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Chapter 803 The situation in the Ganges River

Madam Generous, I am currently in the Ganges River.

This once vast and fertile land no longer exists, replaced by endless wasteland, a wasteland in the true sense.

The Ganges plain has a flat terrain with almost no mountain barriers. This fertile land once allowed the Ganges people to support the world's largest population despite being impoverished. But now this type of terrain is the most severely affected during major storms.


During the era of great storms that lasted for more than twenty years, dust stained with radiation was blown across the entire plain by the great storms, and tons of once-fertile soil were lifted up by the great storms and thrown into the sea.

When the great storm subsided, the Ganges people who returned to the surface suddenly found that everything they had ever known had disappeared.

However, in this wasteland, there is a glimmer of hope because of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Amir protozoa, this is a new species formed after the disintegration of organisms that were once known as gluttons. They feed on dust particles rich in nuclear radiation, and after devouring them, they excrete granular particles rich in nutritional value.


Therefore, there is already a basis for growing crops again on land where Amir protozoa swarms are active.

The first batch of Ganges people to leave the shelter relied on these Amir protozoa to survive the most difficult days.

Amir's protozoa cannot be eaten. This is something that the Ganges people have already verified.

Mrs. Generosity frowned and looked at the Amir protozoa crawling on the ground with some disgust. These Amer protozoa looked like rat women, but were much larger in size.

The larger ones can grow to about sixty centimeters, and the tiny long legs exposed along the edge of the skirt move so densely that it makes people feel uncomfortable all over.

The same goes for Mrs. Bountiful, and around her there are hundreds of Amir protozoa plowing through the land.

A few dozen meters behind the insect swarm, a Ganges man wearing something that could barely be called a body covering was looking at her in horror, not daring to get close.

He is the herder of this insect swarm, which can be regarded as a new occupation of the Ganges people after the apocalypse. They herd the insect swarm, letting the insect swarm eat the radiation dust on the same land, leaving clean soil, and finally

Harvest a piece of land that can be cultivated.

This purification process often takes 7 to 8 months. During the entire process, no one else will interfere with the work of the herders, not to mention that they are untouchables.

Most of the swarm herders are sinners convicted by the Vault. They were kicked out of the Vault and forced to do this job to cleanse the land so that future immigrants can live and work here.

Herders who do not have any protective measures but have to be exposed to radioactive dust for a long time often end up with skin cancer, limb degeneration, and physical weakness.

This kind of physical alienation further squeezes the social status of the herders.

For example, the herdsman in front of Mrs. Generous has one of his eyes suppurated, and that eye is also troubled by cataracts, and his vision has seriously declined.

At this time, he only vaguely saw a figure in front of him, but he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, or what he looked like. He just instinctively did not dare to approach anyone.

Because such behavior often results in beatings, insults, and in more serious cases, death.

The herder was emaciated, his face was covered with pus, his skin was dark and wrinkled under the sun, and he looked as if he was already dead.

However, in the eyes of Mrs. Generosity, this herder is pregnant with a kind of tenacious vitality, which is slowly but firmly maintaining the life of the herder.

But just looking at the current situation, Mrs. Generosity didn't know whether it was a curse or a blessing.

That is the power of [cancer recovery]. Although it may not even reach level 1 now, it is indeed a supernatural ability derived from gluttony.

It hangs over this land like a ghost, or in other words, over this world, and cannot be eradicated or destroyed.

"Please don't be afraid." When the herder saw Mrs. Generosity standing still for a long time, he thought she was frightened by the Amir protozoa, so he stumbled and explained: "They don't bite people, they only eat dirt in the soil."

A smile appeared on Mrs. Generosity's face. The herders in front of her might never understand what kind of miracles were happening in the bodies of these Amir parasites.

Their principle of removing radiation is to allow these residual radioactive substances that have not completed fission to complete fission in their own bodies, release excess energy, and eventually turn into harmless substances.

Whether from a biological or physical perspective, this is an impossible miracle.

But that is the fact, and under the influence of supernatural powers, they just happen.

Every time you eat is a subtle controllable biological nuclear fission reaction, which is infinitely more advanced than the second-generation controllable reactor that humans were once proud of.

Now this miracle has been turned into an agricultural biological tool by the Ganges people, no different from the livestock used for grinding.

Even if Mrs. Generosity is not a native of this world, but a player from the mother world, she has to lament that things like supernatural abilities are really unreasonable, and the existence of the Seven Deadly Sins really has its own

Evil place.

She came to inspect the place where the dungeon was created. This job should actually be done by Paulina, but apparently she was almost blocked by Tang Ji in the dungeon of District 13 a few days ago, which scared the girl so much that she hasn't been there for several days.

On line, Mrs. Generosity had to come out personally to promote this work.

Theoretically speaking, there is actually no need to create new dungeons in this world, because players have neither fought memorable battles nor created world-changing events by their own abilities.

And for them, this world is new every day, and every place is unprecedented, and they don't need to use copies to prove themselves.

But the matter of creating a new copy was decided by Mrs. Generosity. She was very curious about the current status of the copy, so she planned to create a new copy for comparison.

In this regard, the interests of the company and Lady Bountiful are consistent. They are also interested in the specialness of this world, and even the three major committees are also so, so the proposal to establish a new copy was quickly passed.

It's just that what they lack now is a main line. After all, the plot is to create a copy. You can't just frame a blank area out of thin air. There must still be content in it, even if the content is not exciting.

"Brother Sushma, do we really want to attack the settlements of those shelter residents?" The muscular female warrior, wearing an old combat uniform, frowned and asked the man beside her.

At this time, Sushma was observing the settlement in the distance with a telescope. The settlement was not large in size, with only more than 500 people, including women and children. Only one man could really be counted as a combatant.

More than one hundred and fifty people.

But because they are backed by a shelter, there is no shortage of production materials. This settlement even made the luxury of using precast concrete to build a wall more than two meters high.

Don't underestimate this wall. With this wall, many infected people with physical disabilities will not be able to enter, and the guards inside the settlement will have enough time to respond.

"Jasmine, do you think our food and supplies are for free? From the day we took other people's things, our destiny is no longer our own, understand?" Sushma had a look on her face.

A hint of helpless bitterness: "And don't forget how they usually treat us. Even if you and I don't want to do this, I'm afraid someone in the tribe has already wanted to take revenge."

"But once this battle is fought, we will really become enemies with the residents of the shelter." Jasmine frowned. She was not afraid of fighting. She spent half of her life fighting the infected.

Being able to survive till now depends on being brave, careful and good at skills.

Among the survivors who came out with them, there were several weaker superhumans who were no match for her in a one-on-one battle.

Jasmine just didn't want to get out of the fight with the infected and then plunge into the conflict with the residents of the shelter.

She has been fighting for most of her life and is a little tired. Moreover, she also knows very well what a player is and she does not want to be a naturalized person.

But the damn world pushed her in this direction step by step, without even giving herself and Sushma a chance to choose. They would either die with the glory of human beings, or they would become dogs for the players.

Just survive.

Sushma persisted in the shelter for more than ten years before seeing the sun again and getting rid of those damn infected people. Naturally, she didn't want to die like this.

So what choice they will make is already before their eyes. Jasmine stood up straight, holding a spear high, with a flag tied to the top of the spear. The woman's strong arms let the flag unfold in the wind.

That was their agreed signal. As Jasmine raised the flag, more than a dozen hunting teams, nearly three hundred people, suddenly sprang out from all directions, some running barefoot on the ground, and some riding on horseback.

I don't know how many hands assembled the motorcycle and rushed to the settlement first.

They had done transactions with this settlement before and had a certain understanding of the internal conditions of the settlement. Some women were even brought in as trading items for a few nights.

So they knew that this time was the opening time of the settlement, and many farmers would come in and out of the settlement during this time to water their crops again before sunset.

And those guards who are not very competent will take advantage of this time to fish secretly and do some small business of their own.

So when this group of untouchables roared and appeared, the guards in the entire settlement did not have time to react. Although a few dedicated guards blew the whistles and sounded the alarm, there were still many people.

Didn't enter the camp in time.

Even the gate of the camp was not closed in time. The intruders who rushed towards the camp on motorcycles crashed into the gate with such ferocity, using their bodies and the remains of the motorcycle to block the slowly closing gate.


This group of survivors who came out of the shelter were not afraid of death at all, or it should be said that they had long been accustomed to life and death.

Those who were timid, kind-hearted, and stupid all died in the shelter, and those who survived were either madmen or qualified warriors.

If Sushma hadn't been suppressing them tightly and preventing them from conflicting with other residents of the shelter, these people would have torn this group of 'sheep' into pieces long ago.

The entire conflict only lasted seven and a half minutes, and most of that time was wasted on climbing over the fence. The two-meter-high fence might be able to prevent the infected, but it certainly couldn't stop this group of people from fighting with the infected.


Sushma and Jasmine walked in after the shouts of killing in the camp stopped. No matter how rational they were, they could not make the soldiers give up the hatred in their hearts and not take revenge on the residents of the shelter at this time.


In just a few minutes, more than a hundred people died in this small camp, mostly young and middle-aged people.

In the last transaction, this survivor camp cheated them hard, and this time it was revenge.

Within a few minutes, Pindaro, the player who had contacted Sushma and the others before, showed up with someone.

Pindaro and his men came in a car, a four-wheel-drive off-road vehicle that was rare in this wasteland. The survivors who had not seen any mechanical equipment for many years were stunned.

"Very good. It seems that our cooperation is going very smoothly. Now let's count how many bodies you can hand over to us." Pindaro held a book in his hand and walked into the survivors, as if picking animals.

Check the teeth one by one.

When he met someone with suitable physical fitness and average appearance, Pindaro took out his seal, stamped a stamp on the other person's forehead, and then stamped a stamp on his own notebook.

After some picking and choosing, Pingdaro selected twenty-seven of these prisoners. This number made Pingdaro very dissatisfied. He looked down at the corpses on the ground, walked to Sushma and said: "Next

Please stop your people from committing so many crimes. Our cooperation is based on you providing me with enough bodies, and there are more qualified bodies lying on the ground than standing.


"We are not providing you with weapons and supplies to get you revenge. If this happens next time, we may withdraw the material support provided to you." Pindaro said and walked towards the soldiers under Sushma's command.

He looked at them with the same eyes as sizing up animals, then he took out his seal and stamped the foreheads of each of the strong young men, thirteen in total.

"My request from above is for me to take away forty qualified bodies from you. Since you can't select enough qualified ones from your captives, I can only choose from your people." Pindaro shrugged.

She shrugged and finally stood in front of Jasmine: "Especially you, madam, you are now considered a star player in our country, and many people are interested in your body."

Pindaro's words made Jasmine shiver, and then she raised the knife in her hand and expressed her attitude.

"But don't worry, I will help you make peace this time. Take those seals as a lesson. Think carefully about what will happen next time." Pindaro smiled and did not take Sushma's men away in the end.

But his words were remembered by the people of Sushma.

This chapter has been completed!
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