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Chapter 801 Mrs. Generous Assistance

Chapter 804 Mrs. Generous’ Assistance

"I heard that you are looking for me?" What Russell brought over was a phone, which was an extension of the underground city's communication equipment. It still used the technology provided by Dr. Wu Qianying.

When he first answered the phone, Russell also had a confused look on his face. He heard a phone ringing in the corner, so he accidentally picked it up. As it turned out, the person on the other side of the phone was none other than Mrs. Generosity, the current leader of the players.

"There is a nasty guest at home, and I don't want to take the initiative to meet the owner. I can't just ignore it, right?" Tang Ji held a phone in one hand and a gun in the other. The muzzle of the gun kept changing on the heads of the players.

The goal is to make these players dare not even breathe.

"We are not bad guests, we are robbers." Mrs. Generosity chuckled, as if she was amused by Tang Ji's metaphor: "VENI VIDI VICI, this is a famous saying of Caesar, I think it is more suitable for us, we conquer

There is much more to the world than him."

"I'm not interested in how to define your existence. I only care about when I can kill you all." Tang Ji glanced at the players kneeling on the ground and said directly: "Now I have a hostage in my hand. I will kill you within five minutes."

After seeing you appear in front of me, five minutes later, I will kill a player every minute until they are all dead, and this game will be repeated every day from today on."

"You can shoot now, because I have no plans to meet you, at least not now, it's not the time yet." Mrs. Generous said in a calm tone: "But I am happy to trade their lives for some time with you.

Let’s chat for a while.”

Mrs. Generosity's answer made Tang Ji silent. Neither Wu Qianying nor he thought that he could rely on these players to force Mrs. Generosity in front of him, but Mrs. Generosity gave up the lives of these players so calmly, which still made Tang Ji

Ji was a little surprised.

After all, in the information others showed Tang Ji, they all believed that players were a valuable resource, and neither the pioneers nor the company would give up this resource easily.

"I haven't heard the gunfire yet, Tang Ji, what are you waiting for? If you don't start the timer, I will think you are very insincere." Mrs. Generosity gently urged: "Don't worry about me, if you keep keeping every

The speed at which I can kill a player every minute may not be able to keep up with the speed at which I can invest players in this world, so I suggest you speed up your efficiency."

Naturally, Tang Ji would not be polite to these players. Since Mrs. Generosity said so, he directly raised his hand and shot, knocking down the nearest player.

"Now it seems that we have a minute." Mrs. Generosity continued: "Actually, I have always been curious about you Tang Ji. I am very curious about what is special about you? What kind of power has created this

of you?"

"You still have 35 seconds." Tang Ji said as he pointed the prelude at the next player, and that player's first reaction was to kneel on the ground, kowtow and beg for mercy.

Tang Ji had to admit that he was almost amused by this player, but he still shot the player to where he should go when the time was up. He could see that Mrs. Generosity was deliberately stalling for time and forcing him to kill those players.


"Do you really think people like us care about those players?" Mrs. Generosity continued to ask after hearing what Gun said: "I thought a smart woman like Wu Qianying should know very well that I don't care about the life and death of ordinary players at all."

The communication equipment in the dungeon of District Thirteen was built by the Taha Gang here, and the quality is only so good. This equipment leaks seriously, so the players here can hear Mrs. Generosity's words clearly.

So now these players have finally realized that not only did the Trail Blazers already know that Tang Ji could kill them, but they also didn't care

At this time, these players finally despaired. Mikvaj's face turned gray and he seemed to be dead.

At this moment, he hated Mrs. Bountiful, hated the entire Pioneer organization, hated the company that concealed important information and allowed them to come to this world to die. Of course, what he hated most was himself. He hated himself for not listening to those old people.

A warning from the pioneers, don't stay here to show off.

After all, he originally had the opportunity to go offline early like those old Blazers, but he wasted that precious opportunity.

"I surrender! I am willing to cooperate!" Mikvaj shouted: "Fuck the Trail Blazers! I am willing to cooperate! They sold us! I am willing to provide all the information I know! I know the base of the Trail Blazers

Where is it! I’m willing to say anything!”

"Unless they pull me out of this damn world, before that, I am willing to say anything!" Mikvay shouted loudly, and he was sure that what he said would be heard clearly by the generous lady on the other side of the phone.

This is not a threat, but something he will do soon.

Mikvaj now feels that nothing is more precious than his life!

"It seems that I have found some collaborators for you?" Mrs. Generosity was not angry about this, but said jokingly: "I wish you a happy cooperation, and I hope they have the key information."

"What do you want from us?" Tang Ji had to ask, because Mrs. Generosity acted too free and easy.

"Wu Qianying is so smart, I guess she will be able to guess it one day." Mrs. Generosity said lightly, and then as if she suddenly noticed the time, she gave a particularly fake ouch: "We have been chatting for so long? I still have something to do.

, let’s talk next time.”

Mrs. Generosity just hung up the phone, really not caring about the life and death of those players.

Tang Ji even felt that Mrs. Generosity's words were true. She indeed sincerely wished them more collaborators.

You only need to look at the eyes of the few players who are still alive to know that before the company pulls them out of the advent cabin, they must be the most loyal collaborators of the indigenous people of this world.

On this basis, the strategic purpose Wu Qianying wanted to achieve through this deterrence operation has also been achieved.

You can't expect these players to swallow their anger so calmly after being manipulated by the Pioneers and Lady Bountiful. They will definitely spread everything they encountered today through various channels at their disposal.

Whether it’s Tangji’s true ability to harm players, or the inaction of Lady Bountiful and the Trail Blazers organization, they will all add fuel to the fire and spread it through player-specific channels.

This is actually the same as before the Apocalypse. At first, most people will think that these people are crazy and want to gain attention through clown behavior, but the relevant information about Tang Ji and Mrs. Generous has been remembered in their minds.

Of course, as such news is posted in the forum again and again by more players, these people will begin to doubt whether the news is true and learn more about the relevant information.

Usually at this time, after these players encounter Tang Ji, they will take the initiative to retreat or even escape.

After a while, they will realize that what is said in those posts is true. Generally, players at this stage will actively avoid Tang Ji, and even take more extreme offline methods when Tang Ji appears near them.


But this is all a later story. As Mrs. Generosity hung up the phone, the big drama Tang Ji acted here also came to an end because of the lack of an important opponent.

All of this is to show off to Mrs. Bountiful and create pressure on her. At the same time, it also allows the surviving players to create pressure on the entire Pioneer organization and even the mother world, dividing them from within.

Even the few players Tang Ji killed through roulette were carefully selected.

Mrs. Bountiful implements the Huairen policy in the dungeon of District 13 to promote harmonious coexistence between players and indigenous people. This policy actually hits the weakness of the coalition led by Mikkelsen very accurately.

You must know that before the Apocalypse, Mikkelsen made many enemies in this world in order to integrate the power of the coalition forces. At the same time, due to Mikkelsen's personal reasons, he did use the hands of the coalition forces to make many plans that were not in the public interest.

There is no harmony under the pressure of the coalition forces. Many people and even many shelters are dissatisfied with the coalition forces.

If Mrs. Bountiful can continue to advance her policy towards the indigenous people, then it is not impossible to establish a new order with the interests of the players as the main priority and the interests of the indigenous people as the supplement after the Apocalypse Day.

So this time, considering the possible psychological gap among the survivors of the Thirteenth District Dungeon, the players Tang Ji killed were basically singles with no worries, or they were from the Thirteenth District Dungeon.

In addition, the body in other areas.

This kind of constraint made Tang Ji and the others feel aggrieved that they had to play the home game instead of the away game. Fortunately, Mrs. Generosity showed up in time and helped them gain popularity among the players.

As for how to extract as much relevant information and information about the mother world from these players during the period when the medicine takes effect, Tang Ji doesn't need to worry about it.

Because although Mikkelsen in this area was caught off guard, he was not dead yet. He still had one clone left here.

"I need to separate them for individual interrogation, and I need your help in the process." The feminine Mixon avatar stood in front of Tang Ji, but as soon as he spoke, his tone made people completely forget his gender.


Just like the rumors made by Martin and others in private, the members of Tangji's team firmly believe that Mikkelsen is a single-celled organism with no gender difference. They have no appreciator or excretion port and rely on mitosis to reproduce.

"I can give you twenty minutes." Tang Ji glanced at the time. This was the second time he saw a creature named Mikkelsen after waking up.

But through the descriptions of his team members and Dr. Wu Qianying, Tang Jie felt that he had a very deep understanding of people like Mikkelsen.

He is definitely the kind of filthy creature who is ten times worse than the most asshole politician in Night City.

Wu Qianying once thought about helping Tang Ji hide the fact that he lost his memory in front of Mikkelson, but she quickly gave up the idea. There is no lie in this world that can always deceive Mikkelson.

What's more, he might have already known this fact through the bugging device he left in Davis Mountain to go to the shelter.

"Twenty minutes is a bit short, but considering that these people are very cooperative, I think it's okay." Mixon did not argue with Tang Ji. He knew that Tang Ji had lost his memory now, and he could also guess that in Tang Ji

After losing his memory, how did others help him complete his memory?

Mikkelsen is very self-aware of himself. Whenever there is a good word in it, he writes his name upside down.

But at the same time, Mikkelsen is also one of the people who knows Tang Ji best in the world. This kind of understanding is not Wu Qianying's kind of 'deep' understanding, understanding with heart, but based on big data behavioral analysis, based on a large number of psychological profiles, behavioral

Analyze the understanding after profiling his character.

Mikkelsen may not be able to predict the various choices Tanguy will make on key issues after he becomes furious, but facing Tanguy in the enforcer stage, Mikkelsen can make accurate decisions about his actions and thoughts with a high rate of accuracy.


After all, Tang Ji's behavior and thinking patterns at this stage are very simple and direct.

Just like now, Mikkelsen is actually quite sure that the twenty minutes Tang Ji mentioned are just obstacles he deliberately set for himself. His initial impression of himself was very bad, so he gave such restrictions.

Arguing with Tanguy is undoubtedly a stupid reaction. What Mikkelsen needs to do is comply with Tanguy's will and behave as professionally as possible.

Tangji's social tendencies are very simple and direct, and he respects those who demonstrate professional qualities in their respective fields.

The friendship between him and Wu Qianying, between him and Wang Zhengdao, and even between him and his team members are all based on this supremacy of respect.

The only exception is Sirte. Because of Tang Anran's existence, Tang Ji has an obvious tendency to protect minors.

After Mikkelsen, Philip Taha also had a meeting with Tangji. He is now the only remaining high-ranking member of the Taha Gang. Whether he can quickly eliminate the influence of players on the survivors of the 13th District Dungeon requires Philip to make a decision.

A lot of effort.

This will be an invisible war that requires very subtle political skills. Doing too little will cause a psychological gap among these survivors, while doing too much will go too far and make the survivors develop a feeling that they are not merciful.

, but an error feedback from 'we (players)'.

Philip was very enthusiastic about Tangji, because in this special era after the Apocalypse, it is a surprise for many people to see a familiar old face again.

What's more, deepening the relationship with Tang Ji is good news for the Taha Gang——

Before the Apocalypse Day, there were still organizations like the Alliance Army on the frontal battlefield. But now with the advent of the Apocalypse Day, the frontal battlefield no longer exists, and the safety of the entire world only exists in the true sense.


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