying, the Tianren Organization is as harmless as a children's organization playing house.

After all, such an organization that claims to be a heavenly being, blocks the technological upper limit of human civilization, and tries to widen the gap between itself and human beings from a civilized level. As a result, it has achieved almost nothing except self-pleasure for hundreds of years. It doesn't sound like much.


Anne felt that as a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, she really couldn't get involved with them now, so she might as well retire early and go to outer space to retire.

It's a pity that as the one with the narrowest access among the Seven Deadly Sins, Anne has a hard time selling herself at a good price. Those forces who are qualified to do business with her have almost no demand for Anne's abilities.

A transaction of this level cannot always be about what you have and what they want. For example, what Mikkelsen wants is Annie's status as the Seven Deadly Sins. Another example is Wolfgang. What he wants is probably to have a taste.

Annie tastes, literally.

What the players want is Annie's body, a body that has been transformed into a physical body.

In the transactions between these parties, the price Anne has to pay is her life. Only the ghost wants news about Tang Ji. Although this hurts Anne's self-esteem a bit, it is better than losing her life.

At this time, Ethan, who had finally accidentally discovered Annie's little secret due to Constantine's youthful excitement, was thinking sadly about how to inform Miwako of what he had discovered.

He couldn't just walk up to his wife openly and tell her loudly: "Honey, guess what? When I was spying on Annie, I happened to see her doing something small."

I'm afraid Miwako's first reaction was not to ask what little trick Annie was doing. Instead, she immediately pulled out her pistol and put it on Ethan's head, asking him when and why he was spying on Annie.

So this matter finally fell on Constantine, the instigator. Ethan expected Constantine to use the reason that he simply appreciates the most instinctive beauty of human beings to put Miwako off.

However, as an elite member of the True Butterfly Project, Miwako approached Ethan immediately and said with a frosty face: "Do you expect me to believe that Constantine is a genius and can handle so many electronic instruments by himself?"

"I admit that I did help out a little bit, but it was all for the sake of the children." Ethan raised his hands and swore a poisonous oath.

The saint on the side couldn't bear to look at this scene, and took the initiative to say: "I admit that I am responsible for this. I have been single for so long, and I do have some selfish thoughts about Ms. Anne's body."

Hearing what the saint said, Ethan cast a grateful look at the saint, and then he looked at Martin, who was silent and pretending to be a sculpture, and Tony, who was sitting in a wheelchair and pretending to be asleep.

It looks like encouragement and threats, expecting them to come forward.

"I think Ms. Anne may be able to withstand my intensity. I admit that I am gambling, but she is the Seven Deadly Sins after all, isn't she? It's worth the gamble." Martin was silent for a while to think of his words before speaking.

But the reason he gave was so strong that the Saints, Ethan and the others couldn't tell for a while whether he had premeditated it or just performed well on the spot.

Martin's words made Tony, who had been pretending to sleep, laugh. He had no choice but to speak out in support despite Miwako's fierce glare: "I testify that Martin does think so. I also went to this place for my brother's happiness."


"My problems are not as big as yours, so I won't compete with you." The Saint glanced at Martin with a complex expression. Obviously, the scene in his mind of a kowtowing machine driving piles up and down the oil field did not conform to his beliefs at all.


The ability of this group of people to make jokes is comparable to the Seven Deadly Sins. Even Miwako couldn't put the crooked building back together. She could only warn Ethan with her eyes, telling him to keep his integrity, otherwise he would suffer the consequences.

Then Miwako began to report the latest situation she had learned to Shelter Zero. The reason why Miwako became the supervisor of Davis Mountain Shelter and has been working for so many years is because there is always a need for someone in this team to take the helm.

, brake in time

In fact, Wu Qianying was not surprised by the appearance of the ghost. She was not even surprised by the cooperation between the ghost and Annie, because Annie was one of the Seven Deadly Sins anyway, and those who were qualified to cooperate with her were just like that.

Several forces are too easy to guess.

Wu Qianying's reply to Miwako was: "Don't pay too much attention."

This was not only her reply to Miwako, but also what she was thinking.

Others are still focusing on how to fight players, limit their influence, and ultimately expel players from the world, but Wu Qianying has jumped out of this level. She wants to solve the player's problems from the root.

It takes time to reversely analyze the player's advent technology, and this time is uncertain. Wu Qianying cannot get into Wang Zhengdao's mind and help him understand the differences in parameters in these spaces.

Moreover, since becoming a superhuman, Wu Qianying has also deeply understood how unique each superhuman is in their own field of expertise.

But Wu Qianying still limited this time to six months, because reverse analysis technology and putting this technology into practical application are two different concepts. If they cannot solve the problem as soon as possible, I am afraid that the productivity they have mastered will not be able to

Match the corresponding technology.

Thanks to the goodwill policy implemented by Mrs. Generosity, there will definitely be more and more shelters on the player side. Of course, Wu Qianying does not intend to sit still and wait for death in this process. She still needs collaborators from the player side.

The easiest way to create such collaborators is to have Tang Ji convince them with the violent language that players can best understand, just like he did before the Apocalypse.

Every race has its quirks, and when the time comes there will always be people who go against the trend for various reasons to show their uniqueness. It is these people that Wu Qianying needs.

She admitted that she had some gambling elements


This chapter has been completed!
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