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Chapter 805 The key to opening neon

Arasaka Yorinobu's life is very exciting. If there hadn't been a wave of superhumans in this world, he would have been the protagonist.

He was born in a true imperial family. His father, Saburo Arasaka, far surpassed the emperors and shoguns in neon history in terms of power and disposable wealth, but their families did not call themselves that.


Before the Apocalypse, or to be more precise, before the death of Saburo Arasaka, the Arasaka Group controlled all aspects of the country Neon.

Nearly 40% of the country's population depends on the Arasaka Group for survival. At the same time, the Arasaka Group controls 30% of the entire Neon steel output and nearly half of the manufacturing industry. As a super enterprise, it not only has its own army, but also its own

Foreign Service.

Yes, the Arasaka Group has its own diplomatic department, and its international interests are even on a different stand than Neon.

Growing up in such a family, Arasaka Yorinobu had a different dream since he was a child. He longed for freedom and was full of hatred for his profit-seeking father. In order to show his will, Arasaka Yorinobu even ran away from home when he was young.

The streets have established their own gangs.

It's a pity that all resistance seems to be in vain. Arasaka Yorinobu's fate has been determined by his father long ago, and he is not allowed to resist.

However, there was a sudden turn of events, and the wave of superhumans suddenly swept the world. Then came the rise of Tangji, the appearance of players, and the shocking debut of the Seven Deadly Sins. The occurrence of this series of major events caught the entire world off guard, even if superpowers like the Arasaka Group

Facing such a turbulent world, enterprises can only go with the flow.

As a result, Arasaka Saburo was killed by Tang Ji even as he was bleeding. It was difficult for Arasaka Yorinobu to explain what kind of psychological changes he had experienced that day. He couldn't even remember whether he was happy or sad at the time.

After all, that was more than twenty years ago. Arasaka Yorinobu rubbed his temples, and his secretary brought him coffee.

As one of the poles of that complex world, the Arasaka Group has ensured that its shelters are as safe as possible and as luxurious and enjoyable as possible. The simplest example of this is that the planting areas of their shelters have not been contaminated by the Gray Field Project.

Therefore, the coffee beans used in the cup of coffee in front of Arasaka Yorinobu are pure Blue Mountain coffee beans.

"Sir Yorinobu, you really shouldn't take the risk of coming up with us. We will build a safety zone in the coastal area in the shortest possible time, and it will not be too late for you to go ashore by then." Safety director Kazuo Tamaki said: "After all,

The situation on the shore is not peaceful either, in case something happens to you."

"It's the end of the world. There aren't even many people left. What kind of accident can happen?" Arasaka Yorinobu sighed. As a 'ruler' who still retains human innocence deep in his heart, he has always had a heroic complex.

He hopes that in this wasteland era, the Arasaka Group can play its due role.

But it's a pity that he doesn't have much power now. It's just a shelter, and what he can do is probably no more than a city.

However, before Arasaka Yorikan realized his value, he was already being targeted.

"Is that Arasaka Yorinobu's submarine?" On the distant shore, several pioneers were observing the submarine emerging from the sea with binoculars.

"So this is a submarine. This is the first time I have seen such a thing. On Mercury, if we had had this thing, we would have found the home of those aquatic alien species long ago, right?" One of the pioneers said with emotion.


"I saw that the information provided by Paulina and the others said that this thing has a lot of restrictions and cannot go into such deep water."

"That's much better than driving those small wooden boats. I heard that the world is almost like Mercury and has completely decoupled."

"Isn't it unfinished? Otherwise we wouldn't be able to come here."

"I also heard about the aborigine named Tangji"

"Where did you hear so much, and who did you listen to?" The pioneer holding the telescope said impatiently: "You didn't believe what those fools said on the forum, did you? I guess you are a newcomer.

The war group is directing and acting on its own."

"It's always good to be careful. If it is directed and acted by oneself, the acting skills of those people are also very good."

"Concentrate on the task at hand. Don't forget that Arasaka Yorinobu is a good key. His biological information can open the doors of more than twenty shelters. Then our good days will come."

"The old pioneers said that the Arasaka Group's security firepower is strong, and many of them are superhumans. Don't be careless."

"Of course not, we have cooperated so many times."

Kazuo Tamaki led two armed security teams from the submarine to land. It would be false to say that he was not excited. After all, he also spent more than twenty years in the shelter.

Although he spends most of his time in a dormant state, he still misses the land very much.

"The radiation content in the air and soil exceeds the standard by 70%, which is within the safe range." The laboratory technicians in the team quickly obtained the environmental data. "Using Qingfu Ning once every 24 hours is enough."

Kazuo Tamaki frowned. He did not expect that after so many years, the surface radiation exceeds the standard and is still so serious.

"Everyone pay attention, expand the search area." Kazuo Tamaki gave the order, then raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky.

In fact, they have always maintained contact with the coalition forces, and they have some understanding of things on the surface. For example, they know that the big storm has not completely stopped, and superhuman beings will be greatly restricted on the surface. In addition, almost all electromagnetic systems cannot

Use on the surface.

Therefore, all the protective gear and weapons carried by the team this time were anti-jamming models, and they did not make any preparations in the shelter.

Soon following the signal sent by Kazuo Tamaki, the submarine docked on the shore launched three wired high-altitude reconnaissance balloons.

Those balloons inflated quickly in mid-air, and soon floated to different heights with anti-interference data lines, effectively supplementing Kazuo Tamaki and the others. Players hiding not far away were naturally noticed by these reconnaissance balloons.


The red signal flare was immediately launched into the air by the submarine, and the direction in which the signal flare was launched was pointed directly in the direction where the players were hiding.

Kazuo Tamaki immediately realized that there was danger in that direction: "Everyone is ready to meet the enemy, take alternate cover, and retreat backwards."

At this time, Hero Tamaki didn't realize that these people were coming for them. He simply thought they were a tribe of survivors operating nearby.

It wasn't until he saw rockets swarming towards the submarine that he realized it was a premeditated ambush.

At this time, Kazuo Tamaki could no longer care about other people. He ran toward the submarine with rapid strides, and happened to meet Yorinobu Arasaka, who was being escorted by other security teams and escaping hastily from the submarine.

The continuous rocket attacks destroyed the submarine's power system in the first round. These attackers knew the structure of the Arasaka Group's submarine very well.

"These people are coming for you, Lord Yorinobu!" Kazuo Tamaki shouted: "I guess they are the traitors! No matter what happens in a while, you just run forward and leave the matters behind you to others!"

Arasaka Yorinobu knows how important he is. His biological information itself is the most powerful key to the Arasaka Group. It can be used to open many shelters and secret warehouses, and can also be used to activate the Arasaka Group's nuclear weapons system.

But where can he run at this time? There are no settlements formed by other shelters nearby, not even a larger group of raiders.

"Give me a gun, and I can fight!" Arasaka Yorinobu reached out and asked for a pistol from Hideo Tamaki. It was the Arasaka Group's own product - King Kong.

Although he was given a weapon, Kazuo Tamaki still kept Arasaka Yorinobu as far away from the submarine as possible, but in fact he was already desperate.

No matter who the ambush was, it was obvious that this group of people had their traces. This was simply unbelievable to Kazuo Tamaki, because the shelter enclosed on the seabed had only one channel to communicate with the surface, and that was the communication room.

The messages received and sent every day in the communication room are kept on file and will be cross-checked. Moreover, since they finally opened a brand new exit on the side of the shelter two years ago, the shelter has never been to the surface again.

If any information is sent, even if there are traitors, they will never betray the country.

How did these people find them? Is it just a coincidence?

Kazuo Tamaki frowned and suddenly felt a pain in his calf. He fell directly to the ground. He looked down and saw that his calf had been cut off by something.

"Continue to evacuate with Mr. Yorinobu! Leave me alone, this is an order!" Kazuo Tamaki looked at the few remaining security guards around Arasaka Yorinobu and closed his eyes in pain.

And until now, he has not seen where the attacker is.

"I haven't seen how difficult these people are. Are you overestimating them?" One thousand three hundred meters away, one of the pioneers who had spoken before put down his sniper rifle and blew his gun.

Gunsmoke: "Can you confirm which one is Arasaka Yorinobu? Don't let us accidentally kill you."

"The one running between two people is the one. Paulina showed me his photo." The pioneer with the telescope stared at the fleeing Arasaka Yorinobu and his group in the distance, and complained: "I don't know her.

How did you become a big pioneer? I haven’t been online for three days."

"I heard that Paulina was also in the underground city where an accident happened before. Do you think it is possible?"

"I said there is no such thing, don't listen to their nonsense." The pioneer holding the telescope said helplessly to his companions: "If you are really so scared, you can take a long leave for yourself, and wait until we kill Tang

Ji, come back again."

"I just thought about what if it was true."

"Done!" The sniper over there eliminated the remaining security guards around Arasaka Yorinobu in three strikes, five by five, and said to his companions: "We can start arresting people."

Their job shouldn't be so easy, because as the person said before, the security of the Arasaka Group is indeed very elite.

But this time there is obviously a reason, because most of the most elite security personnel have prosthetic implants, and they cannot leave the shelter.

The people who came ashore this time were basically the generation who were born and raised in the shelter after the New Hope Era. They are all native natural people. They don’t have so many prosthetic bodies or artificial organs, but they also don’t have any experience. Today they are

First encounter with actual combat.

The few veterans who had their prosthetics had their combat effectiveness reduced drastically, and they were very unaccustomed to fighting in such a situation without support and unable to exert their technical advantages.

What's more, the players also had the advantage of sneak attacks. The planning department directly sent the location where Arasaka Yorinobu would appear and the entourage around him to these pioneers. The planning department rarely directly interferes with other worlds like this.

But obviously this world is not normal. For the benefit of the company, the planning department plans to omit this so-called process and directly hand over the results to the pioneers for them to execute.

Now it seems that the effect is remarkable. Eighty percent of Arasaka Yorinobu's entourage were sealed in the submarine before they even had time to go ashore.

Those are all high-quality items, and the pioneers plan to save them for last and catch them slowly.

And now they have obtained the key to the organism that can control the entire neon, Arasaka Yorinobu.

The tall pioneer stood in front of Arasaka Yorinobu, holding the photo in his hand, comparing it with this face, and nodded with satisfaction: "That's him, take him away."

"Who are you?" Arasaka Yorinobu clenched the King Kong in his hand and asked loudly.

"Us?" the Blazers shrugged: "You used to call us players."

Arasaka Yorinobu's eyes widened. He never expected that he would be surrounded and suppressed by players on the first day he returned to the surface. Has Neon been completely occupied by players?

When he thought about what the player would do to him, Arasaka Yorinobu immediately put the King Kong into his mouth, intending to finish it off.

However, his gun disappeared in the next second. A pioneer injected with time-sensitive hormone snatched away his weapon and accidentally broke two of his fingers.

Arasaka Yorinobu looked at his twisted index finger and thumb and smiled bitterly. He didn't even feel the pain, because the physical pain could not keep up with his psychological pain.

He knows how valuable he is, and at the same time, he also knows that owning him is equivalent to mastering the legacy left to the world by the Arasaka Group.

Before the Apocalypse, the Arasaka Group buried a large amount of supplies deep underground so that they could be reused after the end of the world. The bloodline of the Arasaka family is the key to unlocking those supply warehouses. These players are obviously here for these supplies.

Arasaka Yorinobu can only hope that Tanguy and Mikkelsen can eliminate the impact they have caused.

At this time, in Shelter Zero, Fengchengyin suddenly shuddered and remembered what the news he had 'forgotten' was. But after looking at the time, the little prophet could only sigh. This was his

In the time-line war with the planning department, no one else can help.


This chapter has been completed!
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