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Chapter 800: Spreading Fear

The player's dominance over the dungeon in District 13 disappeared just as suddenly as it came. Like a wave, they hit the rock called Tangji head-on.

Because the Trail Blazers have blocked information related to Tang Ji, these new players who have entered this world and the Blazers who have newly joined the Trail Blazers group are almost completely defenseless against Tang Ji.

Nashat knelt beside Mikwai. The unknown medicine injected into him by the aboriginal people made him tremble with pain all over his body.

Wu Qianying has previously considered that after the player comes to this world, the pain sensation is actually separated from the physical body to a certain extent and has a certain weakening effect. Therefore, when designing this drug, it is basically designed according to the maximum limit of human physiology.

Therefore, for a novice player like Nashat, he is suffering pain that he has never endured before.

The pain on the physical level has triggered phantom pain on the level of his consciousness. Driven by this phantom pain, Nashat feels that there is no pain in his body. He can't even tell where he is now.

Mikwai felt that he was embarrassed enough just by being around him, but when Nashat started to become incontinent, he realized that he was too superficial.

He also suffered from physical pain, and it was only now that he finally realized that the aborigines of this world really knew a lot about them.

After several attempts to log off without success, Mikvaj gave up on the idea of ​​skipping class and began to face the tragedy he was encountering - he was captured by the indigenous people of this world.

This is definitely the most outrageous thing that Mikwai has ever encountered in his life, but it is the fact that these aboriginal people are prepared.

Mikwai glanced at the legendary Tangji. From his point of view, he only thought that the other person was an ordinary person with a majestic appearance.

However, just such an ordinary person scared nearly half of the pioneers in the dungeon to death.

"What do you want?" Mikwai has no experience in negotiating with the indigenous people, but now as a pioneer, he can't remain silent in front of these ordinary players.

"You don't have time to talk today. Just stay here and you will know soon." Soult stepped forward and slapped half of his teeth off: "By the way, we don't have a good temper."

Okay, so we won’t ask you, so you’d better not say anything.”

Soult felt that his performance just now was at least 90% true to Tang Ji's. He turned around and faced the camera with a cold smile.

Well, this is also one of the highest-scoring expressions in Tang Ji's imitation show. How do you put it? Because the majority of netizens are top-notch, even if Tang Ji himself participated in the competition, he would only get third place at most.


Surte felt that with his performance just now, if he participated in the Tangji imitation show before the Apocalypse, he would at least be in the top ten.

"The heads are all taken care of, what next?" Surte checked the players one by one to ensure that everyone was tied up well, and at the same time injected Dr. Wu Qianying's painkiller to ensure that no one slipped through the net.

, then said to Tang Ji.

They captured a total of 27 players, all of whom were alive. To be honest, this was a rare harvest in Surte's knowledge.

After all, before the Apocalypse, most players decided to commit suicide and log off without risking being captured alive by Tang Ji and others.

This is probably a kind of version benefit. Soult feels like he is blowing up a fish pond.

Tang Ji was sitting there, sitting on the seat at the end of the room. This was an activity center in the underground city of District 13. It was a rare open space here.

This place connects the upper and lower levels of the dungeon, and has a nearly nine-meter-high lifting frame that is rare in the dungeon.

The ceiling is covered with a whole layer of flexible screens that can simulate natural lighting, providing different lighting and simulated weather according to surface time every day.

This is where many members of the New Hope generation first learned that outside the dungeon, there were spring, summer, autumn, and winter, with rain, snow, and other weather conditions.

However, just like other junk obtained by the Taha gang, this thing had problems in the year of NC-10. It could not simulate rain and snow weather, and soon lost the light and dark adjustment in the year of NC-14.


Now, it only has the mode of providing lighting, and it is not very well done. Whenever there is a current fluctuation in the dungeon, the entire light curtain will flicker for several minutes.

For example, right now, when Tang Ji sat down, the entire square lit up and darkened under the flickering lights.

"I only came here for one thing today." Tang Ji put his elbows on his knees, leaned forward, and hid his face in the shadows: "Someone asked me to prove to you that this world is not as bad as you think.


Mikwai admitted that he was a little scared at this moment, because when the aborigine spoke, the majesty in his tone made people want to believe it.

"I have killed many of your kind. I don't regard this as a merit, because killing you is as necessary as breathing." Tang Ji's tone was very calm, but it was this ordinary tone.

, causing many players to fall into hysterical madness.

They struggled hard, as if they were only now realizing that they were in danger.

Thanks to the inaction of the old pioneers, various rumors about Tang Ji continue to spread among new players. At least half of the players here have heard of various legends about Tang Ji.

But until today, these players only listened to this as a joke.

Even if a few people have seriously thought about the source of these rumors, they don't think that in such a big world, they would be so unlucky to meet Tang Ji.

But it was they who were caught on the spot, kneeling in front of Tang Ji, waiting for his trial.

"I'm very pleased that you behaved very gentlemanly this time when you came to this world, so I also plan to give you a chance to live." Tang Ji read the lines given to him by Wu Qianying, but he soon realized that he had no

Can't use these things.

Either he was born a villain, or the things he did have already been engraved into his soul.

"Now I don't care what method you use, whether you go to the forum or send private messages to other people, tell those pioneers that I want Mrs. Generosity." Tang Ji sat on the chair and stated his conditions: "As long as Mrs. Generosity

If you are willing to appear in front of me, even for just a second, you can regain your freedom."

"Of course my time is precious, and I am a person who is very afraid of boredom. In order to prevent the waiting time from being too boring, I will play a small game with you in the process." Tang Ji took out his own in front of all the players.

A scary revolver.

"This game originated from the Far East. Before the Apocalypse, we called it Russian Roulette." Tang Ji said while turning the muzzle of the gun upside down, letting all six bullets in the bullet chamber fall to the ground, and then started again

Take out a new bullet and load it into the magazine.

"Starting from a one-sixth chance, the later people are at greater risk, but you can also bet that if someone is killed before you, you will be lucky." Tang Ji said and walked towards the players.

Only then did Mikwai suddenly realize that he and his group were tied up in groups of six, and he happened to be the first in the first group!

Invisible pressure suddenly appeared in front of him. This pressure made his brain go blank, and all he could hear was tinnitus.

Are the legends about Tang Ji true?

If so, why did the company allow people like them to return to this world? If not, why did those old pioneers run so fast?

Mikvaj, who was carefree an hour ago, suddenly had to face problems related to life and death in this second. This is too difficult for an immortal.

It was so difficult that he couldn't build up his psychology at all, and it was so difficult that he couldn't even express his fear accurately, so he just faced this trial with a dull look on his face!


The sound of the empty chamber reached Mikvay's ears, like the bells of heaven. This pioneer who had always maintained a cold face was not frightened by the fear of death, but burst into tears because of the joy of life.

He suddenly realized that being alive is a miracle in itself, and immortality is even more of a miracle among miracles!

There was even an auditory hallucination in Mikvay's ears, and a majestic symphony continued to play in his ears, making him feel that he should not waste his infinite life on coming to different worlds to find fun.

It should have done a lot!

he should


Mikwai's life movement was interrupted by the gunshot. When he turned his head, Nashat fell to the ground next to him with his face covered in blood.

If you were hit in the face at close range by a large-caliber revolver like Prelude, don't think about how beautiful the body would be.

A bullet hole the size of a walnut on Nashat's forehead was flowing with yellow and white juice, and the area around the wound was charred black by gunpowder.

There was almost nothing left after his hairline. It was an open wound, and half of his head was blown off.

"What a bad luck. What's his name?" Tang Ji glanced at the body on the ground and asked.

"Nashat" Mikwai replied numbly. He was already the only one in their group who could still speak.

"Please remember this Nashat." Tang Ji glanced at all the players on the scene with cold eyes, and then said: "If he can come back alive or speak and interact with you on the forum, you can tell everyone in the future

All legends about me are false."

Tangji's words caused all the players on the scene to fall into a long silence. Many people, including Mikwai, were waiting in the forum for Nashat to reply in time.

Before Tang Ji's game started, they had agreed in the forum that no matter who encountered an accident, they should report to others that they were safe after going offline to prevent others from being frightened out of thin air.

However, now, the only response to them was silence. Time passed minute by minute, and there was no news from Nashat.

And Tang Ji suddenly found that he was enjoying every minute and every second of this silence.

"Maybe this Nashat is a coward with no integrity. He is just joking with you and wants to scare you deliberately." Tang Ji said as he walked towards the next group of players.

"Don't come here! I believe you! I believe you!" The player at the head of the second group was a female player, and she was already crying with tears streaming down her face.

But Tang Ji would not stop because of her crying. He just stood in front of them, took out a brand new bullet again and loaded it into the prelude's magazine, then flicked it hard to complete the loading.

However, in front of Tang Ji's super hearing, it is not a secret at all where the bullet nest rotates.

"What bad luck. I think this is the one." Tang Ji sighed, looked down at the female player and said, "I think this is the end."


Amid the stunned expressions of other players, this player who was extremely frightened was shot to pieces in the head, and he could no longer die.

"I won't ask her name. As long as you know her, it's fine. To me, your names are not important." Tang Ji's words made other players tremble even more.

This time everyone was waiting on the forum for the second player to respond to their message, hoping that it was just because Nashat wanted to play a scary joke on them.

However, a minute passed quickly without any response.

Tang Ji could see the inner reactions of these people from the panic on their faces. Many people even temporarily forgot the pain their bodies were suffering because of this.

"Wait! Please wait! We have already contacted other pioneers!" Finally, a player in the third group stood up and said loudly: "He said he is helping us contact Mrs. Generosity!"

"Very good, you've earned yourself a minute to breathe." Tang Ji crossed the third group of players and went straight to the fourth group of players.

"We are also contacting the Trail Blazers!" The first player from the fourth group was covered in sweat and his pupils were a little dizzy.

But suddenly he seemed to have thought of something and shouted loudly: "We are sending a message for help on the forum, and many people are watching it! You want us to fear you! We are helping you spread this fear!"

"A little clever, but not enough." Tang Ji loaded the gun, pulled the trigger, and emptied the gun.

The player was panting violently, as if he had just finished a 10,000-meter run, and his whole person exuded the joy of surviving a disaster.

However, the players after him are under greater pressure because the probability of being shot by bullets is constantly increasing.

In the end, the unlucky player in this group was the fourth one.

As of this deceased person, these players have completely believed from the bottom of their hearts that Tang Ji can kill them.

But the ones who are really scared are the last group of players, the fifth group. There are only three of them in total.

Fortunately, Mrs. Generosity did not remain indifferent. When Tang Ji was considering whether the three people should divide the two bullets equally, Russell knocked on the door with some anxiety, and then said: "Tang Ji, I have a phone call for you."

Pay attention to the Palestinian-Israeli war every day, witness the madness of Yog Soros, and witness the hamasi Superman individual anti-tank gymnastics. It has been so lively recently. The Russia-Ukraine war is not a mainstream public opinion position. Yuko Ozawa must be heartbroken.

By the way, I read the news that NATO countries have closed their border crossings with Mauritius. What do you think about this?

This chapter has been completed!
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