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Chapter 804 The New Prophets First Prophecy

Chapter 807 The first prophecy of the new prophet

The players gained nothing after occupying the dungeon in District 13. On the surface, they lived in harmony with the aboriginal people according to the requirements of Mrs. Generous, but privately, they secretly transported a total of 10,000 yuan from the dormant warehouse storage in the District 13 dungeon.

Five human dormancy chambers.

Therefore, the players who came to this world in a short period of time do not lack the use of physical bodies, not to mention that they can now receive a steady stream of supplements from the Ganges people.

Pindaro has been reflecting on himself recently. He was originally a Paladin player. Although he became a pioneer, his original purpose was to ensure that the pioneer organization could correctly safeguard the interests of the indigenous people in this world.

However, during the past period, he found that his views had changed dramatically, and he began to no longer sympathize with the indigenous people of this world.

Even after long contact with the aboriginal people in the Ganges region of this world, he began to hate his past self. Pindaro felt that he had wasted too much time and life on those aboriginal people.

These people don't deserve sympathy at all. This is Pindaro's current mentality.

This was not because someone had brainwashed him or instilled some ideas into him, but rather a natural aversion that arose when he came into contact with the Ganges people.

These Ganges people seem to be born with the ability to annoy people. You can't find the specific reason yet, but you just feel like these people are breathing wrong.

On the one hand, because there was no systematic planning, most of the honest Ganges people died in the Apocalypse. The Ganges people who had the opportunity to escape into the shelter to avoid the Apocalypse were basically ruthless people.

On the other hand, it is also because of the lack of systematic planning that the Ganges shelters are in a state of long-term material shortage. This material shortage is different from the shortage of other shelters. At best, other shelters cannot guarantee the survival of the shelter.

daily nutrient intake, but the situation in the Ganges is dire

The shelters that were overstaffed to accommodate refugees at that time could not guarantee the basic survival needs of the shelter survivors. Some shelters even considered dormant people and included them in their food reserves.

Therefore, the more contact Pindaro has with them, the less goodwill Pindaro has towards the indigenous people.

But this is just convenient for Pinnaro to attack these indigenous people. According to the requirements of the planning department, they will provoke a war here, a war of sufficient scale, and then build a brand new copy based on it.

The planning department has sent them the script of the entire war. The trigger is naturally the conflict between planners and aboriginal survivors over supplies. Then this conflict will quickly transform into a conflict between survivors and players in the Ganges River area.

An all-out conflict between forces.

Of course, compared to the scale of the wars they had fought before the Apocalypse, or the scale of wars that Peace Daro had experienced in other worlds before, this war was destined to be a small scene with limited scale and limited influence.

However, considering the particularity of this world, Mrs. Generosity did not put forward too many requirements for this. She only asked that the war would be fought as planned. As for whether the next step would be in accordance with the planning department's script, even Mrs. Generosity did not know.


The originally good situation came to an end when Tang Ji reappeared and Wang Zhengdao recovered his space jumping ability. Before the Apocalypse Day, they were unable to fight against the combination of these two people, and the same was true after the Apocalypse Day.

But the plan set by Mrs. Generosity will not stop there. No matter what the cost, they will build a copy here.

"On the twenty-fourth day after Christmas, those players will complete the construction of the Ganges region dungeon." The impish-looking Fengchengyin sat cross-legged in the cafeteria of Shelter Zero and asked someone by name.

The chef cooks his specialty dishes.

He was personally sent to Shelter Zero by Wang Zhengdao fourteen hours ago. The reason why Wang Zhengdao got the news and went to pick up this little prophet was because Feng Chenyin directly called Shelter Zero.

So, we negotiated terms with Dr. Wu Qianying.

As a prophet, Fengchengyin is obviously very familiar with Vault Zero. He not only knows what the emergency contact frequency band is in the Vault, but also knows that it is a safe gap when Mikkelsen is not around.

"Your place is very safe during this period. I plan to take refuge here." Feng Chenyin ate the various foods he ordered while talking to Wu Qianying, Wang Zhengdao and Tang Ji.

"What dangers could there be outside?" Wu Qianying asked with great interest. She was the one most interested in the prophet's ability among the three people.

"Don't say it, don't say it." Before Feng Chenyin could finish his words, Wu Qianying lifted him up from the chair with one hand.

As a superhuman, Wu Qianying's physical fitness is not bad now: "Are you here to eat for free?"

"That's more or less what I mean." Feng Chenyin nodded unceremoniously, "You are the one who caused the trouble, why don't I avoid the risk?"

"Stop playing riddles!" Wu Qianying tugged the ear of the naughty kid in front of her: "What's going on!"

"Hey, I really don't know. My ability works intermittently. Every time I see something different, I can only analyze the time and place I am in through indirect information." Fengchengyin sighed.

, spread his hands, pointed at Wang Zhengdao and said: "But I know that this disaster must have something to do with you."

"Me?" Wang Zhengdao is the Little Prophet's biggest supporter, but he is still a little confused at the moment.

"That's right, it's you. I saw you entered the dungeon with those players, and then the dungeon exploded." Feng Chen looked frightened and continued: "When the time comes, your power of space jumping will be instantaneous.

As the space oscillation sweeps across the entire world, many people are still at home one second, and appear in the valley thousands of miles away the next second, while others are directly thrown into the sea by you."

Fengchengyin pointed to the direction of the floor as he spoke: "Only those areas protected by electromagnetic shielding fields will be unaffected."

"Isn't your previous shelter also protected by a shielding field?" Wu Qianying asked bluntly.

"The governor of our shelter is a waste. Even a kid like me knows that the power of most of the equipment in the shelter can only be maintained at about 60%." Fengchengyin continued: "There should be something wrong with our reactor there.

What's the fault? It can only operate in a low-power state. There is a huge gap in energy, so many less important equipment have been running in a low-power state, including the electromagnetic shielding field."

"So when I saw what happened there on the timeline, I called you right away." Feng Chenyin said with an expression like "I've said it anyway, do you believe it or not."

Wang Zhengdao and Dr. Wu Qianying looked at each other. Wang Zhengdao repeatedly touched the player copy, searching for information from a certain world. Only he, Wu Qianying, and Tang Ji knew about this.

And it is obviously impossible for there to be an informer among them, so Fengchenyin really saw this disaster in the future.

Wu Qianying's eyes immediately became excited. She didn't care about the space disaster sweeping the world. She even calculated the explosion point of the Apocalypse Day herself.

What she was concerned about was whether the disasters caused by Wang Zhengdao in the future were caused by their efforts to test the copies.

"Don't ask me so many questions, I don't know anything else." The little prophet acted cute and tried to get through.

But the thing that Dr. Wu Qianying hated the most back then was the way the prophet played the Riddler, so——

"Tell me clearly. Tell me exactly what you saw, the time, and the place!" Wu Qianying threatened the little prophet fiercely: "If you don't explain clearly, I will launch you to the moon! I have already sent you a naughty child.

, I’ll send you another one as soon as possible!”

Hearing Wu Qianying say this, Tang Ji's face suddenly darkened.

"Tang Anran, right? Let me tell you, he is so cool now!" Feng Chenyin dared to say anything. He opened his mouth to shake off some big news, but ended up choking on the food in his mouth and almost died.

Take the breath away.

Seeing the little prophet's reaction, Wu Qianying and Tang Ji looked at each other. After this period of time together, these once tacit partners had more or less re-established trust.

Wu Qianying's eyes were obviously asking: Do you think this was an accident, or was it something that your precious son was doing secretly?

Tang Ji couldn't answer either. Judging from his understanding of Tang Anran in his dream, it seemed like that little bastard had done this.

But what is he secretly planning?

Tang Ji didn't want to involve Anran in this mess, but it was obvious that whether the old father wanted it or not, Tang Anran was already involved, and he might be one of the highest-ranking flag bearers at this table.

"Ahem, cough, cough, this thing can't be talked about, it can't be said, it almost passed." Fengchengyin coughed there for a long time without anyone helping him. Finally, he calmed down and took a few breaths before saying, "Anyway, you guys can

You think my ability is limited and I can only tell you so much, okay? Please understand me, I'm still a child!"

In the end, Wu Qianying and the others were unable to ask anything more useful from this little prophet. The mental age of these prophets, just like Surte's physical age, could not be judged from their appearance.

"Oh, by the way, you haven't dismantled the monitor that Uncle Mikkelsen left here, but I don't know where it is hidden. You need to find a way on your own." Fengchengyin finally added after burping.

Said: "One last thing"

Feng Chenyin frowned again, as if he was trying to find something in his memory, but in the end he just shook his head in confusion and said to Wu Qianying: "I suddenly can't remember this matter."

"Has someone modified the future I saw and revealed too much?" Feng Chenyin just frowned and left the restaurant. No one dared to stop him.

Judging from various signs, the little prophet's ability to control the future seems to be more specific than the prophet himself. At least the prophet cannot tell these people so specifically what is where.

Because of the presence of players, almost half of her abilities were disabled.

But it is precisely because of this that the efforts made by the prophet in this war are highlighted.

"Since the little prophet said so, should I still go to the Ganges River?" Wang Zhengdao asked tentatively. In fact, he knew very well that Wu Qianying would give the answer.

"Of course we have to go! Don't forget why we paid so much!" Wu Qianying sighed and said to Wang Zhengdao: "We have actually entered this war. Since they ignored the casualties on the Apocalypse Day, they still paid so much to

From the moment we put players into this world, we have already lost."

Wang Zhengdao smiled bitterly, and he naturally knew what this meant.

This means that at least in front of the company and the supreme being behind the company, players are not as precious as they think, they are also consumables.

Therefore, in Wu Qianying's plan, sending Tang Ji to the mother world is more of an act of revenge than resistance.

Neon, once the Land of the Rising Sun, now has 40% of its area below sea level. A considerable number of shelters survived the Apocalypse Day, but eventually fell to the problem of oxygen replacement.

"Brother Ishihara, are you sure there was a shelter in this place before?" A few neon fishermen took advantage of the calm wind and waves to search for something offshore in a simple fishing boat.

"This used to be Yokosuka Port. I remember it very clearly. There must be a shelter down there, but I don't know if there was water inside. If it wasn't flooded," an honest man looked around and hesitated for a long time before confirming the location.


"If the water hadn't entered, the group of people inside would have come out long ago. Just like other shelters, they must have drowned." The man who went to sea with him seemed much shrewd and younger.


Not long ago, they teamed up and found an access card for Yokosuka Port Shelter 02 that they didn't know where they got on the black market. Although the place they knew had been sunk to the bottom of the sea long ago, the two of them still wanted to try their own.


There have been stories in Neon about a poor boy who found an abandoned shelter and became a rich man overnight.

But today was obviously not a day for them to get rich. As soon as the man named Ishihara turned around, he saw a lot of bubbles emerging from the water, as if the sea was boiling.

"Ozawa! Ozawa! Look what's going on!" Ishihara greeted his companions in a panic, but the next second they were pushed away by the huge thing rising from the water.

It was a submarine, and there was Arasaka Group Underwater Operation Equipment No. 14 printed on the side of the submarine. In this submarine, Arasaka Group Prince Arasaka Yorinobu was sitting in it with emotion on his face.

He was very unlucky to choose the group's shelter in Yokosuzuru Port on the Day of Apocalypse. As a result, the sea level rose and sediment blocked the exit of the shelter. He was stuck in the shelter and waited for his gang.

Engineers spent a lot of time clearing the entrance to the shelter before finally being able to return to the surface.

And today is the first day he returns to this world. Unfortunately, Arasaka Yorinobu's return has been planned and written in his own script.


This chapter has been completed!
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