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Chapter 831 The underlying rules

Chapter 834 The underlying rules

For an ordinary person, first the wave of superhuman beings, then the era of players, and then the coming of the Apocalypse and the raging storm, what does all this mean?

The answer is meaningless, because they are all disasters.

Strictly speaking, Alejandro cannot be classified as an ordinary person. He is not a superhuman being, but he was given the power of the Seven Deadly Sins by rage. He is the scarlet disciple of Tangji.

When the wave of superhuman beings was approaching, Alejandro once stood on the front line. His experience was so similar to Tangji's. They both had an unforgettable hatred for superhuman beings.

The first destruction of the Cowboy Squad was due to the local Mexican Pan-Reading Group being the first to realize the importance of superhumans and spending a lot of money to recruit superhumans who could not do without addictive drugs even after awakening.

It's just that Alejandro is not as tough as Tanguy, and he was almost completely defeated by that failure.

He sank in pain and turned himself into a human and a ghost, so much so that he didn't even realize the appearance of the player at the first time, nor the impact the player had on the world, which ultimately led to the Cowboys Squad's first incident.

The second time suffered devastating casualties.

Of the twenty-three brothers and sisters who were born and died together, only six of him survived by chance.

Alejandro felt that it was all his own responsibility, and it was his numbness and insensitivity that caused all of this to happen, so he exiled himself, far away from everything he was once familiar with, stumbling around without daring to look back.

It wasn't until Alejandro was chosen to become the Scarlet Disciple that he realized how the world had changed. His former enemies had become insignificant, but at the same time, he also realized how insignificant he had been.


And now, after experiencing all of this, Alejandro once again feels that sense of insignificance.

He witnessed the true power of superhuman beings at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins at the lowest level of this shelter, where Gluttony evolved an entire biosphere.

It is so complete and so refined that it does not look like a product of natural evolution at all, but more like a laboratory artifact used to replace the existing biosphere.

Alejandro is not an expert in the field of biology. In fact, he is only half a step ahead of Tangji in terms of academic qualifications. However, because of Tangji's status as one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Alejandro also enjoys a part of the world that is unique to the seven.

The authority of original sin.

All the information he sensed was directly transmitted to him by the biosphere itself. This biosphere located at the bottom of Vault 11 had no subjective malice towards him or the Cowboy Team.

This is not to say that they have not been attacked. The predator-level creatures bred in this small biosphere unceremoniously regard them as a new source of protein.

No matter how peaceful the biosphere itself appears, it evolved from gluttony, which itself represents the purest desire to eat.

But because of Alejandro's presence, or should be said to be Tangji's presence behind him, this living jungle remained silent. All the predators hid themselves and did not attack rashly.

"Boss, are you sure this thing won't treat us like snacks when we pass by?" France's lips were trembling as he spoke. He really didn't have the courage to walk into such a jungle.

Especially after he had just seen these things unceremoniously devouring each full Amir protozoa not long ago, this required even more courage.

"Come in!" Alejandro looked back and glanced at the giant squid that had been chasing them for more than ten floors, and its size was getting more and more exaggerated. He used to peek tentatively at the upper floors with an overwhelming momentum, without any hesitation.

He gave the order politely.

The other members of the Cowboy Team silently obeyed Alejandro's orders and walked into the protein jungle.

The densely packed flesh-like tentacles, as thick as a human thigh, with a fungus structure just grew out of the fungus carpet on the surface, swaying slightly with a trace of hot flashes.

When you reach out and push away the tentacles blocking the way, some of these tentacles will instantly hide away like frightened little rabbits, as if they were frightened.

Others will fight back with greater force, pushing you staggering and causing ripples in a larger area.

Of course, it is often the thicker and more powerful tentacles that show obvious hostility, and the members of the Cowboy Team quickly learned how to avoid those tentacles that seemed untouchable.

This further deepened their impression that this is a living jungle. Obviously, each tentacle here has its own personality. Some of them are shy and 'cute', have slender umbrella handles, whiter body colors, and...

Some are strong and powerful, and have a bad smell all over their bodies.

"This is definitely the most terrifying experience in my life, head! Even counting the Apocalypse, I would say the same thing!" Rudolf stretched out his hand to push away several two-meter-high tentacles, but one of them had a bad temper.

It entangled itself and was cut off by him with a knife.

A large number of tentacles around him suddenly moved away from him, leaving a clear space for him.

Alejandro remained obsessed because he had similar thoughts and felt them more deeply.

His intuition told him that the purpose of this biosphere was to replace humans. They are naturally more resilient, and although the tentacles rooted in the fungus react with joy, anger, and sorrow, they do not have the ability to move, which is unbearable for players.

life form.

It is mentioned in the description of the Seven Deadly Sins that every wave of superhumanity is started by gluttony and finally ends by rage, so gluttony represents a new life and the beginning of reincarnation.

And now, gluttony has produced unusual fruits in this land. Does this mean that mankind has reached the end?

Because of Tangji's bond, Alejandro, a Scarlet Disciple, had to be involved in this kind of thinking at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins.

But what Alejandro doesn't know is that there is another genuine Seven Deadly Sins in Vault 11 in the Ganges area at this moment, and a clone of Mikkelsen is still alive.

They were originally a two-person group, but the other person had already chosen to commit suicide after destroying the communication room.

The surviving Mikkelsen individuals are hiding in this biological jungle, relying on some residual materials found from other floors to survive.

Although there are edible proteins everywhere around him, Mikkelsen has never paid any attention to these creatures born from gluttony. He doesn't know what will happen after eating these active proteins.

So as early as Alejandro and his party first entered this area, Mikkelsen had already targeted him. After all, because of the existence of those aberrations, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain enough supplies in this shelter.


Compared to Alejandro, Mickelson has a clearer understanding of the state of gluttony.

Just as Alejandro feels, Gluttony is brewing a brand new biosphere here that is completely anti-player. Of course, on this basis, it also takes into account the extreme environment of the wasteland.

Among the Seven Deadly Sins, if rage represents destruction, then gluttony represents the original, the most primitive vitality. Mixon even believes that all things are born from gluttony and grow out of gluttony. If Gaia consciousness really exists, then gluttony must

It is the civilization accelerator of Gaia's will.

There are several large gaps in the known evolutionary history of mankind alone. During those blank stages, human beings progressed at a rapid rate, from creatures with simple structures to more complex ones.

Therefore, in the records they have ascertained about the Seven Deadly Sins, several waves of superhuman beings started with gluttony and ended with rage.

As for Mikkelsen himself, he feels that he represents transcendence in The Seven Deadly Sins.

Just as Gluttony plots Mikkelsen's body, Mikkelsen also plots Gluttony's authority here.

The process of Mikkelsen's creation of clones was originally a process of forcible occupation. As early as the era when Mikkelsen was just rising, he could only forcibly occupy those individuals who were weak and had no will to resist.

At that time, Mikkelsen's most common method was to spend a large sum of money to buy out the rest of a critically ill person's life, and then complete the entire process of creating a clone based on the other person's consent.

Later, when Mikkelsen advanced to the lv2 stage, his method of creating clones was almost uninterrupted by mortal will. He could even occupy the bodies of those superhumans who were not strong enough and turn them into his own.

clone, and inherit the abilities of the body itself.

During the period when players were raging, Mikkelsen often used public interests for personal gain and replaced himself with as many superhuman bodies as possible.

Mikkelsen, who is currently trapped in the Jungle of Gluttony, is a superhuman, but his ability is not a supernatural combat ability, but invisibility, invisibility in the physical sense. This is how long he can survive in this jungle.

The reason now.

The good news is that he knows Alejandro is his, but the bad news is that the face model Mikkelsen used is not his, and there is nothing on him to prove his identity.

Alejandro is a naturally suspicious person, especially after experiencing those several betrayals, he is full of hostility towards strangers, so Mikkelsen knew that he would approach rashly without even trying.

The probability of being shot to death by the opponent is over 80%.

What's more, Mikkelsen doesn't want to expose his existence so early. When he first recruited Alejandro, it was not to give himself another super human who could fight, but to one day be able to plan a violent and powerful force.

Mikkelsen has already verified that Fury's power to negate other supernatural abilities has priority in the underlying rules. According to normal logic, he has no chance of occupying the Scarlet Disciple who possesses the power of Fury.

But Gluttony is different. It is the only existence that can compete with Fury in this field. It is undoubtedly more feasible to let Gluttony devour Alejandro, and then he will slowly find opportunities to eventually occupy some part of Gluttony.

After being weakened by the big storm, Mikkelsen has taken big steps back in many areas. Only when facing Gluttony, he is still full of confidence, because Gluttony has destroyed his brain. It is now far better than the Apocalypse.

It was easier to deal with before.

Especially the field that Gluttony has chosen now has some overlap in ability with Mikkelsen's clone of Nature's Son, which makes it easier for Mikkelsen to take action against Gluttony.

"Seriously, head, I always feel like there's something staring at us behind these tentacles." Rudolph looked at the surrounding environment carefully, but he couldn't see anything except the tentacles.

Long before they entered this 'jungle', they knew that there were many strange and strange creatures living in this jungle besides themselves.

But when they entered here, they found nothing except the sound of their own footsteps and the friction sound of the tentacles moving, as if they were the only living creatures in the entire jungle.

"I know, keep walking, don't stop." Alejandro looked up at the broken ceiling above his head, which was his navigation map. Although the ceiling had collapsed in many places, it still maintained its basic shape.

As long as they follow the signs on the ceiling, they won't get lost

"What's that sound?" Rudolph looked up in confusion, and the next second he was hit by a ball of fist-sized mucus on his face, and he howled immediately.

Alejandro watched as half of Rudolph's face was gradually melted under the mucus. He gritted his teeth and directly ignited the flame of hatred in the palm of his hand and pressed it on Rudolph's face. The flames and mucus hit each other in bursts of smoke.

And, followed by Rudolph's screams.

One of his eyes was already in a semi-melted state and slipped out of its socket.

At this time, the owner of the slime finally revealed his true identity, and the ten-story squid that had been chasing them fell directly from the ceiling above his head, hitting the gluttonous forest, and once let out a mournful scream.


What unfolded in front of Alejandro and his party was the most brutal battle in nature, with countless tiny tentacles vying to surround the squid.

Naturally, the aberrations were not to be outdone, and their thicker and longer tentacles spread out over a dozen meters and kept lashing out, sweeping away those fragile tentacles growing on the carpet.

However, those tiny tentacles will soon grow back and bite the giant squid with ferocious energy, leaving traces on the body of the giant squid that will be filled with blood for a while.

Then, the blood and corrosive mucus exposed Mikkelsen hiding nearby!

Alejandro noticed Mikkelsen's presence almost instantly, and unceremoniously turned the muzzle of his gun and pulled the trigger. This was his instinctive reaction, even though the force of his punch was far greater than the threat of the bullet.

Still so.

This instinctive reaction saved Mikkelsen's life. Three bullets hit him, but more bullets missed due to the violent counterattack of the aberrations, which finally allowed Mikkelsen to rush into the tentacle forest.

, and survived for the time being.

But obviously, the bullet stained with Gluttony's blood had already entered Mikkelsen's body first, and a new war started in his body.


This chapter has been completed!
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